MFO Winter 2008 Progress [by Drixx]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @Drixx on Jan 4, 2008.
(link to original thread on

MFO Progress Thread

Ok, this is the place for updates, polite bantering and the kicking of others fortitudious testiculars. Good Luck everyone! Feel free to introduce your olympians here as well!

In the interest of sportsmanship, please email regular updates of your progress during the MFO week to your supervisor. These should be in the same format as your final results email.

Teams - Drixx - *email redacted -Pb_pal*
Baal - Bassano - *email redacted -Pb_pal*
lvl 85 - Aman - *email redacted -Pb_pal*
Meph - Atil - *email redacted -Pb_pal*
A5SU - Thyiad - *email redacted -Pb_pal*

Here are the score sheets

Baal (csv File)
lvl 85 Areas (csv File)
Meph (csv File)
Act 5 SUs (csv File)

The rules again:

Start date: January 5 2007
End date: January 14 2007

Total time - 10 days.

Quick Intro

For those new to the MFO, the basic jist of it is everyone picks one of 4 targets and runs that taget like mad for about a week. At the end, everyone scores their finds (scoresheets below) and adds up the top five finds. The players with the top scores win and they get to claim a few items from the other participants as prizes.

The Categories

- Hell Mephisto
- Hell Baal
- Act 5 SuperUniques: Shenk, Eldritch, Pindleskin, Thresh, Sharptooth.
- Level 85 Areas (The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient
Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused
Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs
and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including
minion waves))
- teams (see end of post)

Things to include in your e-mail (Progress and final upates):
-title should contain MFO
-Your forum name (PLEASE, PLEASE, I end up guessing everytime)
-The category and your top 5 items for each category you entered


Title: SPF - MFO results
Forum name: jjscud

Firelizard's Talons 36.1
Eaglehorn 39.6
Eaglehorn 39.6 (example of duplicate find)
Total 115.3


-If you quit or drop out, please send your area supervisor an email or
PM saying so.

-Email your findings to your area's supervisor within 24 hours after
the end of the MFO - by January 15th.


The list of entered participants will follow.

If you're entered, try to do your best.

And if you don't think that you're capable of giving up a Windforce or
a Stormlash if you find one and lose, this probably isn't for you.

Allowed mods RRM, RWM, CRM. You must post your mod status!

Eligible finds

The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered
in each category:

- Hell Meph: Meph only.
- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs.
- Act 5 SuperUniques: The mentioned SuperUniques and their Minions, in
the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth.
- Level 85 areas: Any monster in these areas. Except Baal's and
Diablo's minions.

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Blood Lords
and Council Members near Meph, Prowling Dead in Pindle's Garden, Chests
in the Pits, etc.

Summary of rules:

-All intending participants must register the categories they wish to
compete in. No late entries will be accepted.

-The winning player shall be determined by the five highest-ranked
items they find during the week.

-In case of 2 players tying with the same score, the winner shall be
decided by adding in the score of the next rarest item each of them
found, then the next and so on until a clear winner is decided.

-Remember to keep eligible finds separate from the rest of your gear.

Prize distribution

1st Place - picks 4 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant).
2nd Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
There's a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.


The system is based on the relative rarity compared to the IK
Stonecrusher, the most common elite set or unique.


Teams will get points based on their highest placement in each category. Points are scored like this: (11 - Postition). So First place gets 10 points, 5th place would get 6 points etc... And no, no negative points will be given.

Good luck Olympians!
Last edited:
Originally posted by: @Drixx

Final Participant List:

DementiaMaster (1.11 SC Vanilla)
Aman (1.11 SC RWM/RRM)
Ugla (1.11 SC Vanilla)
Krovak (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
RibGriller (1.11 SC RWM/RRM)
Joosh (1.11 SC RWM/RRM)
Gabriel (1.11 sc rwm/rrm)
jrlafrance (1.11 SC RWM/RRM)

Level 85 Areas
Steven Q Urkel (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
bassano (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
buraz (1.11 SC RRm/RWM)
Hrus (1.11 SC vanilla)
Phosheez (1.11 SC vanilla)
jjscud (1.11 SC CRM/RWM)
Cormallon (1.11 SC vanilla)
Jaedhann (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
Ray Patean (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)

Drixx (Hardcore, RRM/RWM)
sequana (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
WailingDoom (Hardcore, RRM/RWM)
Zaliqai (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
Denton (1.11 SC RWM/RRM)
factory (1.11 SC vanilla)

Act V Super Uniques
Silospen (SC 1.11 RRM/RWM)
Low Key (SC 1.11 RRM/RWM)
HolyPade (SC 1.11 Vanilla)
Serdash (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
Kecin (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)
Moo-Cow (1.11 SC RWM)
Darkoooo (1.11 SC RWM/RRM)
Raskah (1.11 SC RWM/RRM)

The Alchemists (sequana, bassano, Kecin, Krovak)
Team KITTENS! (Joosh, Darkoooo, Zaliqai, Jaedhann)
Team CCBBBFF (Drixx, Aman, Ray Patean, Serdash)
Looking forwad to 0:00AM 😁
This is my first attempt of a tournament, and when think about it, first attempt of MFing. By now I wasn`t being able of doing more than 20 runs in a row, so I`ll probably end up last :rolleyes:

Now to introduce my olimpian.
Her name is Morana, and is a pure blizzsorc, so she will run Tunnels. She`s currently clvl 91, and I hope to gain some level(s) while MFOing.
She`s one of two characters I currently play, and only one wich is Matriarch.

Enough of bla-blaing, good hunting everyone 👍
for partecipants in baal category my email is:

*Redacted - Pb*

This is my first MFO.
I will running tunnels with my lvl95 blizzardsorc trying to catch lvl96 for this week 😃

Good luck to all partecipants in this MFO 👍
Good luck everyone, and may your best finds stay with you!
As much as I hate to say this, you will not hear from me before the 11th. I'm on holiday at my mom's place and I don't have access to my sorceress. I WILL rush and update on the weekend of the 11th tho so Im not retiring :p
00:00. Time to start. 😁

Dont think I'll be getting much over 1000 runs in through the week, since I'm busy both weekends. Hopefully I'll get lucky.
It`s 23:24 here :nervous:
Don't forget to download a handy run counter so you can back your "oh yeah, I did 1000 runs yesterday before breakfast" boasts up with facts!
Did you start selling ad space on your sourceforge page?

I have ad space? Which isn't being exploited?

I must investigate!
How can I "back up story" with that counter? Didn`t see any "Save statistic" option :undecided:
Ten minutes to go before my start time. Good luck all! 👍
buraz said:
How can I "back up story" with that counter? Didn`t see any "Save statistic" option :undecided:
I went to huge trouble with the save statistic option. I even went round and installed it on everyone's computer.

It's a new button on the keyboard which you might not have noticed, marked "Print Scrn" :D
:duh: Didn`t tought of that, but when I started asking stupid questions, let me continue with em 😁 :
Where does windows store printed images when I press print screen?
The clipboard.

or, if you'd prefer, RAM?

0x3A28213A, 0x6339392C, 0x736382E?

(bonus points if you can identify the pointers)

And, to not be completely off topic (despite my first two answers being accurate), open MSpaint or anything else that can handle bitmaps and hit paste.

edit: Yup. I typoed. 0x7363682E.
@CG: Actually, I believe you were looking for 0x3A28213A, 0x6339392C, 0x7363682E. :p
Enough for me. Counter says 22 runs :embarassed:

Got a question: Only elite items counts, right?
Let the carnage beggin!:evil:


List of qualifier's is in the first post of this thread:wink3:
Got my MF up to 610, though I might switch gull back to Occy again.

100 runs down...3 qualifiers up :)
Well I've spent all morning MF meph using my Pure Blizzard Sorc, about ~500 and 34 qualifiers. Then took some time off and played CS:S and now Im heading back into it..
1500 runs down... exhausted now, taking a break.
Drixx said:
1500 runs down... exhausted now, taking a break.
Dam, thought I done loads.. :eek:
Drixx said:
1500 runs down... exhausted now, taking a break.
1500 Meph runs in one day?? Amazing...

