MFO Summer 2019 Signups and Progress [by PhineasB]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @PhineasB on July 25, 2019.
(link to original thread on

Howls will echo through the Pit. Icy Shards will rain down in the Ancient Tunnels. Lightning bolts will fly and corpses will explode across the land.

Pindle’s horde shambles along in dread of the carnage. Baal’s minions cower in the face of the coming onslaught, and their master’s arrogance is pierced by a moment of doubt.

Sanctuary beware. It’s time for the Magic Find Olympics!

* * *​

Alright SPFers, it’s time for the 2019 Summer MFO, a longstanding SPF tradition (as documented here)!

Most of the content that follows is shamelessly copied from previous MFOs. So thanks to the prior hosts, mostly nulio, Fabian, and jjscud, and most recently Grape. I hope this updated formatting works for everyone. In general, if you have any questions or comments, you can ask in this thread or you can PM me.

* * *​

I. Basics
Short version:
Run one of three targets—A85, Baal, and Pindle+— as much as possible during a ten-day window spanning two weekends and hope for many golden sacred armors (of the blue variety).
Long version: See section II ;)

Start: Friday, August 16 (00:00 local time)
End: Sunday, August 25 (23:59 local time)

II. Overview
MFO stands for Magic Finding Olympics. For those new to the MFO, the gist of it is everyone picks one of three targets and runs that target like mad for 10 days. At the end, everyone scores their Sets/Uniques using the scoresheets below and adds up the top five finds. The players with the top scores win and they may claim a few items from lower scoring participants who ran the same target as prizes.

You need to have a trading profile to participate due to winners getting to claim items (see Section V for more info on this, as it’s less complicated than it sounds).

All participants must register the categories they wish to compete in before MFO kicks off. No deciding to participate when that Mang’s drops while doing casual MF runs after MFO starts. Sign-up post will follow below.

The Categories
- Hell Baal
- Pindle+: Pindleskin (or Shenk, Eldritch, Thresh or Sharptooth).
- Level 85 Areas

Eligible Finds
The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered in each category:
- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs only.
- Pindle+: The mentioned SuperUniques (and their minions, in the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth).
- Level 85 Areas: The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including minion waves).

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Prowling Dead in Pindle’s Garden, Chests in the Pits/Ancient Tunnels, etc. So if you’re in the Baal category, that Tyrael’s that drops from a random boss pack in the Throne Room doesn’t count :eek:

Beyond that, there are very few limitations. No restrictions of class, builds, items, or approach, provided everyone abides by general SPF rules regarding forum accepted mods (FAM), etc. So any SPF FAM mod and any version 1.11 or later. If you’re not sure about FAM, please read the rules.

III. Scoring
The system is based on the relative rarity compared to the Immortal King Stonecrusher, the most common elite set or unique. Here are the score sheets for each category (from Community Links Sticky): A85, Baal, Pindle+. The full txt files in two formats (alphabetical and item ranking) are also embedded in the spoilers below.
Aldur's Deception                   4.5
Alma Negra                          8.8
Andariel's Visage                   4.1
Arachnid Mesh                       5.6
Arioc's Needle                      2.2
Arkaine's Valor                     7.4
Astreon's Iron Ward               230.4
Azurewrath                          7.5
Baranar's Star                      3.1
Blackoak Shield                     5.6
Blood Raven's Charge                6.5
Bloodmoon                           3.1
Boneflame                          11.0
Bonehew                             2.2
Boneshade                           7.5
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge          32.6
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian        32.6
Cerebus' Bite                      10.6
Cranebeak                           4.5
Credendum                           1.7
Crown of Ages                      93.9
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Darkforce Spawn                   172.2
Death Cleaver                      76.8
Death's Fathom                    140.9
Death's Web                       231.0
Demon Limb                          2.6
Demon's Arch                        3.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.6
Djinn Slayer                        3.1
Doombringer                         5.4
Dracul's Grasp                      5.7
Dragonscale                        19.5
Eaglehorn                           5.4
Earth Shifter                      76.8
Eschuta's Temper                    4.4
Ethereal Edge                       2.4
Executioner's Justice              76.8
Firelizard's Talons                 5.0
Flamebellow                         3.1
Fleshripper                         6.1
Frostwind                           6.1
Gargoyle's Bite                    76.8
Ghostflame                         76.8
Giant Skull                        10.7
Gimmershred                         2.6
Griffon's Eye                      93.9
Griswold's Honor                   94.7
Griswold's Redemption              97.7
Griswold's Valor                   39.8
Gut Siphon                          6.1
Halaberd's Reign                   11.0
Harlequin Crest                     3.9
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.4
Heaven's Light                      9.3
Hellrack                            2.5
Hellslayer                          2.5
Horizon's Tornado                   5.4
Immortal King's Soul Cage          39.8
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Jade Talon                          2.9
Lacerator                           4.5
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Leviathan                           6.0
Lightsabre                          2.5
M'avina's Caster                    5.5
M'avina's Embrace                   2.5
M'avina's True Sight               39.8
Mang Song's Lesson                230.4
Marrowwalk                          4.7
Medusa's Gaze                       6.0
Messerschmidt's Reaver              6.1
Naj's Light Plate                   3.2
Naj's Puzzler                       3.2
Natalya's Mark                     38.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Nightwing's Veil                    6.0
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.4
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.3
Ondal's Almighty                    2.5
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.5
Ormus' Robes                        3.7
Ravenlore                          19.5
Razor's Edge                        3.4
Rune Master                         3.1
Sandstorm Trek                      3.7
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            2.6
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Schaefer's Hammer                  15.3
Shadow Dancer                      93.9
Shadow Killer                       2.3
Soul Drainer                        6.3
Spike Thorn                         6.3
Spirit Keeper                      13.7
Spirit Ward                        10.7
Steel Carapace                     10.6
Steel Pillar                       76.8
Steel Shade                         6.3
Steelrend                          93.9
Stone Crusher                       6.1
Stoneraven                          5.8
Stormlash                          16.2
Stormshield                         4.7
Stormspire                         76.8
Taebaek's Glory                     4.5
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            4.5
Templar's Might                    93.9
The Cranium Basher                 76.8
The Gladiator's Bane                4.7
The Grandfather                    76.8
The Reaper's Toll                   3.1
The Redeemer                        9.3
Thunderstroke                       4.5
Tomb Reaver                         4.5
Trang-Oul's Girth                   4.5
Trang-Oul's Guise                   4.5
Tyrael's Might                    422.5
Veil of Steel                       6.0
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.1
Viperfork                           2.5
Warshrike                           5.4
Widowmaker                          4.5
Windforce                          76.8
Windhammer                          2.4
Wizardspike                         2.2
Wolfhowl                            7.0
Wraith Flight                       4.5
Tyrael's Might                    422.5
Death's Web                       231.0
Astreon's Iron Ward               230.4
Mang Song's Lesson                230.4
Darkforce Spawn                   172.2
Death's Fathom                    140.9
Griswold's Redemption              97.7
Griswold's Honor                   94.7
Griffon's Eye                      93.9
Crown of Ages                      93.9
Templar's Might                    93.9
Steelrend                          93.9
Shadow Dancer                      93.9
Death Cleaver                      76.8
Executioner's Justice              76.8
Windforce                          76.8
Ghostflame                         76.8
Gargoyle's Bite                    76.8
The Cranium Basher                 76.8
Earth Shifter                      76.8
Stormspire                         76.8
Steel Pillar                       76.8
The Grandfather                    76.8
Griswold's Valor                   39.8
Immortal King's Soul Cage          39.8
M'avina's True Sight               39.8
Natalya's Mark                     38.7
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge          32.6
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian        32.6
Ravenlore                          19.5
Dragonscale                        19.5
Stormlash                          16.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  15.3
Spirit Keeper                      13.7
Halaberd's Reign                   11.0
Boneflame                          11.0
Giant Skull                        10.7
Spirit Ward                        10.7
Steel Carapace                     10.6
Cerebus' Bite                      10.6
Heaven's Light                      9.3
The Redeemer                        9.3
Alma Negra                          8.8
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.6
Boneshade                           7.5
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.5
Azurewrath                          7.5
Arkaine's Valor                     7.4
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.4
Wolfhowl                            7.0
Blood Raven's Charge                6.5
Steel Shade                         6.3
Spike Thorn                         6.3
Soul Drainer                        6.3
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.3
Messerschmidt's Reaver              6.1
Gut Siphon                          6.1
Fleshripper                         6.1
Stone Crusher                       6.1
Frostwind                           6.1
Leviathan                           6.0
Veil of Steel                       6.0
Nightwing's Veil                    6.0
Medusa's Gaze                       6.0
Stoneraven                          5.8
Dracul's Grasp                      5.7
Blackoak Shield                     5.6
Arachnid Mesh                       5.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.5
Eaglehorn                           5.4
Horizon's Tornado                   5.4
Doombringer                         5.4
Warshrike                           5.4
Firelizard's Talons                 5.0
Stormshield                         4.7
Marrowwalk                          4.7
The Gladiator's Bane                4.7
Cranebeak                           4.5
Widowmaker                          4.5
Wraith Flight                       4.5
Tomb Reaver                         4.5
Lacerator                           4.5
Thunderstroke                       4.5
Aldur's Deception                   4.5
Taebaek's Glory                     4.5
Trang-Oul's Guise                   4.5
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            4.5
Trang-Oul's Girth                   4.5
Eschuta's Temper                    4.4
Andariel's Visage                   4.1
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.1
Harlequin Crest                     3.9
Ormus' Robes                        3.7
Sandstorm Trek                      3.7
Razor's Edge                        3.4
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.4
Naj's Light Plate                   3.2
Naj's Puzzler                       3.2
Demon's Arch                        3.1
The Reaper's Toll                   3.1
Bloodmoon                           3.1
Flamebellow                         3.1
Rune Master                         3.1
Baranar's Star                      3.1
Djinn Slayer                        3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          2.9
Demon Limb                          2.6
Gimmershred                         2.6
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            2.6
Hellslayer                          2.5
Hellrack                            2.5
Viperfork                           2.5
Lightsabre                          2.5
Ondal's Almighty                    2.5
M'avina's Embrace                   2.5
Ethereal Edge                       2.4
Windhammer                          2.4
Shadow Killer                       2.3
Wizardspike                         2.2
Bonehew                             2.2
Arioc's Needle                      2.2
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Boneflame                          10.4
Bonehew                             2.3
Boneshade                           7.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Cranebeak                           4.3
Credendum                           1.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Death's Web                        27.9
Demon Limb                          2.8
Demon's Arch                        3.3
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Doombringer                         5.7
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Dragonscale                        14.6
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Flamebellow                         3.3
Fleshripper                         4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Giant Skull                         8.1
Gimmershred                         2.8
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
Hellrack                            2.6
Hellslayer                          2.6
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Jade Talon                          3.0
Lacerator                           4.3
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Leviathan                           5.7
Lightsabre                          2.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Marrowwalk                          5.0
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Ravenlore                          14.6
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Rune Master                         3.2
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Steel Pillar                        9.3
Steel Shade                         6.6
Steelrend                          10.7
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Stormlash                          17.0
Stormshield                         5.0
Stormspire                          9.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Templar's Might                    10.7
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
The Grandfather                     9.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
The Redeemer                        9.8
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Viperfork                           2.6
Warshrike                           5.7
Widowmaker                          4.3
Windforce                           9.3
Windhammer                          2.5
Wizardspike                         2.3
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Death's Web                        27.9
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Stormlash                          17.0
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Ravenlore                          14.6
Dragonscale                        14.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Templar's Might                    10.7
Steelrend                          10.7
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Boneflame                          10.4
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
The Redeemer                        9.8
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Windforce                           9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Stormspire                          9.3
Steel Pillar                        9.3
The Grandfather                     9.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Giant Skull                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Boneshade                           7.9
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Steel Shade                         6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Leviathan                           5.7
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Doombringer                         5.7
Warshrike                           5.7
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Stormshield                         5.0
Marrowwalk                          5.0
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Fleshripper                         4.6
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Cranebeak                           4.3
Widowmaker                          4.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Lacerator                           4.3
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Demon's Arch                        3.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Flamebellow                         3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Rune Master                         3.2
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          3.0
Demon Limb                          2.8
Gimmershred                         2.8
Hellslayer                          2.6
Hellrack                            2.6
Viperfork                           2.6
Lightsabre                          2.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Windhammer                          2.5
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
Wizardspike                         2.3
Bonehew                             2.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Arachnid Mesh                       5.9
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Azurewrath                          7.8
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Boneflame                          10.4
Bonehew                             2.3
Boneshade                           7.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Cranebeak                           4.3
Credendum                           1.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Death's Web                        27.9
Demon Limb                          2.8
Demon's Arch                        3.3
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Doombringer                         5.7
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Dragonscale                        14.6
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Flamebellow                         3.3
Fleshripper                         4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Giant Skull                         8.1
Gimmershred                         2.8
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
Hellrack                            2.6
Hellslayer                          2.6
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0
Jade Talon                          3.0
Lacerator                           4.3
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Leviathan                           5.7
Lightsabre                          2.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Marrowwalk                          5.0
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Ravenlore                          14.6
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Rune Master                         3.2
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Steel Pillar                        9.3
Steel Shade                         6.6
Steelrend                          10.7
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Stormlash                          17.0
Stormshield                         5.0
Stormspire                          9.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Templar's Might                    10.7
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
The Grandfather                     9.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
The Redeemer                        9.8
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Tyrael's Might                     48.2
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Viperfork                           2.6
Warshrike                           5.7
Widowmaker                          4.3
Windforce                           9.3
Windhammer                          2.5
Wizardspike                         2.3
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Tyrael's Might                     48.2
Death's Web                        27.9
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Stormlash                          17.0
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Ravenlore                          14.6
Dragonscale                        14.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Templar's Might                    10.7
Steelrend                          10.7
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Boneflame                          10.4
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
The Redeemer                        9.8
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Windforce                           9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Stormspire                          9.3
Steel Pillar                        9.3
The Grandfather                     9.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Giant Skull                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Boneshade                           7.9
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Azurewrath                          7.8
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Steel Shade                         6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Arachnid Mesh                       5.9
Leviathan                           5.7
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Doombringer                         5.7
Warshrike                           5.7
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Stormshield                         5.0
Marrowwalk                          5.0
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Fleshripper                         4.6
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Cranebeak                           4.3
Widowmaker                          4.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Lacerator                           4.3
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Demon's Arch                        3.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Flamebellow                         3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Rune Master                         3.2
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          3.0
Demon Limb                          2.8
Gimmershred                         2.8
Hellslayer                          2.6
Hellrack                            2.6
Viperfork                           2.6
Lightsabre                          2.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Windhammer                          2.5
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
Wizardspike                         2.3
Bonehew                             2.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0

The winning player is determined by the five highest-ranked items they find during the MFO. In case of two players tying with the same score, the winner shall be decided by adding in the score of the next rarest item each of them found, then the next and so on until a clear winner is decided. Remember to keep eligible finds separate from the rest of your gear.

