My new Favorite character


New member
Jun 2, 2004
My new Favorite character

Ive always liked barbarians and paladins. My first ever character was a paladin. He can def lay the smack down. Haha...and the barb, just a solid tank. Cant argue with WW either. However, theres something about the Javazon that just puts a smile on my face everytime I play her.

First off, shes got almost as much life as my barb. Shes got 75% block and 60% dodge. Then 50% dr. She can (and has) tanked more successfully than my barb! And her killing power....I dont have 1 point in Charged Strike yet her killing power is still almost superior to my barb and pally. Sure barbs and pallies can have 45k+ def which makes then tough to hit, but that can be countered with a high attack rating and -??% to target def. Dodge works no matter what and, to me, seems to be more effective. Shes got summons, can trick other players with decoy (and it works), and has slow missle for the BM people. Plus shes just way too much fun to use!

I bow down to the Amazon. IMO, shes the best character in the game. :worship:
I feel like you do! For PvM she is a total blast. She solo 8 player games with 300% mf with incredibly speed. Almost faster than any barb or palli single player....and she is fun to play too. And yes...she is a perfect tank on par with most palls and barbs allthough my life is "only" 1200 and def is only 1500. She NEVER dies. In short my fully synergized lvl 91 CS-and LF zon with 17 points in valk totally "rule the waves".

I havn´t tried her out in PvP because I cant compete with über rich players with enigmas, Breath otD, lvl. 42 blizzard etc. PvP just pisses me off because its a rich players sport.
Its easy to gain wealth in d2:
gold finder (all increase gold % on gear; lems and stuff): uncommon but probably makes you the riches going from 0 - rich since you can gamble some nice circlets/rings/ammys. One of my friends has one and he gets around 500k per trav run and so far has found 3 rings (worth around 1 high rune each) and 2 circlets (worth around 6 high runes).
and eventually you use all your wealth to trade for profit. Takes 1-2 months tops to get a fully decked out pvp char.

Also bowazon> all zons pvp, including your jabber darius.
The truth hurts.
luis19 said:
Also bowazon> all zons pvp, including your jabber darius.
The truth hurts.

OK man. Of all the bowazons ive faced, ive only lost to about 2 total. Jab is one of my main skills, against all things projectile I use Fury.
If your on useast and care to try: darius_paul....or leave your account name and ill whisper you.
i kinda gave up on zons surviving hell.

they rule in NM tou

they can do hell cows, but only if they have the right gear

alot has changed since 1.1

Henrik Westy Hoffmeyer said:
For PvM she is a total blast. She solo 8 player games with 300% mf with incredibly speed. Almost faster than any barb or palli single player....and she is fun to play too. And yes...she is a perfect tank on par with most palls and barbs allthough my life is "only" 1200 and def is only 1500. She NEVER dies. In short my fully synergized lvl 91 CS-and LF zon with 17 points in valk totally "rule the waves".

what about lightning immunes and wanna expand on ur build and I dont believe u can do that without 10x charms, but hey Id rather u prove me wrong cuz I used to like zons until they started getting nerfed by blizzard
I have always liked the Amazon.

Easy way of allocating attributes. Easy choice on which skill branch to specialise on.

I like the way she moves. I like the way she looks. I like the way she delivers death from afar.

Now, if only I could smell her too... (^_^)
OMG, 2 people with conflicting ideas on the same realm??? (check pvp forum if confused :p)

Darius, I just like to mess with people, but I'll duel you. But isn't your zon ladder? Cause I'm NL. *dirtydozen131
about the dueling thing...

Don' know about JABaZONS but built for PvP LIGHTNINGZON can take down any BOWaZON... trust me on this ;)

BOWaZONS have allways been legendary duelers thou
luis19 said:
OMG, 2 people with conflicting ideas on the same realm??? (check pvp forum if confused :p)

Darius, I just like to mess with people, but I'll duel you. But isn't your zon ladder? Cause I'm NL. *dirtydozen131

Its all good. I dont ever get upset or mad or anything anyways, but I do like to duel alot. Im non ladder too. If your on this afternoon Ill whisper you. We can get a game going for a few, but I have some things to attend to tonight so...if nothing else ill add you to my friends list and whisper you when I see ya on. :)
KillaBrothers said:
BOWaZONS have allways been legendary duelers thou

Yea this is true. A well planned/built/played bowazon is still one of the best characters in PvP, but like all builds, they have their weaknesses too. Just lately, ive been really diggin the javazon (not charged strike) style zons. They are just really fun to use.
darius_paul said:
Its all good. I dont ever get upset or mad or anything anyways, but I do like to duel alot. Im non ladder too. If your on this afternoon Ill whisper you. We can get a game going for a few, but I have some things to attend to tonight so...if nothing else ill add you to my friends list and whisper you when I see ya on. :)

A very n00b question and out of topic- where can I find the friends list? how do I add friends?
palamunin said:
A very n00b question and out of topic- where can I find the friends list? how do I add friends?

All good. Here ya go:

/f list (this will bring up your current friends list and tell you whos online and what game they are in etc etc)

/f add *account name (this will add someone to your f list)

/f remove *account name (this is delete someone off your f list)

/f m "your messege here" (this will spam your messege to everyone thats on your friends list and thats online at the time)

The spamming can get lame sometimes when someones talking to someone for hours...if you get annoyed, type this:

/dnd (this is put you in a "do not disturb" mode and youll get no whispers at all, you can even put a messege there too if you want, then when someone whispers you, it will tell them that your not available cause your "blah blah whatever your messege says" )
KillaBrothers said:
about the dueling thing...

Don' know about JABaZONS but built for PvP LIGHTNINGZON can take down any BOWaZON... trust me on this ;)

BOWaZONS have allways been legendary duelers thou
Lol, guess you gotta duel my zon to back that up.
Btw, my zon has max resist, stacked, and can add 1 piece sorb is needed. ALso 5k dmg @ 8 frames, 3k dmg @ 7 frames, 2.3k life.

If a jav zon somehow gets near me, my javs will do the job of rippig the zon a new one. It won't be pretty duel.

Think of it this way, most javzon have: little ias and no kb. I have a ton of ias and kb so when I throw my weaker LB's the other zon will be kb/dodge locked. But remember this is only if they can get close.

Darius knows whats up.
luis19 said:
Lol, guess you gotta duel my zon to back that up.
Btw, my zon has max resist, stacked, and can add 1 piece sorb is needed. ALso 5k dmg @ 8 frames, 3k dmg @ 7 frames, 2.3k life.

If a jav zon somehow gets near me, my javs will do the job of rippig the zon a new one. It won't be pretty duel.

Think of it this way, most javzon have: little ias and no kb. I have a ton of ias and kb so when I throw my weaker LB's the other zon will be kb/dodge locked. But remember this is only if they can get close.

Darius knows whats up.
Can I get your setup? My Zon is currently doing horibble, lol. 400 life, 3500dmg, 9fps. And do you prefer 7fps or 8fps (Including the dmg difference)?
luis19 said:
Lol, guess you gotta duel my zon to back that up.
Btw, my zon has max resist, stacked, and can add 1 piece sorb is needed. ALso 5k dmg @ 8 frames, 3k dmg @ 7 frames, 2.3k life.

If a jav zon somehow gets near me, my javs will do the job of rippig the zon a new one. It won't be pretty duel.

Think of it this way, most javzon have: little ias and no kb. I have a ton of ias and kb so when I throw my weaker LB's the other zon will be kb/dodge locked. But remember this is only if they can get close.

Darius knows whats up.

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