MFO Summer 2016 Signups and Progress [by nulio]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @nulio on June 17, 2016.
(link to original thread on

Welcome to the 2016 Summer MFO! It's already that time of the year where everybody gets.... WHAT!!1!1!!!??? How time flies... Anyway people get crazy, play too much D2 and find sexy stuff. And we all love it!

Prepare your characters, your mind and get hyped for the biggest SPF event of 2016!

Start time: July 8th 2016, 00:00 local time
End time: July 17th 2016, 11:59 PM local time

Total time - 10 days.

I'll just shamefully copy most of the text of the previous MFO post. If I forgot something let me know.

Quick Intro

For those new to the MFO, the basic jist of it is everyone picks one of three targets and runs that target like mad for about a week. At the end, everyone scores their finds (updated scoresheets below) and adds up the top five finds. The players with the top scores win and they get to claim a few items from the other participants as prizes.

No proxy signups, you may only signup yourself.

The Categories

- Hell Baal
- Pindle+: Pindleskin (or Shenk, Eldritch, Thresh or Sharptooth).
- Level 85 Areas

- In the interest of sportsmanship, please PM regular updates of your progress during the MFing week to your supervisor. These should be in the same format as your final results email (no ATMA readouts at this time), like this:

Title: SPF - MFO results
Forum name: nulio

Level 85 Areas
Asteron's Iron Ward 27.8
Ravenlore 14.6
Crown of Ages 10.7
Windforce 9.3
Windforce 9.3 (example of a duplicate find)
Total 71.7

I will need 3 category supervisors (one for each area), preferably someone who has participated in a previous MFO and will participate in this one.

Things to include in your PM (Progress and final upates):
- Title should contain MFO
- Your forum name
- The category and your top 5 items for each category you entered

- If you quit or drop out, please send your area supervisor a PM saying so.

PMyour score and ATMA/GoMule readouts of your top 5 to your area's supervisor within 12 hours after the end of the MFO. There's always a few people who take a long time to do it, and it holds everything up. This time, please send the results in quickly, so the area supervisors can finish their lists and send them to me quickly, so I can put up the Results Thread quickly. When you finish running, please send the results right away. It takes literally less than 2 minutes to fire off your Final Update email, and it keeps all of us from waiting a day or longer for the results.

I'd like to receive updates from:
- The first three days (Friday and weekend) until the end of Monday, July 11th
- The first seven days (until 11:59 PM of Thursday) until the end of Friday, July 15th
- Final score as soon as you can, please just send it when you finish playing for the MFO


The list of entered participants will follow.

If you're entered, try to do your best.

And if you don't think that you're capable of giving up a Windforce or a Stormlash if you find one and lose, this probably isn't for you.

Allowed mods: any SPF FAM mod and any version 1.11 or later.

Since items are switching back and forth, you must have a current trading profile over on the SP Trading Forum.

Also, if you've been banned from trading and/or mp'ing then you will not be allowed to participate in the MFO. This will be enforced.

Do not post any qualifiers found during the MFO! Here or in the IFT.

Eligible finds

The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered
in each category:

- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs.
- Pindle+: The mentioned SuperUniques and their Minions, in the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth.
- Level 85 areas: The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including minion waves)

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Prowling Dead in Pindle's Garden, Chests in the Pits/Ancient Tunnels, etc.

Summary of rules:

-All intending participants must register the categories they wish to
compete in. No late entries will be accepted.

-The winning player shall be determined by the five highest-ranked
items they find during the week.

-In case of two players tying with the same score, the winner shall be
decided by adding in the score of the next rarest item each of them
found, then the next and so on until a clear winner is decided.

-Remember to keep eligible finds separate from the rest of your gear.

Prize distribution

1st Place - picks 4 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant).
2nd Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
There's a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.

I will add my own "good sportsmanship" suggestions. I won't enforce these but any reasonable person shouldn't have any problem following these.

1. Don't claim items for their trade value, claim items you want to use or as a trophy
2. If you want a trophy, please be considerate (i.e. no grailers)
3. if you claim an item and the player really wants it, give them a chance to trade back their self found item for a similar or better one or other item as you see fit.
4. If someone is claiming one of your items, you may personalize it before giving it to them.


The system is based on the relative rarity compared to the IK
Stonecrusher, the most common elite set or unique.

Here are the score sheets (lvl 85 for both AT and other lvl 85 areas)

I created an excel file that can help you several things:
1. 'Tables' sheet has all the scores
2. 'Point Calculator' sheet allows you to list all your finds and calculates your score
a) You have to indicate the category
b) If you are playing more than one category, duplicate the sheet
c) To allow automatic timestamping you need to turn the iterative calculation (File > Options > Formulas > Enable iterative calculation). If you don't want it just delete the column
d) To allow auto completion of cells you need to turn it on (File > Options > Advanced > Enable AutoComplete For Cell Values).
3. 'Rankings' sheet can help supervisors... supervise

If you have any questions or comments, you can ask in this thread or you can PM me.

2013 Summer MFO Sign-Up and Running Thread

2013 Summer MFO Results Thread

2014 Summer MFO Sign-Up and Running Thread

2014 Summer MFO Results Thread

2015 Summer MFO Sign-Up and Running Thread

2015 Summer MFO Results Thread
Last edited:
Damn you guys, pull me out of semi-retirement and drag me back to D2!

I put my name down in the Pindle category, but I'm happy to go into L85 if there are not enough others.
Recently did fresh restart in 1.14, so I will just take this opportunity to get more goodies in 1.14.

I'm in!!!!:D
Cool !!! Count me in.

Not sure what the team thingy is all about (even after reading the description in the 2013 Summer MFO thread :oops:). Sounds cool, so I'd like to give it a go, I think, but wouldn't mind someone explaining exactly what it is.
You run an area as much as you can/want during the tournament and then you take the most rare elite uniques you find and get a "top 5" score for them. Should be a link for the scoring in the first post. If you found 5 Tyrael's Mights, then all 5 would be your top item.
No no, I meant playing in a team. The concept of an MFO is clear to me :). Although I'd think that you would want to stick to one area / boss to maximize chances. Doesn't signing in on for example Baal and Pindle reduce your chances?
Derp, misread.

Ya running multiple categories means less time to boost your score in each. I forget how teams
Team competition basically works as follows:

Everyone competes for second place because the As of Yet Unnamed Team is guaranteed first.

Seriously though, you team up with people from different categories and take the top team member score, in terms of finishing position, from each category and add them together. Or something like that.
As Of Yet Unnamed Team best team.
LiquidClear said:
Team competition basically works as follows:

Everyone competes for second place because the As of Yet Unnamed Team is guaranteed first.
That's clear, thanks. Sounds cool, especially in a team with someone like @Grape . So yeah, I'm in for that. If I can cope with the stress of knowing that I'm not even close to his mf skills ...

Btw, would that make us 72GrapesOn1?
I have a question in regards to my plan on running. If I use my summoner necro and raise my army in Pindle's garden, kill Pindle, then go get Baal, can I compete in both Pindle+ category and Baal category provided I am diligent about separating my drops?

i.e. I get IK Stone Crusher from Pindle, that find only gets put into the Pindle+ category
...then later in that same run I get Naj's Puzzler from Baal, that only gets put into the Baal category. Separate stashes for separate targets.
T72on1 said:
Doesn't signing in on for example Baal and Pindle reduce your chances?
Well, theoretically yes, unless your name is @NagisaFurukawa . He won 2 categories at same MFO without real contest even. Like a boss of a boss.
@Friiser, yes you can do that. In the past people were running WSK and Baal in the same runs.

@Gripphon maybe if you sign up @NagisaFurukawa will too!
I would sign up if I was confident I could win, in order to lay claim to pharsword when phar inevitably finds it during this MFO. Alas I do not have the time to commit to such a competition.
Currently playing through act 5 NM with a singer barbarian that I will have pits-ready for the MFO. Pretty rubbish gear still but hopefully I'll stand a chance.

Trying to add myself into the table, but i have no idea how to have my trader profile linked properly like everyone elses.
I looked around but couldn't find a guide on how to do all the useful forum stuff like tables and links and properly embedded images, is there a resource around out there to help me brush up on this kind of stuff?
Grape Diabloii.Net Member Jun 22 said:
That's clear, thanks. Sounds cool, especially in a team with someone like @Grape . So yeah, I'm in for that. If I can cope with the stress of knowing that I'm not even close to his mf skills ...

Btw, would that make us 72GrapesOn1?
Hey I'm in for the team! If you can handle the huge pressure that is :p I'm probably mostly running baal, so getting third team member could be good idea. Anyone running alvl85 want to join the winning team?

Pyrotechnician said:
I would sign up if I was confident I could win, in order to lay claim to pharsword when phar inevitably finds it during this MFO. Alas I do not have the time to commit to such a competition.

If you had enough time to log in to the forums, I'm sure you can make few runs to find Tyrael's and then little more. Just imagine the situation, winning phar by finding Tmight and then stealing his pharsword.

Malevolent said:
Currently playing through act 5 NM with a singer barbarian that I will have pits-ready for the MFO. Pretty rubbish gear still but hopefully I'll stand a chance.

Trying to add myself into the table, but i have no idea how to have my trader profile linked properly like everyone elses.
I looked around but couldn't find a guide on how to do all the useful forum stuff like tables and links and properly embedded images, is there a resource around out there to help me brush up on this kind of stuff?

To link to your trade profile, just highlight the letters you want to be shown as the link, then press the seventh symbol from left, next to the font editing stuff. That's a linking tool. It opens a line where you copy paste the address to your profile :)
@Grape Cool !!! I hope someone else will join to run alvl 85. I wouldn't mind changing to alvl 85 myself if someone prefers to do Pindle+ btw. Do we have to be with 3 people, or can either of us do 2 categories?

Btw, going through my GoMule stash yesterday, I did realize I still lack a few items to seriously increase my mf%. Most notably Gull or Ali Baba on switch and a good armor, probably Skullder's Ire or Enigma. I probably should hit up Mephisto, as I still want that Arachnid's as well. I also lack a good amulet. And maybe I should make a Harmony in something like a Long Bow to run through town faster.

Thinking about it, what's the most efficient way to run Pindle? Faster casting gear on one switch and mf gear like Gull/Ali Baba and Rhyme Shield on the other? Or Harmony on one switch and mf gear on the other? Everything towards mf%, or is some 400% mf enough?

@Malevolent I thought there was indeed a guide for that, but I can't seem to find it right now. Grape covered you on adding links though. Adding a table is a matter of quoting the last post with the table you want in it, then remove all content except for the table (the stuff that's between the 'code' brackets) and add what you want to add.

