MFO Summer 2016 Results [by nulio]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @nulio on July 18, 2016.
(link to original thread on

Level 85 Areas

Churning - 71,7
Darkforce Spawn 19,3
Stormlash 17
Ravenlore 14,6
Cerebus' Bite 11
Griswold's Honor 9,8

2. Pharphis - 70,7
Death's Web 27,9
Cerebus' Bite 11
Crown of Ages 10,7
Shadow Dancer 10,7
Boneflame 10,4

3. NagisaFurukawa - 70,4
Death's Web 27,9
Griswold's Redemption 11,3
Griffon's Eye 10,7
Templar's Might 10,7
Griswold's Honor 9,8

4. XyleneCyanol - 66
Darkforce Spawn 19,3
Ravenlore 14,6
Shadow Dancer 10,7
Steelrend 10,7
Steelrend 10,7

5. scrcrw - 56,3
Ravenlore 14,6
Griswold's Redemption 11,3
Griffon's Eye 10,7
Boneflame 10,4
Windforce 9,3

6. Cyrax - 49,5
Cerebus' bite 11
Griffon's eye 10,7
Shadow dancer 10,7
Death cleaver 9,3
Ondal's wisdom 7,8

7. hernang - 45,2
Halaberd's Reign 10,4
Stormspire 9,3
Executioner's Justice 9,3
Spirit Ward 8,1
Giant Skull 8,1

8. Grape - 41,6
Griffon's Eye 10,7
Earth Shifter 9,3
Windforce 9,3
Steel Shade 6,6
Veil of Steel 5,7

9. frozzzen, MrAkon, NorthDakota, MercMan - 0,0


TheNix - 67,9
Death's Web 27,9
Cerebus' Bite 11
Halaberd's Reign 10,4
Ghostflame 9,3
The Grandfather 9,3

2. maareek - 61,2
Dragonscale 14,6
Spirit Keeper 14,2
Cerebus' Bite 11
Crown of Ages 10,7
Griffon's Eye 10,7

3. T72on1 - 54
Ravenlore 14,6
Halaberd's Reign 10,4
Boneflame 10,4
Death Cleaver 9,3
Gargoyle's Bite 9,3

4. Churning, Friiser - 0


Carawolk - 327,1
Shadow Dancer 93,9
Steel Pillar 76,8
Windforce 76,8
M'avina's True Sight 39,8
M'avina's True Sight 39,8

2. Pb_pal - 268,9
Darkforce Spawn 172,2
Immortal King's Soul Cage 39,8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian 32,6
Spirit Keeper 13,7
Steel Carapace 10,6

3. Grape - 69,4
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge 32,6
Steel Carapace 10,6
Heaven's Light 9,3
Heaven's Light 9,3
Demonhorn's Edge 7,6

4. Friiser - 38,3
Spirit Ward 10,7
Heaven's Light 9,3
Blood Raven's Charge 6,5
Fleshripper 6,1
Dracul's Grasp 5,7

5. NanoMist - 37,8
Giant Skull 10,7
Boneshade 7,5
Wolfhowl 7
Spike Thorn 6,3
Soul Drainer 6,3


The Liabilideeds (TheNix, pharphis and Pb_pal) - 28

The Lever Nuckies (Grape, Carawolk, T72on1) - 26

Since this MFO had the three categories (and Baal has completely different scoring) the team scoring couldn't be like in the last MFO. I used the scoring method of the previous MFOs:
"Points will be awarded based on ranking in your category, 1st place gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, 3rd gets 8 and so on. If 2nd place is not participating in the teams competition, and 3rd is, 3rd still gets 8 points."

Looting Rules

1. First place chooses up to 4 items from any other entrant(s), max 1 item per entrant.
2. Second place chooses up to 3 items from any entrant(s) below you in the standings, max 1 item per entrant.
3. Third place chooses up to 2 items from any entrant(s) below you in the standings, max 1 item per entrant.

- No more than 2 items can be taken from any entrant.
- If you're done picking, or don't want anything, make sure to say so in the thread so the looting can continue down the list.
- Make sure you realize the mod status of any item(s) you take.

Congratulations to all winners. I'm sad that we had some deeds during the tournament and therefore we'll never know what would have happened if Pharphis had been able to run with his sorceress until the end.

Other than that, I'm sad to see frozzzen needing to quit so early in the tournament. Mostly sad about the record of players completely ignoring the MFO, sending no final results or just letting us know if they were still running or not.

Thanks to everyone for participating. I didn't post the several updates like in the last MFO because several updates were not sent to me. The only thing I'll mention was Carawolk's first update that had a score that could have win several past MFOs (Shadow Dancer 93,9 - Steel Pillar 76,8 - Windforce 76,8 - M'avina's True Sight 39,8 - Stormlash 16,2 - Total: 303,5). Not bad for three days of Baal and for someone that wrote (s)he has been playing D2 for around two months only.