Nulio created an excel file that can help you with several things:
1. 'Tables' sheet has all the scores
2. 'Point Calculator' sheet allows you to list all your finds and calculates your score
a) You have to indicate the category
b) If you are playing more than one category, duplicate the sheet
c) To allow automatic timestamping you need to turn the iterative calculation (File > Options > Formulas > Enable iterative calculation). If you don't want it just delete the column
d) To allow auto completion of cells you need to turn it on (File > Options > Advanced > Enable AutoComplete For Cell Values).
3. 'Rankings' sheet can help supervisors... supervise

A word on teams. As a fun little side competition, players can join teams. It's a person from each category (that have enough people signed up to allow multiple teams), and the combined scores of teams are ranked for an overall winning team, in addition to the individual medalists in each category. No prizes or such, except the eternal bragging rights. Creative team names are highly encouraged!

IV. Sportsmanship: Updates and Final Scores
Do not post any qualifiers found during the MFO!
Here or in the Item Find Thread. Post as many high runes, cool charms, non-qualifying drops (that Tyrael’s from the random boss pack from the Throne Room for our Baal runners). But don’t spoil the surprise and competition by giving too much detail about your progress or likely score!

Updates and Final Scores. In the interest of sportsmanship, please send a private message to your category supervisor (the “Start a conversation” option) with updates of your progress and total score at the following three points in the process:
- The first three days (Friday and first weekend), until the end of Sunday, August 18
- The first seven days, until the end of Thursday, August 22
- Final score as soon as you can (but no later than 12 hours after you finish). Please just send it when you finish playing for the MFO!

These should be in the following format:
Title: SPF - MFO results
Category: A85
Forum name: Grape
Asteron's Iron Ward 27.8
Ravenlore 14.6
Crown of Ages 10.7
Windforce 9.3
Windforce 9.3 (example of a duplicate find)
Total 71.7

For the final score, please also include the ATMA/GoMule readout for your top 5. If you quit or drop out, please send your area supervisor a PM saying so.

Seriously, Please Send Final Score as Soon as Possible. PM your score and ATMA/GoMule readouts of your top 5 to your area’s supervisor within 12 hours after the end of the MFO. There's always a few people who take a long time to do it, and it holds everything up. It takes literally less than 2 minutes to fire off your Final Update email, and it keeps all of us from waiting a day or longer for the results.

This time, please send the results in quickly, so the area supervisors can finish their lists and send them to me quickly, so I can put up the Results Thread quickly. When you finish running, please send the results right away.

*** I will supervise A85 and Pindle+, and I am happy to supervise Baal. (But I am also happy to let someone else volunteer to supervise Baal because I plan to enter in that category. I'll be running with untwinked 99er with limited MF, so I'm not really worried about the suspense being ruined if I end up knowing other's scores.) ***

V. SPF Trading Profile Needed to Participate (But It’s Easy to Create One!)

Trading profile is necessary due to tradition of winners getting the option of claiming items from others, as explained in the next section. Also, if you've been banned from trading and/or mp'ing then you will not be allowed to participate in the MFO.

It’s pretty straightforward to add a trading profile (here), as explained here (see Rule 4.7). A sample trader profile is here. (Note that I created it just to participate in MFO. It took about 5 minutes.)

Hopefully this summary makes it go even faster for others who otherwise wouldn’t participate due to not having a profile and feeling it’s too complicated (which I can relate to for sure).

But, in the end, if you don't think that you're capable of giving up a Windforce or a Stormlash if you find one and lose, this probably isn't for you.

You should add your trade tag with hyperlink to your trade profile (see sign-up post below for examples). Per @maxicek you should list the version you actually will be running in for MFO, rather than all versions listed in your trade profile. The purpose is that if it comes to items changing hands, we know compatible versions are being used. So, as an example, "1.00-1.14d SC/HC FAM" doesn’t help there, and the sign-up should list "1.14d SC" if that's the version used for MFO character.

VI. Prize Distribution
Part of the tradition is that MFO medalists get to claim items from other lower ranked entrants within the same category. You don't have to claim anything, and I don’t believe anyone has claimed for at least the last 2 MFOs. But it’s part of the tradition, so I’ve maintained it. Please give if you're asked.

1st Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant)
2nd Place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max 1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 1 item from ANY other entrants ranked below you

There’s a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.

Here are some previous “good sportsmanship” suggestions. These won't be enforced but any reasonable person shouldn't have any problem following these:

1. Don't claim items for their trade value, claim items you want to use or as a trophy
2. If you want a trophy, please be considerate (i.e. no grailers)
3. if you claim an item and the player really wants it, give them a chance to trade back their self found item for a similar or better one or other item as you see fit.
4. If someone is claiming one of your items, you may personalize it before giving it to them.

* * *​

Good luck and HAVE FUN!!! HYPE!!!!
Last edited:
Originally posted by: @PhineasB

Please note your version/mod status. Per @maxicek you should list the version you actually will be running in for MFO, rather than all versions listed in your trade profile. The purpose is that if it comes to items changing hands, we know compatible versions are being used. So, as an example, "1.00-1.14d SC/HC FAM" doesn’t help there, and the sign-up should list "1.14d SC" if that's the version used for MFO character.

Note: your category isn't final until signups close and the MFO starts.
Note 2: I'll update this post as more people sign up and as soon as MFO starts so there is one easy-to-find list of runners.

Updated to reflect sign-ups as of 8/16/19

PhineasB [1.13d SC FAM]
Vildecor [1.14d SC FAM]
Pb_pal [1.13d SC FAM]
jjscud [1.13c SC FAM]
Jamie [1.14d SC FAM] (withdrawn)
Yng [1.14D SC FAM]
art_vandelay [1.14d SC FAM]
Dagaz [1.14d SC FAM]
maxicek [1.14d SC FAM]
Babyhell [1.14D SC FAM]
Darkoooo [1.14d HC Vanilla]

Level 85 Areas
zemaj [1.14d SC FAM]
Albatross [1.14d SC FAM]
T72on1 [1.14d, SC, FAM] (withdrawn)
D2DC [1.14d SC FAM]
Grape [1.00 - 1.13d SC FAM]
ziambe [1.07, 1.13d SC FAM]
Luhkoh [1.14d SC FAM]
ffs [1.14b SC FAM]
WoRG [1.13d SC FAM]
Gynli [1.14d SC FAM]
Mir [1.14d SC Vanilla]
CaseyJones [1.14d SC FAM]
ESDV2 [1.14d SC FAM]
Joosh [1.14d SC FAM]
NanoMist [1.14d SC FAM]
Bewitch [1.14d SC FAM]
Burgomaster3 [1.14d SC FAM]
Pharphis [1.13d HC FAM]

  • Joosh
  • Darkoooo
  • Vildecor
Heroes of Find and Magic
  • Babyhell (Pindle)
  • CaseyJones (A85)
  • Pb_pal (Baal runner)
The Afterthoughts
  • Maxicek
  • ziambe
  • PhineasB
Available for teams



edit: I very likely won't play a huge amount (as always) but I've been running AT a tiny amount most days. Haven't found an HR since before the previous MFO, iirc!
Probably change targets at least twice more, but I'll make up my mind at some point before starting :D
Wow, only 2 weeks to go! Will be running with my untwinked 99er, with limited MF like @PhineasB. The goal is really more levels, but hopefully I'll find some nice stuff as well.
Here we go. Hope I can roll a decent map in two weeks :D

I'm also updating the AT guide with new info. Should be done in a couple of days.
I probably won't have much time, as we are only coming back from holiday on August 17 and we plan to do a lot of cycling / hiking with the kids afterwards as well, but my PitBarb is ready for the action. It needs some more testing, but I think he has a good map, so he's ready to go.

Edit: forgot to mention ... my plan is to continue my Pitruns after the MFO if I don't get enough time in, just to see which results I'd get. Not sure how much in total, somewhere between 10 - 20 hours.
Hmm.. Gotta level up a bit in the next couple weeks.. :eek:
@DiabloTwoinDC That name ... awesome !!!

Available for teams


Bring it on!!!!

I think I'll play my Pit Singerbarb. Maybe a few Poison Nec runs in between here and there.
Wahoo! MFO Hype! joining the level 85 competition because i am still recovering from 40 hours of Baal last year...
I'm very tempted to "take it easy" and run pindle with my newish zerk barb, but I'm gonna commit to being a big boy and run pits, unless I just cannot find a map before tourney. Goal for the tourney is to get in 20 hours, but similar to T72, if I come short of this, I will finish 20 hours after the tourney for fun.

Also guys, unless I'm crazy, it's 3 weeks before the tourney starts, not 2 :p

Also what's with the intermediate updates being required? No big deal, but I wasn't expecting that.
This is as good an excuse as any to get some XP for my lvl 97 Zon at Baal. I'm going to aim for 20 hours and hopefully not fall too short of that!

Good luck everyone and may all your drops be GREEN AND GOLD (though slightly less so than mine)
@T72on1 thanks. It was either that, or Dunggrube! :D
Kind of a bad timing for my untwinked Pally, who will likely need to be running either Diablo or Nihlathak when MFO starts. Well then I guess I'll have to go the competitive route for this one! Probably Pit Berserker or maybe some take on an AT Barb similar to what @Gripphon tested recently.

You guys can have all the green drops you want, I'll take the golden ones. :p
Luhkoh said:
Also guys, unless I'm crazy, it's 3 weeks before the tourney starts, not 2 :p
Whoops, you're right. I guess I couldn't math very well last night.
@DiabloTwoinDC Those German niche words you keep digging up... :D I’m a native speaker and I don’t even think I used the word "Dunggrube".. ever.
ffs said:
@DiabloTwoinDC Those German niche words you keep digging up... :D I’m a native speaker and I don’t even think I used the word "Dunggrube".. ever.
Well, you must be one of those elite types that has that fancy indoor plumbing! :eek:
I'm in...not 100% sure where I'll be running, but it will definitely won't be Pindle+, I really would like a blue unique Sacred Armor to go with all those damned green ones I have gathering e-dust!!
Will be plucking away in CS/Diablo anyway, so why not. :D

Edit: added the missing 'Please note your version/mod status.'
Pindle looking a bit lonely, why not. Won’t have too much time.
I don't think I'll have too much time to participate fully let alone roll a decent map for any of my characters. I do however want to play my pindlesorc again and improve her efficiency (if only I had 1.07 HLW :().

Also some competition for Yng can't be a bad thing :D
I am in, but not sure if it is to run Baal with Light Sorc, or AT with Bliz.

Been stocking up on crafting materials (Rals, PGems), skillers, and MF charms with resists by focusing on LK for the last month. About 200 Pgems away from rolling Lvl94 Gcharms, along with several hundred caster amulets.

Outcome of those rolls will decide the target.

BTW, does anyone have the video link to Denton's runs with 200 FCR sorc in WSK? He posted it 12 years ago (links now broken), and I have wanted a similar toon ever since...
So, like I mentioned in my previous post, since I won't have much time during the actual MFO, my plan is to also run some more outside it, as kind of an fully fledged MFO for myself. Still not sure how many hours I'll do, somewhere between 10 - 20 hours.

Anyway, started the pre-MFO-but-still-for-real-for-me-personally runs today. Got this one after 12 runs:


Grail -9 :cool:.

Funny thing is, I didn't even get the chance to post my goals for this round in this thread. This item would have been at the top spot :).

Roll is quite bad, but still it's a Griffon's !!

Griffon's Eye
Defense: 183
Durability: 16 of 20
Required Level: 76
Fingerprint: 0x4141546c
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+25% Faster Cast Rate
-17% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+10% to Lightning Skill Damage
+129 Defense

Edit: hmm, and minutes later this very peculiar rare Circlet. Definitely interesting for an Enchantress:

Circlets like this always stir something warm in my heart :D

I think I'll be able to participate this year. If so, I'll be running Pindle, since he is the only target I can run in reasonable amount of time. My leval 85 areas timings are just horrible.
@T72on1 big congrats!! Definitely jealous. I've been doing a some pre-mfo runs myself, while searching for and evaluating maps (no luck yet). Killed about 600 bosses in pits so far and no decent finds. Hope my pre-mfo runs catch some of your luck!
Small question, is it possible to run level 84 areas instead?
I don't know that I'll be terribly competitive, I'll be low MF, focusing on leveling, but that seems to be the thing to do in this category so we'll see how it goes.
mir said:
Small question, is it possible to run level 84 areas instead?
I was wondering this too. Should add more variety with no advantage that I can think of.
I'm wondering what level everyone starts running Pits with their Zerkers? Reading Grip's guide, it looks like you want to level up quite a bit first?
@DiabloTwoinDC I’d recommend at least 94 since it’s such a little investment (just level in Pits and save Ancients for 94 ding. If you want to go further just pick up at Ventar runs). Ideally the higher the better for CtH. If you have really good MF/AR charms for example you can probably get away with less clvl.
@Yng but, when do you recommend starting to level in Pits? Fundgrube is lvl 65 now, A5 NM. Should I just go straight to the Pits (~lvl 70)? or quest through Hell first to get him to 80-85?

I dont think I have ever even entered the Pits on Hell difficulty. No idea what its like..
@DiabloTwoinDC You can get 70 pretty quick spamming NM Pindle. 75-80ish easy at NM Baal.

Level as WW. It’s fairly safe as Barb but ML can be annoying as hell and watch out for auras (Might and Fanaticism) on archer packs, especially if you’re cursed.
Will play with my Hammerdin - the one who made the RFL round 3, doing CS runs :) 300MF might give some nice things... hopefully! Might optimize resistances SCs and find the room for an additional skiller also, while trying to stay >290MF.

Merc stuff will be taken from another char, with Eth fortitude setup, and a lvl 17 aura Insight.