Edit: @Jaedhann

NO!! Why did you tell 'em?! Now they know!! *sigh*


Btw. Come to msn.
Drixx said:
1500 runs down... exhausted now, taking a break.
Man, 1500 runs allready. And i haven't even started..........:undecided:
1,5k mephi runs? darn, that is way more than I could do. You Drixx really have following item:

Drixx mfstone
Small Charm
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 85
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x448bce27
Resist boringness of mfruns 100%
25% to maximum resist of boringness of mfruns
Dang y'all are crazy! I have a quick question. Why can't people enter late? You would think it would be allowed because its not like they get an advantage or anything. Is it because it would be too much of a hassle for the supervisors? Good luck peeps!
"Well, if Drixx can demoralize you Meph runners already, I can try it with teh Baalers..."

3000 Baal runs completed already, not even tired yet. Good luck to the rest of you mortals! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!
Drixx said:
1500 runs down... exhausted now, taking a break.
???You gotta be kidding me right? That's an output for the whole week plus a weekend. You know that? Crazy.
3000 Baal runs completed already, not even tired yet. Good luck to the rest of you mortals! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!
You are going to have to try harder than that.
factory said:
???You gotta be kidding me right? That's an output for the whole week plus a weekend. You know that? Crazy.
half minute for a run maybe 25-30s gives 10,5-12,5 hours
now is just more than 19 hours from the MFO start that gives more than 6 hours of pauze 😁
bassano said:
half minute for a run maybe 25-30s gives 10,5-12,5 hours
now is just more than 19 hours from the MFO start that gives more than 6 hours of pauze 😁
Surely it takes longer than 30 secs to go through his minions wave?
And I tought I was crazy :rolleyes:
1500 Meph runs?! That beats my Pindle record wich was 1075 runs :shocked:
WailingDoom said:
Surely it takes longer than 30 secs to go through his minions wave?
You have to kill only mephisto no his minion wave
one my average mefrun time is not longer than 30s and I think that dirxx is faster than I 😃
bassano said:
You have to kill only mephisto no his minion wave
one my average mefrun time is not longer than 30s and I think that dirxx is faster than I 😃
I was talking about the 3000 baal runs jrlafrance claims to have done, or was it sarcasm?

Im averaging 45 secs per meph run but that cos I pick up all gems/gold and rare gloves/boots
WailingDoom said:
I was talking about the 3000 baal runs jrlafrance claims to have done, or was it sarcasm?
There is no way it could be anything else than sarcasm. In long term, on average it's only possible to maintain a Baal run speed of about 2:20-2:30*, and that's with a decked out lightning sorceress with 200 FCR and Infinity on merc.

But maybe jrla has some really secret and effective trick *cough h4x cough*.

*P1 Throne, P8 minions, P3 Baal

edit: Oh right, for MF'ing, Minions could be kept at P7 or lower, but the time can't get lower than a little under 2 minutes per run even at low Players settings.
WailingDoom said:
I was talking about the 3000 baal runs jrlafrance claims to have done, or was it sarcasm?

Im averaging 45 secs per meph run but that cos I pick up all gems/gold and rare gloves/boots
jrlfrance try to demoralize baalrunners and we can see that catch somebody 😁
but 3000 baalruns he can not done during all the MFO 😃
I think drixx 1500 mefruns
I'd still estimate 1500 meph runs as 25 hours :p
I do meph runs in 30 seconds. I Went for 13+ hours non stop (well, 3 potty breaks of like 1 minute)
Turns out I'll need to stay at my parents' past the deadline so I won't be participating on this MFO. Fate willing, I'll participate in the next one.

Good luck to everyone! And specially to the Baal runners ^^
Well, i'm doing it oldskool. That's 60 runs per hour. I can do it faster but hey, here's the style. 13hrs+ eh, I can't stand playin' more than 1hr straigth. Anyway I just picked up one HoZ at this very moment. Great, isn't it?
500 tunnels done
today I was lucky for elite etheral polearm 😃
Giant Thresher
Two-Hand Damage: 60 to 171
Durability: 28 of 28
Required Dexterity: 130
Required Strength: 178
Required Level: 66
Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0xb0498d9c
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired), Socketed (3: 0 used)

Great Poleaxe
Two-Hand Damage: 69 to 190
Durability: 28 of 28
Required Dexterity: 89
Required Strength: 169
Required Level: 63
Polearm Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x9e642ca
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

Great Poleaxe
Two-Hand Damage: 69 to 190
Durability: 28 of 28
Required Dexterity: 89
Required Strength: 169
Required Level: 63
Polearm Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x84acf43b
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

Two-Hand Damage: 18 to 211
Durability: 33 of 33
Required Dexterity: 108
Required Strength: 142
Required Level: 53
Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x8d9aab7e
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

and for a while 3 skillers found

now I hope that I can drop some elite unique 😁
This isnt starting out well. Around 500~ Pindles done during the first 24 hours and I found only one scoring item, and its pretty bad too. I should be averaging one elite S/U per 50 runs, not 500. :undecided:
Spent the afternoon and evening Baal-running at comfortable pace and brought my javazon from ~94.25 to 95. Well, now I have two javazons at clvl95, just wondering what are they good for :rolleyes: ..wait, I wanted to compare them, that's it.

I found 20 EUs/sets including one grailer 👍 And finally got 15%MF Tal's Belt, I was starting to believe Arreat Summit was kidding about the range..

I will probably switch to another character, since I don't have much time tomorow and don't want to get depressed with the exp-bar barely moving..

EDIT: I had a feeling the entire time the merc sucks more than usual, and now I see I gave him non-eth Kelpie :embarassed:
We allowed to report drops in here? I thought they were secret till the end. Or maybe thats just oldskoolrools :)

Another 150 pindles, giving me 250 in total. Another 3 qualifiers, giving me 6 in total. Happy days. Also a shaftstop, a 192 titans, an eth darksight helm, poision facet.
silospen said:
We allowed to report drops in here? I thought they were secret till the end. Or maybe thats just oldskoolrools :)
I think we can report the items which don't count in the scoring.
Any item which doesn't count towards scoring you can talk about here... and that's encouraged even. As for my 13 hour binge... I Slept late yesterday so I could do it, and just got back up from a nap after doing it hehe...

I'm pathetic I know, rearranging my schedule for this.
Drixx said:
I'm pathetic I know, rearranging my schedule for this.
At least you`re not the only one :wink3:
Drixx said:
Any item which doesn't count towards scoring you can talk about here... and that's encouraged even. As for my 13 hour binge... I Slept late yesterday so I could do it, and just got back up from a nap after doing it hehe...

I'm pathetic I know, rearranging my schedule for this.
So I assume bassano isn't including those items he posted in his scoring? Maybe you should make it a little clearer in the rules.
silospen said:
So I assume bassano isn't including those items he posted in his scoring? Maybe you should make it a little clearer in the rules.
Those appear to me to be just grey socketed items....
Drixx I have a question and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, I am running Baal, so does that mean both waves and baal drops count? Just baal drops? or everything along the way (WSK2, 3, Throne, Baal)?

I'm pretty sure it's just Baal and Co. but If I'm wrong then I'd have a few more qualifiers 😁
I think that I can posted non scoring items eventually their screenshots so charms,runes,socketable,...
If is not true let me know please drixx
Joosh... from the first post...
Joosh said:
Drixx I have a question and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, I am running Baal, so does that mean both waves and baal drops count? Just baal drops? or everything along the way (WSK2, 3, Throne, Baal)?

I'm pretty sure it's just Baal and Co. but If I'm wrong then I'd have a few more qualifiers 😁
If there were only 2 waves, I'm sure I would have 3000 runs done by now. :rolleyes:
jrlafrance is having a laugh today.

I think the emphasis should be on the word [highlight]and[/highlight] :)
OK. Done 100 Ancient Tunnels runs. Would have done them by midnight, but a friend came over at 22.00, so I`ve finished them now.
First 59 runs I did full clears, poping every chest and vase :scratch: . Then, on Darkooooo`s sugesstion, last 41 runs I just killed bosspacks and poped sprakling chest only.