Please let me know if there's a mistake somewhere.

2016 Summer MFO Sign-Up and Running Thread

2015 Summer MFO Results Thread

2014 Summer MFO Results Thread

2013 Summer MFO Results Thread
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Congrats to the winners! Thanks for all the participants and ofc nulio for organizing this! :)

Special thanks to our team, that indeed worked like a team.

No comments about my own performance, other than that Baal was stingy and I didn't run much areas :p May or may not post some finds, nothing spectacular anyways.
Congrats to the winners !!! And congrats to The Liabilideeds for beating such a talented team like The Lever Nuckies. @Carawolk definitely showed us his best, but unfortunately Grape and me couldn't reach the same level (and Baal / Pindle were just plain stingy of course ...).

I'll post a more detailed report of my MFO participation later.
Oh my, I knew I was doing good but that is nuts :D !!

I feel like making a post about my journey now because Baal was both much more fun AND boredom than I originally expected.

So everything started on my 18th run when this puppy dropped and I was wondering what the hell it could be since I never saw it on the ground before. It is almost the lowest roll possible though so I don't know if I am going to make a kicksin with this.

Well, the motivation was strong from this moment on and I decided to make myself a schedule, the aim was to put 1000 to 1500 Baal runs behind me at the end of the event, playing 5 hours a day minimum should have made this possible.

Run 128: the Steel Pillar drop from Baal. I see "War Pike" on the ground and I pick it up as I would pick up a "War Spike" without much emotion or even considering making a screenshot of it. It is only a few hours later that I realized how pretty it looks on my score sheet :D

Run 156: first M'avina's from second Baal's wave. Didn't think to make a screeny of it since it's my second one ever. I should have :/

Run 245: Wild Bow appears in the most undramatic way possible.

loooooooooongest period of NOTHING (this was like crossing a desert on foot with an empty can of coke in hand. Not that I have crossed many deserts before.)

Run 551: second pretty Diadem from Baal. Still no Griffon's eye godammitdude.

And then some pretty nice stuff I still wanted like two Stormshields, my two first Rainbow Facets (both 4/5 cold ones) and stuff I don't remember.

Well, in the end I wasn't able to do the 1000 runs like I had planned because Baal can become really boring when you get strictly nothing for 100 runs. Plus good weather. Reaaaaally nice sun outside omg. I lost at least 2 days because of awesome weather and computer dying.
But I am still ok with the work done :


I just wanted to make a special mention to nostalgia, about my excitment when I found my very first Shako one or two months ago. Baal kinda ruined this for me hehe


my sorceress went from lvl 91 to lvl 94 pretty easy and I think I could have gone for 95 if i wasn't dying too damn much (I now hold a life long hatred for burning souls and those little red corpse explosion thingies)

I was wearing 280 worth of MF gear and 380 on switch for Baal.

well that sums it up I think, I won't be taking any loot from anyone because I don't need or want to, all I want is a decent lightning rainbow facet and a griffon's eye and this last one I absolutely need to find myself so...
Unless someone has a 4/5 or 5/4 light rainbow facet to spare I'm good!

Thank you very much to @nulio for hosting this lazy MFO and hopefully the next one will have more participants and motivation ! Congrats to all participants and to my team which was very present in the PM department :)

one last thing: @Heimatar I found a HoZ if you still want one PM me!
Big congrats to the winners! Cool to see how close most of the packs were. Also, great job to both teams, close race!

I also won't be taking any items, and I'll give a run-down of my MFO experience probably tomorrow (I'm away from stashes etc today). Great job again everyone, I look forward to the next one!

Also, thanks again to nulio for hosting and keeping us motivated with the updates.
Congrats to all the participants for all the nice find. Thanks @nulio for hosting the event.

Too bad no one found Tyrael’s this MFO. I blame you @Gripphon for not joining.

For me, I did not play as much as planned (40+ hours planned!!!!) due to real life. Anyway, I still quite enjoyed this MFO, I am satisfied with what I got considering all the restrictions I put on this untwinked char.

Before the MFO started, I made a few mini-goals for me to reach during the running, so that I don’t lose my mind for the crappy drops for the majority of the time:

1. Find Occy+Tal’s armour+Tal’s ammy to replace my HOTO+Wealth+25MF rare ammy.
2. Find a Fathom.
3. This is HC, so do not die.
4. Do not let any single-digit qualifier enter my top 5 (all need to be 10+)
5. Pick up Hel+ runes and every single Set/Unique items no matter how crappy they are (not only qualifiers).

I complete all of them except No.2, oh well, D2 RNG does not like me.

I did have a good moment during this MFO though, which happened in Day 7: the following 3 items drop within 20 minutes, especially the 2nd one and the 3rd dropped within 1 minute!!!


