Mlvl dueler around this sword?


New member
Jun 28, 2004
Mlvl dueler around this sword?

ghoul song.
i just found this baby at a free game(thnx hulla )
so im thinking, it looks pretty nice, lvl 44, hits the WW bp without any help.
so why not start a dueler around this baby.
so far i planned this:
ghoul song, what to socket??, im thinking about hel rune for more life.
arreats face
either eld whistans guard or a mosers, need help here, how many dex do i need?
sanders boots
sanders gloves
shaftstop as armor :scratch:
angelic combo
string of teh ears as belt.

this setup gives me 40/45 DR and max block.

i need 140 str and 80 dex for the sword if i hell it.
arreats gives 20 to both and sanders give 10 str anf 5 dex
so i need 110 str and 55 dex.
that leaves some points for vita :D
any input??

-jordy :king:
hod/broll this is NL so you can boost me :wink2:
whitstan's: ctb=92% -> dex req at lvl44=87 :lol:
whitstan's eld: ctb=99% -> dex req at lvl44=82
moser's: ctb=62% -> dex req at lvl44=122
moser's eld: ctb=69% -> dex req at lvl44=111
gerke's :D: ctb=79% [yes, i know it has no fbr] -> dex req at lvl44=99
gerke's eld: ctb=86% -> dex req at lvl44=92

also, why not use low% war travs?

magnus' skin + whitstan's gives you that 20ias as well as 35 life...

OR, if you're worried about str/dex/vit then throw on IK gloves and belt for 45str and 20dex, and 25ias.
i think il use whitstan's with a eld.
ttp convinced me to use wt's and IK gloves for the 40 str 20 dex and 20 vit, and the added dmg isnt bad. I use String of teh ears for 45% DR.
now im thinking what to put into shaftstop.
a pruby will add 36 life * (%life increase from bo)
a ith rune for DTM so i can whirl longer
a sol rune for PDR
a shael rune for fhr
other suggestions?

-jordy :king:
ith is pointless, you're already wearing angelics. that should be more than enough...

shael is kind of useful in between whirls but other wise it's pointless since ww is uninterruptible anyways.

of your listed choices, pruby seems the best to me. but jewels are much, much better... like ed/max or ed/str or something.
[exile] said:
ith is pointless, you're already wearing angelics. that should be more than enough...

shael is kind of useful in between whirls but other wise it's pointless since ww is uninterruptible anyways.

of your listed choices, pruby seems the best to me. but jewels are much, much better... like ed/max or ed/str or something.

use io over pruby as 10 vit=40 life.
heh i never convinced you to use anything :)
i just asked what lvls gores and wts were - gores could still be used at lvl 47 within the usual 49 limit.
and yes ruby would multiply with BO but Io wouldn't - tea time!
errm. i meant that. :D

my point was that he wouldn't get +40 and +20 like he said, lol.
I see you went to 47... some suggestions on some improvements....

Gore riders over travs. DS, CB, all its good mods beat out the extra damage and 10 str from travs, hands down.

Armor: Jewelers ____ Of the Whale, socketed with ed jewels.

Your damage will be MUCH higher with an ed armor than with a shaftstop, though you lose 30% DR for it. To be honest, I wouldnt worry about it... I'm making a hardcore barbarian with ZERO DR right now, at level 53. Why? Most of the mid level duelers are NOT Physical-damage oriented. The few that are probably wont want to go toe to toe with a barbarian anyways.

For example: The most common physical builds will probably be WW druids, maybe similar barbs to yours, and possibly amazons. The barbs, outplay them. Most people will WW straight at you across the screen... you should kill them EASILY with no DR.

Druids: Being a WWer, just step right up and whirl away, chances are you'll beat these guys being a whirler, DR or not.

Amazons: Toughie with no tele amulets at level 47... You'll probably lose to them, though DR will only add a few seconds to your life.

I guess the point I'm getting at is that, even in hardcore, I'm not worried about DR, and I certianly wouldnt be in SC. Most mid level duelers just dont do physical damage, and if they do, chances are they are a melee class... and mid level barbs are simply the kings of melee for their level.

Focus on good life charms, your life looks very good, I would actually worry more about maxing out those resists than about DR... 45% is certianly NOT needed.

Also, if you were to remake (too late at this point obviously) Use an AToD with ed jewels. The blocking is slightly lower than a whistans, but the damage gained far outweighs the marginally lower blocking (AToD=69% blocking)

I would reccomend, since your resists are 55, getting a 3x thul'd shield, and maybe a Ral'd and Ort'd one too to fight casters. Blocking is meaningless against casters, might as well ditch that whistans for some stacked resists.

Good luck.
Hey if you're on uswest nl I'd be glad to duel your barb with my mld lv41 necro :)

Also I would have Ko'd the whitstan's since that would've saved you 5 extra points over an eld. My necro uses a Ko'd whitstans for melee.
i have a 2 pdiamond mosers in my stash, so i use those against casters.
and since i mostely duel in pubby's with ppl who are 10/20 lvls higher then me, the DR and the Def is quite a help.
and a jewelers XX of teh whale and a artisans tower shield of deflecting is also quite costely, are they?
and im on europe NL/L,so no go :(

-jordy :king:
jordy666 said:
and since i mostely duel in pubby's with ppl who are 10/20 lvls higher then me, the DR and the Def is quite a help.

Well, My view on that is that the DR may be helpful, but defense... if they're 10-20 levels above you, they'll hit you no matter WHAT defense you have in most cases... in other words, no point in stacking defense on a character 10-20 levels below the competition...

As for the DR, I see what you're saying, and it IS useful against melee characters, but really, there are not TOO many of those who are really that near you in level, I still think you'd be better off going with a jewelers of the whale, as DR wont do a damn thing in 3/4ths of your duels anyways (again, talking MLDers here, not high lvl)

Jordy666 said:
and a jewelers XX of teh whale and a artisans tower shield of deflecting is also quite costely, are they?

Yeah, they are, but well worth it IMO. And, if you have 6 hours to burn, you could always shop them both ;) Hell charsi is your best bet on an AToD, and Hell Larzuk on a jewelers of the whale.

Whoopy said:
ummm... could i ask wat AToD means?

Artisans Tower Shield of Deflecting. 3 sockets, 69% blocking (69% on a barb that is) So, very good blocking, and the only shield with such high blocking, which also has 3 sockets.. making it a very, very nice mid lvl dueling shield (high block, self explanitory, and 3 open sockets for ed or max, or whatever nice jewels you care to put in it)

i got myself a jeweler's full plate of teh whale.
but now i dont know what i can put in it.
or 4 30 ED jewels
or 4 >15 max jewels

-jordy :king:
Estimated market value