10 qualificant only :undecided:

Some other finds:
my first:
Atma's Wail
Embossed Plate
Defense: 741
Durability: 48 of 105
Required Strength: 125
Required Level: 51
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xd10f8d61
+15 to Dexterity
+144% Enhanced Defense
+50 Maximum Durability
Replenish Life +10
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
30% Faster Hit Recovery
+2 to Defense (Based on Character Level)

another one:
Gothic Sword
One-Hand Damage: 35 to 100
Two-Hand Damage: 97 to 150
Durability: 21 of 40
Required Dexterity: 20
Required Strength: 113
Required Level: 45
Sword Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xba5e36e3
+150% Enhanced Damage
+30 Defense
+10% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Adds 1-240 lightning damage
+2 to Light Radius
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 15
+2 to Defensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
+2 to Offensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
6% Chance to cast Level 7 Fist of the Heavens on striking

and another one:
Battle Dart
Throw Damage: 26 to 57
One-Hand Damage: 19 to 38
Quantity: 160
Required Dexterity: 52
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 44
Dagger Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x25757411
+141% Enhanced Damage
+254 to Attack Rating
9% Life stolen per hit
4% Mana stolen per hit
40% Deadly Strike
Replenishes Quantity

Reward for poping every chest:
Dol Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25%
Helms: Replenish Life +7
Armor: Replenish Life +7
Shields: Replenish Life +7

Required Level: 31
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Kelpie Snare
Two-Hand Damage: 80 to 148
Durability: 31 of 35
Required Dexterity: 25
Required Strength: 77
Required Level: 33
Spear Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xe43214f8
+10 to Strength
+166% Enhanced Damage
+30 to Minimum Damage
+50 to Maximum Damage
Fire Resist +50%
Slows Target by 75%
+1 to Life (Based on Character Level)

how typical, just one day after buying perfect MF one:
Required Level: 7
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x5723bf92
+56 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Fortune
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 18
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0xd0a8fdfe
5% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

another grailer:
The Atlantean
Ancient Sword
One-Hand Damage: 61 to 147
Durability: 32 of 144
Required Dexterity: **
Required Strength: 127
Required Level: 42
Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xca5ca0c0
+16 to Strength
+12 to Dexterity
+8 to Vitality
+242% Enhanced Damage
+75 Defense
+100 Maximum Durability
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
50% Bonus to Attack Rating

Trang-Oul's Claws
Heavy Bracers
Defense: 72
Durability: 10 of 16
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x3a87abe0
+30 Defense
Cold Resist +30%
20% Faster Cast Rate
+2 to Curses (Necromancer Only)
+25% to Poison Skill Damage

Wraith Eye
Required Level: 42
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x2acf2ed4
+7 to Strength
+1 to Dexterity
+20% Enhanced Damage
+20 poison damage over 2 seconds

Wonder why I havent runned AT before :banghead:
Also leveld from 91 2/3 - 92 1/3 .

Did any of you do anything but playing game today?
Drixx said:
Those appear to me to be just grey socketed items....
My bad :laugh:
Thats what you get for having your helper monkey do the reading again Silo
Drixx said:
Any item which doesn't count towards scoring you can talk about here... and that's encouraged even. As for my 13 hour binge... I Slept late yesterday so I could do it, and just got back up from a nap after doing it hehe...

I'm pathetic I know, rearranging my schedule for this.
Don't worry about it. I used to play that much every day for months, and look at how cool I am. I mean, hell, who on this forum doesn't want to step in the shoes of the great DC? (note: that's a rhetorical question; the correct answer is "everyone". Even Serdash would, except my shoes are too small for his giant feet)

That said, this MFO is full of n00bs and I really hope Team CCBBBFF comes in last place, ideally scoring a grand total of 0.
^ Stop lurking. Start playing.


(don't hurt me)
bassano said:
500 tunnels done
today I was lucky for elite etheral polearm 😃

and for a while 3 skillers found

now I hope that I can drop some elite unique 😁
Congrats on the finds 👍

Now, one thing troubles my mind:
I`m new at running AT, so I would like to know how do you do your runs?
To me it takes bout 5 minutes to do one run, so it would take me 41,6 hours to do them 500 :undecided: .
Do you kill boses faster, or you just kill ceartin bosses or what? I`m confused a bit.
If you're doing it for MFing and neglect levelling, you can do the runs on p1, since bosses will always drop the same amount of items. Of course you increase the chance of their minions dropping something, but what you are really looking for are the bosses. Try to get a map where boss packs are packed tight together and where the WP isn't far. That way it should be possible to do AT runs in even under 1 minute.

But - alas! I'm no expert at running AT. So maybe someone else has better tips to offer 😃
buraz said:
Congrats on the finds 👍

Now, one thing troubles my mind:
I`m new at running AT, so I would like to know how do you do your runs?
To me it takes bout 5 minutes to do one run, so it would take me 41,6 hours to do them 500 :undecided: .
Do you kill boses faster, or you just kill ceartin bosses or what? I`m confused a bit.
Average time of my run is not longer than one minute.
It is caused that I know perfectly the map of my tunnel beacuse I just have done about 3600 tunnels during last year.
I play on P1 killing only boss sometimes group of champions. I know when the bosses appear then I can teleporting only on this places 😃
You should training then you see that you are faster,faster,faster...
I tought that p8 will increase chance of getting good items.
But I noticed that bosspacs are always on same places. Now, expirience is what I seek here to, but maybe when I reach clvl 93 will try p1 method.

thanx for the tips 👍
buraz said:
I tought that p8 will increase chance of getting good items.
But I noticed that bosspacs are always on same places. Now, expirience is what I seek here to, but maybe when I reach clvl 93 will try p1 method.

thanx for the tips 👍
Well, 95% of all uniques you will find will come from bosses. And they always drop the same, whether it's p1 or p8. so you increase your average chance to find an item killed per monster by a little, but you take a lot longer to kill any.

[edit]@buraz. The above is valid for AT running. Act bosses and countess are a different story.
Jaedhann said:
Well, 95% of all uniques you will find will come from bosses. And they always drop the same, whether it's p1 or p8. so you increase your average chance to find an item killed per monster by a little, but you take a lot longer to kill any.
How bout Baal, Andy & Meph (BAM :laugh: ), don`t they drop better on P8?
And Contess, doesen`t she drops more runes on P1?
joosh says:
ive been playing since 11 am yesterday
joosh says:
its now 3:20 am
joosh says:
what's that
joosh says:
15 hours?
joosh says:

'Nuff said:laugh:
Area supervisors... I'd like to see the first updates today if at all possible. I just sent off my meph list to my supervisor... I'm hoping my first 22 hours of running will give me at least a top 3 position ;p
Drixx said:
Area supervisors... I'd like to see the first updates today if at all possible. I just sent off my meph list to my supervisor... I'm hoping my first 22 hours of running will give me at least a top 3 position ;p
I like to post something but for a while I heve no emails from baalrunners :scratch:
Well updates were a bit sparse last time I was a supervisor. I have a plan this time; I'm going to make up the scores. I shall win!
I've sent my first report, I'd like to see the standings too... :scratch:
Did 40 AT P8 runs today. Getting close to clvl 93 :prop: . Few not so interesting finds :cry:

Report sent. Also very interested in score
After reading everyone else seeming to panic over their scores, I'm suddenly starting to feel more confident about my own.

As long as we're bragging about runs, I'm up to ~850 pindle runs, and I didn't start until last night.
I sent my report to aman
report from joosh recieved 😃
I hope that all partecipants will sent me their reports
Report sent to Thy.
Aman has mail from me. did about 500 runs or so. Results are disappointing.
As usual, I cannot compete in number of runs with some otheres here ;) Quality will have to do the trick. Report sent (200 runs done).
[highlight]Mephisto Ranking[/highlight]

1. Drixx
2. sequana
3. WailingDoom
4. Zaliqai
5. Denton
6. factory
How can I be 3rd when I haven't sent mine off yet? lol

Anyway, doing it now :)

Update sent.
Maybe only Drixx (and Sequana) sent the update(s):wink3:
ranking in baal category (only runners which sent me mail):

From the A5 SU category we have a particularly exciting and close contest. I have used my psychic powers to determine that as only three people actually bothered to send me an update.

In third place at least having the energy to hit that PM button .... Low Key

In second place pushed along by an abundance of methane ... Moo Cow

And at the top of the line ... that shadow stalker ... Darkoooooooooooooooooo

That's all folks!
Update sent. 👍

Not bad, another 250 runs and a few new qualifiers. Surprised one of them isn't higher scoring, I was all excited when it dropped, but the score is meh. Ah well.

Had a crazy streak, 5 qualifiers in 40 runs. And out of those 3 of them were better than one in my top 3! Nuts.
other 500 tunnels down total just 1000 I have some nice drops and one beautifull non qualifier misc 😃
Done 650 Pindle runs ~ 8 qualifiers. Not bad! I only started yesterday since i didnt notice the change in the tourney beggining date...

