MFO Summer 2015 Signups and Progress [by nulio]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @nulio on Aug 21, 2015.
(link to original thread on

Welcome to the 2015 Summer MFO! It's that time of the year where everybody gets craz...ier about D2!

Prepare your characters, your mind and get hyped for the biggest SPF event of 2015!

Start time: September 4th 2015, 00:00 local time
End time: September 13th 2015, 11:59 PM local time

Total time - 10 days.

The last MFO competitions were hosted by Fabian and I'll just shamefully copy most of his text. If I forgot something let me know.

Quick Intro

For those new to the MFO, the basic jist of it is everyone picks one of 3 targets and runs that target like mad for about a week. At the end, everyone scores their finds (updated scoresheets below) and adds up the top five finds. The players with the top scores win and they get to claim a few items from the other participants as prizes.

No proxy signups, you may only signup yourself.

The Categories

- Hell Baal
- Pindle+: Pindleskin (or Shenk, Eldritch, Thresh or Sharptooth).
- Level 85 Areas

- In the interest of sportsmanship, please PM regular updates of your progress during the MFing week to your supervisor. These should be in the same format as your final results email (no ATMA readouts at this time), like this:

Title: SPF - MFO results
Forum name: nulio

Level 85 Areas
Asteron's Iron Ward 27.8
Ravenlore 14.6
Crown of Ages 10.7
Windforce 9.3
Windforce 9.3 (example of a duplicate find)
Total 71.7

I will need 3 category supervisors (one for each area), preferably someone who has participated in a previous MFO and will participate in this one.

Things to include in your PM (Progress and final upates):
- Title should contain MFO
- Your forum name
- The category and your top 5 items for each category you entered

- If you quit or drop out, please send your area supervisor a PM saying so.

PMyour score and ATMA/GoMule readouts of your top 5 to your area's supervisor within 12 hours after the end of the MFO. There's always a few people who take a long time to do it, and it holds everything up. This time, please send the results in quickly, so the area supervisors can finish their lists and send them to me quickly, so I can put up the Results Thread quickly. When you finish running, please send the results right away. It takes literally less than 2 minutes to fire off your Final Update email, and it keeps all of us from waiting a day or longer for the results.

I'd like to receive updates from:
- The first three days (Friday and weekend) until the end of Monday, September 7th
- The first seven days (until 11:59 PM of Thursday) until the end of Friday, September 11th
- Final score as soon as you can, please just send it when you finish playing for the MFO


The list of entered participants will follow.

If you're entered, try to do your best.

And if you don't think that you're capable of giving up a Windforce or a Stormlash if you find one and lose, this probably isn't for you.

Allowed mods: any SPF FAM mod and any version 1.11 or later.

Since items are switching back and forth, you must have a current trading profile over on the SP Trading Forum.

Also, if you've been banned from trading and/or mp'ing then you will not be allowed to participate in the MFO. This will be enforced.

Eligible finds

The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered
in each category:

- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs.
- Pindle+: The mentioned SuperUniques and their Minions, in the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth.
- Level 85 areas: The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including minion waves)

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Prowling Dead in Pindle's Garden, Chests in the Pits/Ancient Tunnels, etc.

Summary of rules:

-All intending participants must register the categories they wish to
compete in. No late entries will be accepted.

-The winning player shall be determined by the five highest-ranked
items they find during the week.

-In case of 2 players tying with the same score, the winner shall be
decided by adding in the score of the next rarest item each of them
found, then the next and so on until a clear winner is decided.

-Remember to keep eligible finds separate from the rest of your gear.

Prize distribution

1st Place - picks 4 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant).
2nd Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
There's a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.

I will add my own "good sportsmanship" suggestions. I won't enforce these but any reasonable person shouldn't have any problem following these.

1. Don't claim items for their trade value, claim items you want to use or as a trophy
2. If you want a trophy, please be considerate (i.e. no grailers)
3. if you claim an item and the player really wants it, give them a chance to trade back their self found item for a similar or better one or other item as you see fit.
4. If someone is claiming one of your items, you may personalize it before giving it to them.


The system is based on the relative rarity compared to the IK
Stonecrusher, the most common elite set or unique.

Here are the score sheets (lvl 85 for both AT and other lvl 85 areas)

lvl 85 Areas
Act 5 SUs

I created an excel file that can help you several things:
1. 'Tables' sheet has all the scores
2. 'Point Calculator' sheet allows you to list all your finds and calculates your score
a) You have to indicate the category
b) If you are playing more than one category, duplicate the sheet
c) To allow automatic timestamping you need to turn the iterative calculation (File > Options > Formulas > Enable iterative calculation). If you don't want it just delete the column
d) To allow auto completion of cells you need to turn it on (File > Options > Advanced > Enable AutoComplete For Cell Values).
3. 'Rankings' sheet can help supervisors... supervise

If you have any questions or comments, you can ask in this thread or you can PM me.

2013 Summer MFO Sign-Up and Running Thread

2013 Summer MFO Results Thread

2014 Summer MFO Sign-Up and Running Thread

2014 Summer MFO Results Thread
Last edited:
Originally posted by: @nulio

Final list of participants

Level 85 Areas
Gripphon [1.13d SC FAM]
thefranklin [1.13d SC FAM]
Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
Cyrax [1.13d SC FAM]
LiquidClear [1.13d SC FAM]
Zylo [1.13d SC FAM]
queenEm [1.13d SC FAM]
srrw [1.13d HC FAM]
kestegs [1.13d SC FAM]
Saluki [1.13d SC FAM]
Thyiad [1.13d SC FAM]

dOOmas [1.13d SC FAM]
TheNix [1.13d SC FAM]
XyleneCyanol [1.13d SC FAM]
maxicek [1.13d SC FAM]
GooberGrape [1.13d SC FAM]
Gripphon [1.13d SC FAM]
Thyiad [1.13d SC FAM]

PvP N00bz (Maxicek and Gripphon)
Happy Accidents (LiquidClear and Zylo)
The Wrath of Grapes (GooberGrape and Grape)
The the's (TheNix and thefranklin)
FashionablyLate (Cyrax and Thyiad)

Original signing up list:
Please note your version/mod status.


Level 85 Areas



Availible for teams

(I'm not actually against recruiting people even if they have not listed themselves as available.)

Note: your category isn't final until signups close and the MFO starts.
So third most important event is here (after pvp week and RFO ofc). OP! I'm looking for a perfect Griffon's. GL me. There is a chance I might enter second category too, depending on how people distribute themselves. Also I'm stating availability for teams, if there will be anything like that.
I uploaded an excel file that does lots of things MFO related. If somebody wants to check/test it, I edited it in the first post.
I am sure as soon as these dates are set work will send me on a trip or the wife will somehow waste my time during that week. Regardless, looking forward to it and need to get a character ready to roll! I just got my hammerdin to chaos, but I that is bad for mfing. I could do pit necro instead, hmm. I think I did blizz sorc in AT last two times, so I am going to do something different this time.
@thefranklin please use the last table in order to not remove other members that signed up. And don't forget the trade tags and link to profile. Cheers
I'll sign up as soon as I decide what category....
I'll be away from forums almost until the beginning of the MFO. You can add me to whatever team that wants me/needs one player, if there's gonna be any.

Hope to see many participants when I'm back :)
It looks like I wont be going away after all, and since there is another Pindle runner, hat is in the ring!!!

f I'm needed I might be convinced to be in a team as well.
Still don't know if i'll stick with AT's, but signing up for it so at least i won't come to the conclusion that MFO has started and i forgot to sign up. :D

Reserving bottom spot in alvl85.
I now have a level 20 sorceress, so beware, I'm coming for you all!

Will probably play AT, but could do Pindle.

I will set up a trade profile and sign up officially once I get my internet working again.
It does looks very tempting to participate although I reckon with my luck I will probably end up having to handover that elusive deaths fathom.
On the other hand I do have two weeks off from work during the MFO, but with a newborn baby it might prove difficult. Still, plenty of nightly hours :).

I'll consider and decide at the last moment, but I'll start looking for a nice map for my AT sorceress.
Added myself to a85 for now; I may decide to change as we get closer to MFO. Also available for teams! You know you all want me. It's more fun when you have someone to share your special drops with, otherwise you have to wait a week or whatever and it gets old.

Also, if Baal/Pindle don't get more, could we do something like 2 man teams combined score for a85? Seems a shame to kill the team aspect just because everyone wants to run the place where Tyrael's is most likely to drop. :cool:
TheNix said:
I might be convinced to be in a team as well.
TheNix said:
if I'm needed
for some reason the pindle category doesnt get much love -.-
Last year there was only Areas Level 85 category because no one signed up for Pindle and there were only 3 people running Baal, so those categories were removed. But now we have new MFO master so anything is possible!
Oh the time flies. We're really close to the start.