Good luck with your Singer Barb !!!
Lets goooo, playing through as much of hell as i can tonight, hopefully i don't die because I wont be playing sober. 3k life already compared to the 700 i had on my necro before i killed him is a really nice change though!
T72on1 said:
Thinking about it, what's the most efficient way to run Pindle? Faster casting gear on one switch and mf gear like Gull/Ali Baba and Rhyme Shield on the other? Or Harmony on one switch and mf gear on the other? Everything towards mf%, or is some 400% mf enough?
Personally, for Pindle I either have a teleport/hork switch (for barbs) or CtA switch. If I didn't have/felt I didn't need CtA, then I'd use Harmony. I've always found kill switches clunky and impractical and only really of use in multiplayer games and even then they have issues.

As for how much to gear for MF: pretty much always killing faster is better than packing on more magic find, so make sure you don't neuter your damage too much. It's been awhile since I did p1 Pindle runs, but I'm assuming 20 seconds is a completely reasonable average time to aim for, though faster should definitely be possible, as a mark to keep in mind and sort of use to balance MF vs damage. I'm assuming you're running a Blizzard Sorceress so, if you'd like, you can take a look at this video that I did for the Zodathon. It's at p7 but the gear listed is what I would run in the MFO almost certainly anyway. (I still think there's some testing worth doing in the neighborhood of having a good rare or crafted amulet (2 sorc/8+fcr/hopefully MF) then maybe swapping in that, Enigma and Goldwrap for the FRW, but it still comes at a cost and I think that's beyond the budget you're looking at right now besides.)

As far as the switch goes, I want CtA because extended Pindle running is an extremely mindless and repetitive task and mistakes are basically guaranteed, so I think the extra life buffer is more valuable than Harmony's move speed over the course of a long competition, but I can see valid arguments for eschewing CtA.
Thanks maareek, very useful reply. What I forgot to add to my question, is that I don't plan to use CtA. Basically my reasoning is that for Pindle you don't need the extra health, nor very good resists for that matter. Your reasoning why you actually would use CtA sounds very valid though, so I hope I don't make a mistake there.

I agree that killing faster is very important for mf'ing. However (again my reasoning, so it might be wrong, but this time also based on some test runs), Pindle on /p1 dies very fast to Blizzard, so I won't need much in terms of offensive power, and I'll most likely be able to shift the focus from my current, damage orientated setup, to more mf.

During those test runs I averaged some 21 seconds iirc. That's with only 25% frw from my War Travelers though, which I should be able to improve upon quite easily. I usually agree with you on using a kill switch and mf switch, and wouldn't use it in for example AT. But for bosses like Pindle and Meph I use it most of the time. Just teleport in and then switch to the mf switch, because the boss dies really fast. Certainly Pindle, Meph a little less so.

Enigma would probably be my best bet for now, with both huge frw and mf. So I guess I'll just keep running CS and hope for the runes to drop. It's been quite a while since I found a HR actually, so maybe they'll drop soon. If a Jah drops first, I can always hit LK again for that Ber.
For a budget setup, I'd use both CTA and harmony switch when CtA is main killing weapon and battle orders buff stick at the same time and bow is on switch to run faster in town. Note that when you run Pindle, fcr is not really important and you can easily get 63 breakpoint. I even use 63 in AT. 33+ fcr spirit, 3 part Tal Rasha's (armor, belt, amulet) and then you need 10 fcr more somewhere. Random 10 fcr ring should do it. You can do something like:

Ptopaz/Ist Shako
3 part Tal Rasha (armor with topaz/Ist, belt and amulet)
33+ FCR Spirit
fcr ring with adds
Chance Guards
War Traveler

Harmony Bow

Gheed and mf small charms or whatever you have

Insight is strongest weapon to have on him, rest is up to you. Andy Visage is good choice for helm.

For HC I'd use 1 point ES in skills to buff it as you run through town, it will be enough to protect you from anything really. p1 Pindle won't touch you unless you tele into him directly.
1 point static field, 1 warmth, max blizzard and synergies, rest into cold mastery

You can end up with 3800 blizzard damage (p1 Pindle has 13-16k hp and 50% coldres, meaning he will drop like a fly from 2 blizzard hits +1 glacial spike unless immune)
~450 MF without any small charm in inventory, so pump it up to your liking. You can even use lifers or skillers if you like, though not needed. With say average 5mf on charms you can have total of ~620+ MF (if cube in inventory to pick up stuff)

Normally, there are better gear options, this is just budget idea of a sorc where getting Tal armor is the only problematic part. Oh yes, and you don't have to waste time by casting battle command. Not needed. Yes, it will boost your battle orders by 3% and some damage and blabla, but it is better to just cast BO and go kill Pindle. Simplicity etc.
LiquidClear said:
Everyone competes for second place because the As of Yet Unnamed Team is guaranteed first.
I may be a bit rusty on the rules, but doesn't a team have to enter in order to be able to win it?

In general: Did i miss something? Did the latest patch provide a significant increase in Baal drops? Can't remember Baal ever being so popular.
Cyrax said:
I may be a bit rusty on the rules, but doesn't a team have to enter in order to be able to win it?

In general: Did i miss something? Did the latest patch provide a significant increase in Baal drops? Can't remember Baal ever being so popular.
Showing up fashionably late is the only acceptable method of arrival.

Also, as far as Baal, I think it has to do with the popularity of the untwinked 99 thread, so a lot of people are pushing for EXP. Otherwise no one should punish themselves to the soul crushing errand of running Baal for an MFO. Or maybe Baal started taking his anti depressants and is in a much better mood than normal these days. It's a toss up really.
Well, this sucks, really wanted to participate in this one, but I'm away from my computer that week. Good luck to everyone!
T72on1 said:
@Grape Cool !!! I hope someone else will join to run alvl 85. I wouldn't mind changing to alvl 85 myself if someone prefers to do Pindle+ btw. Do we have to be with 3 people, or can either of us do 2 categories?
I think we are fine as long as either of us covers two categories. But I'm not 100% sure. Can someone shed some light about this?

In any case, third member for the team would be cool!!
@Gripphon Thanks a lot for the detailed analysis ... but ... Since I have only started this Sorc quite recently and her main aim is to get to 99, she lacks quite some items. No 3pc Tal's for example, as she has not found the armor or amulet yet. Also, no socketing, as I want to keep my socket quests for my endgame gear, which I haven't found yet.

So assuming Harmony on switch and aiming for the 63% fcr breakpoint, I see these 2 setups as possible options (variable mf% values between brackets, but from memory, I don't have access to my GoMule stash right now):

Setup 1:

Skin of the Vipermagi
CtA / Spirit
Chance Guards (40%)
War Traveler (45%)
Dual Nagelring (25%/25%)
Amulet: not sure, but should get me some 20% mf I guess)
Gheeds (38%)

Setup 2:

4os Body Armor with 4 perfect topazes
HotO / Splendor
Chance Guards (40%)
War Traveler (45%)
Dual Nagelring (25%/25%)
Amulet: crafted with 13+ fcr, probably some 10% mf as well
Gheeds (38%)

Setup 1 gives me 283 - 303% mf, with a range from 0 - 20% mf on the amulet, but 20% should be possible
Setup 2 gives me 369 - 379% mf, with a range from 0 - 10% mf on the amulet, not sure if I have one with mf% though

The second setup is definitely the winner in terms of mf%, but has less life, less resists (except for fire), less fhr and less flexibility in the amulet slot. So considering the fact that I can add quite some mf through small mf charms, the difference in effective mf% won't be so big, and I'm inclined to go with setup 1. I don't have that many small mf charms actually, but even then I should be able to get in the 400 - 450% range.

Of course, that is with my current gear. There is still some time left, so hopefully I'll still manage to improve my gear. The question is if I'll just continue running CS and hope to get some good drops at the same time (Jah and Ber for Enigma would be absolutely the best, other than that mainly Tal's armor and amulet I guess) or if I'll change targets to specifically hunt for certain items, like doing Mephisto for Skullder's Ire, Ali Baba or Arachnid's (which isn't mf specific in se, but opens up a lot of other combo's due to the fcr on it).

Another option of course is to try and level up a new Sorc in HC, where I do have items like Skullder's, Ali Baba, Gull, and the option to socket gear. But I'm not really keen on that one myself, as it would be a rush job and HC characters obviously can die, which would quite ruin the mfo for me ...

But I'll stop my ramblings here. I guess I mainly want to order my thoughts on the matter by writing it down. Suggestions are still welcome of course ...

@Grape I agree. Having a third person in our team would definitely be awesome.
Why Pindle anyway? Pindle sorc will never be able to come close to what AT sorc can do in terms of farming. With little practice you can easily outplay Pindle with AT sorc. Also setup 1 >>> setup 2 for Pindle for simple fact that on setup 2 you don't have CtA or harmony.

EDIT: okay, maybe if you don't wanna have risk of death, Pindle could be safer bet. But with 1 pt ES I think you can reasonably comfortably run AT without real risk of death.
Probably true. But I've spent so much time in AT over the last few months and never really farmed Pindle, at least not decently, so I want to give Pindle a shot. Alvl 85 is more efficient than Baal too for example, still people will be running Baal as well in the MFO.

If I get anything good for my Sorc out of these runs (ideally Griffon's and / or Death's Fathom) that's really nice. But it's not a must for me. The MFO is just meant to be a change of pace.
Gripphon said:
That's my middle name
pharphis said:
That's my middle name
I thought it was 'deeds', but i'm guessing it's your first name then?
I haven't played in AT very often, and in my 1.14 Sorc, I don't have as good gear as my 1.13 sorc.

Currently, 3.5 - 3.8k blizzard damage, no Infinity.

What is a the reasonable run time to aim for?
Sub 45 seconds is good target to aim I'd say. In the end it depends on how many bosses and how much stuff you pick up. Also it seems to me that Insight>Infinity for that sorc. Merc will kill those cold immunes fast if Insight is in elite eth base.
Play a few maps that feel fluid enough (not too much backtracking or anything) and get used to monster spawns. I'd say you can easily get under 1 min on any map (even crappy ones) with some practice. Once you're more comfortable with the fast-based play, I would try to find a good map for prolonged use. I think grip's suggestion is reasonable for an approximate time to aim for when you've settled in. Of course, the most important thing is bosspacks/second
I see, thanks both.

My current map is decent (I guess???): one teleport from the way point to the entrance, 5-6 boss packs.

I will just use it to practice (I think I will pick up a lot of stuff, since I haven't built up my wealth yet ...).
I always encourage practicing before focusing on finding a map. Then again, I hate finding maps
Me too. Getting map for Baal, Travincal, LK etc. is ok, you immediately know what you rolled. Those map from areas you must test before you know is it worth anything. Takes too much time. Okay, usually first few runs reveal does map even have potential so you can definitely eliminate less optimal maps fast.
Judging from the discussion thread, I expected a lot more people to sign in. Certainly because the first 3 people to post in that thread, have refused to sign up so far ... :rolleyes:. Of course there still is plenty of time before the MFO actually begins. So come on people, join the fun !!!
I would really love to join (in a team) but there is still a question that I would like to discuss: most of you are apparently aiming for really high mf like around 600 to 800 mf. I heard from some people that 250-300 is more than enough to mf comfortably is it really a significant bump to run 800 mf ? (I know mf tops at 200 for uniques)
either my javazon or sorceress won't be able to have more than 350 mf without losing considerable kill speed. Do i still have a chance to find decent things if I participate ?
I'm not aiming for the win but being competitive would be a start.