Update sent!
Grats on the tasty rune bassano! 👍
I realize along the way, that I can kick it a lot faster. And I say a LOT. Anyway report send out. But like Cormallon said, I'm way behind on yardage compared to the rest of the pack so to speak.
Update sent. One thing I can't stand is people asking for updates everyday. I can tell you right now, I'm not going to update every day. Maybe twice more (Wednesday and Friday). It's nice to have some idea where you stand, but it's really not going to make any difference in the end. Just play your game, and have fun! :soapbox:
update from Jrlfrance recieved
new results:

@jrlfrance: I send update every two days too not every day It is OK
I don't really have much time this week, both saturdays busy, I have to work and have volleyball practices after work. Anyways I did few hundreds runs yesterday and got one nice item I would hate to loose, so I guess I should try to run those Tunnels more. But I don't know when... :sad2:
Not even close to bassano's 1K runs :(
@Hrus: What nice are you found for me? My TC87s stash is so empty 😁
I had a ver busy weekend(in the non-D2 meaning), so I did only about 70 baal-runs. Hopefully I'll be able to do 50 each evening until friday, the following weekend will be dedicated to the MFO, so hopefully 200-300 runs more. ~500 runs total should be enough for a few good drops, but - as always - it's all about luck.

Oh, and congrats everyone on your nice non-qualifiers! (bassano, you lucky bas***d!:hide:)
A85 update

ARGL ... last? I have to quit work and turn into an fulltime runner... I hoped for some midrange rank... sigh.
Cool, and I tought that I`ll be the last :rolleyes: (still got time to tough :azn: )
Just did 43 more runs and gained clvl 93.
From now on I run on p1.
Now I've received more than one update, the latest in the Mephisto category is:

[highlight]Mephisto Ranking[/highlight]

1. Zaliqai
2. factory
3. Drixx
4. Denton
5. WailingDoom
6. sequana

A long way still to go, so keep up the good work 👍
3rd place, and Aman hasn't updated yet. :sad2:

krovak said:
I had a ver busy weekend(in the non-D2 meaning), so I did only about 70 baal-runs. Hopefully I'll be able to do 50 each evening until friday, the following weekend will be dedicated to the MFO, so hopefully 200-300 runs more. ~500 runs total should be enough for a few good drops, but - as always - it's all about luck.
What are you running with krovak? What are you average run times? So far, I'm averaging 1 qualifier per 10ish runs, with 12 qualifiers to date. I'm hoping to get in around 750 runs.
I absolutely hate FELECELI pindle, the four times he spawned those mods i lost a total of 75 million xp. Net xp change from yesterday: down 4 million, and 57 million to go to lvl 90, which i think will be my first ever lvl 90 character.

added: wow, just looked at the results for the previous MFO. Didn't realize those were the types of numbers I'm aiming for.
Update send, found 2 nice items, nothing stellar.
Thy, you have email:wink3:
Well I haven't done much Meph killing since Saturday, few runs tonight and got a couple of qualifiers and a grailer :).

I have been bad though, found out yesterday that AT contains no cold immune monsters (except some boss') and shes been having a field trip down there. Surprisingly decent map aswell, 2 tele's from WP, and a nice circular boss pack map.. enough AT.. must focus on Meph.

Really want some War Travs, never owned a pair in my D2 career..
I haven't had time to do many runs over the weekend, maybe 80 or so. I started getting really lazy with the lightsorc, and I died right when I was about to hit lvl 93. :(

It's not optimal, but to keep me on my toes, I'm gonna have to rotate between the Sorc, two-handed Zealot, WW/Zerker, and the Frenzier. If I have time, I might be able to get my Tesladin through A4 to Baal.

I'll send an update to Bassano later tonight to see how badly I'm losing. 😁
another 500 tunnels down 😃
I have yet one day of crazy running then I must going to prague studying but I think that is my fortune beacuse if I have all the week for this style of running I become maniac even if 4500 tunnels sounds good 😁
bassano said:
another 500 tunnels down
I have yet one day of crazy running then I must going to prague studying but I think that is my fortune beacuse if I have all the week for this style of running I become maniac even if 4500 tunnels sounds good
You maniac :rolleyes: .
I barely succeded doing 100 tunnel runs today. reached clvl 83, so I switched to /P1. Got a feeling that I get less uniques/sets that way :undecided: . Probably luck.
Got few crappy finds, one good 😃, and a bunch of grailers. Report sent to aman.
enough for me, gotta go to sleep.
Another 300 Pindle runs, 8 qualifiers and a small improve in my score. It's getting better since in the last two days it took almost the double of runs to get the same number of qualifiers.

Run time is about 40 sec (is it good?!) so 3~4 hr by day, i should end with 2500~3000 runs.

Update sent Thyiade! How's the ranking?!
You've just had points deducted for being unable to spell my name.
Thyiad said:
You've just had points deducted for being unable to spell my name.
😆 😆 😆 😆
I did 85 more runs, but only a slight improvement in score. Today I'm probably doing something completely different (no D2), I'll send my next update to Aman tomorrow evening I guess.
This just in...........I sux at mf. :embarassed:

I just spent ~34ish minutes running tunnels, and according to silospen's run counter, I only completed 9 runs. Average run time was ~3:30. I'm not even trying to do full clears, either!!!! Just trying to hit all the super uniques, plus any champions I see along the way. At this rate, with my schedule I'll be lucky if I can manage 50 runs a day.

At any rate, first update sent to Aman, looks like we're going to have a new last place contestant in the A85 category. 😁
I did ~200 runs yesterday and was quite lucky... Not much in TC87 department though...

@bassano: 500 runs per day? Good work!

@Steven Q Urkel: 3:30 is quite much for Tunnels, what character do you use?
Teleporting character (preferably blizz sorc) is a must for competetive runs...
Thyiad said:
You've just had points deducted for being unable to spell my name.
Oops! Sorry about that! That's what happen when you post at 2.00AM. Going like this i'll end with negative points...
Unfortunately I am going to have to bail. RL kept me from getting my char to Baal until last night. I'm not going to be able to do enough runs, if any. Sorry.
Oh my, I was second in some point. That's nice considering that I sent my first update minute ago 😁.

@my team: yesterday I arrived to Warsaw and I am quite busy here, but even though I will try do my best (and I will reply to your PMs asap, please be patient with me 😁
sequana said:
Oh my, I was second in some point. That's nice considering that I sent my first update minute ago 😁.

@my team: yesterday I arrived to Warsaw and I am quite busy here, but even though I will try do my best (and I will reply to your PMs asap, please be patient with me 😁
Nice to see you here
good luck for running and for chemistry 😃
In the A5 category the race to confuse Thy with maths is hotting up!

A gigantic amount of seven people have taken upon themselves to bombard me with points so here we go for update 2!

7. Trying not to be at the rear guard .. HolyParade
6. Keeping his head so far down, he might get stepped on ... Low Key
5. Slacking off by working and not running ... Silospen
4. Avoiding stepping in anything nasty ... Mooo Cow
3. Climbing up the points ... Kecin
2. Ah but for his spelling, he might have made it ... Raskah
1. Top of the pile like a fairy on a tree .. Darkoooooooooooooo
Wow, I'm in second place... and again Darkoo in frist place. Hopeful it might turn out like the 12th Day after Christmas Tourney!! 😁
hmmm, seems that my progress today probably wasn't enough to climb much, seems I'll be running for a while late tonight. Gained another 75 million xp today and hit 90, and only lost 3 mil on my one death. And I have screenies of Pindle's evil twin, Mr FELECELI bolts-of-death frost-nova-insta-kill who went down twice today without killing me.

Now if only I could keep from hitting nightmare every 150 runs or so.
sequana has checked in so everyone is now running, with Drixx back to the top of the pile.

[highlight]Mephisto Ranking[/highlight]

1. Drixx
2. Zaliqai
3. factory
4. Denton
5. WailingDoom
6. sequana
last 500 rus in one day completed total just 2k tunnels

some nice uniques found and another non qualifier treasure 😃

It seems that I have a contract with some undead 😁
Baal ranking
1. joosh
2. ugla
3. jrlfrance
4. krovak
5. Ribgriller

joosh still leader 😃
for a while only 5 runners sent me updates :undecided:
Bassano, still up? Me too. But I have started my playing session at 10PM :(
~250 runs in those 4.5 hours.

Well, at least my last item was an improvement to my score, so I sent an update to Aman...

Well, it will be terrible to wake up tomorrow (ehh. today) and actually get up...
Hrus said:
Bassano, still up? Me too. But I have started my playing session at 10PM :(
~250 runs in those 4.5 hours.

Well, at least my last item was an improvement to my score, so I sent an update to Aman...

