MFO Winter 2012 Signups and Progress [by jjscud]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @jjscud on Feb 3, 2012.
(link to original thread on

MFO Signup Time!

Well, I really thought this would be the one as we got ready for D3, now, I'm not sure I would bet on summer. Oh well, lets not let that stop us.

Start date: February 10th, 2012
End date: February 19th, 2012

Total time - 10 days.

The supervisors are :

Baal: Bassano (*email redacted -Pb_pal*)
AT: jjscud (*email redacted -Pb_pal*)
lvl85: LD50 (*email redacted -Pb_pal*)
Pindle: jjscud (*email redacted -Pb_pal*)

Quick Intro

For those new to the MFO, the basic jist of it is everyone picks one of 4 targets and runs that taget like mad for about a week. At the end, everyone scores their finds (updated scoresheets below) and adds up the top five finds. The players with the top scores win and they get to claim a few items from the other participants as prizes.

No proxy signups, you may only signup yourself.

The Categories

- Hell Baal
- Pindle+: Pindleskin (or Shenk, Eldritch, Thresh or Sharptooth).
- Ancient Tunnels
- Other Level 85 Areas
- teams

-In the interest of sportsmanship, please email regular updates of your progress during the MFing week to your supervisor. These should be in the same format as your final results email (no ATMA readouts at this time).

I will need 4 category supervisors (one for each area), preferably someone who has participated in a previous MFO and will participate in this one.

Things to include in your e-mail (Progress and final upates):
-title should contain MFO
-Your forum name (PLEASE, PLEASE, I end up guessing everytime)
-The category and your top 5 items for each category you entered


Title: SPF - MFO results
Forum name: jjscud

Firelizard's Talons 36.1
Eaglehorn 39.6
Eaglehorn 39.6 (example of duplicate find)
Total 115.3


-If you quit or drop out, please send your area supervisor an email or
PM saying so.

-Email your score and ATMA readouts of your top 5 to your area's supervisor within 24 hours after the end of the MFO - by February 20th.


The list of entered participants will follow.

If you're entered, try to do your best.

And if you don't think that you're capable of giving up a Windforce or
a Stormlash if you find one and lose, this probably isn't for you.

Allowed mods Any SPF FAM mod and any version 1.10 or later.

Since items are switching back and forth, you must have a current trading profile over on the SP Trading Forum.

Also, if you've been banned from trading and/or mp'ing then you will not be allowed to participate in the MFO.

Eligible finds

The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered
in each category:

- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs.
- Pindle+: The mentioned SuperUniques and their Minions, in
the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth.
- Ancient Tunnels: Any monster (not the chest) in here is fair game.
- Level 85 areas: The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including
minion waves)

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Prowling Dead in Pindle's Garden, Chests in the Pits, etc.

Summary of rules:

-All intending participants must register the categories they wish to
compete in. No late entries will be accepted.

-The winning player shall be determined by the five highest-ranked
items they find during the week.

-In case of 2 players tying with the same score, the winner shall be
decided by adding in the score of the next rarest item each of them
found, then the next and so on until a clear winner is decided.

-Remember to keep eligible finds separate from the rest of your gear.

Prize distribution

1st Place - picks 4 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant).
2nd Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
There's a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.

I will add my own "good sportsmanship" suggestions. I won't enforce these but any reasonable person shouldn't have any problem following these.

1. Don't claim items for their trade value, claim items you want to use or as a trophy
2. If you want a trophy, please be considerate (i.e. no grailers)
3. if you claim an item and the player really wants it, give them a chance to trade back their self found item for a similar or better one or other item as you see fit.
4. If someone is claiming one of your items, you may personalize it before giving it to them.


The system is based on the relative rarity compared to the IK
Stonecrusher, the most common elite set or unique.

Here are the score sheets (lvl 85 for both AT and other lvl 85 areas)

Baal (csv File)
lvl 85 Areas (csv File)
Act 5 SUs (csv File)


- Please only sign up for team if you are fairly certain you will be able to participate, your team will be depending on you.

- You may have up to a maximum of 5 members in a team with a minimum of 3 members (no 1 or 2 man teams)

- Each member must first be registered under the Singles MFO first.

- One member may run more than one category.

- Scoring will be based on your team's highest scores in each category.

- Multiple members in a single category is allowed. However, only the highest score of 1 member will be taken into account.

Eg. Both Fred and George are in Team CB and running Baal. Fred has a score 150 while George's is 130. Hence Team CB's score for Baal will be based on Fred's ranking.

- When registering your team here, simply state your team name and its members.

- Points will be awarded based on ranking in your category, 1st place gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, 3rd gets 8 and so on. If 2nd place is not participating in the teams competition, and 3rd is, 3rd still gets 8 points.

- Team play is just for bragging rights, participating in a team will not risk any of your MFO finds any further.

- If you do not have a team currently but wish to participate on a team. Please sign up under "Availible for teams", this will let others creating a team to know that you are available and I will create as many teams as possible with those that remain at the end.
Last edited:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Fixed the table there :p

I may switch to AT if I can't find that BER for infinity before it starts
Re: MFO Signup Time!

So, here it is. Let's make it the best of 'em all... :punk:

I think I would be available to supervise a category, if I pass the qualifications...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I am too scared to update the table and mess up other player's links. Could someone add me in for Pindle+ please?

Just a clarification, is it necessary to declare one of the Pindle+ superuniques, or does running that category mean you can run all of them? If the former is the case I would like Pindle specifically.

Here is my trader profile, freshly made. Forgive my ignorance, but what is FAM? I am 1.13d SC and using RWM.

Also, what is the proper way to go about submitting GoMule readouts once the MFO is over? Is Atma required? I could not for the life of me get it to install properly when I reinstalled D2 a few months back.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

@Drewgie: Pindle+ category encompasses all act5 superuniques, so no need to specify.