Good luck all :)

Name: JohnnyBeGood
Class: Paladin
Experience: 2741507246
Level: 96

Strength: 93/192
Dexterity: 148/183
Vitality: 319/358
Energy: 15/22
HP: 1180/1389
Mana: 155/450
Stamina: 476/480
Defense: 37/2053
AR: 725/1054

Fire: 181/141/81
Cold: 191/151/91
Lightning: 203/163/103
Poison: 201/161/101

MF: 304 Block: 39
GF: 158
FR/W: 70
FHR: 55
IAS: 0
FCR: 125

Sacrifice: 0/0
Smite: 1/17
Holy Bolt: 1/16
Zeal: 0/0
Charge: 1/16
Vengeance: 0/0
Blessed Hammer: 20/35
Conversion: 0/0
Holy Shield: 12/27
Fist of the Heavens: 0/0

Might: 1/13
Holy Fire: 0/0
Thorns: 0/0
Blessed Aim: 20/32
Concentration: 20/32
Holy Freeze: 0/0
Holy Shock: 0/0
Sanctuary: 0/0
Fanaticism: 0/0
Conviction: 0/0

Prayer: 1/13
Resist Fire: 0/0
Defiance: 1/13
Resist Cold: 0/0
Cleansing: 1/13
Resist Lightning: 8/20
Vigor: 20/32
Meditation: 0/0
Redemption: 0/0
Salvation: 0/0

Lion Branded Grand Charm of Life
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0xe2e62f94
Item Level: 57
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
+8 to Life

Emerald Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x8634c919
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Poison Resist +10%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Rugged Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x5a4640c3
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+4 Maximum Stamina
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Stout Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xa3d6c580
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+8 Defense
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Serpent's Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 40
Fingerprint: 0x57e7d946
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+17 to Mana
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ruby Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0xcc6a16c3
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15 to Life
Fire Resist +10%

Gheed's Fortune
Grand Charm
Required Level: 62
Fingerprint: 0x101b11aa
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
158% Extra Gold from Monsters
Reduces all Vendor Prices 11%
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Shimmering Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x3f309c1a
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +4
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ruby Small Charm of Fortune
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0xfaeedaee
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +10%
5% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Shimmering Grand Charm of Strength
Grand Charm
Required Level: 27
Fingerprint: 0xe82ac52c
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+6 to Strength
All Resistances +15

Lion Branded Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 53
Fingerprint: 0xfd3a806d
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
+34 to Life

Lion Branded Grand Charm of Life
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x327ace16
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
+8 to Life

Harlequin Crest
Defense: 125
Durability: 6 of 12
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0xb5d5eb4f
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
All Stats +2
+144 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+144 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Damage Reduced by 10%
74% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Perfect Topaz

Perfect Topaz
Required Level: 18
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 1 - 40 Lightning Damage
Armor: 24% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: Lightning Resist +40%

Mara's Kaleidoscope
Required Level: 67
Fingerprint: 0x1e2d7d62
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
All Stats +5
All Resistances +26

Noobazon's Enigma
Superior Archon Plate
Defense: 1358
Durability: 45 of 60
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 103
Fingerprint: 0x45857d9e
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 to Teleport
+13% Enhanced Defense
+770 Defense
+72 to Strength (Based on Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced by 8%
+14 Life after each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
96% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
3 Sockets (3 used)
Socketed: Jah Rune
Socketed: Ith Rune
Socketed: Ber Rune

Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0x6dbed612
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+154 to Attack Rating
Adds 15 - 45 Cold Damage Over 4 Secs (100 Frames)
+18 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
Cold Absorb 20%
Cannot Be Frozen

Skull Grasp
Required Level: 9
Fingerprint: 0x910ed8e7
Item Level: 46
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Cast Rate
Lightning Resist +12%
Fire Resist +5%
Damage Reduced by 1

Arachnid Mesh
Spiderweb Sash
Defense: 133
Durability: 11 of 12
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0x1ed3ee80
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Slows Target by 10%
+112% Enhanced Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Level 3 Venom (11/11 Charges)

Light Gauntlets
Defense: 25
Durability: 12 of 18
Required Level: 23
Required Strength: 45
Fingerprint: 0x2ead1cb7
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Fire Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 1 - 6 Fire Damage
+30% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%

Tome of Town Portal
Fingerprint: 0xa10a723d
Item Level: 8
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Akaran Targe
Defense: 121
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Level: 26
Required Strength: 44
Fingerprint: 0x90cb7ea5
Item Level: 76
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+32% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+22 to Vitality
+91 to Mana
Cold Resist +35%
All Resistances +29
Lightning Resist +35%
Poison Resist +35%
+3 Magic Absorb
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune
Socketed: Ort Rune
Socketed: Amn Rune

War Traveler
Battle Boots
Defense: 126
Durability: 48 of 48
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 95
Fingerprint: 0x31cd6d51
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25% Faster Run/Walk
Adds 15 - 25 Damage
+163% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Strength
+10 to Vitality
40% Slower Stamina Drain
Attacker Takes Damage of 5
49% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+30 Maximum Durability

Horadric Cube
Fingerprint: 0xbdbcd94
Item Level: 13
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Heart of the Oak
One Hand Damage: 1 - 24
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 55
Required Strength: 41
Required Dexterity: 35
Fingerprint: 0x6514dd77
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to All Skills
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+75% Damage to Demons
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons
+150% Damage to Undead
Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames)
7% Mana stolen per hit
+10 to Dexterity
Replenish Life +20
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +37
Level 4 Oak Sage (25/25 Charges)
Level 14 Raven (60/60 Charges)
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ko Rune
Socketed: Vex Rune
Socketed: Pul Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune

Akaran Rondache
Defense: 120
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 27 of 30
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 59
Fingerprint: 0x6829ab16
Item Level: 74
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+35% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+22 to Vitality
+94 to Mana
Cold Resist +35%
All Resistances +36
Lightning Resist +35%
Poison Resist +35%
+7 Magic Absorb
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune
Socketed: Ort Rune
Socketed: Amn Rune

Shimmering Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xb2cd3ae9
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +4
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Shimmering Grand Charm of Strength
Grand Charm
Required Level: 27
Fingerprint: 0x996d01f4
Item Level: 73
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+4 to Strength
All Resistances +14


Name: Chalan
Race: Desert Mercenary
Type: Def-Nightmare
Experience: 107290738
Level: 96
Dead?: false

Two Hand Damage: 73 - 140
Durability: 38 of 65
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 62
Fingerprint: 0x9281dabc
Item Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Level 17 Meditation Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Cast Rate
260% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
180% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
+2 to Critical Strike
All Stats +5
+2 to Mana after each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Tir Rune
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Sol Rune
Yng said:
@DiabloTwoinDC You can get 70 pretty quick spamming NM Pindle. 75-80ish easy at NM Baal.

Level as WW. It’s fairly safe as Barb but ML can be annoying as hell and watch out for auras (Might and Fanaticism) on archer packs, especially if you’re cursed.
Agreed. Leveling as WW Barb is much easier.

My PitBarb is only level eighty eight right now. That's because I did respec from WW to Berserk immediately when getting to the Pits in Hell. In hindsight I should have kept on moving up to the Anya quest (10% extra resists are never a bad thing to have :)) and then level some on Pindle, Eldritch or Council. Although I don't think I would have had the patience to level higher than let's say 90.

Anyway, I don't think you need to be level 94. My Barb is doing just fine at this level, and even lower than that. A lot depends on your gear obviously. And also what you consider acceptable. Yes, my Barb doesn't have 95% to hit on every monster in the Pit, so I miss sometimes. In the end it won't cost me much time I think, and we're mainly talking min-maxing here. A good map and good playing style are much more important in my opinion.

He and his merc were struggling a bit when he was still in his high 70s, because of the difference between clvl and mlvl, so I wouldn't advice to head straight out to the Pits. But anything 85+ should work. Again, depending on your gear of course.
I levelled to 93 at Pindle with WW, just because after that it’s more annoying to level Barbs quickly (probably Baal waves). So I switched to Pits at 93, but in hindsight I probably could have levelled a bit more, still could use better CTH..
@DiabloTwoinDC I agree with yng. I leveled till 94 doing ventar runs and it doesn't take that long (100 3minute runs to go from 93-94, about 260 runs to go from 90-94). The pits should be about as fast though, so saving ancients to speed up the process is probably a nice idea. I got 94 and then got ~8400 AR for 90% cth against everything. Made a little CTH sheet HERE. The second sheet is an unorganized calculation where I wanted to make sure I had enough minimum dmg to 2 shot anything that's not magic resistant. I made a pretty nonstandard build that I think is a nice beginner zerker with some more budget gear and much higher health, and am very pleased so far.

As far as what you should do, I definitely recommend getting lvl 70-75ish from nm pindle/baal and then questing through hell up through the anya quest (why not have 10 more res?). By then you should be at least low 80's. Then do p8 pits or ventar runs with ww till at least lvl 92 (this takes no time at all). With 94 being in my mind the last really low hanging fruit. And as you'll see many examples, he can run the pits as zerker at pretty much any lvl, so he will still be a good MFO character for you if you don't get to a high lvl in time. But might as well get those extra skill points, stat points, and chance to hit if you can invest a handful of hours into leveling him.
* * * * *

It's my first time signing up. Can someone check if I do everything ok?
If I understood correctly, teams need a participant from each category... for now, no Pindle+ team mate available, so we'll see.

My goals
For now I target somehow a nice run with nice runes as side reward - hopefully same man at the same place will give similar result #RFLRound3! Will hope for this Tyrael's drop too - and a Jah or Ber in case I am requested to give it, guess it would be some "fair" trade... :)

So it would give:
  • 5 qualifiers at 10+ points, Tyrael's included
  • 5 Ist+ runes

Dice are rolling...;)


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mir said:
Small question, is it possible to run level 84 areas instead?
I wanted to circle back to this question and see if there are any objections to expanding to include A84 but sticking with the current scores.

I'm not expert on drop odds, etc., but it seems like it's actually a bit of a disadvantage to people who want to focus on A84 due to slightly worse odds? I just did a quick check on Astreon's at 0MF, and the odds were marginally worse in A84 than in A85. So if folks want to run other areas and don't mind using A85 scoring (i.e., a slight odds disadvantage), I can't think of a reason not to allow it.

I'd appreciate feedback from a few people who've participated in a few MFOs and are good at drop odds. Maybe let's give it through the end of the weekend to make a decision based on discussion?
I'm not good at drop odds (for some reason I even thought that not everything can drop in level 84 areas), and I've only participated in 2 MFOs. But for what it's worth, I follow your reasoning, and as such I don't mind people running those areas.

Btw, if it's allowed, which areas would you be running @mir ? I assume not Maggot Lair 1 and 2? ;)
@PhineasB This is my first MFO, but if I'm good enough at drop odds to weigh in, I agree with your assessment. A84's have barely different odds for relevant items, and those odds are slightly worse. And ofc champions can't drop qlvl 87 items. I agree there should be no difference in scoring. The only way there could be some hidden advantage to A84 as far as i know, is if someone finds that they can get a better boss/minute in one than the pit. And I think that would be a cool (but unlikely) discovery.

@T72on1 Maggot lair is surprisingly not that bad, and is better than mausoleum I would say for fire characters. But I'm thinking the best alvl84 area would be drifter cavern. Perhaps halls of pain and vaught as well. I actually had in the back of my mind that it could be a fun idea to have an alvl 84 rf/mf tourney sometime. Anyways I don't feel like there's a good reason to do alvl 84 for this tournament at all (unless you just need the variety), but no reason not to allow it either. I do think its fun and underexplored though.
Interesting points. How do drop odds compare generally? I for one could see the appeal to run a different area even if slightly less rewarding.

Edit: I guess Champions not being able to drop qlvl87 is quite bad though...
@ffs They are almost the same. I think the only difference comes from the "mlvl-qlvl" part of the MF calculation. So just as an example. with 300 mf, a pits boss has a 1:50298 chance of dropping griffons. In drifter cavern a boss has 1:50415 chance. The primary difference is as you mentioned, that champions (aka 20% of your bosses) can't drop tyraels. This is ofc a big disadvantage, but they should still be viable for a good MFO score.

The only one I think that has a chance to rival pits/tunnels in bosses per minute is drifter cavern. Perhaps with a lot of evil urns that you pop mostly at the end of the run. But like you said, it's just fun to do some different runs. I think an rf/mf tourney like youve done before for alvl 84 only would be really interesting. But to stay on topic, the boss chance to drop is almost the same as alvl 85.
Luhkoh said:
The only one I think that has a chance to rival pits/tunnels in bosses per minute is drifter cavern. Perhaps with a lot of evil urns that you pop mostly at the end of the run. But like you said, it's just fun to do some different runs. I think an rf/mf tourney like youve done before for alvl 84 only would be really interesting. But to stay on topic, the boss chance to drop is almost the same as alvl 85.
Same should be true for alvl 83 like the Glacial Trail. As for stuff that you lose out on:
From Unique Monsters:
- Tyrael's
- Arachnid Mesh
- Azurewrath
From Champions:
- The three items above
- Stormlash
- Tomb Reaver
- Mang Song
- CoA
- Death's Web
Depending on the map for Glacial Trail+Drifter Cavern it could be quite sick in terms of bosspack numbers.

This should be like RFL round 3: Yes, AS can't give you Zod (or you know: shouldn't...) but it can compete with every other area as long as there are not to many Zod's or crazy 1.07 HRs around.

The Drifter Cavern might be the MF version of the AS :D
Good point. I didn't think of tacking glacial trail onto the run. I didn't think of alvl 83 as "worth it" in general, but when its on the way to an alvl 84/85 area, I bet it definitely is.
T72on1 said:
I'm not good at drop odds (for some reason I even thought that not everything can drop in level 84 areas), and I've only participated in 2 MFOs. But for what it's worth, I follow your reasoning, and as such I don't mind people running those areas.
Btw, if it's allowed, which areas would you be running @mir ? I assume not Maggot Lair 1 and 2? ;)
Well I want to run glacial trail as I find it much more enjoyable than pit or AT runs even if it's level 83 (I was sure it's 84 :().

EDIT: what motivate me so much is the feeling that I get lots of rare items in those areas (glacial trail level 1/2)
What's going on here? Sign up people!

Edit: @PhineasB I assume we can switch categories until MFO starts? I'm considering Baal with my 99er for the duration of MFO. I realized he's 98 so I guess could cash in Ancients at this point – if I can handle worse XP efficiency for that period of time, not sure about that yet. :D
@ffs yes, entries can be changed up until start of MFO. I updated second post to reflect current entries. Keep 'em coming ;)
I can only run for about the first four days, just going to have to hope they are lucky ...
Changing category: will run Pindle to add some competition there, with my now 92 BabySorc twinked fire ;)

Keeping the same goals anyway!

[HIGHLIGHT]By the way, a team can be created now: we need another challenger from Pindle+ runners![/HIGHLIGHT]
Alright, because all the feedback received agreed that it doesn't provide an advantage, people should feel free to run A84 and A83 areas in the A85 category, with scores for all based on the A85 drop odds. Good luck to everyone leveling characters to enter!
Going to go with level 85 areas. Don't yet want to do ancients to get to Baal. Likely AT with my Nova/ES sorc.

* * * * *
I thought everyone was playing a forum prank on me about Pit Zerkers, unlike the Blood Raven Annihilus which is totally real! Finally managed to find a decent qualifier though.
Steel Pillar                        9.3

Runs are getting faster as I get used to the map, and I'm averaging a bit more bosses as I figure out where they usually spawn. I think I would occasionally miss some boss packs while I was first getting going. Debating if I should try to level up to 89 to use Caster Amulet. No increase in MF%, but I do cast quite a bit of Tele/Howl..

Starting to believe that I can actually mount a respectable score now. ;)
I would do the levelling to at least 89, normally to 92 at least. I normally level in Trav first as WW, then respec.

Helps the survivability of the merc and your chance to hit too.
We need some MFO HYPE up in here!...
So, what do you have to do yet to prepare for this year? Roll a new map? Finish up a character?

Me, I am currently lvl 85 on my untwinked novasorc and missing a few nice gear pieces. Looking to hit lvl 90 before it starts and hope to get a gheeds and war travs before then. A couple of light skillers rolled by then would be nice too.

As for the map, I like my AT map fairly well though I haven't officially scored it. Fairly linear, several boss packs a couple telports in, a few more just a couple teles from that, and then a couple around the gut feeling says it averages around 7 unique/champ groups so not optimal but still like it well enough.

Come on guys...HYPE! :)
AT for nova sorc? You crazy :p 7 bosses per run would be godly! Did you mean pits maybe?

I have my zerk barb ready but no good map yet. I've taken a break from him and am working another character, but next week's play time will be solely devoted to finding him a map. If worse comes to worst, well I still rack up a decent number of boss kills during the rerolling process :) Cant wait!!


Edit: @Gripphon where is your AT barb?!
frost nova sorc was fun in AT but mine died before level 90. This is without beta CtA
I rolled a great Pindle map.
I've started adding Baal into my runs, I was just doing Ventar runs. I'm just p1'ing him now, but my trapper isn't a fast Baal killer so that's probably best for now.

I've also rolled a great Throne of Destruction map:rolleyes:. Considering all the Baal'ing I've got ahead of me, I think its probably time to look for a really good WSK2/3 map.