Well, it will be terrible to wake up tomorrow (ehh. today) and actually get up...
I finished my runs 15 minutes ago. Now I must take my saves and stashes and for a hour I am going to prague by morning train. I hope that in train will free post for some sleep 😃
Now you've awoken a sleeping giant!! Now I'm gonna go buy a barrel of coffee, take the rest of the week off of work, pack up the PC, kiss the family goodbye, and move into a hotel room for the next 5 days! I'll live off cheetos and spam. I'll hire a hotel maid to shave my beard every couple days while she's cleaning up the bags/cans of food. Oh yeah, I've got it all worked out... :prop:
Or you could just admit defeat ribby 😁
That is what I was doing...

I only got 80 runs in the first weekend. I can only spare maybe 3 hours a day. I'm a marathon guy, not a sprinter. But, I thought it would be fun to join my first MFO!

Edit to below:

Seriously? 15 hours a day? I give you major props for anything close to that! Please tell me you're not living off of cheetos and spam. :)
My first MFO too, 15 hour baal days are killing me :laugh:
Hrus said:
@Steven Q Urkel: 3:30 is quite much for Tunnels, what character do you use?
Teleporting character (preferably blizz sorc) is a must for competetive runs...
I'm running with my lvl 91 Meteorber. As you pointed out, Blizzard sorcs are very gg in the tunnels. I lost mine when my hd crashed though, so this sorc is the best of what I have to choose from ( fishymancer and ik barb being my other two characters). Frozen Orb is certainly capable of killing on /players 1 in Hell, but it is by no means optimal. There is strike one. I like the tunnel map that I have, but it is several teleports away from the Lost City waypoint. There is strike two. And teleporting, as you mentioned, I usually use teleport to get away from the beasts I dont want to kill, rather than getting to the ones I want to attack faster. And there is strike 3. Sigh. I guess I'm just not cut out for 'speed runs.'

But on the bright side, I did manage to double my qualifiers with tuesday's runs, so my luck has gone up just a tad.
Don't worry about it Steven. My Baal runs take me (even at /p3) an average of 4 minutes with my Enigmadin. Guys who are really good (DC) go between 2.5-3 minutes. My /p3, /p8, /p3 runs take me up to 5 minutes. As long as you are not dying, and progressing, no worries. The only thing that is a drawback is the amount of runs you can get in during an MFO. But in the end, luck has the final word!
450 runs more last night in about 5 hours.
5 hours of cursing Pindle! 😠 6 qualifiers and a (very) small improvement! That stupid corpse kept teasing me with elite rare and magic droping everytime: legendary mallets, hydra bows, thundar mauls, sky and blood spirits, archon staffs, scourges, you name it... :cry:

I'll update later, after today's run session.
Last place as I suspected. I've only managed to get 20 or so runs and 2 qualifiers so far. Maybe tonight ... :fortuneteller:
so the items that aren't in my top 5, do I get to start bragging about them now or do I have to wait until the MFO is over.
Items not in your top five may be in someone elses (Should that be all one word, it doesn't look right either way? :scratch: )

Qualifying items should only be revealed post-tournament.

Edit: I'll update the Mephisto rankings later tonight.
Yeah, it kind of confirms the level of your current score. I mean, if it's an IKSC then I don't see too much of a problem (apart from principle), but if you pull out a mangs as not on your list then it's pretty obvious what you do have :p
I guess I'll have to hold myself back for a week or so. And if I ever Mat my lightning sorc the best finds section will be fun.

by the way, what is the chance of an IK maul dropping? seeing the others scored based on its drop rate I'm curious.
moo-cow said:
I guess I'll have to hold myself back for a week or so. And if I ever Mat my lightning sorc the best finds section will be fun.

by the way, what is the chance of an IK maul dropping? seeing the others scored based on its drop rate I'm curious.
Use Atma drop calculator. IK maul is the item that drops more often from the list of elite uniques and sets. From Pindle with 0 MF, the chance is 1:5578. On the other side, Stormlash drop chance is 1:189631. (189631/5578=33,99-----> 34 points)

But with this checking i notice something strange. Nightwing Veil & Veil of Steel drop chance is 1:63240, almost the same of Griswold Caddy which gives a score of 11,3. If this is right then why does the score sheet gives only 5,7 points?!
I think it's because the base chance corresponds to finding a unique Spired Helm. Then it's probably 1:1 between those two..

EDIT: I did almost no runs since saturday (always either busy or sleepy) :sad2:
Raskah said:
Use Atma drop calculator. IK maul is the item that drops more often from the list of elite uniques and sets. From Pindle with 0 MF, the chance is 1:5578. On the other side, Stormlash drop chance is 1:189631. (189631/5578=33,99-----> 34 points)

But with this checking i notice something strange. Nightwing Veil & Veil of Steel drop chance is 1:63240, almost the same of Griswold Caddy which gives a score of 11,3. If this is right then why does the score sheet gives only 5,7 points?!
Because it's cut in half. Two items with the same item type. There has been much controversy regarding the scoring for these types of items.
That explains it, but it doesnt seem logic to me. Why cut it by half? Because they're two uniques of the same type of item doesn't mean that a unique of that type drop twice more, does it? :scratch:
Still, if this is some kind of tabu, i wont be asking more about it, especially during the MFO...
Well, there was some discussion about this issue. As for spired helmets, mighty scepters and thundermauls go, there can be 2 different uniques. Finding a golden thundermaul for example has the same chance as finding a golden hydra bow. People decided it was unfair that they would score double because there where 2 different uniques of the same type, that had the same chance to drop. The story is different for scourges, legendary mallets and sacred armors. They have a different chance to drop. Shaeffers vs. Stonecrusher has a 1:4 ratio. Therefore sheaffers still gives the big points.

This rule has been made to balance the worth of items a bit. Finding a unique mighty scepter is way easier then finding a golden hydra bow, so therefor it should not give more points in a MFO.

Hope you get it a little.

I'll try to squeeze in mine late tonight. I hope it would be before you post the updates. Dropwise, nothing serious though. I'm goin' very slow atm.
Bad day for me again. Only one low end qualifier from 75 more runs. Updated my score from monday's find, mail sent.

Edit: Well, I only hope that streak of bad luck means the D2 gods are preparing for a BIG giveaway ;)
This update does include factory's latest result.

[highlight]Mephisto Ranking[/highlight]

1. Drixx
2. Zaliqai
3. Denton
4. factory
5. WailingDoom
6. sequana

Everything still to play for...
Minor update pm'ed to Aman. The tunnels hate me i guess.
I understand the rule was made to balance item value. I agree that finding a gold mighty scepter is easier than a gold hydra bow (because mighty scepter drop mor often than hydra bow) but mathematical a Heaven's Light is rarer than a Windforce (because the conditional probability event). That's why i was so confused...

But i'm ok with that now that i know why...
Ack, I really hate to do this, but I'm gonna have to drop out. I really wanted to compete, but I wasn't being realistic about my time constraints. I'll PM Bassano bout it.

GL to everyone!
Just as an example, lets pretend there were 100 different Mighty Scepters rather than just 2. Then each one would be worth ~900 points. You would no longer call it the MFO, you would call it the MSFO (Mighty Scepter Finding Olympics) because the winner would always be the one who found the most Mighty Scepters, Tyraels Might would be nothing more than a tie breaker.

It would completely ruin the competition because the you would still be just as likely to find a Mighty Scepter as you would a Windforce but the Mighty Scepter would get 100 times as many points. Now, with only two items it doesn't skew the competition as badly but it could still skew it a bit.

Basically, from a grailing point of view, each Mighty Scepter is twice as are as a Windforce but its better for the competition to score a Mighty Scepter like a Windforce.

Of course a Mighty Scepter still scores about .5 higher than a Windforce but that's besides the point.
More 240 runs done (~1700 total) and only 4 qualifiers...I'm starting to think that Pindle hates me! Still i had improved my score so i send an update.