When posting readouts, you just copy/paste the item info from GoMule/Atma, either is fine. I don't think many use ATMA anymore...

Also, updating my Trade Status link :p
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Ok, cool. So literally just click "view item" and copy and paste the txt? Nothing like a flavie report then?

Also, what is FAM? :crazyeyes:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

how do you deal with HC? do you just skip it or have a different category for HC players? since you can go HC > SC, but not the other way around.

Drewgie said:
Ok, cool. So literally just click "view item" and copy and paste the txt? Nothing like a flavie report then?

Also, what is FAM? :crazyeyes:

Forum Acceptable Mod.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Time to try win another MFO to catch Zaliqai in number of victories, even I do not believe I am able to win any category
but for now I am little bit dissapointed with number of players signed up so I hope that another players will join
Also I am calling rest of alchemist team to come play with me to win another team competition
and if I can have question, can I ask if is possible to play even areas like lvl 84 or 83? I know that somewhere just been discussion about that so I am wonder if it is possible to do that
thanks for answer
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'll try AT in hope to find the elusive Tyrael's. Good luck all! 👍
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Great to see you host another MFO, jjscud! Due to RL events and 12 tourney characters, I won't have time to participate though...but I'm eager to see the results and haul pics! Good luck everyone!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

MFO time? It's not MFO time. It's exam time :/ But I'll do my best. Goal: not finishing last and get some progress to 99.
Finally some Baal competition!

Well....sort of....

common Grisu, you can put that stuff on hold!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

crawlingdeadman said:
how do you deal with HC? do you just skip it or have a different category for HC players?

Same as SC, no special categories, rules, or special prize sections.

bassano said:
can I ask if is possible to play even areas like lvl 84 or 83?

Nope, lvl 85 only.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Put me down for this one, now I have a couple of viable runners again. I'm putting myself in multiple categories for now.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

jjscud said:
Same as SC, no special categories, rules, or special prize sections.

ok, nvm then. sounds like fun, but when i whooped up on everyone i'd get a bunch of SC crap i didnt need :smug:
It's way more about the actual whooping than the prizes. Usually the winners are already obscenely wealthy :p
Re: MFO Signup Time!

zemaj said:
BLASPHEMY! You forget your PvP chars!

also, how many of the qualifiers are really useful, honestly? It's typically less of a "hey, that's really nice... I want that!" & more of a "I want something personalized by X that will forever be my trophy!" kind of thing...

good point, but no one's gonna drop an enigma...

maybe next time.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

crawlingdeadman said:
ok, nvm then. sounds like fun, but when i whooped up on everyone i'd get a bunch of SC crap i didnt need :smug:

Looks like you thought you have some kind chance to be on top part of score list, do not be silly, according to probability, you will loose something, no pickups so you can play without problems of HC :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

It pains me greatly to have to say I will not be joining you this time. Especially since the Baal bracket is full of noobs ^^

Good luck & good fun to all participating, I'll have a peek in from time to time to see how lucky you may or may not get.

Now I'll quickly log off before all these new adds on the spf crash my poor old d2 pc :(
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Sad to hear that nepeta

btw. jjscud, if you neeed supervisor area, I could do that

and it is even sad to see how few players are in for now :(
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Putting myself down in the alvl 85 catergory but I might change it tomorrow depending on which category has the most people.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Need to level some characters, this will help :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Never fear, the bottom-of-the-tables-keeper is here!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

OK, time to put up some team together, because noone from alchemists showed up, lazy nubs

What about Thyiad(baal), LD 50 (AT) and Jason (maybe pindle :) ) to come play with me? who will answer for my request? let me know
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Not sure how much time I can put into this, but I'm putting my name down.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Wrote myself up for AT.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'll run with my untwinked Sorc but I doubt I could make significantly better runner with my regular stash and chars. At least my exams are over in Friday so I'll have a lot of time to run over the weekend.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Thanks for the invite, bassano.

However, glossing over the fact I didn't put myself in the team section ... did you read the bit about "bottom-of-the-table"? You're aware I am a lazy runner? My sorc has been 98 since the last MFO. I'm also running with 210 MF.

If you're happy with that, ok but I'll not be at all offended if you find a better candidate lol!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Opened Diablo for the first time in several months a few days ago, can't quite resist the temptation of an MFO, even though I'm way busy irl and expect ~5 hours worth of effort. Maybe I'll get lucky early and put in more effort or something.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Thyiad said:
Thanks for the invite, bassano.

However, glossing over the fact I didn't put myself in the team section ... did you read the bit about "bottom-of-the-table"? You're aware I am a lazy runner? My sorc has been 98 since the last MFO. I'm also running with 210 MF.

If you're happy with that, ok but I'll not be at all offended if you find a better candidate lol!

Do not be worry about that, my plans to playing during MFO are little bit simillar with yours, I am not counting our chance to win a team category as big one (ofc if we will be unique team in category, they will be better) so why do not try to have you as teammate, it is unique chance for me :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

You have been warned so ... sure.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Yeah. It will be tie for bottom place I think, as my zon has 205 MF (will add some 5MF/LR charm to make it even battle), has been sitting on 98 since last MFO and I have exams that week. But with Thy as opponent, I guess it will be worthy battle.

EDIT: did I mention that I don't have good Baal map?
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Looking forward to finding something awesome, finishing last, and having someone take it from me!!! :smug:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Re-checked my calendar and I won't be able to play at all :(

Removing my name from Baal.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I promise I'll try to make a couple of runs.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

What the hell, there's less that 11 hours before it's due to begin.

EDIT: Just checking, with the new scores - Kira's Guardian, Arachnid Mesh & Azurewrath are no longer point scorers?
Just in case I don't get back, I'm going to do AT also. I may not end up actually doing it, but if I don't get the runes I need I may do it instead. Can't update the table right now either though.