To spam those that showed interest in MFO in other thread but didn't signed up yet:
@srrw @queenEm @Saluki

Mister keg is just waiting for his internet:

These monsters I'm spamming to make them join. If all three promise to do at least 20h I'll join also and run CS with a Paladin:
@Fabian @frozzzen @maareek

About what to do regarding the Pindle and Baal categories, I'll decide one of two things:
- Allow such categories with small number of runners, like in the Summer 2013 MFO, but maybe only allow looting if they have five or more participants. So these became keeping part of the tradition but are no real competition. If they want competition should move to A85
- Do like in the Summer 2014 MFO, remove such categories


Edit: also thanks to @LiquidClear for fixing dOOmas' entry
You are keeping track of me!!

I need to create a new trading profile it seems. Will add as soon as possible
LiquidClear said:
Also, if Baal/Pindle don't get more, could we do something like 2 man teams combined score for a85? Seems a shame to kill the team aspect just because everyone wants to run the place where Tyrael's is most likely to drop. :cool:
In teams it always was allowed to have your teammates to be in the same category. The entire team could be in the same category if you wanted. Problem with that is you're then also competing with your teammates. With people spread out you (as a team) have a chance to win every category and you're competing with people from other teams within your category rather than your teammates.

But with so few contestants in other category's and everyone up for teams in the same one maybe some change is in order? Perhaps something like duos instead of full teams? Just a thought.

Come to think of it: Am i overlooking something or are the rules about teams missing in the original post?

dOOmas said:
for some reason the pindle category doesnt get much love -.-

That's because most people here played for so long they have the basic gear you normally get from Pindle (and Meph) and have moved on to other targets like AT's where there's also a chance for some items Pindle can't drop. Not to mention Pindle is really, really, really boring. Yes, really. :)

nulio said:
Oh the time flies. We're really close to the start.


About what to do regarding the Pindle and Baal categories, I'll decide one of two things:
- Allow such categories with small number of runners, like in the Summer 2013 MFO, but maybe only allow looting if they have five or more participants. So these became keeping part of the tradition but are no real competition. If they want competition should move to A85
- Do like in the Summer 2014 MFO, remove such categories


Really close to start? I think you're off by a week. Good thing i double checked because i now realise that Friday the 4th is the first day to run and not Saturday like i thought it was. Almost missed out on day 1! Phew. :cool:

Well i could move myself to Baal if need be, but that would still only mean 2 people and that doesn't feel much like it's a competition. You'd either win or be runner up. That means my preference would be to only have the lvl 85 areas, but i'm wondering if the people from the other category's would be willing to switch to that. It would be a shame if they didn't and we'd lose them altogether.
One week is not close? Last time I looked I was opening this thread. :p

People leaving from A85 is the last thing we want :D
Apparently I've read Nagi spamming about "MFO when" like 30000 times this year, and now he is losing time on some stupid game instead and is not even on the radar of d2. I've totally seen that coming.

I'm for 2 man teams from same category with maybe different team scoring rules to keep things more interesting?

I forgot to comment - that pic is very nice ^^
It's getting close, and I look forward to it.

Will be visiting our collaborator in Finland during the first 3 weeks of September, so will not have access to my gaming computer, but will keep tracking the progress of MFO and I'm entirely certain to see many epic drops.

Good luck everybody, and wish you all get what you want :)
@XyleneCyanol D2 runs in almost any computer. I don't understand that "excuse" to not participate :p
nulio said:
@XyleneCyanol D2 runs in almost any computer. I don't understand that "excuse" to not participate :p
lol !!!! If you promise me a new job when I get fired by installing D2 on a work laptop, then ... :D
That's a bummer. Is it possible to run D2 from an usb stick?
Yeah, that will do. I think I could also take my personal laptop with me.

MFO starts 4 Sept, so I will have a look how the first 3 days of my visiting goes and see how much free time I got (never been to Finland, so also planning some travelling).

If time permits, I might participate in Pindle category which is more relaxing for me, as I doubt I will have enough time and energy for intensive A85 running :p
I think it's about time that pindle and areas 85 merge. Baring deus ex Tyrael's there isn't difference in scoring between two of those, and people running pindle actually have better odds to win whole thing. For average player, that is. Other than Gripphon and Fabian I don't think anyone has higher efficiency on areas than Pindle, at least not from currently active players. Pindle runners go for comfort and stability at the expense of getting Tyrael's and I think it's ok choice. They will probably have higher point/time invested anyway.

Bigger player pool might make things more interesting in terms of competitiveness, and with only one entrant Baal will probably be scraped by the end anyway.

What say you?
I have Internet again, just procrastinating!

Sorc is also all the way up to level 22 now!
+1 to merging Pindle and area lvl 85 into one category. They seem equal enough to be done properly.
Oh, what the hell, I've decided. Even if I only have 2 hours of play time in the end and the chance of an epic fail is high, so what? I just want to be part of this wonderful tradition and event, I'm in !!!
I am moving from Pindle to A85...
@queenEm it seems we post the sign-in at the same time, could you update your post to include me in the table, since your post is after mine?

Thanks :)
By the way, in terms of trader profile, what is the difference between Probation and FTS? I though all newly-posted trader profile should be probation? No ??
I think 5-6 people is roughly the sweet spot. If there are fewer participants in a category than that, merging it with A85 (pindle) or canceling it (Baal) is good. In my opinion.
XyleneCyanol said:
By the way, in terms of trader profile, what is the difference between Probation and FTS? I though all newly-posted trader profile should be probation? No ??
I think nulio linked some good information, but I think I see where the confusion is.(Maybe?)

I can image that everyone saying they need to create a new trader profile, and they are all being labeled as FTS, might be a little confusing.

Pretty much, they've traded in the past, and are FTS. The forum had an update, and a lot of profiles were deleted, so they are simply remaking their trader profile.

So if you have traded in the past, and were FTS - you can remake as FTS. If you've never traded before, and never have had a trader profile - you will start under Probation Status.

Hope this helps.
I'm still not sure how much time I can invest, that's the main reason I was delaying my entry. I hope to at least get the 70ish million to get me to 96, we'll see if I get any runs past that.
@Zylo I'm confused now. Thyiad mentions join date and this date can only be discerned for when you registered in the forums, not when you "joined" the trading forums. Although I agree that it should be when you start trading.
Thanks nulio and Zylo. I will just keep the Probation tag.

And signed in again since the post was too close to queenEm's, and his post does not have me.
nulio said:
@Zylo I'm confused now. Thyiad mentions join date and this date can only be discerned for when you registered in the forums, not when you "joined" the trading forums. Although I agree that it should be when you start trading.
How I understood it, was that you would create a trader profile, and then have three months of probation status. The date was based off of that date your trader profile was created. So if you posted a trader profile today, then in three months you could go in and edit/update it to FTS.

At least back in the day, that is how it was treated.

Edit: Appears I'm mistaken. Please refer to the SPTF rules that nulio linked.
Yes I remember that and thought that also, but reading it now makes me think maybe Thyiad meant something different.

I'm happy to see the list becoming bigger and bigger. :)
I remember when I created my first trader profile and put me in probation (had been a member for a couple of years at the time) and Thy PMd me and said that if you have been a member that long (and active I assume...) you go directly to FTS
is my profile even eligible for trading? i dont know how that works.
Alright here I am!
@nulio just realised that the link for the excel file is not working :)
Yeah I have to ask dropbox to unlock my public files sharing. I'll try to do it tomorrow and also post txt files with scores. :)
At the risk of being off-topic .. regarding join dates ...

Way back (Cattleya and I time) it was based on trading forum time. However as people left and came back and left and came back, tracking that was a nightmare. I can recall sitting with bits of paper with <x member> posted here, seemed to leave here, came back here, left here .. .trying to add it up. We'd discussed the problems but not really moved on with doing anything about it by the time Catt decided to step down.

When sirpoopsalot and I updated the trade rules, we decided that we'd swap to forum join date. Whilst not perfect, it was easy to track and as we kept banging on about traders doing their own background checks to be comfortable, it seemed reasonable for members to at least do a search on how much a member had posted in the trade forum.

In retrospect, it was a good move because with the various forum migrations, tracking a members activity, isn't necessarily that easy. :)

And that's the background to the changes. Nothing is perfect and the forum is MUCH quieter now.

And ... back to your scheduled programming.