For non qualifires, grabbed a Saracen Chance and two life GC (40 and 32). If only they had a skiller prefix too....:starry:

Bed time now.:cloud9:

@jjscud: I perfectly understand that (though your example is a bit extreme), but at the beginning i was using maths not reason. The issue might be solved if we could only score one unique of each type (one heaven light, one veil of steel) though it might be very frustrating for those you find two stormlash. 😁
Baal category ranking:


still no interesting changes 😃
Just finished total 350 runs. Found few pointed goodies, but I must brag with my best find (in my eyes):
Find a green ammy on the ground, and was so sure that it was another civerb/angelic, but on my surprise, it was my first:

Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Required Level: 67
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xc3c67a2f
+50 to Life
+42 to Mana
Lightning Resist +33%
Adds 3-32 lightning damage
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
10% Faster Cast Rate
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

I love AT.
Nice drop. During my last 800 runs I let on the earth about 10 green amy beacuse I found always angelic or tancred and I was angry for it 😁
No change in my score, so no update sent. :undecided:
Area 85

Steven Q

I think i got all the updates
Pretty poor show boys, not sending Aman an update. Shame on you. Especialy Ray. 👅

Phosheez (1.11 SC vanilla)
Ray Patean (1.11 SC RRM/RWM)

(I'll update my category in about six hours.)
Phosheez actually told me his score but i forgot

Poor show Ray
my new update sent to aman 😃
Should I by scared? :cool:
Maybe yes. I am so terrible? 😁
650 runs today and no change in points. several grailers, but that's hardly the point.
No change for me either ... grr.

Total: 430 runs done, 110 set/uniques. 14 of them being qualifiers ... one per 30 runs on average. That's quite low according to my experience. Sigh.

As usual lots of blue / yellow legendary mallets and scourges. Haven't seen a sacred armour for quite a long time though.
slight change for me, though Aman hasnt bothered to post rankings based on either score i gave him, lazy. ive told him that it may be early tuesday (late monday my time) before i can get my score in due to being out of town til monday night.
I just sent my 3rd update. I'll send another one in two days and then the final one once the MFO has finished.
other 500 tunnels down this night was terrible for drops 😃
500 tonight??? Geesh, I only have 1000 done total and being out of town this weekend means I may, if I'm lucky, get 200 more in. Aman really needs to put my update in so I know where I stand.

@Drixx-If I'm reading correctly we have until 11:59pm monday the 14th to run right? and then 11:59pm tuesday the 15th to get our results in? Cause that's definitely how the rules read. If that's the case I won't be in such a crunch to get my results in before I leave.
I play all this night beacuse this was my almost last chance to find something for TOP5
I want to done yet 500 runs on weekend beacuse I want to have 3k runs total 😃
I think that MFO should ends sunday 11:59pm beacuse starts on saturday 5th 0:00am
Different timezones don't make it any easier to understand when to stop either, drixx help us! :laugh: Also I think it's about bloody time Aman updated his Baal score!
You stop at midnight (at the end of the day, not the start) on the last day, in YOUR time zone. So it's a rolling stop.
you are right I think that aman should sent some update it take only one minute of his time and when other runners send his score he should sent too :sad2:
Thanks for the quick response Drixx, looks like I'll be pulling all nighters if I plan to reach my 2000 baal runs target 😁.

Now penalise Aman for not updating! RAWR!

Joosh 👍
Quit your whining everyone! Aman is obviously in last place, if he hasn't sent in an update, so nothing to worry about!

Don't worry...:jig:

Be happy...:jig:

@Joosh: 2000 Baal runs? WOW! I'll be lucky if I get 750 in. What are you running with, and what player settings are you on?
250 runs done, found my first above-average qualifier. I'd be happy if I could push it out of my top 5, but I strongly doubt it.

I'll do my best to do 600 runs total, but more likely it will be 500 or so.
So monday midnight my time???
Yes, that's the way my logic sees it. All the monday 14th can be used for the MFO. Up until monday midnight, or in other words, until the end of monday.

Sorry to bump in, but since I was going to post now anyway, I felt like giving my input pending Drixx's.

Finally something actually useful from Mephisto:
Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x396dab0a
Adds 1-74 lightning damage
100% Chance to cast Level 41 Nova When You Level Up
+5% to Lightning Skill Damage
-5% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

The 27 one I found earlier on and didn't bother posting, but this 30 one I found now and thought was worth posting up:
Mara's Kaleidoscope
Required Level: 67
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0xddba4f0b
+5 to Strength
+5 to Energy
+5 to Dexterity
+5 to Vitality
All Resistances +30
+2 to All Skill Levels

Mara's Kaleidoscope
Required Level: 67
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0xa9c2c824
+5 to Strength
+5 to Energy
+5 to Dexterity
+5 to Vitality
All Resistances +27
+2 to All Skill Levels
Last night, I did 300 Pindle runs = 4 qualifiers, with a small score improvement so no update. I'll send it tonight... I'm starting to think that Pindle hates me (more than 2000 runs and only 31 qualifiers...:cry: )

@Thyiad: When will you post the ranking?
I will post a Mephisto Ranking update tonight and one more on Sunday afternoon. Then all will go quiet until Drixx posts the final results.

Drixx: Do the final reports need to include ATMA readouts?
Atil, I will send an update when Im home from work. Theres not much change though, havent really done many more meph runs..
Done another 60 AT runs. Phew, don`t have a clue how can you guys do one run within minute, cause I need 2-3 minute to do it (on P1 and killing only bosspacks).But, it doesn`t matter.
Found few qualifiers, all low score ones.
I would make a fraps video and send it to you 😃
Would you, I just have to know.
I make it as soon as possible maybe end of next week I will have it
I'm running with my lightning sorc, she's been re-equipped to wear MF gear carrying about 350% MF, I was actually quite proud of myself the other day when I achieved a 2:14 run, she's dishing out 5-22k damage at the 117 FCR breakpoint.

But the real beauty in the whole thing is my secret weapon produced just before the MFO with the help of some very close SPF friends :laugh:

How about you Jrlafrance? I'd love to know your setup/MF!

Joosh 👍


Also just a note that I'm doing consistent /p3 runs.

Edit 2:

I'll post a screenshot of my WSK2/3 Map later, I would have to say it's the second best possible map, <10 teleports to reach the throne.
@ Joosh: Nice going with the amount of runs, but also with the speed. Even when you're running "only" at players 3, 2:14 is a respectable time, especially considering that you're using a rather MF heavy equipment setup, i.e. considerably less damage than possible. :eek:

Would be interesting to see what kind of time you can pull off with max damage gear with p1/p8/p3 (throne/minions/Baal), "exp-biased" runs.
I'll send an update when Dashy does

We all know the pro's run baal at P8 like me
Update sent. Nothing major, it's been a busy week at work. Haven't been able to run as much as I would've liked to.
The final updates indeed must have readouts for the top 5. Area supervisors will compile the final updates into the list from best score to least and e-mail them to me, and I'll take it from there.
Can everyone who emails/PMs me, make sure they put "FINAL SCORE" in the subject. And adds up their own top 5 (as you have been doing). Otherwise you'll get whatever random number I come up with.
Second ridiculous update sent, my game must be broken or what, just grotty qualifiers are dropped. At least some good non-qualifiers and a lot of TC 3 (oops didn't I run NM Meph? 😁 / j/k)

The Stone of Jordan
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x4063961e
+20 to Mana
Adds 1-12 lightning damage
Increase Maximum Mana 25%
+1 to All Skill Levels

Fletcher's Grand Charm of Sustenance
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 53
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0xd569fccb
+33 to Life
+1 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
[highlight]Mephisto Ranking[/highlight]

1. Zaliqai
2. Drixx
3. Denton
4. factory
5. sequana
6. WailingDoom

WailingDoom is effectively one update behind.

Good luck on the final weekend.
I thought I had posted another update after this but apparently not. Or it got squidded. Yes, that's a good excuse .. explanation ... the squid ate update three this is update four. Oh yes.

7. Lounging by the pool .. HolyParade
6. Having problems with his maths again ... Silo
5. Raising his profile ... Low Key
4. Stampeding up the points ... Mooo Cow
3. Fighting for his very position ... Kecin
2. Leading the chase to get Darkoooo up the tree ... Raskah
1. Still perching up there but not looking too sure-footed .. Darkoooooooooooooo

The top four are really close; it's still all to play for. There's a gap to the bottom three but a couple of good drops can easily change that.

Remember people, sleep is for the weak!
Another update sent to Aman. Today quite some qualifiers dropped, all low end ones though. Therefore, my score went up only a little.
Ah ah! Now it was you that mess up my nickname!... For the second time!! :laugh:

10 chars
What does 10 chars mean btw?
In order to cut down on spam posts, the boards require you to put at least 10 new characters into your post. So, when someone has a simple yes or no type response, they need to add filler to appease the 10 character limit. "10 chars" seems to work pretty well for this.
You have to make a post that is at least 10 characters long, or you get an error message. It has to do with indexing the forums.
owed severely by Cattleya :)
In your ranking post you write Raksah intead of Raskah and this was the second time already you did that! :laugh: Now that i think about it, i don't know if you're picking on me because that time i mess your nick... :scratch:

Edit: More 250 runs. Update sent.
Your name looks ok to me ...

