My First Tourney--the Point of No Repair


New member
Jul 19, 2004
My First Tourney--the Point of No Repair

That's right, no repair. I'm sick of hearing people say "Oh, that's Ethereal" like it's a pox. So here's a tourney where you want that extra damage and ease of use. Self repair on item okay, but you can do nothing to repair/ recharge items.
1. Hardcore
2. Any class, but fighting style of melee or throwing only: no bow/crossbow, no excesive spelling (50%+ of damage), no more than 5 assistants (mercs, minions, and summons max 2 of ea type)
3. Starts 12 am EST Sat (GMT +4) goes 'til everybody drops. Failure to play/post character for 6 consecutive weeks = dead.
4. Can run each area up to 3 times, full clears not needed. You have to complete all quests started (opened in quest log.)
5. Winner is whoever gets the highest experience.
6. Muling off/on allowed, but this charater has to pick it up itself.
7. No multiplayer
8. Prize stash is what people want to donate out of the goodness of their goodies but if you don't donate you don't get a cut. No white items except runes accepted.
9. 1 save and exit in NDE
10. Common Sense. 1 el does not equal entry fee.
Direct questions here :)
Looks interesting, but a few questions before I decide whether to join.

Firstly I am guessing that lightning javazons are pretty much out of it as they are going to have a major advantage.

Secondly, Three runs per area, so if i've got this right, that means that I could only go and kill Mephisto 3 times.
Gaz said:
Firstly I am guessing that lightning javazons are pretty much out of it as they are going to have a major advantage.

Poison necro has to be banned as well. and holy shock throw pally.

I guess all throw pally, throw zon, poison necromancer need to be banned at least.
fishimancer necro never need to repear.
blade-fury assassin idem.
bowazon amazon is not a lot trouble anyway.
frozen orb sorceres don't need lot of repear.

you must be more restrictive, no allowed to gamble, no allowed to buy any item or potion. you must identifie by yourself.

but it's not my tourney of course
DeathMaster said:
Poison necro has to be banned as well. and holy shock throw pally.

I guess all throw pally, throw zon, poison necromancer need to be banned at least.

Well I don't see why the poison dagger necro should be tossed nor the venom assassin, telsadin, advenger, or other elemental based melee/thrown builds.

Yeah you can get pierce on items but the items will break easy enough to not have to worry about it. I think having a thrown build with or without repair mod would be extremely difficult, yes the 10K throwing knife piercing into the 5 enemy would be powerful but it would still be 1 point of durability per thrown item.

fishymancer is a magic based build (corpse explosion is not melee or thrown).
the same with frozen orbtress.
bladefury assassin would use no durability with her magic based throwing stars.

How about no spell casting other than buffing and limited number of minions. melee or thrown with no weapons that do not have durability (this will eliminate the cruel phaseblade players as well). "Of ages" suffix should not be allowed, in fact all of ages weapons should go into the winning stash, so that all rares with the of ages suffix go to the winner.

Another rule could be that your attack must use durability, this would limit bladefury based builds, and all the fore mentioned items.
Javazons, Poison Dagger Necros, etc. are allowed. Lightning Fury still uses up quantity every attack. Yes every attack could be very deadly, but I'm pretty sure they're still in. As for poison Necromancer, you're allowed to use Poison Dagger, since it is a melee skill, and you can put points into the synergies, but you can't use them, since they do way more damage than your melee attack.

As for the running, yes, you can only run Mephisto 3 times, or anything else for that matter. Just as an example, let's say you decide to clear all of the false tombs in Act 2. If you don't clear all of the tombs in one sitting, this allows you to clear the Canyon of the Magi up to 3 times while going to the false tombs, rather than just running from everything and ignoring chests.

Fishymancer is out, minion restriction and you must be melee/throwing. You can have some semblance of a fishymancer, with less/varied minions, as long as you are fighting as well. Blade Fury assassin was in question when she was doing this, and will probably be allowed. Bowazon is out, no bows/xbows. Frozen Orb, unless actually attacking with melee/throwing, is out.

Anyway, she's still asleep, and will confirm or correct everything I've got here when she gets around to it. But I'm certainly in, just have to pick a build.
Count me in.