@Carawolk I don't think you need 600 - 800% mf. I'll have about 400% on my Sorc for example. There's serious diminishing returns in real mf% for uniques,

Edited, as the table appears to be wrong. See posts below.

as you can see in this table, stolen from the great mf guide on this forum:

MF____Magical *_____Rares *_Set Items *_Uniques *

Someone with 750% mf will only have 44% real mf more than somen with 400%.
You definitely shouldn't loose too much killing power or survivability to up your mf to the 500+ range. Yes, the top tier players here will probably have it, and will probably still kill faster than us, but then again us mere mortals can't beat them anyway :).

With some 350 mf, good killing speed and good moving speed, you should still be able to find some decent stuff. At least that is my experience after having run a Blizzard Sorc with mf% ranging from 180% to 350% a lot lately.
Most people have around 600 MF (AT sorcs for example), while 700-800 MF is reserved only for barbs pretty much with 180 MF swords. Pitnecro has up to 500 MF, no more than that.

Soomething is strange with your table. Uniques % don't rise so rapidly.

350 MF results in 145% better chance for uniques and 205% for sets (though only 2 set items matter pretty much - Vortex Shield and Caduceus)

600 MF results in 176% for unique items and 272% for sets. That is 12.7% better than having 350% MF in farming uniques and 23% better in farming sets.

800 MF results in 190% better chance of getting uniques and 307% for sets. In comparison to 350 MF that is 18.4% better for farming uniques and 33% for sets.

Do you stand a chance with 350% MF? Yes, definitely. Someone having 600 MF is only actually 13% better than you and someone with 800MF is not even 20% better. In short, if you are 13% faster runner than player with 600MF, you are equally efficient farmer as he is. So, speed > MF overall.
ok I'm in

also @T72on1, your table is all weird I know this one.
Yes, that one is correct.
Anyway, I thought you ask about areas, not Baal. On Baal you could be the one with most MF if you have 350. Also it doesn't really matter, Baal is all about luck, literally.
Oh I see so I could toss the Tal Rasha armor for a +2 skills armor and I would not know the difference ? good to know.
Well, I usually run Baal with no more than 250 MF, but I don't consider him good MF target, but rather xp target. But Baal is definitely one of those targets where 1 drop can bring you victory unlike in areas or Pindle in comparison.
I just finished a 5000 serie on Pindleskin and I am sick of AT and Pit for now, so I'm going to see what I can luck out on Baal thanks for the helpful infos :)
Glad you are in, Carawolk :). Any luck on those Pindle runs?

Sorry for the confusion. I already thought the difference in effective mf% was smaller than the numbers in the table I posted. Maybe it's because the guide is old and the numbers were different in older versions? Or because it's a BNet guide, althought that shouldn't matter. Anyway, again sorry, I'll edit my post.

Edit: btw, I found an Occy when doing some more CS runs. Made me realize I can use that on my main switch for the MFO, and then CoH as armor. This would net me another 45% mf and far better resists. No BO, but I don't think that is necessary for Pindle. Or at least, it shouldn't be ...

So setup will most likely be this:

Chains of Honor
Occy / Spirit
Chance Guards (40%)
War Traveler (45%)
Dual Nagelring (25%/25%)
Amulet: anything with as high mf% as possible
Gheeds (38%)

This gives me around 350% mf without small mf charms, 450% mf with those. Should do, I'd think :).
@T72on1 Just a question, but why are you using CoH when it comes to running pindle. If I where you I would go for either Eni as mf + str option or viper for the cast and mdr combo. As a personal opinion I find CoH a rather mediocre armor atleast. Most important thing you like on eni however is 45% frw when it comes on doing pindle runs. Saves you 4 seconds maybe every run! Also frw is more important than mf when it comes to alot of pindle runs so concider using decent 40% frw boots (aldurs or ik boots prehaps).
So setup will most likely be this:

Chains of Honor
Occy / Spirit
Chance Guards (40%)
War Traveler (45%)
Dual Nagelring (25%/25%)
Amulet: anything with as high mf% as possible
Gheeds (38%)
Nice setup by my book

my runs on pindle didn't go that great but was ok: eth andy visage, ormus robes arkain's valor and reapers toll were about the best items I got. Not Griffon unfortunately :/
But considering I found Ber and Sur in LK yesterday i'm not complaining.
@Treeharl The answer is simple: because I don't have an Enigma. Otherwise I would always use it for the reasons you mention. And in the absence of Enigma I would always use Tal's armor or Skullder's Ire with this setup to run Pindle. But I don't have those either. Hence CoH is the best option, as it has at least some mf and covers my resists and +skills, and also has some DR%. Also I wouldn't know why CoH is a mediocre body armor, unless you need to reach a certain fcr breakpoint, but ymmv.

Vipermagi ... it's great, but it doesn't offer me anything that CoH doesn't have. I don't need the fcr because I already reach the 63% fcr breakpoint with Spirit / Occy, which is plenty for Pindle. And MDR won't help me against Pindle either.

I agree that frw is very important when doing Pindle. However I'm already using a Harmony bow on switch for that, combined with the 25% frw on War Travelers. I don't think the extra 15% frw on boots like Aldur's will make a big difference.

Basically I tried to get quite some frw, reach the 63% fcr breakpoint, reach a decent mf% value and then focused on killing speed and survivability. The last 2 things aren't that important for /p1 Pindle, but since I already had my other goals covered, it doesn't hurt to increase them anyway.

@Carawolk Thanks :).

If those were your best drops from 5000 Pindle runs, indeed you didn't really get Lucky. I'm hoping to farm better stuff during the MFO. But rng is rng of course.
@T72on1 About using harmony switch you have the following drawbacks, you have to press w every run (believe me if your doing 5000 runs that is a lot). Also as nulio told me in my own project thread and what I know from my experience, when you switch to an aura it takes ~1 second to be fully enabled. I really guess in your case using 40% frw boots is way more convenient as using harmony on the switch. I guess the 15% frw saves you 2 seconds every run. About the mdr from viper, it does save you some hp if he is le, let alone le + conv. If you up your viper and use gull or ali baba (don't know if you have these) you could get more mf while keeping the 63 fcr bp. I would recommend you to use hoto all the way over occu, because the teleport on hit can be quite dreadfull...
For Baals i think a MF percentage of 350 is quite high. Don't know your set up or running char, but be careful you don't lose too much killingspeed and survivability. Unlike Pindle or AT's you can encounter some heavier resistance. I think most i carried during MFO is about 250. And more likely most of the time even more around 200. Granted i didn't always run with the most powerful/efficient MF-ers, but still.
Aura from harmony activates immediately, same as Fanaticism for example. No 1 second delay or anything.
I'll be sporting ~230 MF for Baaling, unless I find some more MF charms before then (not likely). Also, is it most efficient to run p1 waves/p3 Baal in terms of drops? I would imagine most of the qualifiers will be coming form the big guy himself. I'll be running p8/p3 regardless, since I'm also doing this for the XP, but it might be nice to know in case I need to make a last minute push.

Realized I never put myself down for teams, could have sworn I did. Well, I'm iun there now, in case any otehr A85ers decide to join in. ;)
p3 Baal is similar to killing ~8.2 unique monsters from his wave (sorry, checked only for 3 rarest items + Tyrael's, for Tyrael's it is ~7.87 unique monsters)
Yes, p1 waves and p3 Baal is where its at, though that way you deny yourself what Baal is best at - experience. If you go p1/p3 route, then I see no reason why not to go to areas and farm much better instead since you don't aim for experience. So, I'd still suggest p8/p3 for the reason :p

In comparison to areas, one boss from Pit is similar to ~2.5 bosses from Baal waves in terms of drop rates. Baal is comparable to killing ~3.2 bosses from Pit.
Killing all Baal waves once + Baal is comparable to killing 5-6 bosses in Pit/AT/etc when it comes to farming 27+ pointers and Tyrael's. If one Baal run takes 2.5 minutes at fastest, and AT sorc kills 5-6 bosses in like 45 seconds, Pitbarb kills 7-8 bosses + 55% hork in like 70 or whatever seconds... That is the comparison in short. Oh yes, I ignored the fact people carry like 300 MF on Baal and like 600-700 in areas.

Just interesting info about stuff.
So what you're saying is expect some really great Top 5's from the Baalers? Right?

p8/p3 it is. :p

Thanks Gripp!
Nah, just providing random info for people etc. Actually I post this cuz I always wandered about such comparison between Baal and areas, so to have info posted somewhere now.

More realistical time for Baal though is 3 minutes, and if compared to say 45 sec 5-6 bosspack sorc, means such sorc farms ~4 times faster. Pitbarb is like 5 times faster farmer etc. Random 10 hour MFO dude from areas will probably outfarm any Baal runner, unless someone decides to do pretty heavy MFO. Or is very lucky, but luck is always factor.
man... I feel really demotivated to do Baal now. So what you're saying is: if everything goes by the numbers areas runners farm better stuff consistently while Baal runners deal with much more variance but potentially way better outcomes ?
Is that a possible interpretation ? ^^'

I have done a few run with my brand new infinity light sorc and I do Baal + minions in 3.5 min... is that an ok time or should I really try to reduce it ?
@Pb_pal - Maybe if you reach 98 during MFO I would consider switching to p1/p3 Baal. At level 98, p1/p3 is about 70% as good as p8/p3 for experience. p1/p3 runs will be faster, so the exp. rate can get close to p8/p3 depending on run times. Of course Diablo and Nihlathak are much better 98 targets, but those two are not MFO targets.
@Carawolk: If your goal is just to get as much of the best items as possible, then Baal is the wrong choice. The area runners will find both much more greens/goldens and thus (normally) also better items (even highest items like Tyraels drop at both targets).

Baal is usually for people that want to gain some experience while also MF'ing and competing in MFO. That way you get some of both.

On the upside: Baal and areas are separate categories for MFO so if you're running Baal, you're not competing with what
people find in areas, but with what other Baalrunners find.

As far as your lightsorc goes: It's an ok time, but should be able to be improved upon. Then again one should always strive to improve their time no matter how good it is. Every second counts in an MFO.
Off topic: @Cyrax @NanoMist is it just me that feel your two's avatars/icons look similar :p

On topic: when will the sign-up be closed? Are you good oldtimers going to sign up at the last moment:D?
Keep all the talky talky going, but please more signy uppy :D
Yea, time for @nulio to sign up too. What are you waiting for, gogogo.
@nulio I forgot to mention, I think it is better to put "Do not post any qualifiers found during the MFO running" in the first post.

Last year, I almost made the mistake. It was @maxicek 's post that reminded me :)
Yes! I'll add it. Thanks!