(mods can get away with everything):wink3:

I'll send my report later today.
Just finished total 500 runs. :afro:
Found 42 qualificants, that makes one in every 11.9047619 runs. (is that good?)

think I`ll switch to /p8 from now on to gain that level.
Ranking in baal category:

1. joosh
2. ugla
3. jrlfrance
4. krovak
5. ribgriller

this is my last update beacuse MFO is near of its end
if somebody wants sent me his latest update for his information I will be online yet 2-3 hours and I change ranking immediately it somethink in ranking changes before his update 😃

Nothing is not yet close beacuse one nice drop can change all 😃
good luck to all baalrunners 👍
I am around 20 qulifiers per run, but I don't do "full clears", so it probably doesn't say much. But I think 1EU/S per 12 runs is still above average.

Speaking of experience - I died few mins ago and wasn't able to get my body - I lost around 1/10 of 97-98 EXP bar :(

Bassano's run count makes me nervous, though I had few nice drops yesterday, so I am very curious about possible update. Aman?
I'll post an update within a few hours
I am nervous too. I find some nice drops and I scaried to lost them :wink2:
Tomorrow I will finish 3k runs and I will see what nice I can droped to make some difference in score 😃
Update send to aman. will try to cross the 2k line tonight. Upto now got some mixed feelings about my finds.
I don't take any prizes, so your items are safe :)
but jaedhan can take he is RRM 😃
is hard when you can only lost items and not take :scratch:
I don't take prizes either. So relax :D. i'll just take your ear.
What I have to doing now if I win? For me It is strange take prize to somebody who not take items. Your ear sounds good for a price 😁
Haha, I HATE MY BROTHER. I was running Pindle like a mad man whole day, nothing good dropped. Man has to eat, sleep and drink something occasionally so I went to make myself a sandwich. While I was away he 'steals' my character! All would be good if he didn't find THIS:

Darkforce Spawn
Bloodlord Skull
Defense: 393
Chance to Block: 32%
Durability: 10 of 20
(Necromancer Only)
Required Strength: 106
Required Level: 65
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0xdab203b8
+164% Enhanced Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
30% Faster Cast Rate
+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)
+2 to Curses (Necromancer Only)

Ok, so I'm running the whole day finding crap items and he does 6 runs and gets a 19.3 points bringing item?!?! I hate my brother.

Guilty as charged:lipsrsealed:
Tell me about it. Back then, I lost a perfect Death Fathom. :cry:
I play selffound, so I have no use for items found by others.
I'm on hold for the past few days. Unfortunately other things prevent me to deal with you guys properly. So I'm gonna be pretty much, well, last. I don't quit and I'll send my update in a minute. My items are up for grabs obviously. As a result, don't worry really. I had a ridicolus increment from monday on. Gratz for the winners in advance.
I remember It. If I lost perf deaths fantom I probably jump from the window to street 😁
Done for today, still no really great find. Score improved a little bit, so I'll send an update in a minute.

Best non-qualifier today:

Demon Casque
Defense: 46
Durability: 13 of 25
Required Level: 52
Fingerprint: 0x52becc7
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5 to Life
+8 to Minimum Damage
+8 - 30 cold damage with 1 sec Duration
10% Faster Run/Walk
+2 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)
All Resistances +20
I'm done for today as well. Just sent my last update before the final one. I've done 6400 runs so far averaging at 800 a day. I will continue that and end with around 8k runs total. I've found some great non-qualifiers, especially in the jewelry department.

Send me a picture of him and an address Darkoooo. I know someone who knows someone...:wink3:
Fortunately bassano lives in the basement:grin: 😁
[highlight]Mephisto Ranking[/highlight]

1. Zaliqai
2. Drixx
3. Denton
4. factory
5. sequana
6. WailingDoom

This is the final update before the official results. Still time to swap positions...
I like to see area85 results for some info but few hours from aman post not passed yet 😃
Steven Q

Got abit busy last night and didn't have time
Thanks for it it is OK 😃
Almost I know that I must do some run more 😁

Well, I increased my score a bit again, but I seriously doubt I can catch Hrus & Bassano ... their run count is far beyond my abilities.

BTW, even if I get enough lucky drops, I'm selffound too ... I may take a personalized item for my trophy case, but the item may be chosen by the one who has to give it away... grailies or such are safe ;)
3k runs finished I do not will run anymore in this MFO. 😃
Midnight and end of MFO is 5,5 hours from now here in czech republic.
Is no time for some heroism anymore 😁
final update sent to aman
thanks to all rivals in area85 category and to aman for his supervisor work
good luck to all for their final updates 👍

and small piece of statistic for end of my post:
more then 100 qualifiers found, 2VEX runes,5 skillers (before this MFO my highest rune found was GUL) 6 complete night playing tunnels and more then 10 grailers 😃
Damn bassano! 3k runs in 6 nights is impressive! 👍 What P settings were you on?
I play P1 for be so fast so possilbe 😃
Never mind It is my error that I not write all rules 😃
I hope that tomorrow will bad day for drops for runners
If you want to doing 2460 runs first than MFO finished I think that yesterday was late for begin 😁

Edit: Is my bad english I sometimes change yesterday for tomorrow :cry:
Yesterday... tommorow... now...
arrrrrrrrr. My head is gonna pop 💫
The ending date confused me temporarily as well, but this reply from Drixx clarified it pretty well:

Going by that, it ends on monday 14th at midnight. As in end of the 14th day.

The way Drixx phrased that, leaves no room for controversy, unless my logic is badly malfunctioning now. :|

Also, technically there's time until the monday midnight, as in up until the moment the clock turns 00:00/12:00am 15th, tuesday. But safer would be to stop at least one second before that, at 23:59:59/11:59:59pm (hours, minutes, seconds), so that no overtime will be used. :p

edit: I forgot something concerning the 12-hour clock, midnight in 12-hour clock is of course 12:00 am, not 00:00. In 24-hour clock midnight is 00:00 (sometimes written 24:00), so I fixed that above.
just a quick note to Aman and the rest of the tunnel runners......I'm still actively participating in the tournament. 😁 My only update so far was sent several days ago, and I've improved my score since then. I won't be overtaking Jae & Co. anytime soon, but I fully expect to give Cormallon a run for his money for 5th place. :evil: Best of luck to all of you during the final hours.
We'll see ;)

I sent another update to Aman. Tomorrow I have to go to work, but in the evening I'll try to improve my final score to keep my 5th (or 4th or whatever) place.
What? One more day? I just wanted to say that I sent my final update, but this completely changes my today schedule!

My bad, I should have read the first post more carefully. Now back to work!
Hey, I do the same mistake all the time... I don't know why, but it's good to know that I am not the only one. 👍

Yesterday, (I mean the day before today) I was exhausted by endless running and decided to watch one epizode of my favorite TV series... that was around 11 PM... Well, I stop watching at 3:30 AM and finally decided to go to bed :)
So that was 200 scheduled AT runs less :azn:
I am like too that I am not only on forums who write tomorrow on yesterday place 😃
this 200 AT lost will decisive for final score 😁
I am decided to finished yesterday beacuse I have important exam on tuesday and my computer on collegue is powerless for running tunnels in time better than 2 minutes
Finished! Only ended up getting ~1750 runs of the 2000 I wanted, must say I am less than impressed with the results but that's luck for ya :laugh:.

Will send an update to bassano soon, kittens will pwn you all!

Nevertheless good luck to everyone, thanks to all the mediators/judges, a big thanks to jjscud for the whole MFO thing in the first place and an even bigger thanks to Drixx for organising everything 😁

Good luck forumites!

Joosh 👍


[highlight]Final Update Sent[/highlight]
Final update recieved.

You think that you can beat alchemists team? Impossible 😁
Ohhhhhh. you poor thing!:sad2: Only 1750 runs? Probably double what anyone else does in Baal category!

Good luck on this final day! (I'm on the west coast, so I've still literally got ALL day left...MUHAHAHAHA!!!
Since I don`t like round numbers, I decided to do 666 runs :evil:
Little improvement in final score, but I don`t think that will help me get higher or remain at place that I was :nervous: .
Update sent to Aman.

