Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-)

Jan 3, 2007
Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :)

RL: Got a firm promise for a job as a doctor at the psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents where I already did my internship!
:jig: :party: :jig: :party: :jig:

I'll start February 2010, possibly even January. That leaves some time to finish my dissertation :)

I'm so happy right now :cloud9: Off to celebrate with my gf!

D2: Obsession Amazon got to Inner Cloister WP in Normal.

I wish everyone a start in the week as good as mine! :wave:
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Congrats, Dr. Gris! That's awesome you found a job in a place you want to be!

RL: As for me, well... I'm about an hour away from getting ready for work at a new time and place. New employees around me. New supervisor. And a big boss' office is right near our seats, so... no screwing around. Gotta look busy all day. ...Phooey.

On top of that, my "new" gaming rig is giving me grief. Yesterday I got it set it up, added 4gig of RAM, was on the Internet, downloaded Steam and a game and it ran perfectly fine through all of that. I boot up the game, it goes through the cinematic, and I play for about a minute before it froze for three seconds, BSODed with a "Machine Check Exception", automatically rebooted, and then froze permanently. I tried to play again, got about five steps further into the game when it happened all over.

I've been stressed about work, but this computer issue has got me worried that I wasted a bunch of money. Machine Check Exceptions, if I've read correctly, means there's either an overheating issue (doubtful), or either the CPU/MOBO/RAM is fried and needs to be replaced.

This morning I couldn't sleep, so I took out 2gig of RAM and tried the game again. I actually got to play for about fifteen minutes! ...Before it BSOD'ed again. Since then, I've tried swapping out every RAM stick that's in there to see if the RAM is causing the problem, but it doesn't look like it.

So... I have no idea what to do. I'm bummed. And tired. And now I have to get ready for work. *Hangs head in defeat*

edit: Oh, and the audio overall is way too quiet. I've got every slider maxed and it's barely equivalent to a quiet TV show. Went online to check it out and lots of people are having problems with the Realtek hard/software, but no one tells how to fix it. GRRR.
D2: Nope

OVG: I'd LIKE to play what I got off of Steam yesterday, but... :dontknow:
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Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

@ Grisu: Congrats mate!

@ TRM: Ouch, sorry to hear that. I take it you put it together yourself? I'm not exactly a computer whiz kid, so can't help you too much there. Some Source games have sound loop crash issues, which can be caused by overheating. Don't know if that could cause a BSOD though. A mate of mine noticed after dozens of SLC's in L4D and L4D2 that his GPU's fan wasn't working properly... I hope you can get to the bottom of this!

RL: A lot of work. It's the last week of Uni, and all reports need to be finished. Gonna be hard work this week, but it's not a bad thing really. After this I'll need to start studying, so I'd better get used to being busy with work all day.

D2: I doubt it. If I do get the urge, some Pinde/LK, but not much anyways.

OVG: Not during the week.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Finding a job... any job... is grounds for celebration. Grats to you. I'd never do it. College kids are as close to crazy as I'd ever want to get. (sorry if "crazy" offends).

RL: Rain. Final Exams. Perfect.

D2: Paladin was gifted with a Guardian Angel, which I socketed with a rare jewel with resist all, +mana, and + energy. He's having trouble with Act I hell, but I attribute it to only being level 70... he'll grow out of it.

@ TRM: I've not had good luck with Steam. It's hit or miss weither the games I buy from them work or not. Sometimes they work for a while, and then stop executing. You can't even uninstall them... they leave stuff behind which keeps games from being installed even if you buy them from another source. Hope they get their act together.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Congratulations Grisu.

RL: Work is busy today, tons of paperwork needs to be done before I move. Some libanese food later tonight and quite possibly a movie.

D2: Guardianed two characters this weekend, I`m going to do a write-up on at least one of them. Which means there will probably not be enough time to play tonight:(
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Congrats Grisu! :guiness: You lucky lucky man!

@TRM: Ouch.