And I just knew that I'll be away from 15th to 17th of July (but I'll be back in time to post the final results) so I'll really need one supervisor that can help out. This should avoid any complicated situations in case something happens while I'm away.
Good luck to you, mighty runners. Missing some nubs from the list though. :(
@nulio I certainly can help if you need, although I'm not very experienced in this ;)

@Kimppi hey, I remember you!!! You won 2012 Summer MFO in AT, and you got a Tyrael's. Come to join again this time??:p
Who knows, maybe. The sure thing is I wouldn't be doing any running.
XyleneCyanol said:
Off topic: @Cyrax @NanoMist is it just me that feel your two's avatars/icons look similar :p
I think it's just you...being drunk. ;)
Hype where? Anyone training for MFO?

We still await epic trolls like @NagisaFurukawa and masters like @Fabian and @frozzzen to join the show.
I have been doing some training. I haven't done any proper item running since the MFO last year. Hell, for most of the last few months I've been playing Grim Dawn and I'm having trouble getting back into the swing of D2 again. Perhaps that is age though, my average speeds are growing year on year.:(
No training here so far. Not really necessary just to make the switch from CS running to Pindle, no?

And I think those epic trolls will only join when the one and only @Gripphon joins ...

Also, so far the amount of runners for each category seems really small. Wouldn't it be better to all run the same area in that case, to have some more competion? For me it wouldn't matter that much which area to run ...
Adding me to the Pindle+ category
Yeah did some test runs. Going to run Baal with Javazon. ~200MF atm. Need to check my run times. How many baal runs is 97-98 btw? p8 minions, p3 Baals. Not that it hard to check myself once I see my avg exp per run.
My personal numbers show 1238. jjscud had 1100.
Thanks. Not that bad. Considering Javazon is quite fast at Baal running...
Yeah it's not bad. 3 minute run times would take you just under 62 hours to do the full level. Every 30 seconds you save on average run time will net about 10-11 hours of saved time (ie 2.5 min runs you spend 51 hours total).

Definitely doable for an MFO ;)
Maybe I'll do a bunch of runs beforehand and leave something like 25-30 :D
There needs to be a nihl category. And someone needs to revive my necro Sclumpus at lvl 97.7, since I now have beta CtA.

For Baal runs, do drops from the minions count? Or is that considered WSK (level 85 area)?
nulio said:
Eligible finds

The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered
in each category:

- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs.
- Pindle+: The mentioned SuperUniques and their Minions, in the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth.
- Level 85 areas: The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including minion waves)

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Prowling Dead in Pindle's Garden, Chests in the Pits/Ancient Tunnels, etc.
Baal is Baal himself and waves. See opening post.

And I have to correct myself ... apparantly I am training a bit for the MFO. Not that I'm already running Pindle. Like I said, I don't think there is a need to train that specific target. But in 30 minutes of CS runs I found a Griswold's Redemption, Dracul's Grasp and Levithian. Not bad. And very welcome after a long time of not getting anything at all.
Grape said:
Yeah did some test runs. Going to run Baal with Javazon. ~200MF atm. Need to check my run times. How many baal runs is 97-98 btw? p8 minions, p3 Baals. Not that it hard to check myself once I see my avg exp per run.
According to the data i once found on this forum at p8/3 the number of runs is:

90 - 91 -> 20 runs
91 - 92 -> 30 runs
92 - 93 -> 45 runs
93 - 94 -> 60 runs
94 - 95 -> 110 runs
95 - 96 -> 210 runs
96 - 97 -> 450 runs
97 - 98 -> 1100 runs
98 - 99 -> 3500 runs

Which brings it to a grand total of 5525 runs needed from 90 to 99.

Piece of cake. ;)
Accidentally posted to answer an already answered question. Dunno how to delete posts from my phone.
My count is 1051 p8/p3 Baal runs for 97-98, if it makes you feel any better. :)
Using 254091 exp. per run.
Pb_pal said:
Yeah it's not bad. 3 minute run times would take you just under 62 hours to do the full level. Every 30 seconds you save on average run time will net about 10-11 hours of saved time (ie 2.5 min runs you spend 51 hours total).

Definitely doable for an MFO ;)
How do you do Baal in 3 min with javazon exactly ? the throne room itself is a piece of cake but getting there ? Is it implied to use enigma considering fcr is terrible on javazon I don't really understand how it could be done... Do you have an example of build that does this ?
i'd be really interested :D

Arguably best java player on the world, mister Froz.

Enigma power indeed. It gets you there faster even if you don't teleport (and teleport is clearly faster), massive MF... that is the armor you want on pretty much anything but sorc or shapeshifter.

On switch you could have 35 fcr spirit, and with 25 fcr from Griffon's, that is already 60 fcr. That is enough to get to throne much much faster than on foot. 68 fcr breakpoint is next, that can be achieved either with amulet, or some ring or you can simply stay at 60.

Gear? Simple is 3 os Head Hunter's Glory with facets + Titan's, or some mpk gear or manasteal gear etc... Either 32 or 55 ias breakpoint, I've ran with both and see no difference.

Since you still seek that Griffon's, here is what you can do:
fcr Circlet
CtA/Spirit switch (for teleporting)
Titan's Revenge/some shield for killing switch
Razortail Belt
Highlord's Amulet or some lifesteal/manasteal/fcr amulet, both work
LoH gloves
mpk or manasteal lifesteal or whatever you have ring
War Traveler

Put IAS into circlet to reach 35 bp without Highlord's or 55 with it.
Isn't tgod's better for a budget belt? I would have figured that if you're throwing into only a small bosspack that whatever level piercing % you can get from skills alone is probably worth it? Then you get some more dmg (iirc) and lite sorb which is of course very nice for baal runs. Or arach for fcr/skill?
Your logic would be fine if we would talk about p1 running where you melt everything in one blow. But p8 running is different on waves. It could feel like it is not, but it is.

Nothing beats Razortail cuz with it you have 100% piercing, and without it best you can possibly achieve is something like 90% if you pump it to max (meaning less points to synergies for fury) or like 80% with 7-8 points. With razortail you can have 100% pierce with 1-2 points into piercing and go crazy on synergies for max damage.

Why is pierce so important? Well cuz of how fury works. With say 80% pierce (what I tried also), difference between it and 100% is incredibly obvious. I mean, mathematically adding 20% extra pierce would increase damage output by 25%! Difference between 90% and 100% is 11% extra damage from pierce aspect, not counting the fact you went max piercing and lost some damage on synergies. I'm lazy to check how much though.

Long story short, Razortail at minimum offers 20% extra damage in comparison to what Thundergod can do, and damage is what javazon is all about.
Oh yeah this is really doable provided I find Jah and Ber this week :p

no but seriously it looks good and fun to play if I get tremendously lucky with runes this week I'll probably do this otherwise it's gonna be a job for my good ol' sorceress
Gripphon said:
Your logic would be fine if we would talk about p1 running where you melt everything in one blow. But p8 running is different on waves. It could feel like it is not, but it is.

Nothing beats Razortail cuz with it you have 100% piercing, and without it best you can possibly achieve is something like 90% if you pump it to max (meaning less points to synergies for fury) or like 80% with 7-8 points. With razortail you can have 100% pierce with 1-2 points into piercing and go crazy on synergies for max damage.

Why is pierce so important? Well cuz of how fury works. With say 80% pierce (what I tried also), difference between it and 100% is incredibly obvious. I mean, mathematically adding 20% extra pierce would increase damage output by 25%! Difference between 90% and 100% is 11% extra damage from pierce aspect, not counting the fact you went max piercing and lost some damage on synergies. I'm lazy to check how much though.

Long story short, Razortail at minimum offers 20% extra damage in comparison to what Thundergod can do, and damage is what javazon is all about.
I'm probably forgetting how long it takes to kill the waves on p8 :p

I figured most except the unique monster should die within a few throws, making the extra pierce relevant on only a fraction of the total throws. But I guess you switch to charged strike or whatever it's called for single target anyway
Without Enigma sorc is indeed best you can do ^^
Only enigmaless character that can possibly outperform sorc is barb at Pindle, provided he still has Grief and teleport charges (to use one per run). Other than that... sorc masterrace. But even with best possible equipment, difference between sorc and javazon is very small. From my testing, they are comparable at clearing waves, but javazon kills Baal faster. But, it should be like 5-10 second difference at most, nothing special. Also I think sorc can actually pack more MF.
pharphis said:
I'm probably forgetting how long it takes to kill the waves on p8 :p

I figured most except the unique monster should die within a few throws, making the extra pierce relevant on only a fraction of the total throws. But I guess you switch to charged strike or whatever it's called for single target anyway
Difference is not big indeed, but still it is easy to notice. We talk about roughly saving ~10-15 seconds of running by using Razortail over anything else. Or at least it was something like that for me. Definitely not something to discourage people from trying Razortailless approach, but why not use best setup etc.
So just out of curiosity. In this video, clearing minions is so fast because each jav collision creates it's own set of spread out lightning ? If you position youself so that your jav will hit 4 mobs, you get a potential for ~2500 x 4 dmg per jav ? Is that about right ?
Yes. That is why maxed pierce is so valuable, that is the reason why it looks like he kills whole wave in seconds. Okay, in reality it looks slightly slower and you actually have to use Charged Strike to finish off some leftover monsters. He did running for the fastest run so he seeked for perfect conditions - which are pretty much present on video.
Maybe I'll get a second qualifier this year...
Come on people, spam all your friends, family and pets! We need more players :D
Hey @nulio come join the MFO!
Kimppi said:
Hey @nulio come join the MFO!
He was joking when he suggested pets
Originally posted by: @maareek

Stupid life and it's silly distractions. I had intended to do videos for most of the major builds one might run in an MFO. Alas, time, she is not on my side. I did manage to put together a Pit Zerker overview/guide type thing with a (too) lengthy section on map selection and efficiency which shows off an absolutely abysmal Pit map. Soooooooooo ... hype?

@maareek Nice! Subscribed to your youtube channel since Zodthon, and enjoyed it!

Keep doing the good stuff of d2! The other game you post also look interesting, though I haven't found time to try yet :)
Time to get back at it and get ready for my first MFO. So I am about to make a trader profile but don't know what the difference between probation and FTS is. Anyone?
Originally posted by: @maareek

@XyleneCyanol Hey thanks, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the content. :)

@Churning: Your answer is in this post. Your join date is the 22nd day of March, 2016 (it's under your name to the left of every post you make).

Grip's setup for a Pindle runner sorc interested me so I did some test runs. At this point I'm not sure it's not just the best setup to run Pindle at p1 with a sorc, though I'll allow that how useful that is is up for debate. I mean clearly a beta CtA is stronger than not beta, but I felt that would be in poor taste for the testing.