Hydra Bow
Two Hand Damage: 35 - 472
Durability: 49 of 55
Required Level: 73
Required Strength: 134
Required Dexterity: 167
Fingerprint: 0xfe93dc98
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Increased Attack Speed
250% Enhanced Damage
+234 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
6% Mana stolen per hit
+10 to Strength
+5 to Dexterity
Heal Stamina Plus 30%

Hydra Bow
Two Hand Damage: 35 - 472
Durability: 37 of 55
Required Level: 73
Required Strength: 134
Required Dexterity: 167
Fingerprint: 0xd9d7078d
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Increased Attack Speed
250% Enhanced Damage
+234 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
7% Mana stolen per hit
+10 to Strength
+5 to Dexterity
Heal Stamina Plus 30%

Hydra Bow
Two Hand Damage: 35 - 472
Durability: 27 of 55
Required Level: 73
Required Strength: 134
Required Dexterity: 167
Fingerprint: 0xbab01e2b
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Increased Attack Speed
250% Enhanced Damage
+234 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
6% Mana stolen per hit
+10 to Strength
+5 to Dexterity
Heal Stamina Plus 30%

Immediately after the 3rd, another rare one of the same base dropped!!

Since I collected every single crap dropped, here is the Flavie report of all items collected:

EDIT: forgot to mention, the most frequent items is not Isenhart's Case (which I expected it to be). It is Angelic Sickle ;).
Thanks a bunch everyone! I put a lot of time into this, probably because it's my first MFO (nah, I just love MFing :D), and it is awesome to know after so many years, so many people still enjoy this game. Anyways, I wanted very badly to do justice to past competitions by getting some big scorers, especially after seeing the results of the past 3 summer MFOs (that is some crazy stuff!). Pretty crazy that this MFO had the top 3 in the lvl85 category separated by only 1.3 points. And everyone else was very close as well.

So here are a few notes to give everyone an idea of how much I was running.

- First 3 or 4 days were done in the pits with my lightning/ES sorc
- most notable drop there being a double unique scourge drop (both in the same run!). Oddly enough the first one was the Stormlash (my first ever!)

- Rest of the MFO was spent in the AT with my blizz/ES sorc (went from 94.25 to 95.7)
- most notable drop being Darkforce Spawn (dropped on second day of AT runs)
- hard times followed with a couple days passing by with no upgrades in score to show for my efforts
- also worth noting the Cerebus' Bite dropped on the last day and resulted in +1.2 points

Other notable drops
- 2 x WF
- 2 x Gargoyle's Bite
- 3 x Earth Shifter
- 4 x Griswold's Honor
- 6 x Griswold's Valor (yes the set Corona, and still no COA!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhh)
- 2 x IK Armor
- 2 x Azurewrath
- 3/3/3 Demonhorn's Edge
- 5/5 lite facet (this will come in handy:))
- 197%/6% Arreat's Face (again I like this)
- numerous other drops including Shakos, SS, Arach, Tal's armor
- Ber, 2 x Ohm, Vex

Feel free to PM me if anyone wants any free gear from the list plus I might have some other useful stuff from the MFO, feel free to ask. Arreat's and Facet are the only things I will be using.

The search continues for the ever elusive, seemingly impossible to find...... Death's Fathom.....
Churning said:
- First 3 or 4 days were done in the pits with my lightning/ES sorc
- most notable drop there being a double unique scourge drop (both in the same run!). Oddly enough the first one was the Stormlash (my first ever!)
I dream of a double Sacred armor drop.

My last qualifier found was also cerebus's bite iirc :D
Oh god. My DWeb was horrendous. Didn't even look at CoA closely but let's see...

Death's Web
Unearthed Wand
One Hand Damage: 22 - 28
Durability: 13 of 18
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0x176ecd76
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
-40% to Enemy Poison Resistance *cringe*
+10 to Mana after each Kill
+9 Life after each Kill

Crown of Ages
Defense: 366
Durability: 27 of 50
Required Level: 82
Required Strength: 174
Fingerprint: 0xfab230d6
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+50% Enhanced Defense
+117 Defense
All Resistances +23
Damage Reduced by 12%
1 Sockets (0 used)

and my best find:
Lucky Grand Charm of Greed
Grand Charm
Required Level: 1
Fingerprint: 0xaa310e8b
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
13% Extra Gold from Monsters
12% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Congrats to the winners, and thanks to nulio for running this.

Well, I knew I was going to lose when I signed up, but it was still a disappointing time overall. I only was able to run 7 of the 10 days and I ran until my hands hurt each day. Was hoping to hit 30 hours originally (which is still a really low amount for an MFO) but wound up just short, as the clock struck midnight with me at 29 hours, 21 minutes and 40 seconds which was good for 6248 runs, an average of about 16.92 seconds per run. Here's the run counter for the set, but 3 power outages ate 6 hours (1269 runs) from it. The fastest run seems not bad, but it's a serious outlier as I only had 3 runs under 14 seconds the whole time.

