Minus Target Defense - Against Ubers


New member
Nov 14, 2009
Minus Target Defense - Against Ubers

I was wondering if this works against bosses and ubers? -xx% Target Defense. For example, Eth Rune or Fleshripper.

Re: Minus Target Defense - Against Ubers

-% Target Defence from items is 50% effective against Super Unique and boss monsters: -25% TD from an Eth rune is effectively reduced to -12.5% TD, while -50% TD from the Fleshripper Unique Fanged Knife is effectively reduced to -25% TD.

-% TD is still 100% effective against random Champion and Unique monsters, though.
Re: Minus Target Defense - Against Ubers

I rember Iv seen someone mention that theres a cap for -target defense.
So another question would be what is it ? and is there a penality in pvp for - target defense, coz I remember testing with 4x eth's on sword and there was still a chance to miss other player.

edit: In diablo wiki it says theres max 95 % chance to hit everything.
I also wonder how does chance to hit formula works regarding lvl difference and can it be affected with - target defense or these things work separately when game determines a chance to hit something (in another words is there some way to bypass diminshed chance to hit something based on clvl difference)
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Re: Minus Target Defense - Against Ubers

-% Target Defence is also just 50% effective against other players. There's no cap of which I'm aware, although there's no point in equipping more than -100% TD unless the target is a player, Super Unique or boss: there's no point in equipping more than -200% TD against these targets, although there's a practical limit of -150% TD since I don't think there are any weapons which would apply more than one socketed with six Eth runes (-25% TD each).

If a skill performs a hit-check then chance-to-hit is capped at 95%, regardless of how high it might be before that cap based on level difference and comparison of attack and defence rating. -% TD only reduces defence rating.
Re: Minus Target Defense - Against Ubers

and it is applie don the enhanced defence % that a player target has.Attacking a pally with 600% enhaned defense armed with a weapon which is -25% target defense,will make the pallyes enhanced defense% 587.5%.It is not applied on the final defense.

From another thread:

-% Target Defence from items is not the same as -% (Enhanced) Defence from skills: -% ED is applied with +% ED, -% TD is applied after this step.

When a level 87 Barbarian with negligible Attack Rating attacks an Ancient in Hell buffed by Madawc's level 12 Shout (+210% ED), he has 5% chance-to-hit: he still has 5% chance-to-hit after casting level 26 Battle Cry (-100% ED) since the Ancients still have +110% ED (210-100). However, equipping modified items with -200% TD (-100% TD against the Ancients) results in 95% chance-to-hit, since their total defence is reduced by 100%.

I've confirmed this in single player, and it could easily be confirmed in multi-player by equipping a weapon socketed with six Eth runes and attacking a high +% ED Barbarian of the same level: for example, if defence is four times AR without -75% TD, chance-to-hit will be 20%; with -75% TD, chance-to-hit will be 50%. If -% TD were simply subtracted from +% ED, then its impact on chance-to-hit would be negligible.

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