After that, I need to toss a few unneeded extras (I may still have a tome if identify on her), maybe even the cube. Skiller hunting would probably be the next lowest hanging fruit but I'm not sure I can bring myself to do that in a dedicated manner.
Agreed. Searching for specific skillers is rough and I feel like is one of the main disadvantages to untwinked play. I calc about 3500 lk runs per skiller of a specific skill tree -.-

Good luck baaling!
@Luhkoh , no I meant AT. The only light immunes there are lightning mage skeles when they spawn and all but LE bosses can be broken by infinity. The mummy types have fairly low light res and drop fast, the invaders are somewhere in the middle. That's at P3 btw. I need more +skill items before I can turn that setting up.

Lightning skele mages scare me far less than those pit rogue archers.
I've got myself a decent WSK 2/3 map I think.


Haven't timed any runs with the new map, but should be able to shave off quite a bit from my earlier 3:11 average. I haven't done any Baal runs with her for about two weeks, but will be doing probably an hour or so of them next week in preparation.

So much for 150-ish Rals (caster amulets), and 1,000 non amethyst perfect gems (for Diablo Gcharms). Kept 1 ammy (sorc 1/18) and rolled two skillers with decent life (Bow and Barb Combat). Seven Sur, 6 Vex, and 6 Ohms in LK soften the blow, along with decent charms and general loot. Will run AT, but will probably mix in WSK...
I'll make my entrance back to the forums by joining an MFO and spending unhealthy numbers of hours farming... brilliant idea!

Good to see some familiar faces still around.

Joosh :)

Edit: Fixed link to my trade profile and for ESDV2 as well.
1 hour of Baal today netted me 4 EUs, the highest scoring one would have been Nosferatu's Coil. Getting the trash out of the way in the pre-run.
So, regarding lvl < 85 areas.. There is often a boss pack in Outer Cloister on my way to the Pits. Does that mean I can count any drops from those monsters for MFO as well?
@DiabloTwoinDC Let's keep it to monsters from within a targeted area, with the option to run an A83 and A84 area, if desired. The idea was to give flexibility to people who wanted to target an area other than the Pit or AT, and I think that random drops from monsters on the way to the chosen area would change the feel a bit too much.

Also, let's get some chatter going on teams! We have enough Baal and A85 signups interested in teams to make four pairs.

I'll start things off by recruiting @ziambe since he was looking forward to MFO so much. I am leaving town tomorrow for two nights but will be back Wednesday night and will assign others if teams haven't formed by then :)
CaseyJones said:
@Luhkoh , no I meant AT. The only light immunes there are lightning mage skeles when they spawn and all but LE bosses can be broken by infinity. The mummy types have fairly low light res and drop fast, the invaders are somewhere in the middle. That's at P3 btw. I need more +skill items before I can turn that setting up.

Lightning skele mages scare me far less than those pit rogue archers.
For mf runs you want p1 only.
Sorry just noticed this but...

Trade tags should show the version you actually will be running in - The purpose is that if it comes to items changing hands, we know compatible versions are being used - [1.00 - 1.14d SC/HC FAM] doesn’t help here :p

@pharphis @WoRG @Grape @ziambe @T72on1 @zemaj @Pb_pal please can you update?

@PhineasB Would be good if you could add this to the first post.
I haven't played in years but it's the last week of my vacation so might as well grind till I blow my mind (/sarcasm). Does anyone have recommendations for a Barbarian build running Pindleskin? I'd like to make use of Find Item.

Also I'm teaming up with Joosh, if anyone from Baal category wants to join us they're more than welcome! We're not competing for the grand prize though :)
@PhineasB sounds good to me! I just wanted to make sure so I know whether to hit or skip. ;)
@maxicek Good catch. Updated.
Welcome @Darkoooo Cool to see you back also. Check out this vid for a Pindle barb (similar build to Pit zerker):
That gear is optimal, and I think different options could be used to reasonable effect. An alternative is WW.

Edit: @maxicek Thanks for pointing that out. I have updated opening posts
@maxicek - Good catch! Updating mine now:
@PhineasB deal! I am still beserk with enthusiasm!
@PhineasB I feel like 105 FCR might not be optimal for Pindle. 3 teleports puts you on the pack and I’ve been using Grief side hork since it’s also only one corpse I’m after (Merc will lolpoke a minion or two every now and then before Pindle drops but it’s not a big difference honestly). Definitely want to try Ghoulhide now, though. I’ve been using a 47 MF amulet and 2x HotO swap town run/teleport/Howl on HotO side but 2 Barb/35 MF would be more ideal.

E: I tried Harmony also, didn’t feel good for me idk.
Updating mine now
@Yng I havent tested anything and am still noob at pindle barb, but I have some speculation. How about dual hoto 63 fcr, caster side hork for the extra 6 to FI instead of the extra mf? As I don't have dual hoto to give him I am also horking on grief hand. I agree fcr feels way better than frw from harmony since you are already pretty fast from enigma and boots. Again haven't compared runtimes, but this is all stuff I' hope to collect data on if I do some extended pindle running at some point. I also think ik helm (extra mf) may be better since you dont need the life and mana as much. I would be interested in comparing runtimes with ghoulhide and/or highlords vs chancies and mf ammy. I'm still running trangs belt setup (so i need ias somewhere if i use ghoulhide or chancies), but I could probably get away with no cbf on pindle as well. Lots of fun stuff to test :)

@Darkoooo here is a video of a budget aternate for the pindle zerker that @drmalawi made. The zerker has gear setups that are most definitely better than others, but is all in all he's surprisingly flexible character.
@Luhkoh it’s 180 MF vs x% hork chance and 4 frames less on hork animation but with Highlords or 2/35 you might hit an extra % on Grief side hork. For Harmony, you have Increased Speed also so it’s even worse and you’ll have to do the 3 teleports from entrance to pack with no FCR also. I don’t think I’d ever want to do no Shako or CBF, though.
My contribution to budget Pindle Barb builds: Use Infinity on Merc with Ghoulhide on Barb to make up for the fact that you don't have an inventory full of 3/20/7 SCs :D
Idk Insight feels really convenient. Every time I have to take those few steps up to Malah then the back way around to Anya I want to gouge my eyes out.
I definitely know that feeling :(

Since Pindle tends to be rather boring I decided to try some weird stuff with a few different classes. I didn't want to waste a Cham on a Shako so I had to get creative. (Yes, I'm still using Shako, the fact that my head isn't visible on the shot is just a lucky coincidence!)

Some things I want to run and time:
  • Fireball Sorc, she seems to be the most efficient non-Barb build for Pindle
  • The Barb build from the screenshot...
  • Holy Bolt/FoH Pala. Would something else work? Hammerdin sucks for Pindle.
  • DT Assassin
For the Assassin I was thinking about using DT with a Lawbringer PB and a lot of MF/+Skill gear to get to the right DT breakpoint. The decrep should trigger almost immediately (it's a 20% CtC) with 6 kicks (reached at level 30 of DT). Shako 'Cham' is ideal here... :confused:
If one more person says “waste a Cham in a Shako” or similar I’m gonna start swinging..
I'll add myself to team Kittens! if @Joosh and @Darkoooo don't mind. Now we can have our first team set!
Leveled up to 89, and swapped out for +2/5 ammy. I think thats good enough for me. Resists arent too terrible. Need to spend a few days warming up on p1 so I can dial up the recklessness. :p

Aegis was from Eldrich.

CaseyJones and I will team for this MFO, with our sorceresses. We still have the Baal runner slot opened, which hero will help us to give some competition to the Kittens! team?

The name: Heroes of Find and Magic!

Good luck all!
Found my first double-digit qualifier. Still wishing for a Griffon's before start time.

I made a google sheets version of nulio's scoring spreadsheet, excluding the "rankings" sheet. If anyone wants that in the sheet too let me know and I'll add it, but I thought I'd link it for any runners who would rather use google sheets for their tracking.
Wondering when that would happen! Good to see Nano join :)
If anyone really needs a Pindle runner for a team, I can fill in.

I’m planning on running loads for the first half, but then won’t be available.
Heroes of Find and Magic team complete! Welcome @Pb_pal !

Two teams ready to challenge ;) my sorc will be 93 by the time the MFO starts doing Pindle /p7, will go /p1 and Pindle only for the competition, so will not get any level up but some more runs, targeting 5 qualifiers and 5 um+ runes as Pindle runs are not as efficient as A85 ones can be.

Ready probably tonight, maybe will even run tomorrow at midnight for launch!
Nice! I'm going to take host prerogative and recruit @ziambe to a team, given how excited he was for MFO, and take @maxicek up on his offer to fill out a team, so there are at least three. I think we should call ourselves The Afterthoughts, so barring any objections I'll enter officially later tonight :)

A little less than 36 hours to the MFO start here on the US West Coast, so some people may be starting soon. Good luck all!
It’s finally almost here. I had a CoA (bad roll but +1 for the grail) as highest scoring drop from some gear testing/warmup so I’ll take that as a win in the form of I’m clearly saving the good drops for the tournament. Doubt I’ll have much time (yet again!) but GL to all.
Good luck all !!
A bit off topic but worth mentioning for those that like to watch/listen to content while playing; Dota 2’s The International (currently 32m+ USD prize pool, the largest ever for esports) just started and there will be tons of matches being played during our tournament time frame. Certainly worth checking out, even if you don’t understand the game. Everyone is always playing at a ridiculous level for TI and the commentators really fuel the big moments.
Final tweaks before kickoff: (I'm just over T-minus 10 hours!!)

1. New England Cham Chowdah! Thanks @Yng!!
Allowing me to wear Goldwrap. I think he's kitted out as best I can now.1597194126205.png

2. I went with Gris helm + 2 Topaz for Merc. Also wanted to upgrade his 'Infinity':
It was only +4 Crit after all..
I thought it might take a while. But, this was after only 4 or 5 rolls:
Base is +13% superior. So, it's only 2% off perfect ED, +6 Crit. That lvl 16 Meditation is going to irritate me, but I guess it will do for now. ;)
Hey, id like to join with my untwinked necro in pits ^^
i made this trading profile thing, so anything else i hav 2 do?^^
Just to start things, lvl 92->93 running Pindle at p7 with two unrecovered death in the middle granted me a MFO score of 28.2:
Griswold's Valor 4.3
Ghostflame 9.3
Gut Siphon 4.6
Verdungo's Hearty Cord 4.3
Doombringer 5.7

To be beaten - countdown at less than 12 hours for start here now!
@NanoMist joined? I'm out. :D

Kidding aside, I probably won't be able to play this weekend, and generally I’m somehow more drawn to improving my MK11 chops atm :rolleyes: so not sure I’ll be motivated to run properly. I’ll stay signed up for now though and provide a post-weekend update, we shall see!
@Bewitch welcome aboard! Think that's it.

Good luck everyone, still hoping to see Grip join since he's been around lately.

I've been practising on my new AT map. Looks like it's a bit better than the old one after all, but no record breaker. I guess it will do :) It's going to be a work week for me so limited runs, but I'll try to put in some serious hours nonetheless.

Also, still collecting data and trying to figure out stuff for future guide updates.
I messaged Grip a while ago to get his **** together and join MFO, no response though so probably back to playing some weird other game. ;)
@DiabloTwoinDC You wasted a Cham in a Shako???

Afterthoughts will pwn all. Nobody else should even bother getting out of bed in the morning.
Yeah right. Can’t believe @DiabloTwoinDC fell for that.

My schedule has changed a bit, and it looks like I'm going to be away for both of the weekends. Don't let that lull you into a false sense of security, you should still all phear my LEET weekday drops.

Best of luck everyone!
Good luck everyone! Going to hope for some sympathy from the great RNG to get a reasonable score.

At least I still need many elites for my grail so any qualifiers will be nice. A VEX for hoto would be nice too :)
maxicek said:
@DiabloTwoinDC You wasted a Cham in a Shako???


Afterthoughts will pwn all. Nobody else should even bother getting out of bed in the morning.
What’s the penalty for assaulting a moderator, asking for a friend.
Yng said:
What’s the penalty for assaulting a moderator, asking for a friend.
Your account and all related posts will be burned out of forum history for all time. Unless you can beg/bribe another moderator to intercede on your behalf. What a friend told me, anyway...
@CaseyJones get your Guls and craft it, my advice ;)

@Pb_pal ok, we take the powerdrops on week ends and give you back the powerdrop staff for the week days

@everyoneElse GL. You'll need it ;)

Am i doin somethin wrong or is it not possible to open that excel sheet that is linked on first page with open office?
Oh what the heck. Guess there are worse ways to break the hiatus...

Not sure how many hours I realistically have to spare for this, but I'll do my best to at least get a full top 5. Missing 6 uniques on my grail, so even one of those would make it worth it.

Gonna run with Pit Zerker most of the time, but my untwinked 99er Druid might get some play (I really need to get my act together and post update in that thread). Maybe some AT Sorc here and there as well.

Good luck everyone!
@Bewitch. I am not sure about open office, but i recreated it in google sheets. You should be able to open that. Check my link a little ways up (post #92).
First batch complete. Sweet! :p
Hexing Grand Charm of Inertia
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x2302d35c
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Curses (Necromancer only)
+7% Faster Run/Walk
@Bewitch tried out my sheet while streaming and found an error. it wasn't counting duplicate entries. My bad all. If you wanted to use the google sheet, it's fixed now but you will need to click the link and make a copy again.
11 minutes to go. Ready to have a night run - 3 hours targeted tonight.

ARE YOU READYYYYYY ???? #FirstTimeEver
Only three hours? :rolleyes:

Anyway, my Shako is Isted and I'm ready to go! :D
See, that's one pill I never could swallow... putting an Ist in an armor slot? For that massive gain of 1% over a cheap ptopaz? 'Cham' at least makes sense, nothing else can do that, but when something that does the exact same thing, AND AT ONLY 1% LESS, why on earth would you use something with approximately 100x the value? It's not like 1% makes ANY DIFFERENCE at the levels of +%MF I typically assume a MFO runner will have, anyway...

But yeah... I'm thinking about going to bed early, and waking up an equal amount early to get some runs in before work tomorrow, as that would probably work better than trying to get up for work after staying up until 2am or later
Just enough time left to temp ban all the other Pindle runners for let’s say... 9 days?

Good luck everyone.
I went and swapped some gear off my Javazon, made a Lightning Sorc. Man I know I used to have an effective one a long time ago, but she just completely sucked compared to my Blizzard Sorc. She was frail, the damage was okay I guess I was bad at using Lightning, but my Merc wasn't lasting very well with Infinity. I guess I just suck at using her, built her wrong or am so used to Blizzard Sorces, that I play them infinitely better. I've been able to run P8 Baal Runs on her since early on in her development and with Lightning, I got chased out of the Throne before I could get the first wave in lol. My Javazon with Enigma and a Similar Mercenary, does FAARRRRR better at a lower level.

I reverted everything back and built a Blizzard Build that is based on max resists and with a T-Gods.. I don't have a Wisp or a Arachnid's Mesh yet, somehow. So Ist'd Shako, Um'd Viper, DFathom, Spirit, Rare Gloves with Tri resist and MF, 2x FCR/Dual Resist Rings, 50 WTravs, +1 sorc/35Mf Amulet, 40 Gheeds, 2x Cold Skillers, a few poison resist/MF or Life SCs to reach max PR(It drives me crazy when one resist isn't maxed) and a few 7 MFSCs. Merc Nm Might with Insight(put Infinity back on Zon, figured cold build doesn't need the minus resist at level 93 and the mana regen is great), my only non eth Wyrmhide Fortitude I took off my Zealer to put on Merc and a Ral'd Andy's Visage. Have mainly only been using Treachery on Mercs, but I wanted to have the high damage for the few Cold Immunes he will need to take out for me and other than that, he is mainly just a distraction/tank and mana refiller for me.