RL: My parents left the house for a 3-week trip overseas this morning, leaving me as the sole and upmost highest authoritive power at my house. First line order as the official supreme overlord at my house: eat instant noodles for breakfast, on the good couch while watching my Monday cartoons, without a coaster. :party: Next line of order: attach my Ps2/360 to the "son, this 52' cost us a fortune and we'd prefer you didn't get your grubby hands on it" tv. They overstocked the house with fruits and vegetables, but I really have no intentions of touching those for a looong time. Gonna drive to the grocer if I got time later today and get some microwavable goods, mac and cheese, cans of ravioli, and more instant noodles. *dances in a corner*

Oh, and they also left me $400 (lol overkill). I'm getting to the age where I feel bad for mooching off my parents, but hey, I've been jobless for over two years, and the fact that they're going off and having fun (don't really wanna know what they're doing) during my exam period makes me somewhat feel it is fully justified. :scratchchin: Currently I've budgeted $150 for expanding my video game collection. :party:

D2: Nope, need to study for exams. Oh what the heck, in my boredom I might actally start a GFer.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

@ TRM: I've not had good luck with Steam. It's hit or miss weither the games I buy from them work or not. Sometimes they work for a while, and then stop executing. You can't even uninstall them... they leave stuff behind which keeps games from being installed even if you buy them from another source. Hope they get their act together.
Seriously? I'm very pleased with them, and Steam in general. I'm sure you've contacted Steam support?

Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Congrats Grisu! :)

@TRM: Are you sure it isn't a problem with your video card? I'd make sure the fan on it is working, it's plugged in all the way, and you have the latest drivers for it.

RL: School. Finals start on Tuesday. Almost free for a few weeks :p.

D2: Soon?

OVG: Maybe a little....
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

RL: Bah.

D2: Jesus H. Crist, Witch Doctor Endugu in 1.06 has a whole pack of Flayer Shamen with him.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

@Grisu: I'm so pleased for you! That sounds awesome! Enjoy your celebrating!

@TRM: I have to defend Steam on this occasion. It sounds like a hardward problem, which I know nothing about, but I'd check your drivers first. I had quiet sound for a week, once. It turned out when I moved the box it doslodged the audio jack and pulled it out a little - Pushed it back in and it was perfect. Do you still have your old rig as back-up? While I've got you here, see if you can find the Gemini Principle by dBridge. It's a beautfiul album.

RL: Woke up at 1330, which was very disappointing, but probably just. Have friends over later so will probably play games to 'warm up'.

D2: Maybe some 1.09 Baal runs.

OVG: Max Payne, Nation Red, Modern Warfare 2.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

@Grisu: Gratz on the job.

@TRM: Youch. Does the new rig discombobulate itself on other video games like D2 and such or is it only steam games?

RL: Monay = BBbbbRRRrrrAAAaaaIIIiiiNNNNssss!!!!!!1! :coffee:

D2: Getting a little worn out of MF Meph from the past week. 2.5k+ runs and he still hasn't dropped a skullders or Occy for magic finding goodness. :hang:
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Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

RL: Sick this past week. Still getting over it. I hate getting sick not because I loathe the symptoms, but because it makes me feel like my body let me down. Drinking lots of tea. I have a chai tea that is spicier than the average buffalo wing. Gross. I have other teas as well.

Also, we have a bunch of cats here, and one of them definitely has fleas. I bought this spray that supposedly kills them, but the damn cat can't sit still long enough for me to spray him. My genius idea to buy a spray, I guess.

D2: Leveling my poisonmancer... sloooooooowly. I've never had a devoted magic finder ever, ever. SO every character I start is untwinked. And usually terrible, and ends up on the shelf when they struggle to kill in act 4 hell. I probably have 6-10 hellforges just waiting to be hit, but eh. Anyhow, this one has some halfway decent mf gear and I'm determined to make him find me some lootz. Just running the mausoleum for now at level 70. The pit is too hard.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Congratulations, Dr. Gris!

RL: Woke up early, looked at the clock, went to the restroom, went back to bed, slept until 12p. Gogo Lazy! Got up, shave/shower, made coffee, job hunt, interwebsurfing, etc.