Gotta get in on this. AT runs are my plan.
*sigh* will I at least get a zod this time? I haven't found one since summer MFO 2012
pharphis said:
*sigh* will I at least get a zod this time? I haven't found one since summer MFO 2012
I remember in 2014 summer MFO, you got 3 gold Sacred Armours, and ... I hope that will change this time :p
I think I may still only have 4 total. Too lazy to check
XyleneCyanol said:
I remember in 2014 summer MFO, you got 3 gold Sacred Armours, and ... I hope that will change this time :p
Of those 3, he got 2 few minutes apart just at the time when I joined his live stream. I was there only like 5-6 minutes total. After that I left since my mission of bringing bad luck was successful. I was a good guy and didn't troll. Too much at least.

Anyway, just thought to inform you that @pharphis and @XyleneCyanol are MASSIVE favorites to win this MFO in their category. Xylene never lost on major tournament in his entire career, and Pharphis is destined to finally score that Tyrael's. Even though Tyrael's does not bring certain victory anymore cuz this are crazy times. But one thing is clear. If Phar finds that Tyrael, he will win, otherwise Xylene will win.
man, they were THAT close together? Ugh. I do remember you coming into my stream and also I do remember you not trolling that hard. I think all 3 wound up being in my top 5 qualifiers (another was eth griffon's?). Not a single amazing drop from what I recall
Well... I'm not 100% sure, but I was there rather short. Definitely less than 10 minutes altogether.
lol, I did not know that!! That was funny.

It is true that I've never lost, but the sample size here is n=2 :p

This time, I'm using my new char in 1.14 and play in AT where I did not play often in the past ...

BTW, is "clash of titans" going to happen this MFO :p ?
Well, I count you and Phar under "titans", and your clash will be legendary.

As for "godfather legend titans" of SPF, they all chickened out it seems. Only @scrcrw joined of those.
I will destroy all yall.
Gripphon said:
Well, I count you and Phar under "titans", and your clash will be legendary.

As for "godfather legend titans" of SPF, they all chickened out it seems. Only @scrcrw joined of those.
That's the nicest things you've ever said about me <3
pharphis said:
That's the nicest things you've ever said about me <3
I'm pretty sure that once I said that you don't deed characters all that often. That is nicer imo, but one way or another I'm glad you are happy.
Gripphon said:
I'm pretty sure that once I said that you don't deed characters all that often. That is nicer imo, but one way or another I'm glad you are happy.
It's true!

Only deeds in 1.07 (outside of normal) was my pally and that was after my 99er was complete. Before that, my deeds in 1.13 since 2012 were basically 2 cold sorcs, a javazon, a FoHer and a nihl running necro. Not bad imo.
Oh and a singer during MPing
So, I have told the truth. And then they say I'm just trolling... nonsense!
If anyone wants to take on a liability, I put my hat in the ring for teams
@TheNix - If both of us are liabilities do we cancel out and make a good team? I'm going to say yes. If anyone from the 85 areas wants to join us then we're set.
I'll join whatever ;)
@Pb_pal and @pharphis

What do we call ourselves? The Liabilities?
TheNix said:
@Pb_pal and @pharphis

What do we call ourselves? The Liabilities?
Well we know pharphis isn't a liability, but we DO know a little something else about him.

I vote for: The Liabilideeds

That way at least all 3 team members are represented ;)

EDIT: I'm also fine with Liabilities. Or anything else, really.
Gripphon said:
As for "godfather legend titans" of SPF, they all chickened out it seems.
Right? No idea what you are so afraid of mister 100 points first day of every MFO ever.
Pb_pal said:
Well we know pharphis isn't a liability, but we DO know a little something else about him.

I vote for: The Liabilideeds

That way at least all 3 team members are represented ;)

EDIT: I'm also fine with Liabilities. Or anything else, really.
I'm a liability because I have a lot of work due (and evo2016 to watch...)
pharphis said:
I'm a liability because I have a lot of work due (and evo2016 to watch...)
Psh. You've also got a pharsword and Tyrael's to find, so I'm going to veto that.
NagisaFurukawa said:
Right? No idea what you are so afraid of mister 100 points first day of every MFO ever.
I'm afraid that I'll have another 100 point first day and then will have to play 3 times longer than planned, and I don't have time for that atm.
And what are you afraid of? :rolleyes:
4.5 days to make a character from scratch? No problem! May swap to Baal if I can ever get @frozzzen to wake up.
@Grape @Carawolk What do you guys think, shall we make the second team? Judging from your inscriptions so far it would be Grape level 85 areas, Carawolk Baal and me Pindle+. I'm in for it :).

Not sure about a name though ...
Why am I doing this to myself?
lol!!!!! Exciting!!!

Okay, I don't think I have enough time, so I will only do lvl 85, withdraw from Pindle!
Unfortunately I don't think I will be entering. RL is too busy. I would miss the last weekend anyway as I'm off on holiday and I have a VAT return to finish before I go :(
T72on1 said:
@Grape @Carawolk What do you guys think, shall we make the second team? Judging from your inscriptions so far it would be Grape level 85 areas, Carawolk Baal and me Pindle+. I'm in for it :).

Not sure about a name though ...
Yeah sure, let's do it! I'm probably running Baal a lot more than alvl85, but I'm counting on you guys to make up for it ;)
Cool !!!

I just found out we are out of town from Friday evening until Sunday late afternoon, so I'll miss my start. But after that I hope to be able to play a lot !!! I still was counting on the 2 of you to make up for the fact that it's my first MFO though ;).
I'll try my best at scoring couple Tyrael's Mights from those couple boss packs I sometimes kill in WSK levels 2&3

Now we only need a name. @Carawolk , any ideas? :p
I am up for team boys. If I find ber or two sur runes until then (LUL) I'll make an enigma and run the pit as well as Baal. Otherwise it's gonna be only Baal. I should have at least 7 full days (and nights) dedicated to this MFO if RL stays still, as it is right now.
It's my first MFO ever so this team seems to be kinda green (no offense Grape, I don't know how many MFO you attended or what your Mfing skills are) I really don't mind on the contrary, new blood is maybe an opportunity for insane luck ? ><

considering all that I thought about "The Lever Nuckies" if you catch my very obvious and unsubtle drift here...
any other suggestions ? ^^
The Lever Nuckies it is, then! Or does @T72on1 agree? :D

Good luck finding that Ber (/Surs)! If you make the Enigma in time and will run alvl 85 as well, I believe our total score will just simply be based on what is the best available combination, I think. So it's all good anyway. :)
Froz joined MFO! Hype!
That is because I talked with him and told him Nagi will join anyway, so he should too. And what do you know, all of that happened. Gripphondamus.

It seems there will be epic clash after all! Aren't you all just very excited?
I'm minimally excited. There are only 3 items I want (Tyrael's, Azurewrath, zod rune), and maybe 6 I'd be happy with (+cham/jah/ber) outside of absurdly rare goodies like good skillers.

Then again, after I get bored of this maybe I'll do some 1.07 again solely for running superchests.
Grape said:
The Lever Nuckies it is, then! Or does @T72on1 agree? :D

Good luck finding that Ber (/Surs)! If you make the Enigma in time and will run alvl 85 as well, I believe our total score will just simply be based on what is the best available combination, I think. So it's all good anyway. :)
Not being a native english speaker, I haven't got a clue what 'The Lever Nuckies' means or is referring to. So yeah, it's allright with me :p.

I found an Azurewrath the other day, so I'm excited just because it's one of 3 items pharphis still wants :). And because I'm in a team in my very first MFO !!! Poor Grape ...
Updated table (not sure if I could remove all names from the 'available for teams' section, although I think that would make sense).

Edit: removed the names from that section ... because nulio said so :).
Not being a native english speaker, I haven't got a clue what 'The Lever Nuckies' means or is referring to. So yeah, it's allright with me :p.
you're not missing on much but it's essentially a good luck charm for clueless but somewhat combative people out there. We'll be fine.
Who joins a team should be removed from available for teams :p

@Gripphon you should join MFO. Just don't play the first day to avoid the Tyrael's...
nulio said:
@Gripphon you should join MFO. Just don't play the first day to avoid the Tyrael's...
I agree completely. Spamming this thread to have other legends to join and not joining himself ... a big no-go in my book ... ;).
Gripphon said:
Well, I count you and Phar under "titans", and your clash will be legendary.

As for "godfather legend titans" of SPF, they all chickened out it seems. Only @scrcrw joined of those.
Apparently i'm neither a titan, nor a gofather legend. Such disappointment. :( I guess i do still qualify as oldtimer though, so i guess that's something.

Was in doubt of participating for a while. Decided to do so and ofc the very next day weather predictions go up with Saturday what seems like the first very nice day in a long time. But i had set my mind on participating so sign up is here.

Next problem was what to run. Done Baals multiple times and since i'm not currently working on a 99-er i figured i might as well go for the true MF experience. Thought about pitzerker, but i think i'll go with the more relaxing blizz sorc in the AT's. Or maybe i'll change my mind about that again later. It's the same category so that doesn't really matter.
Cyrax said:
Apparently i'm neither a titan, nor a gofather legend. Such disappointment. :( I guess i do still qualify as oldtimer though, so i guess that's something.
All your good oldtimers are titans to me ;)

Currently running LK like crazy, already have the runes for Grief, and half Enigma. If I manage to get another Ber, I will make a Zerker to run pit, otherwise will do AT Sorc runs. Apparently, wrong time for a restart.

Anyway, might as well play as team :)
T72on1 said:
Not being a native english speaker, I haven't got a clue what 'The Lever Nuckies' means or is referring to. So yeah, it's allright with me :p.

I found an Azurewrath the other day, so I'm excited just because it's one of 3 items pharphis still wants :). And because I'm in a team in my very first MFO !!! Poor Grape ...
I immediately read the first letters reversed, e.g. "The Never Luckies". If that is our good luck charm, yeah we should be fine. :p

nulio said:
Who joins a team should be removed from available for teams :p

@Gripphon you should join MFO. Just don't play the first day to avoid the Tyrael's...

Agreed. But Gripph, you should take this as a trial of will. Just make the decision to not play too much, whatever drops on whatever day (Tyrael's will drop the first day he starts playing anyway). Shouldn't be that hard, right?

Being a long-time Baal runner in MFOs automatically disqualifies you from any legend/titan/etc type status. That category is the worst!