Edit: I'll also do pindle, might as well win 3 categories...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

TheNix said:
EDIT: Just checking, with the new scores - Kira's Guardian, Arachnid Mesh & Azurewrath are no longer point scorers?

Sorry, I've never been perfectly consistent with Kira's, but as its technically not an Elite I'm not going to stress about it. As for the other two, Pindle can't drop them.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I don't have anything to do next week, so I'm actually planning to run a lot this time. No offense bassano but I think I'd like it better to have teammates that are also really pushing it (if there are any).

I'm just going to put up a team and if anyone feels like they'd fit in, please sign up :welcome:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I plan on doing lots of Baal runs (with 450+ MF) so I'm in if it's ok with you.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

zgpmf said:
I plan on doing lots of Baal runs (with 450+ MF) so I'm in if it's ok with you.

Yes of course, please do...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Change of plans...for now.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Are the dates based on each person's local time, or forum time? It's only 8:34am on the 9th where I'm at, but if the official time declares it to be the tenth I should be running right now :nod:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I think it's based on each persons local time. But you wait better till someone who actually participated in the MFO, can confirm that:)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Yep, it's based on your local time, you can start at 00.01 on February 10th on your local time.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Question about the score sheets. Please be kind, I don't know much about these MF tourneys.

Why are the points on the Baal score sheet almost 10x the amounts on the Lvl 85 scoresheet?
Baal - Tyrael's Might - 422.5
lvl 85 - Tyrael's Might - 48.2

Is that almost 10 times as hard to get a Tyrael's Might running Baal vs The Pits?
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Oh what the heck. Might as well take on the category with the toughest competition. Let's see if i can improve my pitrunningscore from the MFL.

Also i'm up for teams so if anyone would have me i'll gladly join in (team DoD perhaps?).

@Jason, Thy & Kestegs: Why don't you guys (and gal) sign up for the remaining category. You can all form 1 (wo)man teams. :crazyeyes:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

@Verno: The scoring is based on the relative rarity of items dropped by that target. So you can't compare different targets/scoresheets. That's also the reason why WSK drops don't count for Baal category or Diablo drops for CS.

@Cyrax: Sure, hop right in! But that means there's no baaling for you next week :nono:

Ok, maybe just a little... 😉
Re: MFO Signup Time!

OK. I'm playing... at great personal risk to my marriage. My wife's family is visiting for the entire duration of the MFO so I might need somewhere else to stay if I put in too many hours.

Oh well. At least it's nice to know "why" you're in trouble.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Not sure yet when(/if) I will be able to run, but I will sign up anyways.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

@LD50: I'm totally cool with that, as i was/am running Diablo and not Baal 👅.

First thing tomorrow will be shuffling gear a bit to upgrade my barb a bit from the MFL. A shame there's such a thing as work i have to do first.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I would like to give this a try if it's not too late...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Hooray! I've been drafted!

I'm under way and had a qualifier almost immediately.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'll close the signups tomorrow night. I would love to see another baal runner for teams to field a third team.

Also updating my version. I'll update my trade profile as soon as I can convince the forum to let me edit a post. Now that the MFO has started, I suppose I better look and see what runners I have and find a map.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

-In the interest of sportsmanship, please email regular updates of your progress during the MFing week to your supervisor. These should be in the same format as your final results email (no ATMA readouts at this time).

Define "regular". Daily? Twice throughout the course of the week? Any idea when supervisors will be announced? It's no skin off my back, I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.

~50 Pindle deaths accumulated when I had a spare half hour earlier this morning. He dropped a wizardspike. Give up now nubs :badteeth:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

If you died to pindle 50 times already you are doing it wrong.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

kestegs said:
If you died to pindle 50 times already you are doing it wrong.

LOL. Kestegs for Mod. oh, wait a minute...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

kestegs said:
If you died to pindle 50 times already you are doing it wrong.

Wondering if I should even grace this silliness with a response. . . Ok, I will.

I assume (read: hope) you are being facetious. I meant Pindle died 50 times.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

This is the SPF. You should have abandoned all hope when you entered here.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

200 runs down and... well, at least I have a top5 :coffee:

We still need a pindle runner for DtD... Drewgie? Jason? Thy? kestegs?
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'm willing, but no promises regarding # of runs. I'm a busy daddy of two with a work schedule and school schedule. I'm at about 100 runs so far for day one, with more about to start.
I got about 50 AT runs in. I'll join you in your team for pindle if you want, I need the motivation!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I think we'll go with kestegs, so no child will be hurt because of the MFO... 😉
Cool, I guess I'll have to be nice to the kids then!

I'll fire up pindle soon!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

He's in Act III.

Re: MFO Signup Time!

I don't actually have serious intentions of aggressively running anything but pindle, but can I also sign up for AT (nice for a set of boredom prevention runs now and again) or is it too late?
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Well multi-category entry seems to be the way to go for me. I'm doing Pindle, AT then Baal and while I don't doubt I'll be propping up all the categories, I haven't had the urge to hide under the desk at all this evening.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Alrighty I'm done for day one. Ran my lovely blizz sorc from lvl **.0 to 89.5ish on p3 pindle and co. Don't have the foggiest idea how many runs total.

6 qualifiers so far. Not bad I suppose. Ofcourse it's quality, not quantity that counts. . . Let's just say that unless I'm really stinking lucky 1 or 2 of those will be in my top five :evil:

Well good night all, and happy running!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Really wish I could have participated this time around, but school is just too much in the way right now. Maybe I can convince jjscud to hold another one next month while I'm on Spring Break. :p Good LUck to all our heros who are participating.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Drewgie said:
Let's just say that unless I'm really stinking lucky 1 or 2 of those will be in my top five :evil:
On day one? Heh, looks like I made the wrong choice... :p
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Drewgie said:
I don't actually have serious intentions of aggressively running anything but pindle, but can I also sign up for AT (nice for a set of boredom prevention runs now and again) or is it too late?