I am considering joining but something usually goes pear-shaped and I don't want to incite it. I'm thinking; you can probably hear the creaking.
frozzzen said:
I think it's about time that pindle and areas 85 merge. Baring deus ex Tyrael's there isn't difference in scoring between two of those, and people running pindle actually have better odds to win whole thing.
If it means that you can run BOTH Pindle and lvl85 areas, I'm all for it. That is much closer to my normal way of playing anyway; running the same thing for 10 days is just unnatural!!!!!
kestegs said:
Alright here I am!
Oh no! Now i'm gonna lose to a lvl 22 sorc! o_O
@XyleneCyanol links should be working again

@all I upload txt files with the scores

Anybody tried the excel? I'm so proud about the tab Point Calculator Tab :D

Edit: lol there's an user with the nick "all" it seems, phantom one but still
Cyrax said:
Oh no! Now i'm gonna lose to a lvl 22 sorc! o_O
I'm level 23 now. So it'll be less embarrassing at least.
Came back a bit earlier than expected, just in time to start fine-tuning my MFO char.

What is everyone going to run with?

It's going to be a Javazon for me. Maybe add some runs with Singer Barb as well.

Edit: Tried the excel. Is this your evil plan that it's so nice to fill in with every qualifier that we'll lose some running time ;) Don't pretend you won't run.

Seriously, great job! Loving it.
@Grape Thanks! I remembered a way that might make it even faster to use. If it works I'll upload a new version.

Baal category will probably be deleted. @GooberGrape would you be interested in running A85 or Pindle?

Pindle category will be merged with A85 if there's not five or more users in Pindle until the end of 3rd of September.
Why do players have to choose an area? Let the farm wherever they want and report an item no matter where it was found.
I now have my Sorc up to level 73 and completed all relevant quests through act 5! It's quite amazing how fast things go after level 25, even with almost no twinking gear. The really surprising thing is that I completed all quests with pure blizz and never died once! I'm sure I'll die at least a few times during mfo though.

Now to find a map and gear up!
@Excalibur and how would you score any item found anywhere? And what's the purpose of a competition where we can't compare each participant fairly? Or a competition where everybody is running alone at area X?
Scores are based on rarity of the items, and such ratio between items is not preserved among all possible areas. Also guys who would focus on Baal would be in great disadvantage in comparison to players who would focus only on Pindle or some area lvl85. That's why, for fair scoring, we focus on areas lvl 85, Pindle and Baal separately, even though Pindle and areas are very much alike so they can be combined into one single area.
Actually, I don't know how you score those items so I won't interfere more.

Edit: Oh, Gripphon explained while I was typing.
@Grape I uploaded a new version of the excel with a trick to allow auto completion of the items' names. It should make it faster to use :D And yes my plan was to make it so pretty that people will write every single qualifier there!

But I will not take advantage of it because I will not run. :p I was thinking about it but with the loading times in win10 I'll never be competitive. And only possible remaining goals in 1.13d are PGems and maybe Pally to 98 (and seal boss packs and/or diablo would be a must for it - making me even less competitive in A85 running).
I might actually switch to pindle if the two areas don't combine. I need a Death's web and that might get me one quicker.

PS: Can't open the excel sheet in openoffice. Sounds like a work project then.
nulio said:
@Grape Thanks! I remembered a way that might make it even faster to use. If it works I'll upload a new version.

Baal category will probably be deleted. @GooberGrape would you be interested in running A85 or Pindle?

Pindle category will be merged with A85 if there's not five or more users in Pindle until the end of 3rd of September.
@nulio please move me to Pindleskin then, thanks!

@thefranklin make the switch so Pindle can have 5 players and be our own category :D
@nulio Loving the excel sheet!!
nulio said:
But I will not take advantage of it because I will not run. :p I was thinking about it but with the loading times in win10 I'll never be competitive. And only possible remaining goals in 1.13d are PGems and maybe Pally to 98 (and seal boss packs and/or diablo would be a must for it - making me even less competitive in A85 running).
In reality I think Nulio is a good guy and is refusing to participate to give the rest of us a fighting chance.
@nulio very nice excel scripts there, lol

In transit at the moment, I will try to squeeze at least 5-hour play time during MFO :)
Well, I've reached lvl 80, found a decent map and equipped my sorc in full mf gear.

I've also found 5 qualifiers in the 2 hours I spent finding a map. And 2 of them were Darkforce Spawn and Shadow dancer. I expect my real top 5 to be far less interesting.

Only really missing 1 thing: an Ist for my occy!
Moved to Pindle. May move back again, who knows.
@queenEm did you mave from Pindle to A85 before because Pindle didn't have enough participants? If that was the reason feel free to chance back :)

@Thyiad there was some magic there and you showed as running Baal. Was it your mod magic powers working? :p

[highlight]I can't reply to the thread for some reason. All I can do is edit.

Where did GooberGrape go in Baal? - Thy[/highlight]
With five now in Pindle and no Pindlers in teams, I'll put my name down!
Adding myself to Pindle to have an option of running him for MFO as well, depending on how areas will go and how bored will I be with Pit after few days. New target could be refreshing so I could possibly split running time among two categories. But fair warning. If my signup will be fifth at Pindle, I will then remove myself from him before MFO starts which will end up in merging two categories together. I still support decision of someone leaving Pindle to areas to merge categories together!

And now I, Grip from areas, wanna ask Grip from Pindle to join into team named lolGripdaTroll. If you accept, let me know! If not, then FU.

I'll then ask Maxicek to join in team with me named... Team PvPNubz.
Good? Lemme know.
nulio said:
@queenEm did you mave from Pindle to A85 before because Pindle didn't have enough participants? If that was the reason feel free to chance back :)
No, I realized my only running candidate hasn't reached act5 yet so I think it is more realistic to go for AT. or the Pits? A lightning javazon without Infinity? Where is the best place to go?
Don't we need to have Baal runners for teams? Traditionally it was one person from each category.
It will be impossible to do 3 man teams since no one will run Baal and it will be removed as category if at least 5 people don't sign up. So IMO 2 man teams is only possible way of doing teams this MFO, even if teammates are from same category. Or 3 across 2 categories, sure.

I'd like to help, but unfortunately I have no idea where Infinityless javazon would be best to play. Maybe Pit since monsters there are easiest to kill and simply let your merc kill the archers.
queenEm said:
No, I realized my only running candidate hasn't reached act5 yet so I think it is more realistic to go for AT. or the Pits? A lightning javazon without Infinity? Where is the best place to go?
If you're willing to burn a reroll, you can turn her into a Fishyzon and dominate The Pit. You'll still use Charged strike and Lightning Fury as your main attacks, only you'll add a Melody bow on switch and use Freezing Arrow on the archer packs. It's a super strong build pre-Infinity and really exploits the best of two different skill sets. Best part is you could run it with store bought gear and still do well.
If baal is out, what about a Diablo/seals category?
GooberGrape said:
If you're willing to burn a reroll, you can turn her into a Fishyzon and dominate The Pit. You'll still use Charged strike and Lightning Fury as your main attacks, only you'll add a Melody bow on switch and use Freezing Arrow on the archer packs. It's a super strong build pre-Infinity and really exploits the best of two different skill sets. Best part is you could run it with store bought gear and still do well.

Or Pindle. And use harmony as the switch weapon, added damage goes to the splash and doesn't cost extra mana. Plus the run speed.
thefranklin said:
Or Pindle. And use harmony as the switch weapon, added damage goes to the splash and doesn't cost extra mana. Plus the run speed.
That's really cool, I didn't realize the bonus damage added to the splash from FA. That makes the Fishyzon even more versatile.
<Gripphon>gogogo 110 hours
<LiquidClear>to be fair i did baal 100+, which is easier due to breaks between waves and such. no way i can do that a85
<LiquidClear>i'll get carpal tunnel by hour 40
<Gripphon>wow, 40 hours for this mfo

Guys, we are in big trouble.
Thyiad said:
If baal is out, what about a Diablo/seals category?
I think one of the most important aspects of the MFO are its history and tradition. Adding new categories would need to have a big list of pros and a small list of cons and if Baal had only a couple of people interested I'd say Diablo would not drag more interest than that.

I know that without Baal there's no targets in MFO for xp gaining in really high level characters, but having only two runners in a category isn't that good for the spirit of MFO. :(

Maybe we can create a XP Olympics, dunno if it'd be fun since it would have no luck at all, so it'd be just efficiency or time spent. Maybe if Gripphon couldn't participate :p
WoW, I'm getting trolled all over the SPF. I never trolled anyone, I didn0't deserve this...