That said, welcome to the real MFO category!
Cyrax said:
Apparently i'm neither a titan, nor a gofather legend. Such disappointment. :( I guess i do still qualify as oldtimer though, so i guess that's something.
Ups, sorry, my bad. I should have refer to "MFO" instead of "SPF". You definitely are godfather legend titan of SPF with all those 99 chars! I'm a zero in that aspect in comparison. ^^

Imo @Fabian is the only one remaining to enter MFO to show people who's da boss.
I'll play in a team provided it's going to be fairly casual. I'll be putting in a moderate amount of time but i am a fairly slow runner.
@Fabian You can only welcome someone to the MFO if you're part of it yourself. So sign up. That way i can kick your ass and show you who's tha real legend! :p
Gripphon said:
Imo @Fabian is the only one remaining to enter MFO to show people who's da boss.
How many times can someone spam a thread to try and make people enter the contest, without being forced to enter the contest himself? Seems like we'll need an admin or mod here to make it happen ... :cool:.
@Cyrax I was unaware that you took a break from 99ing. Still at 3?
Grape said:
Agreed. But Gripph, you should take this as a trial of will. Just make the decision to not play too much, whatever drops on whatever day (Tyrael's will drop the first day he starts playing anyway). Shouldn't be that hard, right?
All he has to do is only play on the last day, then he can only do a maximum of 24 hours, and he'll probably only get 1-2 Tyraels that way. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
pharphis said:
@Cyrax I was unaware that you took a break from 99ing. Still at 3?
I think he got 4 now ...
@Gripphon is like Messi. He wants a public display of love, with all his subjects begging for him to play!

I think we need some reversed psychology here... Gripphon sucks! He won't play because he's afraid of losing again in the finishing line (just like Messi...)

It's a great idea that he leaves the playing for the good players. (and that's also why I'm not playing :p)
I think you are mixing up Messi and Ronaldo. Other than that ... I completely agree :). Reversed psychology all the way !!!
I think you are not up to date with the last Copa America :p
Lol, I am. Viewing both their career in total, I still think we are talking Ronaldo here. But re Copa America, and his decision to quit playing for Argentina ... yeah, you are probably right :).

I guess it's clear that I don't really like Ronaldo. To put it very mildly.

/Off topic
pharphis said:
@Cyrax I was unaware that you took a break from 99ing. Still at 3?
According to my save folder, last change was October of last year. So i expect to be a bit rusty when starting MFO, but given how much i've played in the past i also expect reflexes to kick in soon enough.

Also Xylene is correct, the number is 4 (sorc, pala, ama and necro).
My AT reflexes kicked in pretty quickly as well (well not my FoHer but that's because FoHer is stupid)

Which was the most recent? I don't think I read about it...
Just got compared to Messi... nicest comparison I was involved into in my whole life! Ty @nulio!

Anyway, I see a lot of talk in here. When do you guys have time to do your daily MFO training?
Actually I just did some Baal runs. /P1 dolls just pwned my Javazon in Throne room, lol. Lost some exp, but w/e. Maybe it was good idea to see this now instead of some dead-long dry streak without upgrades during the MFO. That could have been quite demotivating.

Not that MFO should be about exp, but it quite is if you go pick a stupid Baal category.
@pharphis Last (so far?) was the necro.
Looking like I won't have an Enigma in time for the MFO because I haven't found my first Jah. So I might be taking my light sorc into the pits. Either that or go all out on pindle with her.
It seems that LK does not want to give me an Ohm for my safety, but I have no time and need to start practice my AT map. Therefore, I cubed up an Ohm and made my first ever CtA and also HOTO as well in 1.14d.

To record this moment, I made a video about this. Sorry about the no sound and extra stuff outside the game, but I was a newbie to OBS and this is my first video ever. I promise that my next video will be better (if and when I decide to make another one ...). Also, pretty lucky on the roll of CtA.

Not sure where you old guys are finding your past reflexes, because a few quick test runs have confirmed I have absolutely no idea what I am doing anymore.
NagisaFurukawa said:
Not sure where you old guys are finding your past reflexes, because a few quick test runs have confirmed I have absolutely no idea what I am doing anymore.
lol!! I'm sure you are still better than most of us. Look at the video above, I clearly don't even remember the order of runes for HOTO, and I played this game very often :p
NagisaFurukawa said:
Not sure where you old guys are finding your past reflexes, because a few quick test runs have confirmed I have absolutely no idea what I am doing anymore.
You just need to warm up for a few hours
NagisaFurukawa said:
Not sure where you old guys are finding your past reflexes, because a few quick test runs have confirmed I have absolutely no idea what I am doing anymore.
I also felt kinda similar when I started to play diablo while lying in bed. But you know, some practice and everything comes together well.
NagisaFurukawa said:
Not sure where you old guys are finding your past reflexes, because a few quick test runs have confirmed I have absolutely no idea what I am doing anymore.
During last year's MFO I was running Pindle with the same character and build averaging about 21.5 seconds per run. This year my average is about 22.5 seconds per run. It is even worse because last year I was casting BC, BO and Shout and this year I am not; so you can add another second to my current average.
Well, ummmmmmm. I guess I am out. Managed to die while rolling a map, spent like 5 hours rolling maps with no luck and then my flatmate burnt his dinner and set the fire alarm off. In my hurry I ran out of the room to stop that awful screeching noise and forgot to pause........

I think I'll still play HC, it does make playing the game more interesting for me.

I lost 90% of my good gear and I also don't have any characters who are even close to MF ready. The MFO starts in 5 hours due to my timezone as well.

Special apologies to darkoo, who gave me some gear to help specifically for this, as i lost all of it other than the wizardspikes, which i was planning on using once i no longer needed the +skills from spirit swords.

Good luck to all of you!
@Malevolent Ouch, bummer :(. Good luck on the rebuild. Hope to see you in a next MFO or other tournament.

What map where you rerolling? I never spent 5 hours rerolling maps, not even close. But maybe I just got Lucky.

@maareek Thanks for the video. I'm probably mixing things up between what's good for finding runes, items and getting xp, but I thought that Champs aren't worth it for MFO, but only bosses (not their minions). Is that correct?

@TheNix I specifically picked Pindle because I thought I couldn't do much wrong there, so at least I would have some chance. A 2 second difference for Pindle from an experienced player surely sounds like a lot though. Curious to see what I'll manage to do.

Like I said, I'll surely miss my start completely, since we are going away for the weekend. To make things worse, I just found out I won't be able to play on Sunday before the EC final either :(.

I guess I'll have to try and play a bit on Friday and Monday during the day, and then hopefully catch up from Monday evening on.
Pit map, i found only about 1/10 had the pits close enough to even consider trying, and then the inside was usually trash.

Keeping in mind that i was playing with no teleport, and that I am HC so i tend to not run flying past anything remotely dangerous, instead clearing it methodically. I did find some good maps but i was looking for a really good once to make up for my slow killing speeds.
Also every time i found a half decent map I would do 5-10 runs just to make sure.

Since coming back to D2 like 2-3 months ago I have managed to kill 2 lvl 80+ in the pits :(
Starting a sorceress tomorrow called No_Deeds.......
T72on1 said:
@maareek Thanks for the video. I'm probably mixing things up between what's good for finding runes, items and getting xp, but I thought that Champs aren't worth it for MFO, but only bosses (not their minions). Is that correct?
Sounds like more of an XP consideration. Individual champions drop much worse than individual bosses, but most champ packs are large enough to equal out and they're good enough to be worth the time regardless in terms of item drops.
@maareek Ok, good to know, thanks :).
That is one of the best, and I mean very best AT maps I've ever seen. Dat bosspack density. Madness! Sparta!

To explain better, I'm not even trolling, sir. If this map has like 6+ average on bosspacks, I don't think you can really hope to roll something better. Incredibly hard to do anyway.

Why? Cuz entrance is reasonably close. On full screen it is within 4 teleports to waypoint. Inside is what makes that map special. Don't know have you noticed, but your map is super easy to play. You literally teleport in 2 main directions with minor sidetrack toward that chest area and minor sidetrack to that area where bosses rarely spawn, but I see you usually ignore that area as well. So basically 2 way teleporting map, without sharp turns or narrow paths. Inside is reasonably large, but not that large. With such easy teleporting path you can do very relaxed running indeed. I still didn't see Corrupted's map to judge, but your map is certainly candidate for top AT map.

Also, best moment of your video:
Since it's 00:00 in some parts of the world already: good luck to everyone :).
In other words, maybe someone already found Tyrael's, but we can't be sure...
In other words, you can sign in, skip day 1 to avoid d1 tyrael's curse and join MFO.
Good luck everyone!

I have company coming today and staying through the weekend, so I won't start in earnest until Sunday night. My necro should hit 95 during this MFO, so I'm stoked for the tournament!!!
Good luck everyone!

I'll allow the formation of teams until the end of Saturday.
Don't forget to PM me your updates and results.

Final list:
(I'll still allow more sign-ups if anybody changes their mind and it's not Friday yet in their timezone)

Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
Pb_pal [1.13d SC FAM]
Friiser [1.14d SC FAM]
NanoMist [1.14d SC FAM]
Carawolk [1.14d SC FAM]

Level 85 Areas
Pharphis [1.07 1.13d HC FAM]
XyleneCyanol [1.14d HC FAM]
Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
scrcrw [1.14d SC FAM]
MarAkon [1.13c SC FAM]
Churning [1.13c HC FAM]
NorthDakota [1.14d SC FAM]
Nagisa [1.14b SC FAM]
frozzzen [1.13d SC FAM]
Cyrax [1.13d SC FAM]
hernang [1.13d SC FAM]

TheNix [1.07 1.13d SC FAM]
T72on1 [1.14d SC FAM]
Friiser [1.14d SC FAM]
Churning [1.13c HC FAM]

The Liabilideeds (TheNix, pharphis and Pb_pal)
The Lever Nuckies (Grape, Carawolk, T72on1)

Available for teams
Friiser said:
Good luck everyone!

I have company coming today and staying through the weekend, so I won't start in earnest until Sunday night. My necro should hit 95 during this MFO, so I'm stoked for the tournament!!!
I'm out of town on a fishing trip so I will not get started until at least Monday night. I also took Tuesday off and it's gonna get real.
I'm late to the party but I'm in.
Outfitted my Sorc: 450% mf, 1100+ life, Harmony on switch. Not sure if I should give my merc another beat stick, since Insight isn't really needed for Pindle?

Did 20 test runs: average run time 18.5 seconds. I should be good to go :).
@T72on1 that's quite good, if you can maintain that speed for thousands of runs, it will be great :D!

Not Friday yet in my time zone, and did some test runs, 3 blue Sacred Armour within 30 minutes. Is this a sign ;)?

Oh, it turns out real life strikes me hard, I will lose one Friday and two Saturdays ...
Just used my last respec on my HC blizz sorc and setup something similar to Maareek's video, except I am using ES. Very similar gear, only differences are swapped in a SOJ and I am thinking about going with Occy because I don't have a Fathom.

Found what I think might be a decent map and unique thunder maul within a few runs, and a rare sacred armor.

Might have to stick with this map...
@maareek what did you find in 33 thousand runs?
Carawolk said:
@maareek what did you find in 33 thousand runs?
Hmmm, well I'm going by memory since most of it was found and given away more than half a decade ago but: Tyrael's, JMoD, 2x Mang Songs Lesson, Astreon's, Stormlash, 2x Death's Fathom, 2x Darkforce Spawn, at least 3 Schaefer's, 2+ Azurewrath, 3+ Ravenlore, 2+ Spirit Keeper, basically multiples of everything in that rarity range and lower except Cranium Basher, of which I've never found one and Templar's Might, which I've only found one from AT. As for the way of more common but kind of useful stuff: like a dozen Griffon's Eye (multiple -20; at least one perfect), 15+ Tal-Rasha's armor, 10 or so IK armors, and definitely a number of useful jewels and charms and stuff. In terms of runes, only an Ohm, Lo, Ber and 2x Jah, though remember only about 8k of those runs were in 1.13; the highest rune from 1.12 was an Ist.