Name: Chrono
Build: Frost Zealot/Vindicator

Edit: In case you didn't know, smite uses weapon durability.
Okay, I've been looking for a reason to play this build. Taking this tournament theme to it's furthest extent, I introduce:

Goshawk the Impaleazon.

Just for fun I'll try to keep track of the number of weapons I go through.
Amazons are overpowered - their Charged Strike or Lightning Fury are devastating skills, they requiere no more than crappy javelin. And some good rares / uniques javs often have replenishes quantity.
Assassin's Blade Fury comes to my mind, but it is probably no melee nor throwing attack.
Holy shock is also overpowered.

Edit:But idea of this tournament is very unique. I like it. But I have my own tourney to run. Maybe I'll join when my Milwa dies.
First thing all melee guys should do is to find/buy a phaseblade of some sort, or pray that you find a ginther's. :D
I suggest an additional rule: no items with the self-repairing (self-replenishing, too) mod is allowed. :p
Self repair is specifically stated in the rules as allowed.

I'll be in this since I got wiped out so fast in the random banned skills one. Not sure what I will play yet.
I think a summons druid would do well here.. bears pack a nasty punch and you only need (and can get) one.
Well, first off, you have to get to a phase blade. Second off, you have to decide if you want a crappy phase blade that will last 'til a monster wipes you out or a VERY nice etheral cryptic sword that will last an act anyway. (had one once, put in rune word because even my wacking barb wasn't using up durability very fast, lasted most of act2 nm and then some.)

And although I understand the desire of some to make a tourney very restricted, I don't enjoy that sort of thing myself. I was going to make it all etheral but I like rings & amulets, not to mention, you might have had to run around for quite a while before you could equip anything so I chose no repair instead.

No repair. No selling & buying back to repair. Spells >50% damage. 2 max ea skelly, 5 max helpers. You wanna use sorc, go for enchantress, or use frost nova to slow them and beat them over the head with your staff. Necro, get your 2 skeletons to run interfearance while you throw darts if you must stay out of it.

I'm not very well versed with javazons but if you can make it to lvl 30+ that it takes for lightning javalin and the skill adds less than half your damage, sure go for. Also, it seems to me that the weapon throwing 'sin would be the type of build you would normally pursue if you found a really great etheral weapon, so it's allowed. Near as I can tell, your armor, sheild, etc. will still decrease in durability (unless it repairs itself) if you are wacked on (or wack with in the case of smite.)

Remember, how far you get is all well and good, but ranking goes by exp. IF and only if 2 players manage to get the EXACT same exp will how far they got be used as a tie breaker.

I'll be using a barbie, I really do kind of a general skill asignment so I don't think the build has a name. His name is Wulfgar.
water_moon said:
you have to decide if you want a crappy phase blade that will last 'til a monster wipes you out or a VERY nice etheral cryptic sword that will last an act anyway.

Fat chance getting one though. :uhhuh:
I think you mean to say spells < 50% not the other way around.

Are you allowed to by weapons and armour from the vendors or must it be found?
I believe you're allowed to buy the weapons, just don't repair them. As in, if you're an assassin with 1 durability left on a 200/9 bartuc's cut-throat, you can't repair it (throw it in the stash, maybe). :lol: The most annoying thing would be if you managed to shop for something like a cruel colossus blade of quickness. :grrr:

Anyway, I've started my paladin, but will re-start him when the real thing begins. It's pretty much standard HC protocol, except I have to keep my cursor away from the "repair all" button. It's harder than you think it is. :lol:
water_moon said:
I'm not very well versed with javazons but if you can make it to lvl 30+ that it takes for lightning javalin and the skill adds less than half your damage, sure go for.

Well, LF will make up most of your damage. So that is out. But is blade fury out if it deals half or more of your damage?
okay... clarification
the 50% was aimed at spell casters, ie. they can still cast spells, but not primarily-- people had seemed to miss that part of the rules.
you can buy (or gamble) anything, except if you sell it to them (it will repair itself that way)
skills that do not use a weapon (or shield/ armor) can not be your main damage method
A pali can have holy shock, it plops a nice jolt on your weapon, but he can't just stand there and use the passive damage as a primary form of damage.
Any specific cases can be addressed as they come up
Estimated market value