Anyway, xp gain tournament sounds great. It could be EGO aka experience gaining olympics. Hm hm. Only problem is, how to balance xp-gain scoring among different levels.
*holding a popcorn bag* aaah just in time for the show. sup guys?
nulio said:
I think one of the most important aspects of the MFO are its history and tradition. Adding new categories would need to have a big list of pros and a small list of cons and if Baal had only a couple of people interested I'd say Diablo would not drag more interest than that.
I don't necessarily disagree with you, but figured it was worth mentioning.

I know that without Baal there's no targets in MFO for xp gaining in really high level characters, but having only two runners in a category isn't that good for the spirit of MFO. :(

Agreed on both counts, especially as my life tends to go sideways everytime I enter a tourney.

Maybe we can create a XP Olympics, dunno if it'd be fun since it would have no luck at all, so it'd be just efficiency or time spent. Maybe if Gripphon couldn't participate :p

Interesting ideas. :)
After the MFO I'll open a thread discussing the possibility of XP Olympics. :)

Come on people, more or less 24 hours until this starts, I'd love to see more sign ups and more trash talking!
I like the Diablo/Seals idea. :rolleyes:
I will fix it later

Level 85 Areas
Gripphon [1.13d SC FAM]
thefranklin [1.13d SC FAM]
Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
Cyrax [1.13d SC FAM]
LiquidClear [1.13d SC FAM]
Zylo [1.13d SC FAM]
queenEm [1.13d SC FAM]
srrw [1.13d HC FAM]
kestegs [1.13d SC FAM]
Saluki [1.13d SC FAM]
Thyiad [1.13d SC FAM]

dOOmas [1.13d SC FAM]
TheNix [1.13d SC FAM]
XyleneCyanol [1.13d SC FAM]
maxicek [1.13d SC FAM]
GooberGrape [1.13d SC FAM]
Gripphon [1.13d SC FAM]
Thyiad [1.13d SC FAM]

Available for teams
Gripphon [1.13d SC FAM]
thefranklin [1.13d SC FAM]
Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
Cyrax [1.13d SC FAM]
LiquidClear [1.13d SC FAM]
Zylo [1.13d SC FAM]
TheNix [1.13d SC FAM]
Nice to see the pindle category having new entries just before the start.
I wish you good luck on the drops in advance.
Cmon people. Today midnight MFO starts so this is last moment you can sign up.
It seems there will be no teams. Too bad.
Are the Pindle people not interested in teams or are they afraid to ask people to join one? If they're not opposed to being part of a team we could make random teams with people from the lvl85 areas that are interested in teams.
If they really don't want to play teams: Anyone from lvl85 that wanna join up with me?
Pindle people can join teams, why not. That would be awesome. Hey people, let's try to make teams this last day to make MFO more interesting? I'm talking about 2 man teams, to not be confused with previous MFO's where 3 man teams played since then 3 categories were active. 2 man teams, no matter are both players from same categories.

I'm also open for team with people from both categories. I'm sending invitation to Maxicek, Zylo, Srrw, TheNix and Thyiad for a team! Whoever wants and replies first, we can make a team no problem.
Playing time is very limited since I'm on a trip, so any team has me will have a disadvantage, that is why I did not put my name in the first place.
nulio said:
Come on people, more or less 24 hours until this starts, I'd love to see more sign ups and more trash talking!
I'm gonna be the first guy to find Tyrael's at Pindle. Got a good feeling about this one. :cool::cool::cool:
About teams, @Gripphon and @Thyiad are on both categories, I guess if they know what category they will run more they can pick a runner from the other group.

Otherwise I'd say that @dOOmas @TheNix @GooberGrape @maxicek need to see if they want to be in a team and pick a runner from the available for teams group. I didn't include @XyleneCyanol because he already said something about teams.
Teams are just for fun anyway. Maybe before they had some meaning, but these days we are lucky if we will have any kind of teams, whether or not people actually play the MFO or not.

I report Maxicek and Gripphon in a team "PvP N00bz"

First team is here guys! Go make moar teams!

Level 85 Areas
Gripphon [1.13d SC FAM]
thefranklin [1.13d SC FAM]
Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
Cyrax [1.13d SC FAM]
LiquidClear [1.13d SC FAM]
Zylo [1.13d SC FAM]
queenEm [1.13d SC FAM]
srrw [1.13d HC FAM]
kestegs [1.13d SC FAM]
Saluki [1.13d SC FAM]
Thyiad [1.13d SC FAM]

dOOmas [1.13d SC FAM]
TheNix [1.13d SC FAM]
XyleneCyanol [1.13d SC FAM]
maxicek [1.13d SC FAM]
GooberGrape [1.13d SC FAM]
Gripphon [1.13d SC FAM]
Thyiad [1.13d SC FAM]
PvP N00bz (Maxicek and Gripphon)

Available for teams
thefranklin [1.13d SC FAM]
Grape [1.13d SC FAM]
Cyrax [1.13d SC FAM]
LiquidClear [1.13d SC FAM]
Zylo [1.13d SC FAM]
TheNix [1.13d SC FAM]
Sorry but because of my job, i might have to work on this upcoming weekend and stay late a few days, dont want to be a burden

Since i dont know how much free time ill have(cant sit all day on my pc), id rather solo.
Can anyone clue me in on the rules governing teams? This is my first MFO.
You simply make agreement with someone to make a team. Then you two decide what your team will be called and in the end simply sign in your team with team name and put name of players in brackets, just like I did in last post.

Being in team just means your team gets score based on your ranking in each category. In general, first place in category brought 10 points, second place 9 points, third place 8 points and so on. Best placed teammate in each category is assigned points for his achievement. Rules for this case could have small addition: best score according to category final ranking is assigned for each teammate, even if they are in same category.

I end up second in Areas category, and fifth in Pindle. My teammate Max ends up first in Pindle. Total points of team would be: I'm getting 9 points for second place at Areas, and 0 points for Pindle since my Areas ranking is higher. Max is getting 10 points for Pindle ranking. Final team score: 19 points.

Example 2:
Nagisa and OMG are unbeatable team. Nagisa ends up first in Areas category and first at Pindle category. OMG ends up second in Areas category despite finding two Tyrael's, and second place on Pindle. Points are: Nagi is getting 10 points for either Pindle or Areas (can't get for both), and OMG is getting 9 points for either Pindle or Areas. Final team score: 19 points.

Now there could be different points value assigned depending on ranking. Or even score. Whatever works. It is up to Nulio to make scoring system.
I think it should just be cumulative score between 2 teammates this time, since we're going to have teams with just a85 members. Plus that makes everyone's score matter, as opposed to someone finding Tyrael's making his teammate's score moot.

Pindle scores will obviously have the disadvantage of not being able to land Tyrael's (since it's so common in a85, obviously) but we almost combined the two anyways, so their scores are comparable.
Speaking of teams, there are few potential ones!

Grape and GooberGrape could form a team named "(1+Goober)Grape" or "Grape Twins"
LiquidClear and XyleneCyanol could form a team named "LiquidColor"
thefranklin and TheNix could form a team named "The Godfathers"
queenEM and Thyiad could form a team named "Powerpuff Girls"


j/k. No forcing on it. If there will be teams, there will be. If not, there won't be. As simple as that.
Liquad, you sound like tyraels is rly common in a85s
Maybe i should switch lol

F it, since theres only 1 team, i propose that someone joins me for a team as well, doesnt matter who, ill even let you think of a name
Haha, @GooberGrape , let's form that "Grape Twins" (or whatever), shall we? (ps. no pressure, at least I probably won't have much time to run, just for fun) :p

Caught a glimpse of LiquidClear running yesterday with Pit Zerker. Barbs too good.... but oh well, my Javazon is lvl 97 really soon (and that was my original goal for the MFO), so it seems I will run mostly with my Singer.

PS. Has anyone ever made it to lvl 98 running Pits at /P8? I have no idea what kind of time investment that would be. Thinking if I should retire with Java or continue... :)

It is possible to make a good estimate based purely on bosspack experience. Champion packs and regular monsters could make slight difference, but this method is very accurate +- some hours maybe (maybe 2-3 at most, but doing same method to estimate time needed for CS hammerdin, my assumption was very very close to measured time).

If 96-97 takes X time, then from 97-98 takes ~2.7 X time if we include the fact you need more experience to reach next level too. Now you decide is it worth your time.

Champion packs would defintiely make some difference since on level 97 you receive 12 times less xp from them than on level 96. Since we know 20% of all bosspacks are champion packs + we assume we kill everything and 3 champions is some average number of champions per pack, we can make more precise estimation for xp needed. But 2.7+ X is at least what we will need to level up to 98.
If everyone hasn't worked out my abysmal tourney record by now ... it's abysmal. Family either go nuts, or I forget, or my left arm drops off ... it's just bad. You do not want to team with me.