I thought it started tonight at midnight. I almost 13 hours behind!!!!!
it starts at different times depending on your timezone, so you do have to wait until midnight
Good luck everyone. I will enjoy watching the thread and seeing the results. I will be working all weekend and long days next week, so this was a no-go for me. But I hope to give this a shot next time around. May many golden (sacred) armors rain down from the heavens!
My brain: "It's an incredibly bad idea. You're busy at least the next two days, you have a ton of other videos still to do, you tweaked your wrist the other day, you're rusty and awful, and you're just going to lose and ruin your 50% MFO win rate ... much like competing against Grip ruined your 67% win rate."
Me: "Everything you say is true, but MFO hype! Also, I can just sign up for Pindle and that way if I lose I can self-hypnosis myself that Pindle doesn't matter so it never happened."
My brain: "Baal is even more lol than Pindle and you count that win."
Me: " ... ... ...I hate losing arguments to myself."

I tried to talk either froz or Nagisa into moving to Baal so we could form a team and call ourselves "The Chumpy Old Men" but they're scrubs. Possibly sane individuals, but more likely scrubs.
It's running time and here i am at work. Shame it's frowned upon to play D2 at work. Hopefully the day won't seem too long. When the day is over it's time to bring out the sorc! Let's hope the weekend doesn't bring too much nice weather.

Hopes for this MFO: currently at grail minus 2 so i'm hoping to turn that into 1 or even maybe, possibly full grail. But with finding one i'd be very happy. And ofc some progress on perfect grail would be nice too.
If y'all find yourself shivering with fear all of a sudden it is because my shackles called 'work' are thrown off. I shall start running in a few moments (provided i can still find the D2 start icon) so your fear is justified! Hide behind your mothers' skirt before it is too late. *insert evil laughter*
Don't even try. I already found 3 Tyrael's. Oh no, wait, I'm running Pindle ...
Actually ran about 5 hours today which is the most I will likely do any day during this tournament. Expect 1-2 hours for the remainder of days.

No luck with drops, either :/
Well. I did an hour of runs last night after work after I went for a run. Then I had only about an hour before we went out. And now I'm leaving for a trip till Monday. Feeling a bit down about it, especially since I said I would crush everyone. That definitely won't be happening.
I've put in more than 1,000 Pindle runs over the last two days and I'm getting my mojo back; my average times are dropping nicely. Pity I can no longer straighten my fingers though!
Q: If I find Tyrael's, should I run AT until I get the azurewrath or switch to meph or whatever better target there is (is there?)
A: you should just keep on running until you find another Tyrael's ...
I should've checked the points for baal category beforehand. This is not funny.
Yeah, Baal category score is so strange :p!!

Oh, I finally started, and the best non-qualifier so far:

Oh come on. My highest rune in the last two days was like a fal or something.

First day drops were not good, but i was slightly hopeful as i got yellows of almost every item you'd want a golden one of. Second day i upped my MF a bit at the expense of some skillers. Instantly hit dry streak. After a bit replaced some more skillers for MF charms and now i hardly find any qualifiers any more, let alone good ones. And when i quit yesterday i was having a massive dry streak.

Will be doing some other things first, but let's hope that when i continue today things will start to look up.

Only non-qualifiers somewhat close to worth mentioning are rixot's keen and an acrobatic skiller with 2 max dam. Yes, drops are actually that pathetic.
I have 3 TC3 from Baal. :D

Next gatecory??
Hey, last MFO 9000 Pindle runs with a zerker only gave me a Gul, this game is just stupid some time.
Some of us can't wait to see first score updates. Hype!
I haven't even bothered counting my score, yet. Probably <20 lol
Just noticed how conveniently @maareek escaped to Pindle category to snatch easier victory than in real category.
I don't blame him though. When you see Nagi and Froz in same category, you must be pretty suicidal to chase victory in there. Good call, sir!
I haven't been able to get anywhere else to cough up a Cranium Basher, so I figured I'd give Pindle a chance. Unless my schedule ends up very different than I expect, victory will be highly reliant on luck. Though thus far I have managed to get an hour of running in, so there's that.
Nagi and froz are in my category? Oh crap. Is it too late to escape to Pindle too? :rolleyes:
Gripphon said:
Just noticed how conveniently @maareek escaped to Pindle category to snatch easier victory than in real category.
I don't blame him though. When you see Nagi and Froz in same category, you must be pretty suicidal to chase victory in there. Good call, sir!
Too bad that in his hurry to get away from Nagi and Froz, he didn't see which titans were already in the Pindle category !!! And that I'm there as well ;).

Btw, I once found a Cranium Basher. I dont' recall anymore, but chances are real it was from Pindle actually :).
Just to be certain: any item found on one of the mobs from the 5 boss packs before Baal is valid ?
@Carawolk That's correct. The 5 mobs count. The monsters that are in the throne before that don't count.

Calling it a night. Update sent.
woohoo a vex. Most exciting drop since...

like a week ago?
Better than me. I haven't found a HR in weeks. Maybe even a month or two.
@nulio PMed first score.

The last two days have barely made an impact on it though. On the plus side, my average time is still decreasing, but I think it may have bottomed out.
Just to make sure, the first update is of finds from Fri/Sat/Sun, but we have until Monday to send it in?

Too much Baaling without significant finds, reading comprehension no gud.
Pb_pal said:
Just to make sure, the first update is of finds from Fri/Sat/Sun, but we have until Monday to send it in?
That was my reading of it. It is already Monday on this side of the world!
Will send update if/when 5 items are actually acquired. >_>
Did area supervisors get named...or are we sending the updates to @nulio ?

Edit: I did about an hour of Pindle/Eldritch/Shenk then Baal. Keeping drops organized is a little tedious, screenshots definitely help.
Did manage to squeeze in a bit over 3 hours so far, which equals to 566 Pindle runs (~20 sec average run time). Nothing too fancy so far, but it was fun. O yes, and lots of yellows of the items I'd want: Unearthed Wand, 2 Diadems, Bloodlord Skull, Bone Visage, ...

Sending my results so far in a moment. Good luck this week everyone :).
Friiser said:
Did area supervisors get named...or are we sending the updates to @nulio ?
All going to nulio I believe.

My update has been sent. Looking forward to seeing the rankings!
Update sent to nulio.

Thru Sunday I had 46 qualifiers but not a single one you would expect the winner to have in their top 5.

At least I have found 3 HR and several items for my eth grail.

GL all
I kinda regretted using my untwinked to-be-99er sorc for MFO ... oh well least I could hope to get some awesome gears for her future journey to lvl 99 ...
Only a few days in, but typical Florida weather means I've already lost two sets of running on the run counter. Fortunately I've been recording my runs, so I still know where I'm at, but still disappointing. Regardless, update sent to nulio, depressing as it is.

Definitely the highlights so far have been run time related: hitting a run of the exact same length as the average run time and hitting 217 runs in the most recent hour of playing. Clear lowlight is a failed set dimensional shard.
I got updates from ~58% of the runners.

About Baal category I can say that most players are close to each other.
In the other two categories all are close to each other.

Good luck everyone!
My score is about 200 in A85, so I'm probably close to everyone else ;)
It's hard to comment the updates without spoiling the MFO for someone. But I think it's still good to have them for several reasons - that I won't bother to enunciate :p
Worst update ever sent to Nulio!
Found 7 qualifiers so far. I'm spending more time reading the forum than playing :D
Isn't it fun to see how everyone is putting themselves in the role of underdog ;). Having said that, I did a bit over 500 Pindle runs yesterday evening, but didn't find any items to increase my (I guess) mediocre score ... So yeah, I fit in !!! I actually did find some good items, at least in my book, but after looking them up, it appeared their score was only so-so. Apparantly set items are never really very rare, not even if they are TC87. I also was surprised with the fact that some items with rather low TC actually have a pretty good score to them.

Long story short ... I'll have to do more runs. Good thing about Pindle runs is that you don't have to pay attention at all, so yesterday evening I have actually been listening to music for some 3 hours, and I happened to be playing a computer game somewhat at the background :).

@maareek 217 runs in an hour is impressive. I'm still sitting at some 20 seconds per run on average, including muling, so only 180 runs an hour. Luckily Pindle doesn't drop that many S/U, because I'm picking all up because this is my 99er character, which keeps track of every S/U found, which makes me loose some time. Without it, my run time is between 18 and 19 seconds, I think. You are doing 16.5 on average for an hour !!! What gear are you using?
T72on1 said:
Isn't it fun to see how everyone is putting themselves in the role of underdog ;).
Well, i kinda have to. Finding only 3 Tyrael's in 3 days gets me nowhere. Add to that that i had little time yesterday and not too much today it's hard to improve score. Then again finding the remaining two could be done as quickly as 10 mins, so maybe i can stop running after today. :)

T72on1 said:
@maareek 217 runs in an hour is impressive. I'm still sitting at some 20 seconds per run on average, including muling, so only 180 runs an hour. Luckily Pindle doesn't drop that many S/U, because I'm picking all up because this is my 99er character, which keeps track of every S/U found, which makes me loose some time. Without it, my run time is between 18 and 19 seconds, I think. You are doing 16.5 on average for an hour !!! What gear are you using?

That's the benefit of finding absolutely nothing. I lose pretty much no time muling. Which gives me more time to run and...find nothing.
I have to withdraw from MFO.

RL got in way and only have single crappy qualifier. With incoming crap I'm getting out while I still can. You guys have fun.
I think Nulio is having all the fun in here. "Everyone is close to each other", agreed. But by saying he does not want to spoil MFO for someone, that means someone clearly performed Grip tier day 1 MFO and is pretending in here he found nothing. Clearly someone is almost set in stone winner, only question is who it is and for how much did he bribe Nulio to not reveal the info. Someone rich enough to have vita skillers, that much is clear.
@frozzzen Bummer. Can't you stay in, just in case RL is friendlier than expected? Also, we all know that one crappy qualifier is Tyrael's, so ...

@Gripphon I think you have been playing too much of the board game Cluedo (or Clue, as it is apparantly named in some regions) ...
nevermind then.
@Carawolk please remove the screenshots. As per the rules of the tournament you can NOT discuss qualifiers! This means not showing read-outs or screenshots in public.
I'm going to put all my efforts into the lvl85 portion so I can be withdrawn from pindle.

