More patches?


New member
Jul 10, 2009
More patches?

From bashiok:
I also want to impress upon everyone that 1.13 isn't and never has been intended as a final patch for Diablo II. I realize with the long delays in getting it to PTR, and longer stretches of time inbetween patches that it seems like it's necessary that 1.13 encompass everything because, well, there's just no guarantee that anything will come after. Or in a timely fashion. But, there is a solid long term plan of action for future support of Diablo II. There's obviously plenty of room for skepticism, and I can't blame anyone for that. But even with that skepticism I hope that we can get the message across that we have no intention of stopping here.


So, what do you think? What are your expectations for 1.14? How about 1.15? Who knows, maybe half the bugs that this game now has will be fixed by 1.20 (but creating several others with all the new patches).
Do you think blizz will go back on this and decide to make 1.13 the final one? Discuss.

EDIT: Ah, what am I thinking? The last patch will probably be 1.13b or c at most.
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Re: More patches?

I'm afraid what happens when they get to patch 1.99.... Will the next patch be a level up o_O?
Re: More patches?

Bashiok is making everyone angry with these cryptic posts of his aimed at saving Blizzard's face, that is all I know. I'm pretty sure 1.13 is the last patch for D2.
Re: More patches?

Patch 2.0.1

Adds a new world event - Wirt's Revenge.

They'll probably add a skill to the Paladin called "The Mario Jump" which will be twice as powerful as the Blessed Hammer and will ignore everything's resistance. Not only will it not be resistable, but it'll add -100 to all resistances when it deals damage.

Re: More patches?

Bashiok is making everyone angry with these cryptic posts of his aimed at saving Blizzard's face, that is all I know. I'm pretty sure 1.13 is the last patch for D2.

but in the same page he says:

We're being careful right now about posting replies (ie not doing it) because we can't commit to anything yet.There's been too much expectation around 1.13 already. We're still evaluating a lot of reports, a lot of issues, new or returning requests, and we'll have to make decisions on a case by case basis for how we'll move forward. It would be a mistake at this point to further raise expectations of requests/fixes that can't or maybe just won't make it in. To give you a small hint, nothing is going to happen or be decided until after the new year.

It would be quite a betrayal if this would be the last patch.

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