Ready to go. Probably won't get to play enough to even find anything though lol.

@zemaj I put an Ist in the 141 Shako I found, because it's perfect and a lot of D2 players are OCD, Autistic nutjob type people who find far more comfort in that Ist being there, than the weight of the cost of an Ist. Not too hard to get an Ist anymore. I have 2 Shakos with an Ist in it lol. It's like all my resists wanting to be maxed if I end up with a build really close with one or two a little short I switch around until they all turn the Unique Gold color. I know it makes no logical sense, but the beauty of the character and their gear is what makes the game for a lot of us.
Yeah, Ists are completely worthless nowadays. According to Luhkoh's runecalc the countess throws an Ist your way every other hour (assuming decent runtimes).

One thing I did not anticipate is the fact that I don't know what amount of points each EU gives, so I've picked some already that turned out to bring less than four points, might have to memorize the good ones :confused:
Jamie said:
@zemaj I put an Ist in the 141 Shako I found, because it's perfect and a lot of D2 players are OCD, Autistic nutjob type people who find far more comfort in that Ist being there, than the weight of the cost of an Ist. Not too hard to get an Ist anymore. I have 2 Shakos with an Ist in it lol. It's like all my resists wanting to be maxed if I end up with a build really close with one or two a little short I switch around until they all turn the Unique Gold color. I know it makes no logical sense, but the beauty of the character and their gear is what makes the game for a lot of us.
I fail to see how your character is improved with a 1% gain to a stat that suffers horribly from diminishing returns. I can understand wanting it to be the best possible, but that 1% will only ever make a difference in such a narrow margin of circumstances, almost all of which would have to be contrived by using other, sub-optimal equipment, that I just don't see any sense in it. Your milage may vary, of course, but I am free to express my opinion too... especially when I can back mine with math. :p

art_vandelay said:
Yeah, Ists are completely worthless nowadays. According to Luhkoh's runecalc the countess throws an Ist your way every other hour (assuming decent runtimes).

Really? Awesome! I'll pm my email addy, you can send all your 'completely worthless' rocks this way.

There is no way you will ever convince me (or anyone who has played this game for any length of time) that Ist runes are just as common as ptopaz. Seeing as how that was the basis of my arguement, the comparative rarity of one item to another, not the general rarity of the rarer of the two, I would like to see a sensible arguement coming from that angle. There isn't one, my point is valid, and your OCD conflicts with my Scottish soul! ;)

On the 'good scoring' items, that's easy, only 4 that count: Astreon's Iron Ward, Mang Song's Lesson, Death's Web, Tyrael's Might. If your top5 doesn't have at least one of those, it's not worth bothering to post a score.
On the level of utility it's clear: Shako 'Ist' is always as good or better as Shako 'PTopaz' (it's better if and only if the 1% gets you another MF breakpoint)

As for the price and rarity: Yeah, Ist is nowhere near as common as a PTopaz, nobody argues that. It's just that Ist only has so many uses and for many of those the bottleneck are even higher runes which you can't just squeeze out of the countess.

This together with the fact that I'd rather use the runes I found than stash them away forever leads me to a Shako 'Ist' . And stylepoints/decadence of course.


On the running side: Throwbarb failed, Singer is next.
zemaj said:
See, that's one pill I never could swallow... putting an Ist in an armor slot? For that massive gain of 1% over a cheap ptopaz?
I put an Ist in mine because Topaz only adds MF to shields, not helms or armor.


Stupid $@^%# seven years away from D2.

Oh well, I'm actually kind of ridiculously excited to to doing an MFO again after all this time. Still, I'm a westerner, 5 hours to go and I would rather get to bed early tonight so I'll probably try to head off to bed and extra half hour or so and then get up and start early tomorrow morning.
art_vandelay said:
It's just that Ist only has so many uses and for many of those the bottleneck are even higher runes which you can't just squeeze out of the countess.

This together with the fact that I'd rather use the runes I found than stash them away forever leads me to a Shako 'Ist' . And stylepoints/decadence of course.
Speaking as the guy who has stuck an Ist in at least one of every major S/U weapon I have, and owns 2x6xIst PBs (and kicks around the idea of a third, occasionally), I really think you may be underestimating the uses you could put those runes to... though I do agree with the part about letting them gather too much e-dust, and the thought of cubing Ists into Guls makes my skin crawl...

jjscud said:
I put an Ist in mine because Topaz only adds MF to shields, not helms or armor.


Stupid $@^%# seven years away from D2.

What makes this quote so great is that of the dozen or so spreadsheets I have to keep track of these sorts of things, several of them (at least three) have "jjscud" as the original author... :D
1% or not, it’s an upgrade. Upgrades can only come in so many forms before you have 20x Ists and nothing else to improve. Use P Topaz early on when you don’t have an abundance of Ists, sure, but why not use Ist if you don’t need it for something else?

E: Still a little over 3 hours out for me :/
E2: On a side note, since I have nothing better to do, one could even argue that using Ists in MF orientated sockets over P Topaz could actually be argued as logical if you’ve reached a threshold where you’ve got every other use of Ist handled and you still need skill GCs in one form or another. P Topaz is 1/3 of a reroll while Ist can never cover that function. ;)
First non-qualifiers disclosure: wow!

@ioupainmax : just keep hating me, please!
My second Zod EVER, first not traded on my first non duped i guess. As you can see on the video, i kinda bugged afterwards. oO

A skiller, some nice uniques, and a sadly non eth SR too :)
Titan's Revenge
Ceremonial Javelin
Throw Damage: 76 - 204
One Hand Damage: 76 - 150
Quantity: 59
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 109
Fingerprint: 0xb26f56c3
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
+30% Faster Run/Walk
186% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25 - 50 Damage
9% Life stolen per hit
+20 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity
Increased Stack Size
Replenishes quantity

Mesh Armor
Defense: 635
Durability: 32 of 45
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 92
Fingerprint: 0xcce2858c
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+197% Enhanced Defense
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+60 to Life
Damage Reduced by 30%

Bartuc's Cut-Throat
Greater Talons
One Hand Damage: 86 - 152
Durability: 55 of 69
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 79
Required Dexterity: 79
Fingerprint: 0x799cdce3
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
192% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25 - 50 Damage
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
8% Life stolen per hit
+20 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity

Sacred Rondache
Defense: 149
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 49 of 68
Required Level: 52
Required Strength: 109
Fingerprint: 0xf1d87b83
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +45
4 Sockets (0 used)

Emerald Small Charm of Incineration
Small Charm
Required Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0x5fdb1425
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 7 - 9 Fire Damage
Poison Resist +11%

Shimmering Small Charm of Storms
Small Charm
Required Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0x8d76f9dd
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 1 - 20 Lightning Damage
All Resistances +5

Captain's Grand Charm of Life
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0xf46ba36e
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Offensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
+14 to Life

Guillaume's Face
Winged Helm
Defense: 217
Durability: 39 of 40
Required Level: 34
Required Strength: 115
Fingerprint: 0x7ecc431
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
35% Chance of Crushing Blow
15% Deadly Strike
+120% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Strength

Good start in terms of non-qualifiers!

Running time is faster now that i add a Harmony crossbow, around 20/25s when drops come + muling out.

Go go Heroes of Find and Magic!
Oi stop stealing my luck!

Come on Kittens! *cheers*
Do I win?

@Vildecor clvl 99 + 95 and I still don’t have them :/
@Vildecor get your pots and move ;)

Personally I take one of each non-qualifiers S/U dropped, it brings an additional tournament grailing touch so i'm not feeling sad dropping those low level set pieces :)

By the wayguys, now I need an eth 1.07 Berserker axe 0/6os for this Zod...anyone? :) Under maxicek's moderation :p
@Babyhell I would go Colossus Blade myself, eBoTD Zerker is of limited use if you have Grief. Message me after the MFO, I can help with either.

Started a few runs before work, just getting into the groove again.
A few runs in ... What happened here?
Dagaz said:
A few runs in ... What happened here?
View attachment 14888
Sadly, that's all you'll get. Pindle can't drop Arachnid Mesh
I know ;)
I just liked the odds of that drop
Yng said:
Topaz is 1/3 of a reroll while Ist can never cover that function. ;)
:D awsom
The point of rerolling could make sense ;) but otherwise agreed, I've never encountered a scenario where the 1% made a difference, in headpiece I always use PTopaz for MF (for being efficient with resources rather than as a 'budget' solution, it’s not like I’m short on them ;)). Ist has at least some cubing potential after all.

Ofc there are breakpoints for unique MF but it’s hard to imagine a situation where reshuffling MF charms doesn’t do the trick without dropping an MF BP.
It makes sense if your charms are trash :D some time ago I was 2% from a breakpoint, so I replaced the 2 gems for Ists.
| Item         | MF  | MAX |
| Shako        | 75  | 75  |
| 3 part Tal's | 192 | 192 |
| War Traveler | 47  | 50  |
| Fathom       | 30  | 30  |
| Gheeds       | 40  | 40  |
| 33x MF SCs   | 200 | 231 |
| FRoF*        | 33  | 40  |
| FRotA*       | 14  | 15  |
| total        | 631 | 673 |

* Fortuitous Ring of Fortune
* Fortuitous Ring of the Apprentice

Notice that if I keep the same gear and continue to upgrade, the sorc will eventually max out at 673 while 669 is required to reach 182 unique %. It's very likely those 2 extra will come in handy.

Edit: remembered that replacing the FRotA with a rare FCR/MF (25% max) ring can push the max to exactly 683 which just happens to be the 183% unique breakpoint.
@Albatross yeah admittedly I was assuming MF charm options :) but yes if 1-2% do deliver the next MF BP, it's 100% 'Ist' all the way. I've just never seen that situation nor was I even close to it personally.
ffs said:
@Albatross yeah admittedly I was assuming MF charm options :) but yes if 1-2% do deliver the next MF BP, it's 100% 'Ist' all the way. I've just never seen that situation nor was I even close to it personally.
Ditto, I'm don't go to that level of depth. I aim for the main breakpoints but min-maxing MF breakpoints is a whole 'nother level!
Well, the SPF Hall of Records can... change a person.
oO didn't know about that MF breakpoints thingy, i thought MF was taken into account as raw percentage Oo
@Babyhell The actual increase in the chance for uniques if you have x MF is rounddown(250*x/(250+x)) %. The rounding down produces the breakpoints for MF. They are nowhere near as bad as those for cast rate, hit recovery or the like. For example: At 607 MF (which is the smallest MF value where you get 177% increased chance of uniques) you will have to invest 12 points of MF to increase in your chance to find uniques to 178%

Nice to see that Albratross settled that whole 1% thing for me :cool:

Just did a 200 Pindle run set with my Fire Sorc and timed myself at 15,368s average time. I have done better than that in the past so this is just frustrating... adjeff is 2,725 (with 681 MF), less is definitely possible. At least Pindle dropped me another Ist :D
They are mostly irrelevant until you get to very high MF numbers. Even then, MF breakpoints are not very impactful, but it's good to know if you can swap a MF charm for resists or life.

Here's a short list I keep for my sorc:
743 187
727 186
712 185
697 184
683 183
669 182
656 181
643 180
631 179
619 178
607 177
art_vandelay said:
Yeah, Ists are completely worthless nowadays. According to Luhkoh's runecalc the countess throws an Ist your way every other hour (assuming decent runtimes)
And somehow I'm ALWAYS short on ists :p Right now I'm running ist'd gull dagger in mainhand and don't have any to put in my wizspikes...

Lol I loved the topaz is 1/3 of a reroll comment :D. @Yng I didnt recognize you there for a second with new avatar :eek:

@Babyhell I swear you're the luckiest forumite. Definitely this year. Congrats!
Next session non-qualifiers dumps!
Iron Grand Charm of Balance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 14
Fingerprint: 0x3c6f18a0
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+12% Faster Hit Recovery
+51 to Attack Rating

Ruby Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x1dc23ee2
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +11%

Que-Hegan's Wisdom
Mage Plate
Defense: 668
Durability: 30 of 60
Required Level: 51
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0x4a6198fc
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+155% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Energy
Magic Damage Reduced by 9
+3 to Mana after each Kill

Crown of Thieves
Grand Crown
Defense: 312
Durability: 34 of 50
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 103
Fingerprint: 0x9a6916f9
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
12% Life stolen per hit
+174% Enhanced Defense
+25 to Dexterity
+50 to Life
+35 to Mana
Fire Resist +33%
92% Extra Gold from Monsters

Superior War Pike
Two Hand Damage: 37 - 204
Durability: 22 of 25
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 165
Required Dexterity: 106
Fingerprint: 0x64619c5c
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
15% Enhanced Damage
+3 to Attack Rating
4 Sockets (0 used)

Moser's Blessed Circle
Round Shield
Defense: 167
Chance to Block: 37
Durability: 41 of 64
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 53
Fingerprint: 0xbc5bc0c3
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+30% Faster Block Rate
25% Increased Chance of Blocking
+199% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +25
2 Sockets (0 used)

One Hand Damage: 31 - 97
Durability: 17 of 54
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0x6ac84023
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Increased Attack Speed
140% Enhanced Damage
Adds 12 - 45 Damage
+90 to Attack Rating
8% Life stolen per hit
+1 to Whirlwind (Barbarian Only)
+4 to Sword Mastery (Barbarian Only)
10% Slower Stamina Drain
+30 Maximum Durability

Small Charm of Vita
Small Charm
Required Level: 39
Fingerprint: 0xbd1267e9
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20 to Life

Zakarum Shield
Defense: 188
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 48 of 65
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 142
Fingerprint: 0xbfa601fe
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +34

Ist Rune
Required Level: 51
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Go go Heroes!
Luhkoh said:
@Babyhell I swear you're the luckiest forumite. Definitely this year. Congrats!
Yep, he has somehow learned how to harness my hatred and transform it into a zod drop...
@ioupainmax i cant get over his jmod. Keeps me up at night. :eek:

Alright I did 2 runs with pitzerker before work this morning, and they were the first ones I've timed. They felt fast but were both >2min. Lol bad sign. Goals for mfo:

1. get at least 20 hours of running in
2. <90s runs consistently with zerker
3. 15 grailers to get me to -50
4. any one of dweb, fathom, griffs, stormlash, ravenlore, or windforce

Of course tyraels/astreons/mangs would be acceptable as well :p
ist runes don't exist and you can't convince me otherwise
@Luhkoh yes, the JMoD is definitely my luckiest drop by far!

Runewise, well, there's also repetition...I arrived here with an almost Patriarch paladin, lvl 85 or so... and now I have a full family up and running (561 levels of 90+ chars, some others between 50 and 78), in less than a some point, dropping a Zod should be statistically considered "normal" - even if unlikely on each run.

1.14d is dropping runes a bunch, as far as I can tell when we look at RFL results! I'm pretty amazed how many I dropped myself. I take the luckiest title, better be me from a personal point of view, isn't it? ;)
Day 1 is over with here. I made my target runs, but not by much. Stupid work and RL getting in the way.. :mad:

I dunno if I can keep up this pace for another 9 days.. gonna have to call in sick a couple times..
@DiabloTwoinDC run counter had me at 47 seconds this morning before little man woke up, cry somewhere else LOL

@Luhkoh avatar is just temporary support for TI, Emilia can’t be replaced..
That's what teams are made for... @Pb_pal is our week days runner, @CaseyJones and I will handle the week ends, with maybe some runs in between.

