New Ranger tech? PvP?


New member
Apr 23, 2004
New Ranger tech? PvP?

I've been playing around with the use of 'charges of X' items for Rangers. I have been pondering on making an Exploding Arrow/Holy Fire/Conviction Ranger that uses gloves with charges of Multishot and a HoJ bow along with maxing Conviction. I have also been thinking about using gloves with charges of Freezing Arrow and maxing Holy Freeze. The problem with these builds are obviously that charges are not too large in size so constant repair will be needed, and they're more so "I'm out of paladin subclasses to make in d2" builds :uhhuh: .

This got me thinking about a using Multishot gloves with Fanatisicm and a Wf. I've tried to make PvP Ranger's before but it's hard to lay down some serious damage with the Widowmaker, not impossible mind you though. These type of gloves would allow a much more Bowazon-style PvP Ranger, granting you the ability to fire of a small Multishot (which aren't exactly weak coming form a Fanatic Wf,) to send the opponent into stun, allowing your GA's to catch up and connect, (whether they were fired from you Holy Shock Widowmaker on switch or whatnot.) This appears to make Ranger's actually look somewhat better than bowazons in PvP thesedays, only really losing the r/w speed, which can easily be made up for with Vigor or charms etc.

Again running out of charges may be a problem, but if you've used bowazons before I really think you could get by with say 20 charges of multi for one duel.

Just like to hear some discussion on this from any Ranger-users out there.
The slvl of charges is too low to be of much use. I wore rare gloves with Fire Arrow while lvling my Storm Ranger and found them to be absolutely useless past normal act 2. I think you will find the same with multi because 2 extra arrows doesn't make much difference at all.
Sokar Rostau said:
The slvl of charges is too low to be of much use. I wore rare gloves with Fire Arrow while lvling my Storm Ranger and found them to be absolutely useless past normal act 2. I think you will find the same with multi because 2 extra arrows doesn't make much difference at all.

There is one time when charges on gloves can be useful.

demon machine, uses exploding arrows the fire arrow charges will add 12% damage to the explosive arrows as a synergy a charge slvl 4 will add what 4 * 12% or 48% damage from the explosive arrows, thats nothing to sneeze at for a rare glove.

As for adding more skills to use charges of anyhing other than a summon are pointless they cost far too much to be useful. The charge bug gives charges meaning in the game, use it and abuse it I say.

Oh and by the way demon machine in 1.07 used slvl 33 exploding arrows, thats 370 damage before the gloves, and 547 after the gloves. not much in comparision to the 10K lightning damage from the aura but its a nice bonus to fire damage.
That was in 07. Demon machine fires lvl 6 exploding arrows now.

One item with decent level charges of a bow skill is Hellrack - 150 charges of lvl 18 Immolation. Yes it is abysmally slow, but still makes for a great switch weapon.
Sokar Rostau said:
The slvl of charges is too low to be of much use.

Does anyone actually know how high the slvl of charges can go? You don't need a lvl 20 multishot to be effective, lvl 4 would be fine for me :thumbsup:. As for the Exploding Arrow Gloves/HoJ Bow/Conviction I wouldn't care if the max slvlm was 1. All that really matters is if you can get enough charges to make it not-to-annoying to repair often.
Rane- said:
Does anyone actually know how high the slvl of charges can go? You don't need a lvl 20 multishot to be effective, lvl 4 would be fine for me :thumbsup:. As for the Exploding Arrow Gloves/HoJ Bow/Conviction I wouldn't care if the max slvlm was 1. All that really matters is if you can get enough charges to make it not-to-annoying to repair often.

I use to have a webpage that showed each of them and the max slvl they could obtain but I have long since lost it. IIRC fire arrows, immoltion arrows could get slvl 4, I know fissure can get slvl 7, teleport slvl 3, they all differ so you really need a page showing them all to you. I have all the unique/set/runeword charges and ctc's on a spreadsheet but thats not going to help much, since none contain what your looking for.

@Sokar Rostau if you found the demon machine in 1.07 it will still fire slvl 33 in 1.10 :), single players will sometimes find items like this by playing in 1.07 then transfer it to there 1.10 builds. Though its not liked its done sometimes for the obivious advantages.
Aren't charged items considered BM for dueling?

I've used charges on gloves for multishot. I have 3 pairs, that have level 4 multishot. Never seen higher. About 41 charges, IIRC. Note: rather than returning to town for recharging, you can carry a second pair of MS gloves in your pack.

Even so, with such limited charges, my rangers (PvM) use multishot sparingly, like grapeshot to break the charge of a pack of monsters. I fire off one salvo, then hotkey or weapon switch to something else.
That's exactly what I want to do lol. It'd be nice to fire a Freezing Arrow with Holy Freeze Active from my Wizendraw, freeze the pack, then continue to let rip with Wizendraw's Magic Arrows :D. 41 Charges seems high for gloves, very nice.

Also I can't see how Charges of Multi could be BM in dueling in the Age of Enigma. I mean Widowmaker isn't condidered BM and that's like unlimited charges of GA.
ga doesnt take up too much mana any ways. the low damage is the kicker that evens that bow out. id use blessed aim passive + fanata + wf :)
problem is widow vrs abarb isnt always agood idea. the holy freeze will just add to the amounts of hit that can get in. OW will take wayyyyyy too long to take effect on a highlifer, but then again you wouldnt use a bow againt a barb anyways. prolly smite.
Rane- said:
Also I can't see how Charges of Multi could be BM in dueling in the Age of Enigma. I mean Widowmaker isn't condidered BM and that's like unlimited charges of GA.

I agree completely. Anyone know? Cuz if charges are allowed that would open up a bunch of new options for dueling. Including teleporting without Enigma.

FYI: the char level req on those MS gloves is not too high. 55, IIRC.
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