Signups are closed. Of course this was asked before now so its ok. Please update the signup list.

The supervisors are :

Baal: Bassano
AT: jjscud
lvl85: LD50
Pindle: jjscud

I'll add this to the first post to along with Bassano and LD50 method of contact once I get them.

I plan to post updates Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

So that's is for signups, let continue on with this thread for progress/trash talk/chit chat.
Re: MFO Signup Time!
jjscud said:
So that's is for signups, let continue on with this thread for progress/trash talk/chit chat.

ololololol!!11! Youre al teh nubs! [/serdash]

Oh wait, I didn't sign up, so no need for trash talking...

Good luck everyone and I hope to see some awesome Haul pics! But don't you dare steal my Tyrael's!!! :rant:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Grisu said:
But don't you dare steal my Tyrael's!!! :rant:

What do you mean, stealing? I can't steal what is rightfully mine!

Day 1 gave a pretty decent start. Now i'm about to start day 2 of running. But first let's all gather around and pray that i will find that Tyrael's :grouphug:.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

The first day I had more deaths than qualifiers. On the second day I respeced Freesia back to a Blizsorc and things started to change and I found a Sur. Why couldn't I get that when I was running the MFL? That's what I want to know!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Lvl85 runners, please send your updates to *redacted*

I know the standings are usually posted on sun, wed and fri. That's fine by me, but if you 85 runners would like a bit tighter update schedule, I could do sun, tue, thu, sat?

Run SPF, run like the wind!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Second day of runs in the books. Fewer than yesterday. Fewer qualifiers as well. An improved total score though, so no complaints here.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

No, no worries, I've got him. I've gotten 5 quals in the 2 hours or so I ran and one for sure will be top 5 ;)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

No updates from me tonight. I only got one status update from pindle and AT each, so if you sent in an update, you're at the top.

P.S. Am I the only one having serious trouble posting to the forum? I always have to refresh multiple times before the editor works.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Last night was a complete disaster so my first set of updates will be Monday.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

@jjscud: Yesterday i got errors about 3 times out of every 4 tries.

As far as MFO goes: Yesterday wasn't really good either. More runs than day 1, less quality qualifiers. Improved #3, 4 and 5 of the top 5, but i'd be disappointed if any of them makes it to the final 5. This means more running today.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Oops, Completely forgot about updates. Well I've only done a little over hour of AT and got nothing interesting. No Baal runs done yet.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Sent my update to jjscud. So far I've received an update only from Cyrax, so you're winning! Gogo team DtD :D

I'll be checking in later this night and if more updates are in, I'll post the standings.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

my mail is mario(dot)babunek(at)seznam(dot)cz if anyone needs that

I was on mountains do cross country skiing so I was not on line, sorry for be late
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Received an update from Fyourics as well, so here's the situation of the other lvl85 areas. Can't say you're too close (except Cyrax and Nepenthe) but hey, only day three. Also, [STRIKE]two[/STRIKE] [strike]three[/strike] four out of twelwe is still not very much.

1. Fyourics
2. Cyrax
3. Nepenthe
4. ziambe

I'll do next update on tuesday, regardless of if you want it or not. At least for myself, having frequent updates keeps the motivation up and I'm hoping it will do that to at least some of you. Happy running!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I meant to send an update last night, but went to bed instead. Must be getting old! Points wise, yesterday was atrocious, but I did find a BER.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Bugger! I had forgotten about this. Of course, I wasn't anywhere where I could have done any running over the weekend...

I'll get started later today.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

18 qualifiers after 3 days running... including 5 Tyrael's... from Pindle...

Why are you guys trying again? :badteeth:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

LD50 said:
1. Fyourics
2. Cyrax
3. Nepenthe
4. ziambe
5. Verno (I am sure I am in last place)

I'll do next update on tuesday, regardless of if you want it or not. At least for myself, having frequent updates keeps the motivation up and I'm hoping it will do that to at least some of you. Happy running!

Results sent this morning. Are we allowed to talk about what we have found? I am really enjoying this and look forward to a few more nights of running the pits...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Ok, first 1000 runs done and I'm thinking that's good enough to reward myself with a night off.

Verno said:
Results sent this morning. Are we allowed to talk about what we have found?
And recieved..

It's considerd really, really bad manners to post findings while the MFO is running. At least for the high scoring items, no one cares about your fourteen Dangoon's :p But yeah, better save it until the race is over and results are in...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Non-Qualifying Finds: Very Nice
Qualifying Finds: 57
Score: Too Embarrassing to Report

The most fun parts of the MFO is that you can be doing terribly until the last couple hours then go on a hot streak and win the thing. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

One dropped few minutes ago and one just few days before MFO started, both with untwinked Sorc:

The Stone of Jordan 
Required Level: 29 
Fingerprint: 0x44e102f0 
[B]Item Level: 99[/B] 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to All Skills 
Adds 1 - 12 Lightning Damage 
+20 to Mana 
Increase Maximum Mana 25% 

The Stone of Jordan 
Required Level: 29 
Fingerprint: 0x15036f1e 
[B]Item Level: 99[/B] 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to All Skills 
Adds 1 - 12 Lightning Damage 
+20 to Mana 
Increase Maximum Mana 25%
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Current baal order:


you all baalrunners are as lazy as I am so I am glad :p

a little update, I also looked bad on scores of Zemaj and zgpmf so I changet order to right one :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

What is considered a good AT run time? My blizzsorc has good map for baalruns and I don't want to change it. So the AT are 3 teleports from the waypoint and the monster packs are scattered in the whole lvl. My average time is around 70sec.
Here are some notable nonqualifiers:
Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x96528087
Adds 24-38 cold damage over 0 seconds
100% Chance to cast Level 37 Blizzard When You Die
+5% to Cold Skill Damage
-5% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x7a6c1ee2
Adds 1-74 lightning damage
100% Chance to cast Level 47 Chain Lightning When You Die
+5% to Lightning Skill Damage
-5% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
Required Level: 58
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x3a3be468
+50 to Maximum Stamina
3% Life stolen per hit
+1 to All Skill Levels
+0 to Life (Based on Character Level)

Just sent my Monday result.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Meh, caught a cold so very little playing so far, none today.