Well sadly it doesn't work that way...But it could have!
@zemaj dude, nobody is arguing Ists are as common as PTopazes or that 1%MF is worth it or not on strictly your MF outcome. The point is some people want an extra 1% to make an item perfect, want an extra 1%MF to make it look better. When you've played the game for 15 years, sometimes a Ptopaz gets boring and you pop one of your dozens of Ists into the perfect Shako you find. I want the best possible slot in each slot of my main characters. Using an Ist to make me feel better about my helm is definitely worth it when you have no other use for them. If I had just started and only had an Ist or two, I surely wouldn't be popping them in Armors or Helms for the extra 1% MF.

It's not about just the benefit I gain of of MF, it's about me liking my gear and character more. In the end, that is essentially what we are all playing for, getting our character's the best possible gear they can get or the gear that makes us the happiest. One thing that makes my happier about my perfect Defense Shako, is that it also has the perfect socketed item in it that I want. It is the perfect slot for what I need it for and it's hard to get that in any slot.
@art_vandelay you ever try that singer with spellsteel swap you came up with? I thought that sounded like a cool idea.
@Luhkoh It probably is, I only tried it for a short while and since I didn't have a good map I didn't time it. I guess it's free timesave though.

On the topic of singers: Last night I respecced from Throwbarb to Singer with the intention of using Azurewrath to remove Pindle's physical resistance. Midway through I remembered that Sanctuary only removes the resistance for the wearer. That's one respecc down the drain :D

I might try another barb but seeing how consistent the sorc is makes me wanna stay with her ...
@art_vandelay idk how i wasn't putting together that you weren't doing pits. Lol I knew you were doing pindle but when I heard singer, my mind went straight to pits. Glad you're trying out some interesting stuff with pindle though! Fohdin next?
A little late to the party, but I'll be running AT Sorc and giving the Barb a rest this time. Standard 105 FCR, 3 piece Tal Set Bliz Sorc at 656 MF. Now to roll an AT map..
OMFG finally!
Just got home from work (they obliterated me today), no work tomorrow, little man asleep, cup of coffee brewing...
Come here Pindle, you little ****er.
I'm not into the MFO, but since you started for me nothing drops in AT anymore... I see connections!

Therefore: Good luck everyone!
Tonight's session non-qualifiers. Nice bases, a nice Jalal's, an Um rune, and a facet...-3/+5 poison, but still :)

Archon Plate
Defense: 514
Durability: 46 of 60
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 103
Fingerprint: 0xe72a8d1e
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
4 Sockets (0 used)

Chance Guards
Chain Gloves
Defense: 27
Durability: 10 of 16
Required Level: 15
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0x5cdeebb0
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25 to Attack Rating
+24% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
200% Extra Gold from Monsters
39% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 to Light Radius

Wall of the Eyeless
Bone Shield
Defense: 52
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 38 of 40
Required Level: 20
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0x72d464f8
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Faster Cast Rate
3% Mana stolen per hit
+37% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
Poison Resist +20%
+5 to Mana after each Kill

Um Rune
Required Level: 47
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 25% Chance of Open Wounds
Armor: Cold Resist +15%
Lightning Resist +15%
Fire Resist +15%
Poison Resist +15%
Shields: Cold Resist +22%
Lightning Resist +22%
Fire Resist +22%
Poison Resist +22%

Great Poleaxe
Two Hand Damage: 69 - 190
Durability: 28 of 28
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 169
Required Dexterity: 89
Fingerprint: 0x9bffa0d
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0xbae72930
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Chance to cast level 51 Poison Nova when you Die
Adds 37 Poison Damage Over 2 Secs (50 Frames)
-3% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+5% to Poison Skill Damage

One Hand Damage: 47 - 90
Durability: 20 of 24
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 47
Required Dexterity: 97
Fingerprint: 0x5a0f6c6
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
25% Chance to cast level 3 Charged Bolt when struck
150% Enhanced Damage
Adds 1 - 120 Lightning Damage
Lightning Resist (Based on Character Level)93%
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 20

Carin Shard
Petrified Wand
One Hand Damage: 8 - 24
Durability: 11 of 15
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0x6e74452f
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+116 to Life (Based on Character Level)
Replenish Life +5
+116 to Mana (Based on Character Level)

Jalal's Mane
Totemic Mask
Defense: 287
Durability: 12 of 20
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 65
Fingerprint: 0x44fac4ee
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
+2 to Druid Skill Levels
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+190% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Strength
+20 to Energy
All Resistances +30
+5 to Mana after each Kill

Mesh Boots
Defense: 119
Durability: 9 of 16
Required Level: 36
Required Strength: 65
Fingerprint: 0xfbd668ab
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+30% Faster Run/Walk
+166% Enhanced Defense
+200 Defense vs. Missile
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
+5 to Mana after each Kill

Rune Bow
Two Hand Damage: 59 - 136
Durability: 34 of 48
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 103
Fingerprint: 0x97903250
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
146% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25 - 50 Damage
+249 to Attack Rating
15% Mana stolen per hit
+3 to Guided Arrow (Amazon Only)
Hit Blinds Target +1
+10 to Dexterity
Magic Damage Reduced by 13

Jewel of Carnage
Required Level: 18
Fingerprint: 0x8452076a
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15 to Maximum Damage

Todesfaelle Flamme
One Hand Damage: 71 - 132
Two Hand Damage: 109 - 206
Durability: 26 of 26
Required Level: 46
Required Strength: 115
Required Dexterity: 84
Fingerprint: 0xe794e7cf
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
10% Chance to cast level 6 Fire Ball on attack
155% Enhanced Damage
Adds 50 - 200 Fire Damage
Fire Resist +40%
+10 Fire Absorb
Level 10 Enchant (34/45 Charges)
Level 10 Fire Wall (10/20 Charges)

Berserker Axe
One Hand Damage: 36 - 106
Durability: 14 of 14
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 128
Required Dexterity: 49
Fingerprint: 0x83c4b04b
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Go go Heroes!
NanoMist said:
A little late to the party, but I'll be running AT Sorc and giving the Barb a rest this time. Standard 105 FCR, 3 piece Tal Set Bliz Sorc at 656 MF. Now to roll an AT map..
Take your time.. :rolleyes:
Late start on Saturday afternoon.

As usual, I'll be participating with the 99er bowa at RoF/CS.
Slapped on a Gheeds/Goldwrap + some mf's charms, and Gomule says I'm sitting at 169mf.

Let's see how far that gets me. :D
First session was fun! Haven't been on my computer much lately so if nothing else it was nice to just play some video games (and watch/listen to some Dota!).
743 MF on Grief side, 564 MF/63 FCR on 2x HotO side. Using HotO side hork for runs tonight even though I've been using Grief side hork lately for Pindle (55% vs 53%).


Think I can get it down to maybe below 18.5s/run but the delay leaving is 4+ seconds so any quicker than that over long sessions is really difficult. Fastest run is coming out of pause so no delay. Not skipping runs coming out of pause for reference.



Some non-qualifiers from 3 sessions with 3 different chars (till full stash):

1. Kira's Guardian
Defense: 145
Durability: 20 of 25
Required Level: 77
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x1804418e
+105 Defense
All Resistances +70 <- good roll!
20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cannot Be Frozen

2. Jewel of Bliss
Required Level: 37
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x56124ab6
+9 to Minimum Damage

3. Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x7aa1d59b
+36 poison damage over 2 seconds
100% Chance to cast Level 23 Venom When You Level Up
+3% to Poison Skill Damage
-3% to Enemy Poison Resistance

4. Bartuc's Cut-Throat - improvement over one of the copies I keep (4 total + 1 eth)
Greater Talons
One-Hand Damage: 85 to 150
Durability: 55 of 69
(Assassin Only)
Required Dexterity: 79
Required Strength: 79
Required Level: 42
Claw Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xaba223d9
+20 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity
+186% Enhanced Damage <- My worst was 174%
+25 to Minimum Damage
+50 to Maximum Damage
6% Life stolen per hit
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
30% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+1 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)

5. Serpent Lord - improvement over one of the copies I keep (3 total)
Long Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 2 to 11
Durability: 18 of 30
Required Level: 9
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x82f9ee8d
+10 to Mana
+39% Enhanced Damage <- My worst was 35%
Poison Resist +50%
+11 poison damage over 3 seconds
100% Mana stolen per hit
-1 to Light Radius
-50% Target Defense
150% Damage to Undead

6. Eagle Eye
Required Level: 37
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xdff98a0d
+13 to Maximum Stamina
+38 to Attack Rating
+9 to Minimum Damage

7. Trang-Oul's Scales - deleted

8. Waterwalk - deleted
+58 to Life

9. Hellmouth - deleted
+179% Enhanced Defense

10. The Diggler - deleted

11. Skull Collector - deleted

12. Waterwalk - deleted
+47 to Life

13. Skullder's Ire - deleted
+168% Enhanced Defense
Almost done with D2 (day 2 that is..) here. I hear that complaining helps. So.. I've had at least six blue Myrmidon Greaves so far. Didn't bother me that much. But, now I've found blue Sacred Armor #3, and am starting up the Unearthed Wand count. :mad:

Edit: just realized screenshots haven't been working because I've been using Function Key!!! :(
@Luhkoh FoH seems soooo weak. I've rediscovered Tigerstrike+Dragontail when I rushed my Assassin for this. So I guess I will try that out. (and if I recall correctly you don't have an Assa yet? If so make one with this skill combo, it's way more fun than traps ;) )

@Yng Is 18,5s to 19,5s good for a barb? I kinda looked at Fabian and Gripphon's times and judged my Throwbarbs 20,5s average as way too bad to continue. Might have been hasty :D
Just did a handful of runs and will try to get in a couple of hours over the weekend.

I ended up wanting to show some love to my Pit Singer, running him with this weird AF setup:

Griffon's 'PTopaz'
2x 6x Ist Crystal Swords
1/20 FCR ammy (still lacking 2/20 for Barb :mad:)
Arachnid Mesh
2x FCR/MF/mana rings

Core stats:
792 MF
105 FCR
54 FI (with BC + 1x WC skiller in inventory)

Switch: Dual Suicide to teleport to Pit with 200 FCR (shout-out to @Gripphon for the suggestion, previously used 2x Hoto here for higher BO)

Merc: Insight, Andy, CoH

It's still experimental and I should really get around to running the numbers on FI levels vs. MF breakpoints for him... but he's super fun and efficient enough for sure!
Good luck to all MFO runners!

Oh nice to see an old PvP face back @Darkoooo
@art_vandelay no idea what kind of delay they’re getting. I can do ~17s at best with the ~4s delay but that’s with no stream up on second monitor and no...influence. I know for sure I won’t have a lot of time to play during the timeframe so I’d rather not go full try hard lmao.
@NanoMist I was wondering if you were gonna take this opportunity to put that fathom to use! Good luck (but not as good as last year :p)

@art_vandelay i do have a trapsin but haven't done anything with her since I beat hell baal with her. Figure I'll wait till I make infinity to mess with her more. Will keep that build in mind though, sounds fun :) and I was satisfied with <23s on my zerker when running pindle :confused: Not that my times for anything are worth much ;)

@ffs sick singer setup. Would love to see some video and/or commentary post-mfo.
Just seeing they’re at ~14.9 and ~15.5s for Pindle runs, pretty insane. Care to treat us with some details? Delay leaving runs, setups used etc? @Fabian @Gripphon
Today's sessions weren't that productive - but hey, i played less too. Nice side drops, second 5@ sc from start, and a 30MF Nagelring that upgrades my second one!

Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia
Small Charm
Required Level: 27
Fingerprint: 0x9406b5d1
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3% Faster Run/Walk
All Resistances +5

Entrapping Grand Charm of Greed
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x3858e26b
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Trap Skills (Assassin Only)
33% Extra Gold from Monsters

Amber Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 53
Fingerprint: 0x65803112
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+33 to Life
Lightning Resist +28%

Steel Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0x3139e372
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+102 to Attack Rating
+29 to Life

Required Level: 7
Fingerprint: 0xda42080f
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+73 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Let's go for the real deal - my night's session. Go go Heroes!
Nearing 400 runs. As far as non qualifiers go, another Ber I'll probably never use and this insanely good Metalgrid (450/350/35 is perfect).

I'm back from holiday. But I'm also having too much fun with Grim Dawn. So I might get some time in on the MFO, but I might as well not. We'll see how it goes.

Good luck everyone !!
Hi All!
Please don't forget send me your update via private message when you have finished running on Sunday. I'll try to get a progress update posted before I leave for work on Monday, but it may not be until that evening depending on how many updates I've gotten. Good luck!
200 Baal runs done in just over 9 hours. I'm pretty happy with the results so far.
Only 150ish AT runs thus far...making some progress...dinged 89.

Best non qualifiers:
VMagi @33 res and 13 MDR (Been looking for this)
Bul-Kathos Wedding Band (Yay another +1 skills ring)
Trangs Armor (I love me a trang wearing necro so will put this to use later)

Best rune: Lem

Go Go Hero teammates!
@CaseyJones BKWB is always a good news ;)

Go go 90 is in sight! On my side I'm close to 15 hours of Pindle running with last night's session - I was off on Friday, and I have to take advantage of week ends, won't be able to play much or at all during the week days.

Pretty satisfied with qualifiers for now, I got 3 grailers amongst the top 5 qualifiers.

Almost 40% of the level done doing p1 runs, I guess i'm not going to make much more Pindle runs for quite some time after MFO!

Oh, and the most important thing, I completed a set: Isenhart :cool:

@PhineasB what are we allowed to share with teammates? On Sunday's results, you will officialize full disclosure? Only scores? Only a ranking?

Go go Heroes, GL @CaseyJones, I give you my piece of powerdrop staff for today, tonight don't forget to follow it to @Pb_pal!
Come on Kittens, get your **** together. *cracks a whip*

Go go, Kittens, go!



I'm back from vacation without internet to be a cheerleader. I predict more Zods will be found than Tyrael's!
Babyhell said:
I just noticed your team name. Oh the memories. Love it :p
*Adds thou shalt not post ‘cute’ animal pics to the rules*
maxicek said:
*Adds thou shalt not post ‘cute’ animal pics to the rules*
Kitteh said:
I just noticed your team name. Oh the memories. Love it :p
Found by @CaseyJones ;) he should get some free points for that :p

Gripphon said:

I'm back from vacation without internet to be a cheerleader. I predict more Zods will be found than Tyrael's!

Did my part, you will be right on me at least! Hope my teammates will make your statement wrong!
Hope you guys are having better luck than me! Nothing exciting yet in the pits.

Buuut I am only a Dream Spirit and a Vortex Shield away from winning my first ever:

[highlight]TC87 Bingo!![/highlight]

(Shameless plug :cool:)

Edit: ZOMG just found a dream spirit!!

Edit: WOW!! In 4+ years I have never won TC87 BINGO...