Now I wonder, did you not pick up ALL the qualifiers (low score ones), or did I get very lucky finding 49 of them?
I think that I not pick up all but something about 90% of them. Some elite I not pick and I make only sign in score sheet and some maybe not beacuse I forgot some of tittles from all elite unique when I finished running meph 😃
Final results sent. Not too good ... but we'll see.

Some statistics:

Runs: 940
Average time: about 1'30 per run
Qualifiers: 41
Total Set/uniques: 236
Most common S/U: Isenharts Case (12x)

I ran tunnels with my blizz sorc Tan-Tsu at clvl 94 (95 really soon now, I guess about 100 more runs will do).
Well, i'm done. 2.2k runs. Still got mixed feeling, even after todays finds. will send final update in a few minutes.

And to the one who sold his (or his teammate's soul) to get my map hacked and drop less items: Pick better services, your associate just got busted :badteeth:
Final results sent for Mephisto category.

I got quite lucky with some jewelry, otherwise no exceptional finds (, just elite hahhaha. ha. haha. hm.).
My category is looking clear-cut at the moment.

Mainly because I only have one final update and ATMA readouts. 😃
No change in score in last two days. I even didn't find 150 qualifiers like I wanted to.

2869 AT runs, 149 qualifiers.

Final results with Atma readouts sent to Aman.
Results sent

I'm finished as well. Final results sent to bassano.
Are we supposed to be sending ATMA readouts to our supervisor for the top 5 qualifiers or for the whole qualifiers.

Ive sent my results but just with top5 scorers (no atma).
Finally I'm done! I had a great time and found a lot of nice items but I'm also glad it's over.

I ran Meph with my lvl 95 Blizzsorc. I did 8k runs and found 753 qualifiers. I never would have been able to do that many runs it if I hadn't been part of a team. It made a huge difference being in contact with each other. Go Team KITTENS! 👍

Final results and readouts sent to Atil.

Thanks to Drixx for organizing the MFO and to the supervisors for supervising! :flowers:
I`ve sent the whole stuff to make Aman happy 😁
Look what I found behind the sofa.
:embarassed: whoops
You know I checked this thread and the MFO signup thread in the rules bit and I still cannot see that...

I will resend Atil my update with top5 ATMA readouts.
I am finished. No improvement today, although I did 100 more runs(don't laugh at me Joosh:embarassed:).

So my last update(which I thought was final so the readouts are included) was at the same time the final one.
I'm also done. I already send my results (twice since i forgot to send ATMA fingerprints in the frist one..:duh: )
I have done 3500 runs and i score 56 qualifiers.
Can't wait to see the final results!...
Final results sent via PM.

In the end I only got 1500 pindles in during the week, with exactly 25 qualifiers. Though I'm still quite happy with the results I got, even if I wont win. 6 qualifying grailers.
3 1/2 more hours for me. I've gotten one score improvement today... trying for another and hopefully a win!!!
I still have 4 hours left, and am probably going to be the last unless there is someone in CA or the west coast. I will get my results to Aman in the morning as soon as I get off work
Final results sent. I was able to up my score considerably since my last update... can only hope.
Wait who do I send my stuff into?

I got liek... 8 hours of pindal for this whole MFO.

I got busy. :p
Still 2 more hours for me...I'm gonna need it!
Bad news from sequana, she is ill and feels really bad :undecided: Considering the fact that she is alone in foreign country, in foreign city and is going to find some doctor, it is obvious that RL>D2 these days, she is not able to get online for a while. She sent me sms with her TOP 5 finds and asked me to send the final update for her.

I will send the update to Atil in few minutes, however without readouts, hopefully it will be OK in this case, she will send them, when she gets online again.

She apologises to MFO participants and her team.

I fully expect to be in last place, you did more runs on the first day than I did in total.

Only managed ~1000 runs and about ~100 qualifiers, but the last 100 gave me some decent scorers.
Just short of 5k pindle runs with 94 qualifiers. Unfortunately, the 1315 runs I did yesterday only netted me one score increase. And I forgot to include the ATMA readouts of my top 5.
Jingizu - please pass on best wishes to sequena. :flowers:

I've had three final scores. I'm winning at the moment. Yay!
Final update sent. 6500 runs done, most on p1 but ~500 of them were done on p3. Got my blizz sorc from 85 to 92.7 so I need to lvl her a bit more since atm I don't have any lvl 93 char... Drops were a bit disappointing, lots of nice items but only one more than nice. Screenshot of my haul will be posted later. Don't know how many qualifier 'cause I didn't really keep every elite item I found:tongue:
I have just final reports from: ugla, joosh, krovak, ribgriller and aman

jrlfrance is faithful I think that He sent me report when he will on comp

And what DementiaMaster and Gabriel -are you yet participants in this MFO? If I have to wait for your reports :scratch:
Ok... final results are due to area supervisors in rougly 12 hours. Please remember that in order for your score to count, your top 5 items MUST include ATMA readouts.

For myself, I averaged 27.9 seconds per run using the d2runsv1.1 counter that I think either jjscud or someone else from the forums created. It's the one where you have to click for each run. I ran in windowed mode which made my save&exit and load times way faster (thanks to whoever gave me that tip some months back). My total run time was 77 and 1/2 hours, exactly.

If you do the math (77.5 * 60 * 60 = 27900) and (279000 / 27.9 = 10,000) ... 10,000 runs.

I stopped picking up some qualifiers about 2000 runs in. I have more Dangoon's Teaching's than I know what to do with. In fact, I might take a screenshot of just the ones I picked up. I believe there are 16 or 17 in my MFO0108 stash heh. My total qualifiers picked up comes in at just over 200. So that puts me at 1 qualifier per 50 runs... although I suspect Ileft a good amount on the ground as well.

I also left one major qualifier on the ground that would have helped my score. The first time it dropped, I didn't think it was even a qualifier and let it rot. The next time it dropped was late in the MFO and I picked it up. When I looked at it in ATMA, suffice it to say that I swore a few times.

As soon as all of the supervisors send me the final results, I'll compile the results thread and post it :)
Final results sent. I didn't get a chance to play more last night :cry:

I only had 2 items that increased my score since Wednesday, hopefully that'll be enough! Waiting anxiously for results!
results sent, I apologize on behalf of Aman for him never posting any of my updates but I did give him two via IRC. Increased my score a bit last night and am overall happy with the results. Got two grailers and one of them is safely out of my top 5.
Wait wait wait...

It's the top 5?

****, i've been sending off my top 3 :p
Final results in baal category just sent to Drixx 😃
Hope everything will be ok with Sequana, and we'll see the readouts when she gets back.
I'm just waiting for one set of results now. From someone who will remain nameless ... [highlight]S I L O[/HIGHLIGHT]

Can someone find me a "failed to send scores" 'tar I can shove on him? 😁
I have collated all the Mephisto results and will send them to Drixx in a minute. Edit: Done

Thank you to all the Mephisto runners for your regular updates and to Jingizu for posting sequana's final total. I hope she gets well very soon.

Congratulations to all the MFO runners for completing the tournament. Having been in a few myself I know what you have been through, you have my admiration.
Once again I will ask.

Who do I send my results into?

I'm far too lazy to look it up. :p
If list of partecipants do not lie sardash play act5SUM category so he should sent results to thyiad 😃
Shhh, don't tell him the real answer :)
I call shenanigans. What's with the redonkulous acronym? Tell me that "CCBBBFF" stands for something almost cool...
I thought they were drunk and randomly hit the keyboard.

I've sent the final results to drixx. If I rememebered to attach the text file. Let me know if I didn't, drixx. Ta.
And for the record I fail. I sent the results but without Seedys. Sorry about that I forgot about you.

I've now resent the results three times. They're probably right now.
Don't worry.

Everyone always forgets about me.

We know, thats why Thy quoted Aman and not you, Dashy.
@Ray - go suck a Zod.
Emodash is sad. He is also probably last in his category.

5 IK Mauls? 4 and a Dangoon's, maybe?

Oh, and Thy propagates spam of threads like this one. This is clearly the best thing to happen to SPF modship in... well, ever.
I do not like spam in my mailbox 😁
Serdash doesn't spam, his writing is sort of poetry. Beautiful in its own, undefinable, special way. Yes even his result message would have been all that. :p
If his final result contain so nice story about his tormentous life I want to be supervisor in other category 😁
All results are received. It's gonna be awhile before the results thread goes up though. Unfortunately, one of the area supervisors, who shall not be named *cough*aman*cough* sent me an out of order update without scoring for each item, so I have a pile of work for that catagory ;p

Look for it soon :)
Estimated market value