I need to go to bed now, maybe I'll add up team scores tomorrow.

PS: AT running methods differ quite a bit but generally the top ones are averaging a bosspack every 7-9 seconds. If you're clearing and hitting 10+ bosspacks you're doing great.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

10+ bosspacks in AT? I'd like to see that map.

Anyway, sending my first update in a sec. I'd rate my top 5 at ~3 and my overall finds at ~1.5 so far on the 1-10 scale. Fun stuff.

Edit: And if it wasn't for a drop earlier tonight, that would be a 0.01 on the 1-10 scale for overall finds.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Standings in the lvl 85 areas category coming up in 12 hours. Send your scores if you want to know where you stand.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

:surprise: I'm not last among the Pindle runners?

Motivation activated.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

@LD50: Wait, what? Wasn't the second update supposed to be wednesday? Anyways, 12 hrs should give me just enough time to do some runs today before sending current top 5.

Not that it has changed much. More than doubled my runs, but hardly any effect. Upside is i found an ohm yesterday and also gained a full lvl (89 -> 90) despite 2 deaths. => This gives me a cool 1% more MF! Now i'm sure i'll find the good stuff.

I think i'll just join MercMan in hoping for great improvement in the final hrs.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

zemaj said:
but lets try to keep the scoreboard looking like it does currently, Baalrunners
You know, I'll be doing my best to keep it like that.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Thyiad said:
You know, I'll be doing my best to keep it like that.

I am starting to run now, so I think you are better then me :)
and btw. I am still considering you and me as two member team so gogo to improve your score in Baal and also in AT :D

edit: I just realised that I have only 30 minutes before barca will play tonight, so I hope I will find some TC 87´s
Re: MFO Signup Time!

You do have a good chance of moving up at least one place. My score is very, very beatable and probably won't improve much. On the other hand my Barb gained the 100mil exp he needed for level 98. 50 qualifiers in total (+2 or 3 that I didn't pick up). No more baal runs for him, but I might do a few more with another char...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Update sent to LD50, I finally collected top5, which was enough good for me to able pick it from ground without shame

zemaj said:
so as an interesting counter-point, how many of you keep on picking items that don't improve your score? I know I have left at least a dozen green reinforced maces on the ground...

I am not picking any items which can not improve my score, sometime not even items which can do it :)
but it depend what you have and do not have in ATMA, some items with low score could be usefull
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Update sent. Got another improvement on the top 5 today. Maybe running less = more good qualifiers?

@zemaj: I pick up all qualifiers because i like to know how many i found total and also how they're divided. Besides that i also pick up non-qualifiers that may improve my perfect grail, jewels, charms (grand and small) and runes. So that slows me down a bit. However it's an improvement over my earlier days of competitive MFing as i also used to pick up flawless gems, coronets/circlets, potentially interesting rares, etc. Initially it took me a lot of selfcontrol to leave all those flawless gems, as i have > 100 Baalcharms to reroll. Nowadays it's a bit easier, though it still bothers me a bit.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

bassano said:
and btw. I am still considering you and me as two member team so gogo to improve your score in Baal and also in AT :D
Ok. Im also doing Pindle. But I'm too drunk to run tonight, so tomorrow.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I assumed all qualifiers should get picked up regardless of their affect (or lack thereof) on your score. One of the winners might want to choose one to add to their grail.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

You should make some drunk posts on the forums:p
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Thyiad said:
But I'm too drunk to run tonight.

What a luck in a unique day from week which I am not.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

bassano said:
What a luck in a unique day from week which I am not.

Um. Yeah. Someone is posting drunk.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Thyiad said:
But I'm too drunk to run tonight
Woohoo!!! That's what I'd want to be. 👍

Drewgie said:
I assumed all qualifiers should get picked up regardless of their affect (or lack thereof) on your score. One of the winners might want to choose one to add to their grail.
The winners may only choose items from the top5 of the competitors.

bassano said:
What a luck in a unique day from week which I am not.
Oh god, someone please add this to your signature already!?

I pick up tc87's, just because they make for nice haul pics :cool: Also some class specifics, because they might have good skills or whatever.

As for the running.. This has not been a good day. I'm now pushing 650+ runs without improvement in my score. And I can tell you it is NOT because my score is so high. :p
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Here are the standings in the lvl 85 areas.


There are no big gaps in the scores, everyone is reasonably close to the next ones... Keep running guys 👍

Next update: thursday (16.2.) at ~20:00 GMT...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I've been hitting it hard and not got much to show for it. I don't know how many runs, as the run counter makes my D2 lag even worse than it already does normally. I have probably got a bout 10 hours in pindle and 10 qualifiers.

I pick up every S/U, cuz I'm cool like that.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'm in second place guys, really? Reaaaally?

I am disappoint. Step it up! I was expecting ~14th place or so.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I feel lucky to be in 6th place out of 8. :) I just need 5 good scoring items. LOL!!!!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

zemaj said:
so as an interesting counter-point, how many of you keep on picking items that don't improve your score? I know I have left at least a dozen green reinforced maces on the ground...

I started a magpie challenge when I started 1.13. I decided to see how many S/U's would drop in a year. Then it was to see how many would drop during my Sept. Now it's how many will drop in the time it takes me to complete a self found grail. I have well over 10k S/U stashed away. I'd make a hell of a lot more runs if I want compelled to pick up every thing that drops. Yes, I really am crazy. :crazy:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Fabian said:
I'm in second place guys, really? Reaaaally?