But today, I got a [highlight]BINGO!![/highlight]



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Originally posted by : @ffs

@Luhkoh Last year I recorded some gameplay with him:

Lower MF back then but otherwise basically same setup. The map has >8 bosses on average and is sufficiently small, but unfortunately would be better for a Zerker than a Singer (some boss spawn locations are too packed and better for single target build; with Singer, horking often takes a bit with numerous corpses). I should respec him at some point, gain few levels and eventually switch my Zerker/Singer maps.

Comparing Singer setups has rebooted my interest in D2 though. :) I now checked FI vs MF numbers. For those who didn't know already: 1% FI is almost exactly equal to/interchangeable with 2 uMF breakpoints.

Ran the numbers for one example batch of ~9.26 seconds per boss pre-Hork (ugh yeah I'm rusty :rolleyes:). As per the methods used for Hall of Record entries:

55 FI + 188 uMF: 2.075 adjusted efficiency
54 FI + 190 uMF: 2.073 adjusted efficiency
54 FI + 192 uMF: 2.060 adjusted efficiency
56 FI + 185 uMF: 2.083 adjusted efficiency

The 12x Ist sword approach has 200 FCR switch, slightly better efficiency per kill (could be even better with more OP jewelry than what I have), higher mana/stats from jewelry. More typical Suicide/Shako etc. gear has higher WC damage (to support Merc in particular for Stone Skin bosses), efficiency per skill is only slightly worse, plus higher life and %DR from Shako.

I ran a bit with both and they came out almost exactly equal, though I believe 12x Ist is better in theory if I had better FCR gear (e.g. 2/20 ammy would allow next MF BP at 810).
Done for the weekend here; results sent. :D

Good luck to everyone still in sunday!
@Babyhell Results update will be formatted like this, so very general narrative and then ranking in a spoiler, but without the scores included. You should feel free to PM with your teammates about drops and progress for encouragement and teambuilding ;)
Still going strong here! Should be able to do at least another 5 hours or more today.

View attachment 59233

So close!
@ffs ive been wondering about this FI vs uMF, thanks!
Originally posted by: @Babyhell

PhineasB said:
@Babyhell Results update will be formatted like this, so very general narrative and then ranking in a spoiler, but without the scores included. You should feel free to PM with your teammates about drops and progress for encouragement and teambuilding ;)
Ok, rankings and general commentary. We will see on your monday's update :) It is 17.5PM here, and i'll be able to add a couple of hours by midnight to try to improve current situation.

For teammates PM, i understand that some restrictions can be avoided (say: qualifiers can be revealed to teammates, or sent score without details): am i right ? I may PM them ONE spoiler if so - and yes, that would be...
The highest qualifier - which is not in top 5! Did you guess it right? ;)

Before tonight's session, i made a few runs that turn to be somehow typical: 8 to 10 runs to find 2 potential qualifiers (i mean: a unique or set drop, whichever TC it is...), in about 16s each run, and about 10s after those 8/10 runs to mule out drops to dedicated stash, so i'm around 17/18s per run average total. I hit the 15hours this afternoon, my score will reflect around 17 hours of "running" (including muling out and some respiration time ;) ).
Nah it's a joke, i'm getting the rares too - the 8/10 runs series is right, but i take rare boots/gloves sometimes weaps to keep the rythm. This extract is just luck ;)

Go go Heroes!
@ffs yeah singer gearing is super interesting for some reason. And yes I love that vid thanks for those example runs. But for some reason i just love the idea of 200fcr on swap so wouldn't mind a vid of the latest setup. And your trav commentary videos were MUCH appreciated, so just an idea for you if you feel like busting out the OBS :)
Hey, u could join games faster If u just press enter+h after u clicked singleplayer :)
Results sent!

XP method gives about 3400 Pindle runs since start, in about 17/18 hours. Three non working days and some craziness... pretty happy with the results for now, hoping to upgrade this top 5 in the coming sessions!

Hopefully Heroes of Find and Magic teammates @CaseyJones and @Pb_pal will take and share the powerdrop staff this week and next week-end - i won't go that hard from now - so the team will set a nice score in the end :)

Last disclosure of the week-end, with two sets completed, Isenhart and Sigon. But the nicest drop of the last hours:
Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x530efb9b
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Chance to cast level 47 Chain Lightning when you Die
Adds 1 - 74 Lightning Damage
-5% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+5% to Lightning Skill Damage

And the close call:
Carrion Whorl
Dimensional Shard
One Hand Damage: 30 - 53
Durability: 25 of 50
Required Level: 66
Fingerprint: 0x543d7db2
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 3 Lightning on attack
Adds 118 - 172 Fire Damage
Adds 12 - 44 Cold Damage Over 2 Secs (50 Frames)
+2 to Cold Mastery (Sorceress Only)
+15 to Energy
+21 to Life
Fire Resist +32%

Isenhart's Parry
Gothic Shield
Defense: 70
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 20 of 40
Required Level: 8
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0xfbcbc38a
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40 Defense
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 4
Set (2 items): Cold Resist +8%
Lightning Resist +8%
Fire Resist +8%
Poison Resist +8%

Isenhart's Lightbrand
Broad Sword
One Hand Damage: 17 - 18
Durability: 29 of 32
Required Level: 8
Required Strength: 48
Fingerprint: 0x7b055b77
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+10 to Minimum Damage
Set (2 items): +375 to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level)

Isenhart's Horns
Full Helm
Defense: 23
Durability: 24 of 30
Required Level: 8
Required Strength: 41
Fingerprint: 0xd4d13966
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+6 to Dexterity
Damage Reduced by 2
Set (2 items): Cold Resist +8%
Lightning Resist +8%
Fire Resist +8%
Poison Resist +8%

Isenhart's Case
Breast Plate
Defense: 106
Durability: 27 of 50
Required Level: 8
Required Strength: 30
Fingerprint: 0x38ba6284
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40 Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
Set (2 items): +150 Defense (Based on Character Level)

Sigon's Visor
Great Helm
Defense: 55
Durability: 26 of 40
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 63
Fingerprint: 0x6414ccd8
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25 Defense
+30 to Mana
Set (2 items): +600 to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level)

Sigon's Gage
Defense: 12
Durability: 18 of 24
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0x89a6708
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20 to Attack Rating
+10 to Strength
Set (2 items): +30% Increased Attack Speed

Sigon's Guard
Tower Shield
Defense: 23
Chance to Block: 44
Durability: 46 of 60
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 75
Fingerprint: 0x3fc9a1e2
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
20% Increased Chance of Blocking

Sigon's Sabot
Defense: 13
Durability: 12 of 24
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 70
Fingerprint: 0x3303a07a
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Faster Run/Walk
Cold Resist +40%
Set (2 items): +50 to Attack Rating
Set (3 items): 50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Sigon's Shelter
Gothic Plate
Defense: 170
Durability: 47 of 55
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 70
Fingerprint: 0x82f16a67
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist +30%
Set (2 items): Attacker Takes Damage of 20

Sigon's Wrap
Plated Belt
Defense: 10
Durability: 20 of 24
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0x95d1014e
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20 to Life
Fire Resist +20%
Set (2 items): +150 Defense (Based on Character Level)

Blood Crescent
One Hand Damage: 3 - 10
Durability: 20 of 22
Required Level: 7
Required Dexterity: 21
Fingerprint: 0x4bfb14dc
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15% Increased Attack Speed
71% Enhanced Damage
15% Life stolen per hit
33% Chance of Open Wounds
+15 to Life
All Resistances +15
+4 to Light Radius

String of Ears
Demonhide Sash
Defense: 109
Durability: 8 of 22
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 20
Fingerprint: 0x1c4fe582
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
6% Life stolen per hit
+170% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
Damage Reduced by 14%
Magic Damage Reduced by 13
+10 Maximum Durability

The Rising Sun
Required Level: 65
Fingerprint: 0xe3775c41
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
2% Chance to cast level 16 Meteor when struck
+2 to Fire Skills
Adds 24 - 48 Fire Damage
Replenish Life +10
+6 Absorbs Fire Damage (Based on Character Level)
+4 to Light Radius

Thundergod's Vigor
War Belt
Defense: 151
Durability: 15 of 24
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 110
Fingerprint: 0xf17fe90d
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 7 Fist of the Heavens when struck
Adds 1 - 50 Lightning Damage
+3 to Lightning Fury (Amazon Only)
+3 to Lightning Strike (Amazon Only)
+186% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Strength
+20 to Vitality
+10% to Maximum Lightning Resist
+20 Lightning Absorb

Lycander's Aim
Ceremonial Bow
Two Hand Damage: 75 - 159
Durability: 33 of 55
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 110
Fingerprint: 0x5a91fb88
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
+20% Increased Attack Speed
166% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25 - 50 Damage
6% Mana stolen per hit
+20% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Dexterity
+20 to Energy

Finally, the other ones i wanted to share :)
Superior Crusader Bow
Two Hand Damage: 16 - 71
Durability: 40 of 44
Required Level: 57
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 121
Fingerprint: 0xaac30c24
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
13% Enhanced Damage
+1 to Attack Rating
6 Sockets (0 used)

Iron Small Charm of Incineration
Small Charm
Required Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0xa9dabed6
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+18 to Attack Rating
Adds 7 - 11 Fire Damage

Jewel of Carnage
Required Level: 18
Fingerprint: 0x6515d451
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+15 to Maximum Damage

Beast Heart
Required Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0xe9388e60
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+7 to Minimum Damage
Adds 1 - 12 Lightning Damage
+3 to Mana after each Kill
Requirements -15%

For this last one... if only resistances were higher!

Gilded Shield
Defense: 222
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 26 of 26
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 79
Fingerprint: 0xfbd655da
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +9
Weekend over, closing in on 800 AT runs.

Sincerely hoping none of the items I've just sent to Phar will make it to my final top 5 :p
Work is making me so jealous of everyone’s progress. Oh, and I don’t have a day off until next Sunday...gonna burn this damn building down.
Off to a decent start I would say in terms of runtimes and time put in. Meaning a great start on my goal of twenty hours, and runtimes are improving enough that I think I will be able to maintain sub 1:30 by the end, but we shall see!
600+ Pit runs in so far. MFO is precisely the reason that you should never make 'Enigma'.. :confused:

It just encourages you to perform hopeless, soul-crushing, mind-numbing tasks over and over and over. :confused:

Edit: TRIPLE Troll!!! :D
Boneflame                          10.4
Stormlash                          17.0
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
View attachment 14919
I'm finished for the day, so my update is "sent" :)

80M XP so far, and some nice non-qualifiers to show, namely Ber, Mal, and Felloak:
She also picked up a second pair of 2/20 javazon gloves just as I was thinking it was really lucky to drop her first on NM Meph runs (but not better than the first, so stashed for now)
Death Hold
Defense: 20
Durability: 20 of 24
Required Level: 35
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0x518ff706
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
5% Bonus to Attack Rating
+31% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +10%
+5 to Light Radius
Thanks to everyone who's sent an update, still waiting on a few more. Keep up the great progress, @everyone!
Update sent in. Still running for a few more hours before I call it a night.
Update sent.

@PhineasB I didn't see the call to update trade tags last week, here's the update for mine if you could edit it in:

WoRG [1.13d SC FAM]
You can use the UP arrow key instead of retyping a command. Makes life a bit easier.

The game would remember it even after save and exit if you spammed it a bit. Don't know if that's still the case in 1.14d, haven't used P settings in a long time :)
Albatross said:
You can use the UP arrow key instead of retyping a command. Makes life a bit easier.

The game would remember it even after save and exit if you spammed it a bit. Don't know if that's still the case in 1.14d, haven't used P settings in a long time :)
I do this exactly 20 times each time I start D2 :p
Luhkoh said:
@ffs yeah singer gearing is super interesting for some reason. And yes I love that vid thanks for those example runs. But for some reason i just love the idea of 200fcr on swap so wouldn't mind a vid of the latest setup. And your trav commentary videos were MUCH appreciated, so just an idea for you if you feel like busting out the OBS :)
Yeah could do, I'm still experimenting with 200 FCR whether it's worth it to switch back and forth during the run.

Also tried another approach entirely: Kill switch with 1000 MF :D and tele/hork switch with 105 FCR/700 MF. In theory numbers again are very close to those of my current setup as well as more typical Shako/Suicide etc approach. I guess it just comes down to run times which variant is ideal. Gotta get rid of my rustiness to compare properly!
Results sent... not the worst start, certainly nothing heart-stopping but solid.
@Kitteh @Albatross
10x spam should remember it via up key until you close the client
@Albatross @Kitteh @Yng

Thanks for the tip! That will definitely help. I can type pretty fast, but this will save me from the headache of misspelling the command 1-3 times in a row.

Did a few test runs replacing merc's Delirium with Vamp Gaze. I like it much better. Run times will probably end up being about the same, but merc's survivability is much better and leads to more relaxing runs. I DID get a Lo rune somewhere in the past 10 hours, just looking for an eth elite armor to punch holes in to replace his Treachery with Fort.
Yng said:
Just seeing they’re at ~14.9 and ~15.5s for Pindle runs, pretty insane. Care to treat us with some details? Delay leaving runs, setups used etc? @Fabian @Gripphon
It was identical setup to pit berserker, but using Ghoulhide as a gloves instead of Chance Guards. It makes things easier and better on the long run. As for delay, I don't know how big it was. I played in window mode without glide wrapper and no sound, so it was as fluid as possible and delay wasn't 4 seconds for sure.

Runtimes aren't that important, anything below 20 is great and has similar winning odds.
First Weekend Update -- A85, Pindle+ and Baal Categories
I've [now] received all but four updates for A85, all for Pindle, and all for Baal. Thanks to everyone who sent their updates! We're off to a great start, and it should be exciting down to the finish line. Feel free to send updates if you haven't and I can update this update :)

Things are shaping up into a very exciting race. It's tightly packed up top, and quite a few more are within striking distance of the top spot with reasonable drops over the last 7 days. I'm excited to watch this category unfold! Current rankings (without information about point totals) are in the spoiler.
1. ziambe
2. Burgomaster3
3. Luhkoh
4. CaseyJones
5. NanoMist
6. Bewitch
7. D2DC
8. Albatross
9. mir
10. ffs
11. zemaj
12. WoRG
13. Gynli
14. phar
T72on1, Joosh, Grape, ESD2 (no update)

We have an early leader, with second place within striking distance and then a tight pack a little behind that. A lot could change over the next 7 days, with a few key drops reshuffling the leader board. Current rankings (without information about point totals) are in the spoiler.
1. maxicek
2. Babyhell
3. Yng
4. art_vandelay
5. Darkoooo
6. Dagaz

With information about only two-thirds of the participants, it's hard to say for sure how things stand. But we have a competitive race up top, especially with the impact that one key drop can have in the Baal category to swing results. Current rankings (without information about point totals) are in the spoiler.
1. PhineasB
2. Vildecor
3. jjscud
4. Jamie
5. Pb_pal

I'll give a more detailed run-down of the team race at the next update. But The Afterthoughts have made a strong early push, leaving work ahead for Kittens! and Heroes of Find and Magic.

Keep up the great progress, everyone!
Go Afterthoughts!
And I thought I was last :D I still have to work until Wednesday but after that I should be able to get a few more thousand runs in.

@Babyhell Do you have any '-x to Enemy Fire Resistance' on your gear? Magic Resistant Pindle can take quite a while...
It does, but merc is efficient while others have vanished. I could have put a facet in some to try, but I must admit I haven't thought about that...maybe one in a tal armor or shako...would it be useful to share such shako? For fire druid maybe?