Frankly I wanted to run Baal but as he's not around, I figured sign up for Pindle because ... he's in Act 5. I loathe Pindle, tight reared git, and so I may spend more time in a85. Probably. I might not.

I did consider not running Atil and shove a metric tonne of mf on something else.

In short .. I have no idea what I'm doing.

On the upside, at least I can reply to the thread now.
Thanks @Gripphon . 2,7 X more doesn't sound terrible. Maybe a long-term project over few MFOs/alvl 85 tournaments etc. Yeah, it will be quite easy to make an estimate after running awhile and checking hourly exp for example.
Good luck everyone!

@Grape Any advice on the javazon? I'll be making one "soon".
I'd join a team if someone wants. I'm going to win the a85 category, so we could win even with a below average score on Pindle.

Although if I find as many tyrael's as I think I will then it won't really matter if I even have anyone on my team.

Yup, that's what's going to happen!
TreeOfSmoke said:
Good luck everyone!

@Grape Any advice on the javazon? I'll be making one "soon".
Here's my equipment and it works like a charm:

Upgraded Titan's (more dmg versus LI, if you have eth one, even better. I don't... then you'd need another pair in stash as well)
Enigma (Mage Plate)
Griffon's Eye '15 IAS/6 MF' Jewel
Highlord's Wrath
Stormshield 'Ist'
War Traveler
10 FCR/29 MAEK 1.07 ring (maybe use Silkweave boots there if you don't have fcr/mpk ring.)
Raven Frost
Rare 2 Java/20 IAS gloves with some mana leech, mf and resistances
Switch: CtA and Spirit

Inventory full of MF Small Charms, 3 skillers and Gheed's

Merc is Might with Fortitude, Infinity and Andy's

Teleing with switch from pack to pack. 1-2 furys destroy most and charged strike the possible boss if it is still alive. I used 4 X Ist Monarch earlier but as I leveled up and wanted to keep my exp (suffered a death sometimes with nasty archer packs) I switched to Stormshield and max block. I haven't tested it without those three skillers; full inventory with MF could also work, at least with Infinity, and even more so with Griffon's, but those skillers have nice life and I kept them for extra safety. If I hadn't Griffon's, I'd use Shako. That - res from Griffon's helps a lot versus high lightning res monsters.

Will swap Stormshield for 3XIst Artisan's Tower Shield of Deflecting for MFO, if I even run with this.

What else... I tend to kill the biggest crowds even if there's no bosses. Killing few dozen creeps every run with just a few seconds lost is a good trade-off, I think.

This build meets the 55 IAS break point and 68 FCR break point for tele with switch and >33fcr Spirit.

Also no D/A/E nor Valkyrie. Couple points in pierce for maximum effect with Razortail. Rest is LF/CS and synergies.
About teams, what the majority decides I'll go along with it.
Just write the team rules and scoring system in a proper and simple way so I can edit it in the first post. Please do this until the end of day #1.

Sign-ups will close for a player when the MFO starts in that player's timezone. I might postpone this deadline up to 24h if that player asks nicely. Don't forget I'm holding a club with a nail!

I'll be the supervisor for both categories and maareek will be after those you don't send me updates. Beware!

I'd like to receive updates from:
- The first three days (Friday and weekend) until the end of Monday, September 7th
- The first seven days (until 11:59 PM of Thursday) until the end of Friday, September 11th
- Final score as soon as you can, please just send it when you finish playing for the MFO :)

Question, can I trash-talk also?
Zylo and I have come together to form team "Happy Accidents".

Also, as far as team scoring goes, I've already advocated the 2-man cumulative score idea. There aren't enough Pindlers to match up with a85. Plus more people can get involved this way, and at this point we might as well do anything that promotes team formation. (And all the "Available for teams" people are a85 anyways) Plus this gives incentive for both teammates to keep running to improve their score since it'll be taken into account no matter what. Yeah, I had better thought out ideas earlier, but whatever.
LiquidClear said:
Zylo and I have come together to form team "Happy Accidents".


Also, as far as team scoring goes, I've already advocated the 2-man cumulative score idea. There aren't enough Pindlers to match up with a85. Plus more people can get involved this way, and at this point we might as well do anything that promotes team formation. (And all the "Available for teams" people are a85 anyways) Plus this gives incentive for both teammates to keep running to improve their score since it'll be taken into account no matter what. Yeah, I had better thought out ideas earlier, but whatever.
Agreed. There just aren't enough participants to go with the traditional team setup.

With LiquidClear's leet skillz, and me channeling my inner Bob Ross - it'll be a Happy Accident if we end up with anything but a win.

Q: That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
A: Nope, but this does....
View attachment 2569
Secret to MFO 2015 - Get some!
I think the cumulative score is good.

Nulio, you should definitely talk trash, nobody else seems to get it.
You guyzzz all suck. To atone for your suckness you'll need to gieb me all the goodies you'll find!

Wait... is this trash-talking or me just asking for itamz as usual?
nulio said:
You guyzzz all suck. To atone for your suckness you'll need to gieb me all the goodies you'll find!

Wait... is this trash-talking or me just asking for itamz as usual?
No asking for items in the SPF and you didn't use trade tags, so it better be trash talk. :p

While I do respect every runner in each category, it does have to be said that they do lack a certain something which I believe will allow me to take the MFO crown in both categories (and teams, although I'm solo). I'm sure they will put their heart and soul (or mouse batteries and wrists) into it, but unfortunately, I know they won't be able to overcome the monumental force which is Thyiad during a MFO. So good luck guys and commisserations.

See, polite trash-talk. :p
This is an extremely busy weekend for me otherwise I would love to join.

Good luck!
There's two weekends in a 10 day MFO or am I puzzled?
1 hour 52 minutes into MFO and already found Tyrael's. You can quit, guys. And ladies.
The drops in your dreams, don't count Gripphon. :D
Not only two weekends, but also six more weekdays!
@Grape we should absolutely team up, but we need an epic name that is worthy of the collective irony of our shared nominibus. I propose "The Wrath of Grapes". If you concur, please add our names to the team board!
<LiquidClear>where are the spoiler tags?
<nulio>hmm I have power now
<nulio>I'll ban gripphon from mfo
<nulio>and make this fun for everyone
Best idea I've heard all day!
GooberGrape said:
@Grape we should absolutely team up, but we need an epic name that is worthy of the collective irony of our shared nominibus. I propose "The Wrath of Grapes". If you concur, please add our names to the team board!
How about Team Raisins, because you'll be shriveled and dried up by the time team Happy Accidents is done with you! Zing! (Is this how trash talk is done?)
I've put in an hour or so into Pindle and got a couple of single figure qualifiers but if I can convert some of the rares that have dropped into greens or golds, I'll be a happy bunny!
@GooberGrape , love the name! Others, fearrrr! Also adding "Happy Accidents" to the list of teams. We need more teams, with only three of us there's a guaranteed podium place for every team and that's just too lame ;p
Good luck everybody.

Don't forget to remove from available for teams who already is in a team. Cheers
Zylo you have the wrong Liquid!

nulio, just make teams from the others available at random. That's what jjscud used to do iirc.
Edited few names out.

Ran couple hours. Next runs will be made Sunday night :p GL all etc. Don't find too many Tyrael's or it might be too hard for me to catch up..
I've gained two more levels than I've found qualifiers. That wasn't exactly what I was going for, game!
Remember not to post qualifiers everyone. Runes, rares and non-qualifiers are GG though!
@maxicek I think I won't do that but I'll try to help that some more teams might pop up.

@TheNix you listed yourself as available for teams and you're the only one in Pindle still on that list. Do you want to talk with @Cyrax and @thefranklin about one of them joining in a team?

And then I'd say for the other one to spam other players to find someone for their team :) Go go team forming and player bonding!
Any suggestions on what to use to open the "excel" file? im on linux btw.

Nevermind,got it open in Google Sheets.
@dOOmas did the formulas work on Google?
I tried the point counter abit, it seemed to work.
So after one day of playing (running is a too strong word since I have done the Pits maybe 10 times...) and so far the best I got was a M'avinas Icy clutch. That is NOT a qualifier...