I am disappoint. Step it up! I was expecting ~14th place or so.

I did one hour of running so what you expected from me :)

LD50 said:
Oh god, someone please add this to your signature already!?

now I am thinking if my bad english caused such a reaction or fact, that I am drunk 6 days from 7
Re: MFO Signup Time!
bassano said:
now I am thinking if my bad english caused such a reaction or fact, that I am drunk 6 days from 7

I'm sorry but it was just so hilarious, I got this picture in my head that there's bassano, drunk out of his mind, just typing random words :rolf:

Hmm, maybe I should go get some beers... :guiness:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

We understood what you were trying to say, it's just that a few words were mixed around oddly as though you were typing while drunk. It fit the topic quite nicely 👍
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Yeah, I can imagine that virtual picture of myself being drunk could be intresting, especially when I am considering real picture of that event
and I thought taht sentence is right but ofc my English is noobish :)
at least I caused ot of fun :D
and yeah, you all should go to get some beers to have better drops, like two archon staves from one boss :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

It's not bad English per se, it's just that having to translate from another language to English, creates some weird flips; that and having to get the right synonym for a given word.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Storm Scalpel
Crystal Sword
One-Hand Damage: 11 to 35
Durability: 12 of 20
Required Strength: 43
Required Level: 38
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0xc6d4505c
[b]+136% Enhanced Damage
40% Increased Attack Speed
Socketed (2: 0 used)[/b]

Weird sword. Lacking sooo much but still seems cool. Anyway, not going too good with my runs, barely managed to get ~500 runs in, and in next two days I have two exams so pausing for this MFO. Ofc Baal is hater and drops crap all time, every time.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Fabian said:
I'm in second place guys, really? Reaaaally?

I am disappoint. Step it up! I was expecting ~14th place or so.

Speaking for myself it certainly has nothing to do with a lack of trying. So far i'm close to hitting the same amount of runs i got during the MFL pits round. Comparing the score with that event, mine is worse now. However, only thing that matters is who's first when the curtain falls. I'll just pass you all by right at the end so you have no time to catch up again. :evil2:

bassano said:
especially when I am considering real picture of that event

If it's that interesting, maybe we should get a pic of this too? :yes:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Just sent the first updates. Sorry guys, didn't have a lot of hours done earlier and felt there wasn't any point in reporting nothing. :)
Put in a lot more time at pindle and don't have much to show for it besides leveling up to 95. I think I'll head over to the AT for a bit and see how it treats me.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Last year's MFO was much, much more active. Wish I'd have been able to join this one!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Here are the updates (scores had improved but I don't think any ordering has changed).



As for teams, Bottom Tier is leading 3 of 4 categories but, it is a team event, so Death to Demons is currently in front.

As for me, I'm still sick so I still haven't run.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Update in the level 85 areas category coming up in 12 hours or so.

As for my own running, I was kinda hoping to move up a spot but meh. I forgot that others are running more too :p
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Almost no time to run, and no qualifiers found in the few runs I did manage to get done.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Alright TheNix. I'm coming for joo!!1!!1one

*laughs condescendingly in kestegs general direction*

*fires up d2*
Drewgie said:
Alright TheNix. I'm coming for joo!!1!!1one

*laughs condescendingly in kestegs general direction*

*fires up d2*
It's worth mentioning that I forgot to send an update :p

Not that I think my score has dramatically improved or anything...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Speaking of sending an update, I just did.

Two improvements to my top five in ~45 mins of running :jig:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Just sent my update as i don't have the time to run today. Some improvement over last time, but i doubt it'll be enough to be gaining some spots. However, weekend is nearing which means time to run!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Ok, so apparently the 4 update schedule wasn't a great success... Only got an update from Cyrax, and that didn't change the standings. Lets switch back to old-skool, next (the last) update in lvl85 areas will be tomorrow night.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Baal score update:

Re: MFO Signup Time!

Had to leave town and won't be back until Sunday. When does this thing end?
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Sunday at midnight, local time..
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Sorry, local time for the player or for the website?

Silly non-qualifier:
Knell Striker 
One Hand Damage: 10 - 19 
Durability: 46 of 50 
Required Level: 5 
Required Strength: 25 
Fingerprint: 0x80e849ee 
Item Level: 87 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
73% Enhanced Damage 
+35 to Attack Rating 
+150% Damage to Undead 
25% Chance of Crushing Blow 
+15 to Mana 
Fire Resist +20% 
Poison Resist +20%
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Huh? Personally the site shows my local time. :)

(Player's local time)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Well mine says that you posted the above comment in the future. Maybe you know something i don't...

Ah but my post is in the future of your future! Maybe I know something that you don't know that I don't know!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

ziambe: you probably have your timezone set wrong in the forum settings... But yeah, "local time" meaning your present time, wherever you may be... 😉
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Allright, weekend has started so to all area lvl85 players: be afraid, be very afraid :evil2:
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Lvl 85 areas update eta three hours...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

...and here it is.


The top 4 are very close indeed. Now is the time to step it up!

edit: Sorry MercMan, I went straight to bed after the update...
Re: MFO Signup Time!


I was a few minutes late with my update. Could you please edit me in? I'm guessing I'm sitting comfortably in 5th or 6th place. Thanks.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

AT update sent. Interested to see the standings. :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

@jjscud - did you want anymore than the two updates? I can send another, but since I've only got a little over 36 hours left it seems unnecessary.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

That explains how you got ahead of me! Sneaky Aussie! I still have > 48 hrs to catch you!
Re: MFO Signup Time!

No more updates needed. This is the last update until the final.

Pindle (no change)


Death to Demons still have the slight edge but that's with a zero for Mercman, once he's in Bottom Tier will be on top, but not unstoppable.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Can't say I'm surprised about Kimppi going past me. I'm running like crazy, but I'm not getting anything in return. I must be doing it wrong...

