Missionary tournament


New member
Mar 25, 2004
Missionary tournament

I had this idea in my head for a while and decided to run it now as there aint many tournaments around now. I had to add holy fire to the list or it would be impossible to kill ranged attackers.

Rules :

1) Hardcore
2) Paladins only
3) Only items that can be used are : boots , gloves , rings , amulet and belt
4) Only skills that can be used and you can put points in are : conversion , thorns , holy fire. You need to put points into preq's to get conversion , but you cant use them .
5) Charges cant be used
6) Only items you can buy from npc's are mana pots , keys , Tp and Id scrolls.
7) No mercenary (also known as moron)
8) Area can be cleared only once.
9) You can kill monsters only indirectly . That means that you have to kill using conversion , holy fire or thorns , but you can use your fists until you get holy fire and thorns at lvl 6.
10) No points into vitality.
11) No twinking
12) You can use any players settings you wish.
13) You can skip quests if you wish.

Looks like its all , but im almost certain i forgot something :) Winner will be the one who gets to act 1 Nm :uhhuh: For prizes im not sure.

This tourney will likely be very short , but i hope to get at least few people playing. And if you wish you can add some restrictions to yourself , just if they dont cross with tournament rules.

Have fun


EDIT : Remembered what i forgot :) . 14) From lvl 30 every 10 lvls you can put 5 points into resist fire. That means you can have 5 resist fire at lvl 30 , 10 at lvl 40.
Pyrce said:
No one would make it past duriel, even IF they got to punch her.

Yeah duriel = hard. But thorns should work well on him. Getting enough pots would be a problem :)

And to Bugzy: what i think makes tournament fun is its difficulty. But its just mine opinion. And i dont really see a way to make this tournament easier. Normally this character would be boring , but when he lives short you dont have time to get bored :)
Online said:
Yeah duriel = hard. But thorns should work well on him. Getting enough pots would be a problem :)

And to Bugzy: what i think makes tournament fun is its difficulty. But its just mine opinion. And i dont really see a way to make this tournament easier. Normally this character would be boring , but when he lives short you dont have time to get bored :)

yeah, but no points into vitality? That seems a little unnecessary. When I think of a missionary I think of a traveler that goes from place to place trying to convert people to his/her faith. So there would need to be some sort of no attack rule, but a lack of health doesnt make any sense, because a "missionary" could beat it, if the rules were right.

Consider the skills options:

Sacrifice: The Missionary gives up a lot of things to spread his/her faith, even their own blood. Maybe Allow this one?

Holy Shield: The Missionary's faith is all he has: It must be his protection. Make this useable too?

Prayer: The Missionary uses their faith as their sole strength: why shouldn't a missionary pray?

Redemption: When the Missionary converts, its the redeemed soul he should celebrate. What about that skill?

Salvation: The Missionaries faith is his shield, even when fighting supernatural powers, he needs the strength of his faith.

Conversion: I think this speaks for itself.

Sanctuary: The Missionary may need protection when facing truly ungodly beings. This creates more buffer.

The Missionary needs <i>some</i> sort of attack, otherwise its a little pointless to PvM. The lack of Vit means hes going to be dead within act 2, and no one wants to play a tourney that short.

The Missionary is a pious faith bringer: He should at least be able to use a shield, a weapon would be stretching it. But cloth/leather only armor wouldnt be too bad?

I'm sorry if you think I'm wrong/stupid, but I just think that the tourney could have been planned a little better, because its almost unplayable with the current rules.
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