Three reasons I will NOT win this MFO

1. I will perhaps have one hour per day to play
2. One run in the Pits takes average 7 minutes
3. I have 128 in mf

However: I enjoy this forum and sharing the game with you so much it doesn't really matter
@queenEm , you can do it!
maxicek said:
Zylo you have the wrong Liquid!
That one was all about the PVP. This one is all about the MF - I chose wisely!

queenEm said:
Three reasons I will NOT win this MFO

1. I will perhaps have one hour per day to play
2. One run in the Pits takes average 7 minutes
3. I have 128 in mf

4. Happy Accidents
First day of running is done for me. Had a rocky start. Found SOJ before i even found my first qualifier. By the time i had 3 qualifiers i also had 3 unique rings. Aforementioned SOJ, carrionwind (improvement on perfect grail) and manald. I guess the game thought i'd get points for finding all unique rings or something.

After that things slowly went better. In the end i guess for a first day my top 5 is totally acceptable. Only found one rune worth picking up (ist). Also found this:

Arcing Small Charm of Good Luck
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 57
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x837a6954
Adds 1-41 lightning damage
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Not sure what to use it for, but it seems to nice to be collecting dust in a stash.

And before i forget: I'm using the Excel sheet and i love it! Nice job nulio! :) (Why didn't you make this years ago? :rolleyes:) Now for updates i can just send the sheet back. ;)

I just hope Excel is big enough to contain all Griph's qualifiers. :D
Manage to play all the way after work, yeah!

Diadem, Corona and Giant Thresher are raining from the sky, but none of them have a gold colour.

Keep going !
@Cyrax Thanks! Nah nah copy and paste the top5 table in a PM ;)
It has 999 rows iirc, if Gripphon finds more qualifiers than that I call hax!
And are you joining a team?

@all Don't forget: you cannot say anything about your finds (qualifiers)and your score. Only when you're giving me your updates.
Troll a lot and joke about having a gazillion qualifiers, from which of course half are Tyraels!

I'll update the first two posts with the info about sending the updates to supervisors (me) and with the final list of participants.
Double post to say:

- You can talk about finds with your team mate at your discretion - just don't make anything public.
(it's impossible anyway to enforce that the participants don't talk between themselves)

- And what the final qualification rules for teams?
I wish I had excel so I could use the hax sheet :(
I found some obscenely good rare boots in my stash. Like the caliber of boots that they used to dupe. This may be the first time I've worn something other than War Travelers in my entire D2 career.

EDIT: @Zylo

 Storm StalkerWyrmhide Boots
Defense: 54
Durability: 12 of 12
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0x63bf9467
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+14% Chance to cast level 5 Charged Bolt when struck
+30% Faster Run/Walk
Cold Resist +36%
Lightning Resist +8%
Fire Resist +31%
21% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
kestegs said:
I wish I had excel so I could use the hax sheet :(
I'm having same problem. No excel on the gaming computer.

GooberGrape[ I found some obscenely good rare boots in my stash. Like the caliber of boots that they used to dupe. This may be the first time I've worn something other than War Travelers in my entire D2 career.[/quote said:
Readout or it didn't happen.

Don't worry. Luck follows people who don't give up! And Nulio, but that is a given.

Also I totally like new teams. 1 or 2 more for better fun!
nulio said:
TheNix you listed yourself as available for teams and you're the only one in Pindle still on that list. Do you want to talk with @Cyrax and @thefranklin about one of them joining in a team?
With MrsNix going into hospital on Monday for her pre-op visit and me going in to see a specialist on Thursday I'm not going to be a reliable team player. But if @Cyrax or @thefranklin want a part time partner I'm up for it. Just a hint, I'm happy with my first 24 hour haul!

Also, @nulio when's the first report due?
Report of the first three days being sent until the end of Monday :)
Sure @TheNix , I can't promise I will have more than ~10 hours anyway. My mouse broke and I couldn't stop runcounter. I spent 5 minutes trying to fix it before I ran to get another. Really screwed my run times.
thefranklin said:
Sure @TheNix , I can't promise I will have more than ~10 hours anyway. My mouse broke and I couldn't stop runcounter. I spent 5 minutes trying to fix it before I ran to get another. Really screwed my run times.
Ok, what will we call ourselves? The the's?
nulio said:
And are you joining a team?
It seems like nobody left who wants to team up. Unless i can somehow can convince @Thyiad that you can only lose your left arm once. :p Otherwise i should just show people why they should've been lining up for me. ;)

kestegs said:
I wish I had excel so I could use the hax sheet :(

You do know the sheet doesn't find the good stuff for you, don't you?
Cyrax said:
You do know the sheet doesn't find the good stuff for you, don't you?
That must be what I'm doing wrong!

I found a Lem this morning. That was about the extent of the excitement for today's running.
That's what I am talking about!!! Some luck completely undeserved but still.. One qualifier: check! And a Lem as well.

Since my goal with the MFO is finding 5 qualifiers to report I am feeling rather confident!
I'm actually running. Shh, don't tell my family.

Haven't actually found anything yet. Still trying to get used to the keys on this ergonomic keyboard (helps my rsi).

I've got out Freezeyaballs so I can focus a bit more on MF rather than killing Atil.

Took me a while to find AT .. I knew it was there somewhere.
Rough day running. Only after running 3/4th of the day i found an improvement on my top 5. Then when i was thinking about calling it a day i decided to do 5 more runs. First run of those, another improvement. I guess perseverance does pay off.

Thing most happy today is my pgem stash. I think i got ~150 pgems just by running today. Also another 2 ists. And these 2 jewels found within the first 25 runs of the day:

Crimson Jewel of Carnage
Required Level: 30
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x4795267b
+6 to Minimum Damage
+13 to Maximum Damage

Vermilion Jewel of Bliss
Required Level: 50
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x11e4d7b0
+10 to Minimum Damage
+14 to Maximum Damage
Cyrax said:
It seems like nobody left who wants to team up. Unless i can somehow can convince @Thyiad that you can only lose your left arm once. :p Otherwise i should just show people why they should've been lining up for me. ;)
@Cyrax - if you want to team that's fine, just be aware ... I suck.

EDIT: up from my nap, so back to running until I conk out again. Too many weeks, not enough sleep!
TheNix said:
Ok, what will we call ourselves? The the's?
Yes, short for "The most ridiculously handsome and swell guys on The planet"

If that is to close to home, we could always be Nilk Narf Xin.
I felt that it was time for the game to drop me a Templar's or Griffon's, then it gave me this. Pretty good: 3 pieces of TC87 in a single run, only if I had more luck ......

Thyiad said:
@Cyrax - if you want to team that's fine, just be aware ... I suck.

EDIT: up from my nap, so back to running until I conk out again. Too many weeks, not enough sleep!
Excellent! I love women who s.. nevermind. :oops:

Now all we need is a team name. Given the current status of the MFO perhaps 'FashionablyLate'? ;) And i'm not to worried about your running. Just use your mod powers to zap all decent finds from other contestants and we're fine. :)

*splashes bucket of cold water over Thy* Wake up! You can sleep after the MFO!
Somehow i feel this should be on the list of qualifiers.

Torch of Iro
One-Hand Damage: 3 to 6
Durability: 8 of 8
Required Level: 5
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0xdac812f4
+10 to Energy
Regenerate Mana 5%
Adds 5-9 fire damage
6% Life stolen per hit
+1 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+3 to Light Radius
150% Damage to Undead
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

This is might be equally rare as Tyrael's.

Edit: Having a deja vu

Vermilion Jewel of Bliss
Required Level: 50
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x38eb705
+8 to Minimum Damage
+15 to Maximum Damage
I am not sure if I have 5 qualifiers, but I have found 4-5 lums. Is that good?

Edit: well, now I think I am at least tied for 2nd place for highest rune found :)
Send update to nulio. This concludes my weekend and holiday. Tomorrow i'll have to see the mess people left at work while i was gone. :(

As far as today goes: Found my first HR (sur), ethereal torch of iro which i posted earlier and two more improvements in the top 5.

Despite one death a day on all 3 days i'm also close to lvling. That'll get me a cool 1% extra MF so you all stand no chance of winning after that! :p
Question: are we allowed to use two characters for the same target? Like if I want to run my sorc for a while, then my barb for a while, would the scores combine or would I have to keep track of two different sets of scores?
You can use as many characters as you want, it's one haul.
So far today I ran ... nowhere, but did have a good walk around Stonehenge.

I think I found a qualifier last night. So ... my usual standard. :D
Update sent. This MFO is kinda average to me and overall first 3 days weren't terrible, but not good either given the amount of running I did. But, there are still 7 days left to improve score bit by bit and to hope for "happy accidents" to happen (hey guys, that is awesome name for a team, I like it a lot).
Nice to see that I already got five updates.

Good luck everybody!