Well, there's still time for anything to happen.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

The problem is you're not running with a barb. :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

@LD50: Are you sure you can count? The higher my score gets, the lower my overall ranking becomes ^^.

Also got a question for the area lvl85 runners. As there's not much talk going in here i'm still pretty much in the dark on what you guys are running. I'm curious if there are other people running pits, or if the preferred place to be is something like WSK.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'm running the pits. Really didn't think about any other areas.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Yeah Pit tends to be by far the most popular area. I'm doing Pit too, I would expect (almost?) everyone does.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Personally i prefer pits as i really dislike WSK (for MF running that is). However an area like WSK has the advantage that you don't have to teleport a while to get there. That's why i was curious if there's any people going for that instead.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Dunno, but I had this real crazy idea of running act 3 dungeons. Unique shaman can potentially drop 3(4?) times. But of course, there's the menace of the bone fetish.
We did a round of the act 3 temples in a past MF league, it didn't go real well though.

I've got a boatload of time to spend in the AT tonight as long as I can stay motivated...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Fyourics said:
Dunno, but I had this real crazy idea of running act 3 dungeons. Unique shaman can potentially drop 3(4?) times. But of course, there's the menace of the bone fetish.

Dungeons with Shamans are not alvl 85 areas, and why would you run those anyway, Pits are the best possible "other alvl 85 area" for running in terms of safety and killing speed.

Whole day of running behind me and none single qualifier worth picking up. I managed to die twice and picked body so I "only" lost 13m of exp. Baal runs are sooo boring and Baal with his crappy drops isn't helping either.
GOGO DtD, we still have time to win this.👍
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I am running pits too, I started with WSK but I realised that I just forgot how to run WSK which I learned to play 9 month ago cca
so I was useless there and I camed back to pit :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'm running the Pits too.

Also, I have a question for all you MFO veterans. Is it a bad sign when there are 25 hours left in the MFO and your most exciting drop has been a Pluckeye?
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'm not a veteran. But if you mean that you find ****load of TC87 uniques that do NOT improve your score and so TC3 uniques are more exciting. In that case it isn't that bad. Otherwise it's pretty bad. :p
I popped a rixots keen out of the sparkly chest :p

I'm going to try to go from level 95.1 to 96 tonight in AT, should get something out of that.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Victus said:
I'm not a veteran. But if you mean that you find ****load of TC87 uniques that do NOT improve your score and so TC3 uniques are more exciting. In that case it isn't that bad. Otherwise it's pretty bad. :p

Lol, this made me laugh.

I finally got a decent qualifier from 2nd wave, and also an Ohm before.

Speaking of rexots keen, this dropped few seconds ago:
Rixot's Keen 
Short Sword 
One Hand Damage: 11 - 20 
Durability: 13 of 13 
Required Level: 2 
Fingerprint: 0x256e6dc9 
[U]Item Level: 99[/U] 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
100% Enhanced Damage 
+5 to Minimum Damage 
20% Bonus to Attack Rating 
25% Chance of Crushing Blow 
+25 Defense 
+2 to Light Radius
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Less that 12 hours to go now and I'm happy with my score, but of course I want more. A JAH dropped yesterday, that makes a JAH, BER and a SUR in 9 days. It'd be interesting to run a combined items and runes MFO/MFL scorecard for Pindle.

Is it just me or has the squid made things screwy around here in the last day or so.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I haven't taken a sober breath in two days. My liver hurts and I am excited to finish last. I hope someone wants something I found. It is all up for grabs.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

There's still more than an hour left, but I've hit the wall. The tendons in my arm are burning and my neck is killing me. So, about 30 hours played, 90 qualifiers and an IST and GUL to add to my collection of runes. Three Facets also added spice to the mix. I had a minor upgrade to my score earlier this afternoon, but it isn't quite as high a previous winners so the challenge is on to run down a tired old man in the home stretch. Good luck guys, but I hope I've got enough points in the bank. 👍 I'll send the results now.

EDIT: Results sent
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Bugger, sorry for the double post.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

60 hours, over 4000 runs, and I've never been more disappointed by this game. I think I want to cry.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Wow. 60 hours. And I thought TheNix was diligent putting in 30! My measly 10ish hours pales in comparison.
I've maybe got 20 hours in, found done nice stuff in the last bit, wish I had more time as things are going good. Still probably have another session to put time into, but won't be very long.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

For those finishing up remember to send your supervisor your forum name, top5 with scores and total, and a ATMA/GoMule readout of the top 5.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Well, I am done. Unfortunately, my score has not improved since the last update, so there's no point in me sending another.

Edit: AH! Thx for the reminder jjscud! Gotta send the readouts.

Congrats TheNix, you've beaten atleast one of your act5 SU rivals.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Puh!! Now I don't want to see At for a while... I am really happy witg my result, even if I haven't improved my score, I have still found a lot of other useful things, Guillome's face being the most useful I think. Have sent result to jjscud
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I just sent my results to LD 50
I did totally cca 3 hours so according to that my score is pretty nice even if I will be still last (maybe not if jjscud did even less)
I was not able to find motivation to do better score, I am sad from that because I had fun during pit running but I am not able to run all night anymore

and I am sorry for LD50 because I know how to hard is to run a lot and find a little, some parts of my MF carieer was exactly like that especially I was disapointed from runedrop and even from MFdrop in CS when I did lot of hours there with my hammerdin
so do not be so sad and hope for another MFO because I believe that it will be another one

and to baalrunners: for now I recieved final score only from scrcrw so do not forget for me :)
Re: MFO Signup Time!

That's it for me. Results sent.