Been running my lightning sorc in the pits. I may break into some AT runs at some point but I would want to find a new map I think. Good thing is I have tons of time to run for the next few days. Time to get to it:D
I bet it's grip with the broken Day 1. How could it not be?
I haven't paid attention to scores in the past so I have no idea how I'm doing relatively. Let's just say it's low right now.
T72on1 said:
@maareek 217 runs in an hour is impressive. I'm still sitting at some 20 seconds per run on average, including muling, so only 180 runs an hour. Luckily Pindle doesn't drop that many S/U, because I'm picking all up because this is my 99er character, which keeps track of every S/U found, which makes me loose some time. Without it, my run time is between 18 and 19 seconds, I think. You are doing 16.5 on average for an hour !!! What gear are you using?
I've made some changes since I started that let me move from ~205 runs per hour starting out to ~215 the last few hours but the only real differences gear-wise from a normal Berserker are: Pearl Jewel of Fervor in the Harley, Trang-Oul's Girth and Ghoulhide gloves. Magic Find is pretty low: 545 on kill, 425 on hork but the runs are really consistent since I added in Ghoulhide. Having good charms could probably make a different setup better, but this feels pretty good for me and my not so great charm collection.

Overall I'm averaging 17.13 seconds a run, which is probably around where things will end up since I assume there'll be slow down as this week drags on. I'm only picking up gems, potions, runes, specific rares (crystal sword/dimensional blade/etc.), useful items, TC3s and qualifiers ... and I'm pretty sure I've missed some of those, even. Any run where I visit the stash takes 22-30 seconds, so yeah it's nice not to have to do it that often, and I only mule things off to ATMA 1-2 times an hour, which normally coincides with taking a break.
1.07 ghoulhide?
pharphis said:
1.07 ghoulhide?
I don't have one, but it would be stronger than the 1.10+ version for someone who did, yeah.

For those who don't know, 1.07 Ghoulhide had +8%damage to undead per level instead of the +2% of 1.10+. Less AR per level (4% vs 8%) but that should be more than offset by the extra damage.
I saw 4% not 8% for dmg on a random wayback machine link. Can you confirm that it's 8% for dmg in 1.07? I thought I had a pair but didn't see anything in my old stashes
I can confirm later in my readouts.

Traded to @pharphis in June 2014:

Heavy Bracers
Defense: 54
Durability: 10 of 16
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 36
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 54
Fingerprint: 0xb441c70
+20 to Life
+20% Enhanced Defense
5% Life stolen per hit
4% Damage to Undead (4 per Character Level)
4% Bonus to Attack Rating Against Undead (4 per Character Level)

And 1.10+ version doesn't have +%AR. Shame on you @maareek
Even more broken than I thought

edit: too bad melee + pindle + HC = lose
pharphis said:
I saw 4% not 8% for dmg on a random wayback machine link. Can you confirm that it's 8% for dmg in 1.07? I thought I had a pair but didn't see anything in my old stashes
Courtesty of Fabian: "+356% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level) (clvl 89)"

I guess we can't even trust the wiki anymore. Sad time to be alive. Still double the damage boost of a 1.10+ version.
@maareek I finally managed to get just below 20 seconds on average during a 350 run session, including stashing and muling, but don't think I can go much faster than that. Impressive speed you have. I expected to be somewhat slower than 20 seconds on average, so I'm happy too :).

Pindle dropped this nice low level GC a while ago:

I think I found a nice AT map. :confused: Sooooo should I socket my Occy with an Ist?
Don't know if you should, but you could ...

Edit: btw, according to this mf guide, Pindle drops a TC87 unique about once every 1000 runs. I'm running him as a target this MFO, and this doesn't seem to match with my results so far. I know there's always rng, but do any of you have any data on this from running him extensively?
@nulio Another question: we are debating who in our group will be running the alvl85 category, but only Grape subscribed to two categories in beforehand (Baal and alvl 85). Carawolk subscribed for Baal, me for Pindle. Would either Carawolk or me be allowed to run alvl85, or does it have to be Grape?

Thanks :).
T72on1 said:
Don't know if you should, but you could ...

Edit: btw, according to this mf guide, Pindle drops a TC87 unique about once every 1000 runs. I'm running him as a target this MFO, and this doesn't seem to match with my results so far. I know there's always rng, but do any of you have any data on this from running him extensively?
I don't have data in terms of run per se, since I lost track. What I do have is about qualifiers, you can look at the 2015 MFO results thread, the 3rd post (I think ...). I posted a total of 249 qualifiers collected from Pindle, and you can have a look at the distribution. I'm current on the bus with my phone, too lazy to post the link :p
My experience agrees with 1 TC87/1000, at least with a sorc.

It always used to be a saying on the forum that "Pindle is streaky" too though.
Arghhh, I feel like I'm getting sooo close to hitting a big one. On the plus side, I'm really digging these AT runs. I would say these are my first ever semi-efficient/efficient AT runs I have ever done. I was never able to find anything of note there, so hopefully that changes over these next few days.
@T72on1 It's too late to sign up for a different category :(
@nulio No worries, I was just asking just in case. I should have thought about it myself. In that case Grape will have to do some alvl85 for our group. But since he has already found a Tyrael's or two, it's time for him to switch anyway ;).

Btw, this is one of the nice side effects I was hoping for:

Torch of Iro
One Hand Damage: 2 - 4
Durability: 12 of 15
Required Level: 5
Fingerprint: 0x26e614e1
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Necromancer Skill Levels
Adds 5 - 9 Fire Damage
6% Life stolen per hit
+10 to Energy
Regenerate Mana 5%
+3 to Light Radius

Edit: this could have been a cool drop:


Edit 2: finally ...


I'm starting to like Pindle :).
Had a bit dry streak, and felt it was time for a good unique to drop.

Well, it could have been a good unique (failed!!!):

Bramble Guard
Vortex Shield
Defense: 316
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 255 of 255
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 119
Fingerprint: 0xcde00b6b
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
12% Chance to cast level 4 Charged Bolt when struck
+1 to Offensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
+40% Enhanced Defense
+30 to Life
All Resistances +29
Requirements -20%
I know how you feel, had a failed unique dream spirit couple days in
So far i'm happy with the number of runs done, but not with the results. Only decent thing that dropped was a sounding gc with 12% FHR, so that was kinda neat. Yesterday the game decided to drop me a rune as consolation prize but it even failed at that as it was a mere vex.

Oh and please, no more unique spetums! Easily the most found item so far.
My most common uniques this MFO are flails and that battle dart thing. Seen a few spetums too ;)
I have found a certain green breast plate a lot ;). Also a green broad sword. As for uniques, not sure. Early on I think it was Battlebranch, but don't know now.

While I have been having fun at Pindle, I'll surely do something else next time. If you think that Vex is disappointing, check out Pindle's rune drop rates :(. Not that I didn't know this in beforehand of course, but still. Got like 3 Ko and 3 Lum as highest runes, after 2200 runs. Yesterday evening he didn't drop a single rune for something like 200 runs ...

This excited me more than it should, probably because of how poor my stash is looking; at least I'm learning how to count with small numbers. Overall average run time is higher than that (3 hours lost on the counter,) but still feels good man.

Also: Pindle drops runes? This news confuses me.
And here I was happy to have decreased my average running time from 20 seconds to 19 seconds, and my fastest time to some 17 seconds :(. I do have a ~2 second delay on s/e, but other than that it's probably a frw thing mostly? How much frw have you got?

Also: playing 8 hours straight, for a total of 1700+ runs ?! I only have 2200 in total, which is already some 2000 more than I have ever done. I don't stand a chance ...

Pindle dropping runes ... it's most likely just irony on your part, but just in case it isn't: we even have a whopping 1:1488365 chance he drops a Zod for us on /p1, at least according to Silospen's drop calculator :).
Pindle dropping runes ... it's most likely just irony on your part, but just in case it isn't: we even have a whopping 1:1488365 chance he drops a Zod for us on /p1, at least according to Silospen's drop calculator :).
I mean he has dropped me a Cham in the past, so I can't really complain, but in this MFO the highest rune I've seen is an Io, and it seems like I'm getting fewer in total than expected. Although 1 in 1.5 million odds does sound like guaranteed Zod to me. ^_^

T72on1 said:
And here I was happy to have decreased my average running time from 20 seconds to 19 seconds, and my fastest time to some 17 seconds :(. I do have a ~2 second delay on s/e, but other than that it's probably a frw thing mostly? How much frw have you got?

32% Skill FRW from Increased Speed + 70% Item FRW from Enigma+War Traveler's. He's pretty quick, yeah. But I wouldn't sweat the difference too much; the important part is improving times against yourself, other paths lead to comparing yourself to Grip and that ends in tears ... trust me.

Also: playing 8 hours straight, for a total of 1700+ runs ?! I only have 2200 in total, which is already some 2000 more than I have ever done. I don't stand a chance ...
Definitely not 8 hours straight, I just almost never close the run counter so I've lost some hours from the count to power outages.

As for not standing a chance... Well, since nobody will run a statistical meaningful amount of runs in an MFO it comes down to three things: 1. efficiency 2. time which work merely to buy you chances for 3. luck. Neither of my two MFO wins were deserved at all, because Zaliqai ran like at least twice the amount of time I did with 5-8x more runs than me in my Baal win and Colony ran almost twice as much as me with more than 50% more runs in my a85 win. I just lucked out, and luck can happen regardless of how efficient your runs are, as long as you do run.

Also, my luck has not been bad - I can't reasonably complain - but it has been decidedly average. And, regardless of the highly skewed definition of "normal" or "average" Grip might have given everyone, average is pretty unimpressive. Of course luck can change, but an average luck, high efficiency and/or time set can definitely lose to a luckier set. And it's not impossible I may have left all my good drops on the ground from going too fast. ;)
Since this is my first MFO, I'm not sure how to rate my drops, but overall I think I can't complain either. And yeah, you are right about increasing my own efficiency being most important. But you know, it's easy to put myself in the underdog position and stuff ... ;).

About run counter ... if I pause it, I always have the impression it messes up my results. Same goes for letting it run. So I close it whenever I take a break that lasts longer than 5 minutes. I'm keeping track of my total running time with this Sorc because of the 99 journey, so I like to keep it as accurate as possible.
Erm, there are too many myths in here. This is how my Pindle effort went, so masterreek is already nailing it pretty high in the coffin of efficiency, and will even improve moar till the end. Froz in comparison was almost second faster that same MFO, so he is the real Pindlemaster around here.


Regarding scores and such, getting above 50 is when real fun starts, above 60 is kind of first threshold to break (you do need one good item for it or several). Below 50 it is simply a matter of not playing enough or having really bad luck.
Right, now I feel good ... NOT !!!! ;)
About second update: I'll be away from Friday afternoon to Sunday night so I don't know if I'll have all/most updates in time to post about them, but I'd like all to try to send them anyway.

Good luck!
All these people complaining about run times and here I am with times twice as long as theirs. ;_;


Indeed, it isn't smart to run Pindle if Arachnid's is one or the items that would benefit your character most on her way to 99 ...

Estimated market value