Now: Drinking coffee & foruming

Upcoming: Jeez. Probably some noveling, maybe some work on the graffiti thing, if I can remember the idea that I had last night at 3am after 10-odd beers. Hummm. Oh well.

D-I'm not even going to bother.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

@TRM: That sounds awful :( Unfortunately, I don't know much about hardware stuff, so I am of no help in this matter...out of interest: does it also happen when you don't run games but only non-game programs? Hope you'll find a solution soon!

@Shagsbeard: You'll probably see more kids with emotional disorders in your life than me, since your student turnover rate is probably much higher than my patient turnover rate will be. According to some studies, around 10-15% of all children at school (don't know about the numbers at college) show signs of mental illness...I was pretty surprised when I first read those numbers.

@Thomh: You guardianed two characters this weekend? Holy Cow King, I didn't even manage to finish Act I in Normal with my Amazon :D

@Bluechip: Get well soon!

Thanks everyone for the congratulations! I had a very nice day with my gf and some friends - I skipped the part where I had to get drunk though, because I want to show up at my future working place tomorrow to hand over a copy of my diploma and my licence to practice medicine...
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Grisu: Congrats, and good luck! :).

RL: A little bit of snow near dawn, followed by a nice and chilly, but not overly breezy, morning. The best season of the year has finally arrived. :). Hopefully the rest of winter is quite like this, though that's obviously wishful thinking. Classes are coming to a close, so all that's left is presentations and final exams, plus just one more lab. A shame really, since this semester was quite fun.

D2: Maybe some more LK runs. Only averaging ~200 a day since I lost my map recently.

OVG: Some Mabinogi perhaps. No sense in burning out on D2 over some pretty rocks.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

@Grisu: Big congrats! Sounds like things are coming together for you very well.

RL: Not really coming together, but not falling apart. The Holiday "Meh"s are in effect.

D2: Yessir. Progress with the new characters is about to pass from boring to interesting; I love when that happens.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

Ugh. The computer woes persisted. Thanks to everyone with advice or well wishes, but honestly when it comes to fixing it myself I'm in over my head. So I was reminded that the boyfriend of one of my co-workers is a computer tech. I ended up emailing the details, then calling him, and I just now got home from dropping it off at their place (luckily they live about three minutes from me). He says it sounds like a simple fix, but time will tell. Because I'm a "friend" of his GF (even though I NEVER talk to her at work), his fee is reasonable regardless of the problem, so hopefully there will be some good news in a few days.

Now my old system is back up and running. Even after just 24 hours with the new machine, this one feels incredibly slow. I may be spending more than I had bargained for, but it'll be nice when I get my new machine back.

As for the first day with the new 8a-4:30p hours at work... double ugh. Since I have no chance to goof off for twenty minutes of every hour like I used to, I'm having to sandbag my typing speed to maintain the same production numbers I've had for the past two years. Forcing yourself to type slow makes the day draaaaag. It's ridiculous how slow I'm typing, and yet I'm still second best on our team. This is going to be a very long week.


I hope the person who makes tomorrow's daily does their homework here on the forums... :whistling:
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

"Mental Illness" is pretty broad, and tossing that out brings vissions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, when most of those "Mentally Ill" kids are probably just homesick or dependent on alchohol. I get some wackos... I worked with one kid for over a year before he offed his psych professor in his own home. He was wack. We all knew it. His prof invited him to spend the weekend with him at home... ended up dead.

But that's about it... in over 20 years... that I've really noticed as being out there.
Re: Mondaily made my month (ok, it's "day", but "month" suits the "m"-theme better :-

congrats grisu, im working in psych at the moment myself. props for staying in the difficult (and at least in australia, poorly funded) field

RL - at work, pharoah monch concert last night so my head is a bit ... fuzzy. wasnt a huge fan before hand, was far better than expected. a showman for sure. maybe golf this afternoon. procrastinating my research and game design responsibilities

D2 - randomly challenged wolf sitting in act 2 normal. hopefully get a few more valuable points, maybe a few in rage and rabies, or lyc. im not even hoping about summons anymore!
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