As for score, this is the lowest I've ever had in an MFO. It's also the least I've ever run by a couple hours, to be fair, but it still stings. I'm pretty sure it's just on the low end of expectation for what I ran, so I can't complain.

Haul pic (with TC87s + top 5) is here:

Kinda paltry, but to be expected from so little running. 18 TC87s, 7 TC3s overall, 135 qualifiers in my stash, though I know I missed at least three Loricated Mail (which I always get mixed up with Tigulated.) The Earth Shifter makes the fourth of those without a Cranium Basher (they're even odds.) Other notable finds (plus readouts of the top 5) in the IFT, plus 12 Ral runes and 80 or so pgems (I missed a lot of gems.) Highest rune was Fal. Weirdest drop was Arkaine's Valor on back to back runs.

The main thing I walk away with is a stark reminder of how bad my gear (specifically my charms) is(are). Doubtless I could have played better, but it does seem like gear is a big obstacle against improving my efficiency more, which is the only real way I might have a shot going forward since I cannot imagine myself having 50 hours to put into an MFO again, or the desire to spend 5 hours a day at it if I did. :/

Oh well, my moping aside, hopefully everyone enjoys your new toys and had a good time participating. I won't be taking anything (I know I'm out of turn, but still) and TheNix is certainly welcome to anything I found.
Congratz to the winners and thanks to nulio for hosting.

My journey was an extremely frustrating one. Got tons and tons of rares of all the right bases. But when it came down to it it was a yellow drop of a great base and either the drop right before or right after that was a low end unique. Unlike phar i think i got somewhere between 15-20 sacred armors. 2 of them green. And about half of the others were rares. Yet none of the right colour. It constantly felt like i was just a little MF shy. Same thing with different bases.

As i started out the sorc had a ton of skillers. After day 1 most of those got replaced by MF sc's. But for some reason i found way less uniques after the exchange. Besides the qualifiers drops were not very good either. Highest rune was vex. Only thing really worth mentioning was a sounding gc with 12 FHR.

If i'm gonna do this again it'll either be Baal again or pits with the pitzerker this sorc just doesn't have the luck it takes.

If anyone wants anything it may take a bit. Was trying the W10 upgrade and it keeps crashing. Stashes are backed up, it's just that i can't access them right now.

pharphis said:
Why didn't you share this list with me?

He did sent it to you. You just have to read past point 1. :p (why isn't staying alive point 1 anyway?)
The really interesting thing about this Pindle session was the rarity of unique jewellery and stuff. I only got one amulet, two rings, 2 Facets and 2 Gheed's. 25+ hours, 5,000+ runs and only that meagre return. The Death's Web and a Cranium Basher were grailies for me, so I'm at Grail -4. I'll get there one day! I wont be doing any looting either.

I've upload a screenie of my top 10 finds.


Thank you to my team (yay team!!) and all the competitors. And again a big thank you to @nulio .

I cannot remember whether we have to put a read-out of my top 5 here, so I'll do it anyway.

The Grandfather
Colossus Blade
One Hand Damage: 67 - 363
Two Hand Damage: 157 - 498
Durability: 30 of 50
Required Level: 81
Required Strength: 189
Required Dexterity: 110
Fingerprint: 0x82c11a83
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
171% Enhanced Damage
+187 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
50% Bonus to Attack Rating
All Stats +20
+80 to Life

Legend Spike
One Hand Damage: 139 - 212
Durability: 40 of 47
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 55
Required Dexterity: 57
Fingerprint: 0x32c4c257
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
204% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 108 - 108 Magic Damage
14% Mana stolen per hit
+2 to Light Radius

Death's Web
Unearthed Wand
One Hand Damage: 33 - 42
Durability: 10 of 10
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 15
Fingerprint: 0xb636f0f0
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+2 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
-49% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+10 to Mana after each Kill
+8 Life after each Kill

Halaberd's Reign
Conqueror Crown
Defense: 427
Durability: 32 of 50
Required Level: 77
Required Strength: 174
Fingerprint: 0xca810f1f
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Masteries Skills (Barbarian Only)
+2 to Barbarian Skill Levels
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+2 to Battle Command (Barbarian Only)
+1 to Battle Orders (Barbarian Only)
+167% Enhanced Defense
Replenish Life +23

Cerebus' Bite
Blood Spirit
Defense: 350
Durability: 10 of 20
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 86
Fingerprint: 0x77501ff6
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+4 to Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
99% Bonus to Attack Rating
8% Life stolen per hit
33% Chance of Open Wounds
+2 to Feral Rage (Druid Only)
+140% Enhanced Defense
Estimated market value