Need info on Cham hunting


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Need info on Cham hunting

I hear that you can get cham from a super chest in river of flames. does ne one have a screen shot of the chests and surounding area or of a cham or jah dropping from the chests? I ask because i found a nice eth thunder maul in durance lvl 2 from a pack of zombies and now i need to find 2 cham to make zod for a EBOTD thunder maul.
Re: Need info on Cham hunting

You heard wrong. It was debated that the RoF superchests had potential to drop jah/cham. Extensive tests performed by jjscud has shown that this is most likely not the case.

Good luck with your project.
Re: Need info on Cham hunting

Thats a bit like saying "I found a litre of petrol in the shed, does anyone know where I can find an Aston Martin to go with it?"

Your best bet is LK runs at /players 3 and cube up a load of Bers. Look for posts by Marvel. Read the responses to the posts by Marvel.
Re: Need info on Cham hunting

Thats a bit like saying "I found a litre of petrol in the shed, does anyone know where I can find an Aston Martin to go with it?"
Nicely put.

If your plan is to make an eBoTD thunder maul in single player at the very least you should be planning around a 1.07 eth thunder maul, if not a superior 1.07 eth maul. At least then you will have found a passenger side door and be looking for the rest of the car to go with it.

Re: Need info on Cham hunting

Actually, the litre of petrol has far too much value in comparison to the Aston for the analogy to be a good one.
Re: Need info on Cham hunting

Now that i know you cant get cham from a super chest i wont be makeing ne thing with a zod its not worth it to cube that many bers.
Re: Need info on Cham hunting

Actually, you should wait until 1.13 is analyzed... Cham's might be more common than green breastplates based on "increased drop rate of high runes".
Re: Need info on Cham hunting

Now that i know you cant get cham from a super chest i wont be makeing ne thing with a zod its not worth it to cube that many bers.
Not if you want to keep your sanity :)

Droprates increased by less than 4x the original amount. It still won't be raining Chams. I believe the drop chance of mine was 1:7000000 in the Pits, from a normal monster on /p7 (iirc). Not exactly something you want to go looking for.

Re: Need info on Cham hunting

More to the point, why would you want to do this? Forget that it will take forever; consider that BOTD is highly overrated for what you pay. I'd much rather have Doom. Sure, the damage would be less, but that aura would sure come in handy. If you're into cheese, consider also that since you'd likely be cubing up runes lower than Cham, you'd probably get what you'd need for Infinity as well as Doom before you got close to BOTD, and could e-bug the maul for something that would be more on par with eBOTD, damage-wise.
Re: Need info on Cham hunting

This reminds me:

Should we have perfect runeword grail thread? ;)

Estimated market value