@maxicek congrats... I thought my score was nice which to take the lead, you may have overwhelmed my running time or our powerdrop staff strategy. 7 days to go, watch your back!

@PindleRunners: my second place is available as soon as I take the lead. <3
art_vandelay said:
And I thought I was last :D I still have to work until Wednesday but after that I should be able to get a few more thousand runs in.

@Babyhell Do you have any '-x to Enemy Fire Resistance' on your gear? Magic Resistant Pindle can take quite a while...
Dude, I gave you a near perfect Ravenlore, don't use a fire facet Shako on your Druid :D

I use Phoenix on her, that means I do about 15 times more damage against Pindle after breaking his immunity. I admit that VexVexLoJah is a bit steep of a price though...

Phoenix has the added bonus that you basically don't need to drink any pots at all.
I can handle that ;)
who is head of baal?
@Babyhell I only have time for about 6h more running so you have more than ample opportunity to close the gap.
Yea, I’m pretty ****ed with availability as well. I nearly doubled my run count last night but I had to pull an all morning coming into a 12+ hour shift and I’m feeling that pain already. :/
sorry for the lack of update. I've barely played since it started (<100 runs).

I'm in the alvl 85 category, though, not baal! Or at least that's what I meant to do, in case it's a mistake on my end. I'm running AT with my fissure druid (lvl 95.5)
@Gripphon ”run times aren’t that important” how dare you LOL

Thanks for response, and yea I’ve been using Ghoulhide since the start of the MFO and it’s quite nice, especially for those of us who only have basic 7 MF SCs and lack AR. I’m using 2x HotO swap with a 47 MF Amulet, though. Didn’t have time to get my 2x SB socketed and I very recently finally got the 2/5 craft so I hadn’t played with 105 FCR on Pindle yet.
Was busy with RL and couldn't send an update on time. If it still relevant then update sent.

On topic, maybe I need to start complaining here for a bit better drops...:mad:

1. Rattlecage - worst roll... not needed
Gothic Plate
Defense: 331
Durability: 50 of 55
Required Strength: 70
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x46f01a4c
+45 to Attack Rating
+200 Defense
Hit Causes Monster to Flee 40%
25% Chance of Crushing Blow

2. Thundergod's Vigor - always needed
War Belt
Defense: 138
Durability: 18 of 24
Required Strength: 110
Required Level: 47
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x27b4cecc
+20 to Strength
+20 to Vitality
+161% Enhanced Defense
+10% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Adds 1-50 lightning damage
+3 to Lightning Fury (Amazon Only)
+3 to Lightning Strike (Amazon Only)
+20 Lightning Absorb
5% Chance to cast Level 7 Fist of the Heavens when struck

3. Boreal Small Charm of Good Luck
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 58
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0xcd5cda5b
Adds 6-10 cold damage over 1 seconds
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

4. Hailstone Shroud - interesting...
Tigulated Mail
Defense: 190
Durability: 29 of 36
Required Strength: 86
Required Level: 52
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x5bbabbad
Fire Resist +28%
Cold Resist +27%
Poison Resist +29%
Replenish Life +5
24% Faster Hit Recovery
10% Chance to cast Level 3 Nova when struck

5. Chaos Torc - interesting...
Required Level: 51
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xace67aa0
+18 to Dexterity
+17 to Mana
Damage Reduced by 4
All Resistances +9
Half Freeze Duration
+1 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)

6. Lidless Wall - worst roll... not needed
Grim Shield
Defense: 291
Chance to Block: 40%
Smite Damage: 14 to 20
Durability: 39 of 70
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 41
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x5aac6a53
+10 to Energy
+93% Enhanced Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
+1 to Light Radius
20% Faster Cast Rate
+1 to All Skill Levels
+4 to Mana After Each Kill
This is good motivation to keep pushing hard. Like @Babyhell, I thought I might have been lucky enough to snag an early top spot, but it looks like someone is luckier than me!

Jamie said:
who is head of baal?

Updates for all categories are sent to @PhineasB.
@Vildecor yes, it will help to keep pushing hard for sure! And even if @maxicek is only speaking about 6 hours and plenty of time for me to catch back, it may well be some troll so I just feel being right and BOOM he surprisingly had some free time he forgot about and pushed even harder to complete this full hand of 27+ points having 4 Astreon's may not be enough to win in the end.

Time to make an hour now. Let's go ;)

@art_vandelay i'll put a 5/5 fire on the ravenlore <3
why not Ber ):^^

well, i guess its a sign^^

You mean this?


How does the saying go? A Ber a day keeps the qualifiers away?

Jokes aside, I hope that's going to be a beautiful Ice.
I think I saw a Lum at some point...
Thanks to those who provided updates since I posted the update earlier today. I've "updated the update" (post #218 on page 11), and also updated the OP to reflect phar's accurate entry! Only a few missing updates at this point.

It's nice to see the activity in this thread, keep up the progress everyone!
1. ziambe
2. Burgomaster3
3. Luhkoh
4. CaseyJones
5. NanoMist
6. Bewitch
7. D2DC
8. Albatross
9. mir
10. ffs
11. zemaj
12. WoRG
13. Gynli
14. phar
T72on1, Joosh, Grape, ESD2 (no update)

I am nearly at 1000 pit runs. Either I'm running bad luck, or you guys are beasts!
So after @Gripphon mentioned he had a non significant delay and he played without sound I decided to check just to see if it made a difference.

-ns in the target line essentially completely eliminated my delay.... I'm doing sub 16s runs now...

Thats ~1300 runs this MFO wasting 3-4s per run and I have a hunch that I may have wasted 3-4s EVERY ****ING RUN at Nihlathak from 98-99 on untwinked 99er Sorc because I really don't see why it wouldnt eliminate that delay as well. Holy hell.
Sorry. No runs for me in this MFO. Grim Dawn and RL both have me in their grips firmly.

Good luck everyone !!
Yng said:
So after @Gripphon mentioned he had a non significant delay and he played without sound I decided to check just to see if it made a difference.
It's so weird how S&E times vary from person to person. I usually have 1-2s delay in act 5 and I would guess it's about 1.5s if I timed it. (Shenk is close to three times that)

The -ns command doesn't seem to change that for me sadly :(
Sorry for no update D2iDC. Didnt realize results were needed this soon.

BTW, top runners need not worry about me at this point...
Just tried out some stuff to accelerate runs as outlined in this post by @PhineasB . I did all of this:
  • remove all screenshots from the runeword folder
  • set the -ns option
  • use the cleanup function for my harddrive
  • reduced # of chars in save folder from 7 to 5
and on top of that I also did the very last thing mentioned in that post: I removed the -dirext -txt parameters from the shortcut...
View attachment 14923
Profile 6 is with all of the changes outlined above and for profile 7 I reinstated the -direct -txt parameter.

For profile 6 I had 662MF which results in an adjeff of 2,374. I never managed to get better than high 2,6's previously. If I take the minions killed into consideration (assuming like 5 of them per run) like I did here, I get to a guesstimate of 2,242 fabians ... :eek:

I think this warrants some tests on p3 later in the week :)
Big did 200 runs in 7 less minutes (45 vs 52)..or you could have made 228ish runs in the same 52 minutes...a 14 percent increase from just a few tweaks.
@art_vandelay shall therefore be known as art_nodelay
Tried with the Phoenix monarch @art_vandelay: i lose a fcr breakpoint - i may check if it could be interesting to change some other pieces of gear to optimize mf or something else - but in the end it feels a little quicker. Will continue with this one during the weekdays, to confirm.

Thx for advice!
@art_vandelay dang o_O those are some nice times
Got hit with overtime at work, bad timing for the MFO :(
Those are very good times indeed. Do you 'molest' Pindle on p1 or p7/8? :)
This MFO I broke my personal Pindle record in avarage run time, but I'm still it's like 10 seconds behind your results. I play on p8 however.
@Dagaz for MF it makes (almost) no sense to run on anything higher than P1. Unless you're looking for XP with lower level chars or better rune drop chances...

I only ran 2-3 hours last weekend and been practicing MK11 combos in after hours since... :rolleyes: I might go for a final push this weekend though, last year that was fruitful! :)
I won again! Second TC3 from Baal.


I also suppose this is the perfect time to be hit with bouts of insomnia.

Edit: It's like Christmas over here!

@art_vandelay I'm about half a sec quicker with Phoenix when Pindle is not immune, about a second when he is. Will also try to improve timings removing sound and screenshots.

In the end, this MFO will probably give me a level running Pindle p1, if I get close enough to the 30 hours total...I wouldn't have thought about it, I will certainly push for it!
Yes, keep pushing for it! It can only help the Heroes where my finds are lacking ;)
My mind games have mind games.

I prefer to focus on leveling chars rather than finding items because the exp is more or less a sure thing and its nicer to know your getting what your after than to sit there and hope hour after hour for that one thing to drop.

And then I enjoy the MFOs because looking for items keeps me from focusing on that slow moving exp bar. So I'm focusing on items to avoid focusing purely on exp to avoid focusing purely on items.

Anyways, I got desperate and threw 4 Ists (not mistakenly this time :rolleyes:) into a shield for my Baal kill switch. Still, looking over old screenshots from previous trips to 99 and it looks like I only found one scarce tc87 unique each time. My hopes of finding 2 Tyreals and 3 dwebs are a bit shattered at the moment.
I did another (much better!) set for pindle yesterday and I figured I should upload at least a little demonstration video. Beware that three EU's dropped during the filming but they are all below 4.5 points. Nevertheless I put the video behind a spoiler, proceed with caution :p
It should be noted that OBS causes some serious lag and 'other' problems potentially. Check the video at 2:49 to see a very weird graphics glitch that I only ever saw once before this recording.
Besides the fact that those runs are incredibly bad in terms of execution (why do I fireball the wall???) I also forgot to do an item section and instead left OBS running for another minute... :rolleyes:

Here's the timer:
View attachment 14938

The real news is this though:
View attachment 14939

That's with the same 662 MF as my post further up which gives 2.300 fabians :)

I might try to figure out how efficient that is with endgame gear (perfect MF rolls, perfect charms) or try to improve first. After all that set contains a run where I choose the wrong character two times in a row :D
I could be out of MFO at this point. :(

My detatchable keyboard (Surface Pro) has always been a bit glitchy, but would always work for me after a few attempts. I spent the last hour trying to get the connection to work. No luck. :(

Time for a new keyboard, which I will probably have to wait to get until my next day off. Monday. :confused:
@DiabloTwoinDC amazon 1 day shipping?

Albatross said:
Got hit with overtime at work, bad timing for the MFO :(
same -.- I WILL get my 20 hours in though.
@art_vandelay that's some quality speed Pindling. Is telestomping him too dangerous? He'd die faster if you didn't have to go through the minions and your merc's aura would get applied a little bit sooner. Really interested in seeing how far you can get.

@Luhkoh same. I'm counting on the weekend, might also get the chance to trade some overtime hours for time off, depending on workload.
He skips BO for a time save without the cast animation and Harmony on swap so it’s pretty risky stomping. If you play around with cursor position (it’s 3 teleports with the cursor all the way to the corner to land nearly dead center of the pack, C/T (extended teleport) will put you at the wall behind him with full corner cursor) you can make it so that you land slightly before the pack and take a step down. It might be hard to get Pindle to consistently charge the Merc, though.
@Albatross It's pretty much what Yng said. I don't think dropping Harmony is ever worth it. Yes, my killing could be faster but it is nowhere near as long as running through town is.

I tried telestomping but it is dangerous for a lot of reasons:
  • Pindle deals way too much physical damage, if he is cursed I pretty much have to kill them before they can hit...
  • He is also FE, so every time he spawns LE I get a lot of bugged death explosions
  • My resists are so bad without charms that for Pindle a CE LE roll is basically a CE LE Conv roll -> insta death
To give you an idea of my equip with MF 'rolls' in brackets:
Shako 'Ist'
eth Military Pick 'IstIstIstIstIstIst'
Enigma (91)
The Cat's Eye
Chance Guards (40)
Arachnid Mesh
War Traveler (44)
10% fcr, 27 Mana, 13% MF rare ring
10% fcr, 85 Mana, 9% MF rare ring
Gheed's (40)
22 x 7% MF SC
2 x 6% MF SC
5% MF , 8% CRes SC
8 x CRes SC (total of 82% CR)

Resistances are really sparse on her and I sit at -70 LRes/PoiRes as well as -51% FRes. The only reason I can consistently get as close to Pindle without getting nuked are those 82% CRes from the SCs.

What could I change about this? I had some thoughts on that and made some changes already:
  • I used to have a 120 Mana, 13% MF + Nagelring combo for rings (even though I had a 117 Mana, 19% MF ring in my stashes...) but that left me at 20% fcr and by changing to the current setup I have the same mana, lose one MF BP and gain about 6 to 7 frames per run.
  • Magefist+Goldwrap < Chance Guards+Arachnid (it's just better in terms of total MF, the skills are essentially the same)
  • I have used Oculus on her, that's just 100% MF less than this setup and if I used it again I could gain another BP and do a lot more damage. The resists on Oculus don't translate into telestomping because of the teleport CtC... :mad:
  • Phoenix is the only good choice when you take MR Pindle into consideration. The only other sensible choice is Spirit, everything else just doesn't give me anything good and the potential 100% MF here can never outweigh the benefits of these two options.
  • The rolls could be better throughout and with this setup I lose like 80 (?) MF on rolls which does make a difference. A lot of it comes from the lack of MF/CRes SCs. But ideally my whole inventory would be MF+CRes/LRes/FRes/Mana SCs :p
  • The Cat's Eye is the most glaring problem, it offers nothing but FRW...
I did a bit of theorycrafting with 1.07-1.09 items and there's a few standouts:
  • M'avina's Tenet could play the roll of The Cat's Eye and a crafted amulet would fill the void the Arach's left. That requires something like 2/20 Fire/Sorc though. It has the added benefit of giving up to 25MF extra and a chance at some resists... (it's astronomical I know :D)
  • 1.09 Oculus (or 1.08?) has the broken CtC Teleport which would make it telestomp-capable...
  • 1.07 blood amulets can get up to 15% FRW... I'm going to stop here :rolleyes:
  • 1.09 5% FRW SC's with resists could replace one of the FRW equip pieces at the cost of inventory MF...
A lot of it revolves around replacing Enigma with Skullder's without losing the FRW/Skill as well as the Life bonuses (Str, LPK). At lvl 95 the difference in MF would be 48% which is less than the 9x7 MF you lose by making it up with 1.09 FRW SC's. Replacing it with a M'avina's Tenet seems more reasonable, of course you lose a skill even if you have a good craft.

Another option would be replacing the Cat's Eye with those charms while keeping the Arach. With the Oculus this would put me at the 63% fcr BP (assuming a good craft) and I could replace the rings with Nagel's. (Also I have a 3 Fire Skills/14% MF amulet I used when I started running Pindle but it isn't worth it I think...?)

Sorry for the extensive theorycraft, but this is a Pindlesorc thread now :D

On the topic of MFO: I have four free days ahead of me and found something disgustingly good yesterday.
Please remember to send me your 7-day update when you've finished running for Thursday or on Friday morning. If there's no improvement or you haven't been running since last update, a quick message to that effect or post here would be much appreciated. I hope to get the last update posted Friday afternoon/evening US West Coast time. Wishing everyone continued good luck. Thanks!
I never suggested dropping harmony, just going full suicide mode :D
Estimated market value