Despite 4 deaths i made 2 lvls, from 89 to 91. I nearly doubled the amount of runs done during the MFL so that would take me to about 40 hrs of runtime. Not happy with the results, but i couldn't have done it any better unless there's a store that sells potions of luck.
Total amount of qualifiers found: 137

Best non-qualifiers are:
- ohm
- ber (great!)
- sparking gc with 12% FHR
- mentalist's gc with 12% FHR
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I've been running ~20 hours this weekend and only one qualifier dropped that made into my top5 and it's not that my top5 is spectacular. Sad.
In total I've run ~50 hours. Runes: Ohm, Malx3

I sent you a PM with my results and readouts 'cuz for some reason I couldn't paste readouts in mail.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Time's up for me. :(

Wanted to get to 30h of AT but had to do some schoolwork and ended short.

27:48 total in AT, 1721 runs with 58s average time and 138 qualifiers. Quite happy with the results, interested to see how a barbarian matches up sorceress in there. Also got Ber, Sur, Ist and some lower runes.

Did something like 3 hours of baal, not even a top5 but did find a Jah on the way to the throne.

E: Results sent.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Thanks bassano.. :)

I don't know how many qualifiers I found and don't really feel like counting them right now. I'm just happy it's over.

Sending score to jjscud in a few. ...aaand done.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I did around 70 hours running total (7-8 hours per day). Just minor improvement in the weekend so I expect 3rd or 4th place. Found a bunch of TC87 uniques but most of them with low score. Highest rune is Gul from the golden chest.
Final results sent.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Time is up for me too. I got in way more time than I thought I would (~30 hours) but my score is pathetic. I'm kind of shocked because I had 171 qualifiers. On a much happier note, I killed the runes. Jah, Jah, Ber, Sur, Sur, Ohm, Gul, Mal, Um, Um, Um, Um, Pul, Pul, Pul. I had decided that if one more Jah dropped I was going to make a MFO Last Wish.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I'm done as well. Did enough runs to reach level 96.3 from 95 and died enough deaths to burn away almost all my Tirs (only two left in stashes). Which isn't that bad if one takes under consideration that I haven't picked up any Tirs since my start on single player, but is a good enough excuse to let my necro (who uses iron golems made of Insights for running the pits) rest for a while.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Ok some questions based the numbers I've been reading...

What are your average run times in the pits?

Why is AT it's own category? Is it because it's way faster to run than other lvl 85 areas?

Does anyone ever get less than 6 boss packs on the first floor of pit? This occurred several times during my marathon of pit running and blatantly contradicts the Wiki page which stats that there should always be a minimum of 6...
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I ran for 10+ hours, didn't really keep track. Was busy with school, and it was hard to find motivation as my drops were terrible.
I have sent in a score that I am thoroughly embarrassed with. I expect to finish last or near the last.
Hopefully I will get to take part in the next MFO, but this is looking unlikely as I will be travelling in the summer. (I doubt D3 will be out by then heh).
I did get 2 Vex, 1 off the sparkly chest. A couple of Mals and Ums as well, always nice. That's about it really. A miserable MFO all round for me.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Ran like crazy the last 2 days, and didn't find anything that improves my top 5. :sad:

Ran 26 barb hours. Best non qualifiers: Ber, Lo.

@ziambe: I did 77 second pit runs, getting 6-8 bosspacks, sometimes more and very rarely less. I wouldn't trust the wiki pages as they are pretty normative in their descriptions.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Runs are done, will send results in the morning.

ziambe: When I run pits I get usually 6-8 on the main, but I have seen as little as 3 and as many as 11 before. My average times are about 80 seconds with a barb (50% hork)

AT is in a class of it's own because it is mostly catered to a blizz sorc only, although others can be successful.
Results sent. A bit disappointing but not too unhappy as I at least found one useful item.

I didn't do any Baal runs because I never finished my infinity.

Made it from 94.5 to 95.25 though, so not too bad.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Results sent. I've played something like ~12 minutes since Tuesday or something, got bored. This is despite actually finding a decent item or two towards the end. Oh well.

Found 103 qualifiers in the 16.25 hours I kept track of, total time played was 19.5 hours. 71s run average with my pitbarb. Finds were overall supremely super awful, except for one item which will get stolen. Whatevs.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

ziambe said:
Ok some questions based the numbers I've been reading...

What are your average run times in the pits?

Why is AT it's own category? Is it because it's way faster to run than other lvl 85 areas?

Does anyone ever get less than 6 boss packs on the first floor of pit? This occurred several times during my marathon of pit running and blatantly contradicts the Wiki page which stats that there should always be a minimum of 6...

I'm usually running quite a bit slower (90 - 120 seconds) but what I enjoy and its usually nearly full clears at p5.

AT is its own category because the number of people running the lvl 85 areas was about double that of any other area and the effort that was usually put forth in the old meph category was silly (the top one or two put forth effort but that's it). AT was the most natural split off.

Edit: Please hurry up and get all your info in to the supervisors. Supervisors, please send me your compiled results once you get them all, or before you head off to bed tonight and I'll try to track down the stragglers. The results should look something like they do here.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Pitiful results sent. Did nowhere near what I wanted in this MFO. Can't believe ten days went by so fast.
Re: MFO Signup Time!

I have completed results but I did not recieved mail from Kestegs, dunno where is a problem but I am not able to find mail

so I will wait for another 2-3 hours and then I will send results to jjscud

and I am also dissapointed how hard could be complete result from only 6 players, I would expect that at least someone will keep format( at least someone who just played dozens of tournaments like that) , but that is OK, because I just know that from MF league and area 85 tournaments which I organized before :)

@kestegs: that explain lot, I only saw you in baal category, I did not know
I am just sending mail to jjscud
I never did any Baal runs, so you're all good :p
Re: MFO Signup Time!

Just sent the results to jjscud. I never got any score updates from Thy or Jason, so I assume you didn't run in the other lvl 85 areas..
Re: MFO Signup Time!

jason is a ghost, he disapeared a weeks ago :)
Estimated market value