Any question about the excel (don't forget to read all the instructions I wrote on the first thread) or MFO don't hesitate to ask.
@nulio the excel sheet will not load in OpenOffice, so I manually calculated the interim score and sent PM.
GooberGrape said:
@nulio the excel sheet will not load in OpenOffice, so I manually calculated the interim score and sent PM.
Works fine in Libre Office (rebranded Open Office).
I have to read more about excel online to see if it's really free, I have an account so I don't know if for a new user it will open or not.

But it works in google docs also. Just upload it there and it's working fine (only the iterations part doesn't work, so no auto timestamping).

I got 10 updates, only 6 missing :)
I didn't try it on Google docs, will have to try later.

Got a couple upgrades to my 2 and 3 spots this morning, that was nice.
I found 1 qualifier - what is this sorcery? Am i the only one this unlucky?
Ran a whopping ~3h during the weekend. Today I picked Javazon instead of Singer. Highlight of the MFO so far:

View attachment 2574

I hit 97 with her. That was my original goal for the MFO when I thought I'd have more running left. I think I'll do most of the MFO from now on with Singer. Far better efficiency for sets/uniques with him.
It feels so weird to see people running with a singer barb and for me to be running with a cold Sorc. Maybe by next mfo I'll rebuild my singer barb.

Grats on 97!
Thanks! Singer Barbs are fun and easy for sure :p and on top of that they can be quite efficient runners too.

Yeah I remember that you used to have one. :)
I have a .ods from last year you can use. It doesn't do fancy timestamps and doesn't handle multiple items with the same score. There also no autofilling in the item name. I don't know enough open office to fix those, and I don't want to waste the time to do it.

But it does do the top 5 correctly, and that is all I care about. 14 - Copy.ods?dl=0

PS: I just signed up for dropbox, let me know if that doesnt work.
I got the first 3 day results from everybody except srrw. I'll PM him.

I can say that most results so far are good and there's potential for great scores.
In A85 most people are divided in two groups, very close to each other in each one.
In Pindle+ players are more dispersed.

Anything can happen, good luck everybody on the rest of the MFO!
nulio said:
In A85 most people are divided in two groups, very close to each other in each one.
And there's also Griph, who's lightyears ahead of everyone. :p
I'd suggest we don't wait for Srrw response and post the standings instead. Simply put question mark next to his name, he could send update for the next time.

Well, if I'm lightyears in front of everyone with this kind of score I have, then I'd ask other participants "what the hell are you doing? It is MFO time, wake up!" But that is not the case anyway.
^^ Agreed. Just list 1-10 in the A85 category then list him at 10001st place. Seems fair.
So people asked for the standings and here they are.


1. TheNix
2. XyleneCyanol
3. maxicek
4. GooberGrape
5. dOOmas
Not running. Thyiad
Not running. Gripphon


1. Gripphon
2. Zylo
3. Cyrax
4. LiquidClear
5. Saluki
6. Grape
7. kestegs
8. thefranklin
9. Thyiad
10. queenEm
?. srrw

As I said before:
nulio said:
I can say that most results so far are good and there's potential for great scores.
In A85 most people are divided in two groups, very close to each other in each one.
In Pindle+ players are more dispersed.

Anything can happen, good luck everybody on the rest of the MFO!
I am not last!! At least not yet. Once srrw comes in with the result I will be. But 10 out of 11 is good enough :)
Just about what I expected :)

"there's potential for great scores" ... who found Tyrael's!?! if it's Gripphon again, it's game over; he's gonna try for a high score :p
Well, I expected to be somewhere at top 3 spots, but not on top. It seems there are no lucksacks yet at MFO. I believe top X spots are like 5 to most 10 points apart, I'm just not sure what X is. We all still wait for big scorers it seems. Should be interesting till the end. Proper MFO!
I'm guessing X = 5.

Gripphon said:
Well, if I'm lightyears in front of everyone with this kind of score I have, then I'd ask other participants "what the hell are you doing? It is MFO time, wake up!" But that is not the case anyway.

If you're not lightyears ahead i think the better question is: What the hell are YOU doing?! :p
I thought my drops sucked and I'm in third. Only two nights of running too.

Highest rune: Thul. Seriously.
Didn't think I'd be that low, but I guess my score improved a fair amount since update. Oh well, guess I'll have to find a few tyrael's.
How are the teams looking @nulio ?
I was waiting for final decision of players on how teams will work.
Ignorance is bliss. It seems my singer barb's old Pit map was better. I shouldn't have checked and just pretend I'm doing this in an efficient way.

Also every time with these competitions I notice how much my S&E/loading times suck. I rarely nowadays play with run counter on. I have to admit it gets little bit on nerves when you see it yourself that how many seconds you are wasting every run.


Is there any way besides deleting map/moving screen shots away to make it faster? Play on a better computer? :D (I play D2 on a not so new laptop..)
When I moved from my desktop to my laptop I noticed a big difference in the loading times (for worse).

I can't be sure if it's because I moved from win7 to win8.1/10 (some users complained about loading times when they upgraded windows) or because of the lower CPU power.

But my safe bet would be having something with win xp or win 7 with a SSD and cpu/ram enough to not be called too bad/old.
Yeah that could be. I'll just run a couple hours more to compensate for it ;)

Meanwhile in the Pit:

Good news: found a couple eth grailers
Bad news: not improving my top 5 a lot
Cyrax said:
If you're not lightyears ahead i think the better question is: What the hell are YOU doing?! :p
Good question!
Since score update was day and a half ago, things could change by now. Maybe I don't lead anymore, maybe you lead now. Who knows. Quite exciting, isn't it?!

BTW I'm not biggest fish this MFO people should be "afraid" of. There is one player who will outperform me this MFO with huge investment in playing time. I'm not sure does he want me to say his name in public here, clearly he will say it himself if he wants to. Compared to him, I'm like nothing. Only question is, who will have higher luck in the end. Agreed.
Oi! I am running Pindle, he just isn't dropping anything, tight-fisted git.
Are there more teams other than the three you can see in post #2?
TheNix and thefranklin apparently formed a team named "The the's". I think that's it, but lets wait confirmation.

As for team scoring, we can do scoring like
"best score of player 1 + best score of player 2 = total team score"
LC suggested something like that.
Team standings:

1. Happy Accidents (LiquidClear and Zylo)
2. PvP N00bz (Maxicek and Gripphon)
3. The the's (TheNix and thefranklin)
4. The Wrath of Grapes (GooberGrape and Grape)
Go Nix, Go!

Top 10, whoop!
Just upgraded my #5 slot for a 17.6% improvement. Hooray for incremental progress!
Nulio you nub. You're not running in the MFO so you have all the time in the world to keep up with this thread. Had to twist Thy's arm to get her to team up and now we're not even on the list. Then again she didn't react to the team name i suggested so maybe she had second thoughts. ;)

Also wondering how scoring is done. Is it like first place in category is 10 pts, second 9pts, etc? Just curious because if that's the case teams that fully run in lvl 85 areas will have a harder time as there's about twice as much people running there compared to Pindle. Which means it's about twice as hard to finish first.

Despite another day, another death my sorc made it to the next lvl. She's 95 now. Getting to 96 during this MFO will prove to be too difficult, but we'll see how far i can take her. Merc was inspired by my example and also died shortly before lvling. :)
I asked about final teams before posting standings. People are too busy playing and don't reply, next they are going to tell me it's MFO time no? Oh wait... :p

Just confirm me the team's name and I'll add it. :)

The team score is the sum of each player's best score. So it doesn't matter if a category has more people or not.

I guess a team where both players are in A85 can have an advantage, but that needs a way bigger time investment to get nice map and then more practice/skill to be able to make it more efficient than Pindle.
I don't think best score only is good for teams, one lucky drop skews the effort put in.

I had a bad couple of nights, nothing of interest really. Waiting for the lucky streak....
Based on our late entry as a team i suggested FashionablyLate as a name. Since Thy failed to protest against that within the designated timeframe (in threefold, using the correct forms) i think that's become it by default. :)
I agree maxicek, but it seems the best and easiest way to balance one category having more people and one category having less (and a small number of people). And I asked before MFO started for people to decide final rules for teams, so I accepted the only opinion/decision posted after that ^^

We can use instead the previous team scoring rules:

- Please only sign up for team if you are fairly certain you will be able to participate, your team will be depending on you.

- You may have up to a maximum of 5 members in a team with a minimum of 3 members (no 1 or 2 man teams)

- Each member must first be registered under the Singles MFO first.

- One member may run more than one category.

- Scoring will be based on your team's highest scores in each category.

- Multiple members in a single category is allowed. However, only the highest score of 1 member will be taken into account.

Eg. Both Fred and George are in Team CB and running Baal. Fred has a score 150 while George's is 130. Hence Team CB's score for Baal will be based on Fred's ranking.

