New in SP :)


New member
Dec 13, 2009
New in SP :)

Hi , first of all sry for my english , im not an english speaker , i just know the language cuz i lived in USA.

I started last week in SP cuz i got bored of playing in BNet , i play only HC , 1.11b version with RMW and ATMA.

I got a lvl 76 Blizz sorc that im not playing ATM cuz i started a meteorb sorc which is lvl 74 with the old sorc equip and some items dropped while i played her , im on hell A1 with the meteorb and Hell A2 with my blizzy.

I spect you guys give me some tips , i 've played d2 for like 7 years , i know how not to die , but im new in SP , im used to get all fast Bnet Style :p

Also , i want to know how to trade things with ppl playing here , i got a Titan Eth (152 ed) from Meph NM , a Wizard Spike , and some Vita SC :)

Thanks for reading , hope i didnt bored you all :thumbsup:

Re: New in SP :)

Ok ty Rhone :)

Some more questions , you guys trade items here for PGems? Why r they valious?
Never used them so much :( , seems like i threw away lots of potential items haha
Re: New in SP :)

Yeah, pgems are sort of the standard currency for trading. They are valuable because there is a cube recipe that allows you to use pgems for rerolling magic items (like charms and jewels). A lot of people use them for rerolling grand charms (with a sufficient item level) to try to get +skill charms.
Re: New in SP :)

I guess you'll get what someone is willing to pay for it? :) If you look at the price check sticky in the trade forum, that links to a nice price check web page put together by Bassen. It gives you a general idea of how much different items are worth.

Also keep in mind that you are on probation as a new trader for 3 months, which restricts you from trading certain items. That (and the items you shouldn't be trading) is explained in the trade rules sticky I linked to above. :)
Re: New in SP :)

One question , how do you guys know when an item is created by hero o dropped in game?
Or its based on confidence and honor this forum ?
Re: New in SP :)

Welcome to the forums :) Enjoy your stay, read the stickies, ect, ect. *steals wallet*

One question , how do you guys know when an item is created by hero o dropped in game?
Or its based on confidence and honor this forum ?

I take it you mean how do we know people don't hack? It's mainly an honor system, but strong anti-cheating policies are in place to keep this to a minimum. Basically, we don't care what we do on your own PC, but if you do anything against our rules, keep it to yourself and don't trade/MP.

Re: New in SP :)

One question , how do you guys know when an item is created by hero o dropped in game?
Or its based on confidence and honor this forum ?

For higher end items and runes, it is customary to post a screenshot of the find. I have not traded with others, but this forum seems sort of "tight knit" in that there is some trust among players. Hence, you are on the probation period so that the forum members can get a sense of what type of player you are. I have only played MP once and everyone there was fantastic, compared to the trolls on BNet. When I have more free time I will venture into the trading side as stash is full of good stuff that I don't necessarily need but others may find useful.

Re: New in SP :)

Ook , ty you guys , i like a lot that this is based on honor system , i hate ppl who hack :p

ATM im lvl 78 about to go to Arcane Sanctuary in Hell , i played Normal and NM in p8 and Hell in p1/p2
Re: New in SP :)

One reason the honor system works so well is that if you hack, you really don't need to trade. In single player, it's super easy to get any item you want from cheating, so the only real motivation to cheat and trade is to be a jerk.
Re: New in SP :)

True, for someone who's willing to use an editor or whatever to give themselves any item in the game, there's not much point in trading. The more likely (and hence troublesome) scenario is someone who doesn't want to go all out cheating, but cheats in a way they feel is insignificant (like using backups to reroll a runeword). Or perhaps someone doesn't completely understand the rules on the SPF and SPTF and does something seemingly innocent--like installing 1.13 beta, playing all their characters in it, then reverting back to 1.12 (a big no-no here, but most wouldn't intuitively think of it as cheating)--which then taints all their items and risks tainting others that they trade with.

That's why it's so important to read the trade forum stickies very carefully. :)
Re: New in SP :)

Indeed, be very careful to read up on the rules before trading. I've got a simple honour system: don't trade :D. From what I've seen, trading is very well monitored, so it's pretty safe. Still, I get more satisfaction when I finally get an item that I've been longing to have. Granted, it'll take more time before you get it. To each their own.

And welcome to the forums!
Re: New in SP :)

Ok , i might want to consider the trade thing , i just wanted to trade my titans for a Shako o Vipermagi , just to make Hell easyer :)

Im lvl 80 and doing some MF in Meph , got a second wizardspike , also i finished Diablo in Hell , i got to run Harrogath and i get my first guardian hooray!

I got Pul UM in my forges , and also i got an 982 Def Eth Boneweave , i was considering of making a Stone for my merc , is this a good idea?
Re: New in SP :)

Ah, you got killed by the nasty charging zombies. They can pack a punch for sure. Stone is a good armor for your merc, although that is a moot point now:(

What will your next character be?
Re: New in SP :)

I was thinking in a Blizzballer , i got the other pure blizz sorcy lvl 76 . but right now im doing a WSK Zon LF/FA , so i can do some mf and get some items before i make the other sorcy :)
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