- When registering your team here, simply state your team name and its members.

- Points will be awarded based on ranking in your category, 1st place gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, 3rd gets 8 and so on. If 2nd place is not participating in the teams competition, and 3rd is, 3rd still gets 8 points.

- Team play is just for bragging rights, participating in a team will not risk any of your MFO finds any further.

- If you do not have a team currently but wish to participate on a team. Please sign up under "Availible for teams", this will let others creating a team to know that you are available and I will create as many teams as possible with those that remain at the end.

But then a win in a category with half of the participants values the same as a win in the other.

Please reach an agreement before second update :)
Updated Team standings:

1. Happy Accidents (LiquidClear and Zylo)
2. PvP N00bz (Maxicek and Gripphon)
3. The the's (TheNix and thefranklin)
4. FashionablyLate (Cyrax and Thyiad)
5. The Wrath of Grapes (GooberGrape and Grape)
I suggest sum of best five items of team.

Eg. Grip is OP and has 5x Tyraels. maxicek' luck sucks so he has 5 green ogre mauls. Score is best 5 items, so 5x Tyraels.
Wouldn't that almost completely kill team work in some cases? In your example I don't see any team work at place. I think scoring should be made toward making team work having higher impact where both teammates always influence the final score of a team, instead of having possibility that one teammate doesn't influence team score at all.
I think he may have teamed up with you in order to make teamwork unnecessary. One man army!
Too many failed Archon Plate and Spiderweb Sash for me !!!!

Anyway, I now officially like zerker more than my blizzard sorc :)
I found an upgrade to my #4 spot and then on the next run to my #2 spot. Now all I need to do is upgrade my #1 spot!
Grip enters some bar where LiquidClear and Fabian are getting heavily drunk. They are singing "Yellow submarine" song with beers in their hands in big hug. Grip comes to their table and says:
"Hey guys, this table is mine. Move or I will move you myself!"
"You and whose army?!" - asks Fabian too drunk to realize who they are dealing with.
LiquidClear takes a closer look at Grip and with some staring he finally recognizes him. With fear in his eyes he pulls Fabnus away from table saying:
LiquidClear said:
t-t-this is Grip. THE Grip. One man army!
At table next to them Gandalf turns around saying in his unique way: "fly, you fools!"

Thank you, thank you. 1/10.
nulio said:
- You may have up to a maximum of 5 members in a team with a minimum of 3 members (no 1 or 2 man teams)
I think we can all agree to discontinue this rule. :)

Gripphon said:
Wouldn't that almost completely kill team work in some cases? In your example I don't see any team work at place. I think scoring should be made toward making team work having higher impact where both teammates always influence the final score of a team, instead of having possibility that one teammate doesn't influence team score at all.

I think it would be difficult, maybe even impossible, to come up with something that's 100% fair to all. So i second what Griph said as it seems to be fairly fair without being overly complicated.
I just copy pasted previous team rules to help discussion, but yeah that part about the limit is auto discontinued.

I guess we can even add the following rule: If you are Grip you can be alone in a team, you are one man army after all!
Can someone tell me what's the highest qualifier that a champion can drop? I seem to remember that there's a point where it's not worth it to kill them, and while I'm probably not to that point I'm curious.
I think we should automatically give people in the same category as Griph some points. Just because they have to guts to even try to oppose his reign.
So top three from each team member?
Why not top 5? The smaller the top X the more luck decides everything. And using top 5 total, that is already calculated, even makes it easier.
Translated that says: Otherwise i have to put in effort to modify Excel to calculate if for me. :p

(And yeah, just use top 5.)
Well got a few more drops from pindle,still hoping to be not the last by the end.
I put some more mf on and that made a huge difference! I had 103 before and now 166. Also lvld to 85.

Anyways... I now have not one but two (2!!!) qualifiers :)
That's like double! You go Em!

As for me....another nice find that gives me absolutely no points:

Shogukusha's Grand Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x43bc4687
+38 to Life
+1 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)
Lucky you. I started to wonder why do I even bother picking up charms. Its not like I got a single useful one in two MFOs combined now, but at least I'm collecting them for statistics.
I'm lucky? You're number 1 in current standings, so you must've found something decent. Instead i just found another fairly rare item that gets me absolutely nowhere. Ethereal hotspur this time.

Today i didn't even get close to top 5. Not even a single qualifier for the last hour. So yeah i wouldn't mind trading luck with you. Hopefully it'll rain Tyrael's tomorrow.
I did 300 runs today with 776/656 MF 55% hork pitzerker on a ~7.95-8.05 bosspack map with 0 haulpic items, abnormally low number of rare items and lowish number of charms. Wanna trade? I'm in!

Also I did find something decent, but standings were like 3 days ago. Only god knows by how many points you lead now.
This is starting to look like a re-run of last year's MFO for me. Great first day, good second day, fair third day and nothing since!!
Anyone else collecting every single qualifier they find? I do.

Would be fun to compare results in the end.

Oh well, I think I will be able to double my effort during the weekend. One motivation booster drop would be nice before that :)
I'm collecting every single qualifier from pindle, although I don't count how many runs I have done, but will probably do from today, or maybe not. Every time I use a run counter, I become so obsessed about run speed and eventually end up not enjoying the playing ...... :)
The only way i lead is if you got points deducted. :p

Monday hardly time to play. Tuesday i did have some improvement in top 5, but only by a very small margin. And yesterday was a complete wash. So all in all i'll be glad if by the start of the weekend i'm still in 3rd place.

Nix, are you having deja vu's? If so you might have ended up in the matrix.

@Grape Actually i do. Using nulio's spreadsheet. Planning to post it after MFO. That way people can follow what happened during my MFO and given that there's lots of people here like me that like statistics and such it's kinda fun to collect the 'research data' like that.

Other than that i hope sorting out those items after MFO will lead to a nice boost for my perfect grail. Items that don't qualify are processed immediately so with stuff like eth hotspur and eth torch of iro my perfect ethereal grail has already gotten a boost.
@XyleneCyanol Yeah it's a good tool for actually improving your playing, but it really can kill the joy too, I know.

@Cyrax nice, I use it also. At the end of every (or every other) playing session I add the new qualifiers there.

I have been too lazy to check my perfect grail status after I entered that table back then. And I still don't pick all uniques I should for improving... only those which I remember the perfect one/my own current best. Getting eth hotspur AND torch of iro from area lvl 85 is just nasty. You should add yourself to the ethereal grail status table as well, it's not too crowded there.
I add them as i find them. So by the timestamps you can get a pretty accurate view of when/how much i played and how many runs/time in between i found the qualifiers.

Shame on you. I pick up everything where there's doubt if it could improve my (eth) perfect grail. Luckily there's lots of items i know i have perfect (or even perfect for both normal and eth), or if they're id'ed i know are too low quality to improve it. That way i don't have to check everything in my sheet. It's a good way to get to know your D2 items! For instance i know that the unique spetum has no variable stats and i have found them both normal and ethereal so there's no point in picking those up.

Getting those ethereals would've been great outside the MFO, but for the MFO duration i prefer stuff that actually improves my top 5!

I think my reason's for not signing up for that were that i'm already in quite a few tables and, more importantly, i'd have to somehow keep track of which items are normals, exceptionals, etc. Which is something my current sheet doesn't support.
I just had a look the Pindle category in MFO during the past few years (it seems no Pindle in 2014), and I feel I need to do 24 hours per day in order to catch those. I know scores are slightly different in early versions/years, but still, I'm far far behind ...


2013 Winter: Gripphon - 99.6
2013 Summer: ToxFTW - 63.7
2012 Winter: TheNix - 94.8
2012 Summer: nulio - 103.4
2011 Winter: skiffcz - 109.6
2011 Summer: scrcrw - 108.9
2010 Winter: colony – 97.8
2010 Summer: roshen - 100.9


2014 Summer: Gripphon - 131.7
2013 Winter: Fabian - 111.0
2013 Summer: NagisaFurukawa - 111.7
2012 Winter: Nepenthe - 72.1
2012 Summer: Fabian - 126.2 (in other lvl85); Kimppi - 110.2 (in AT)
2011 Winter: bassano - 192.1 (in other lvl85); sequana - 138.3 (in AT)
2011 Summer: MercMan - 104.8 (in other lvl85); Paradigmshift - 62.7 (in AT)
2010 Winter: GabrielSylar - 93.1 (in other lvl85); frozzen - 161.0 (in AT)
2010 Summer: Thomh - 117.4 (in other lvl85); Steven Q Urkel - 79.8 (in AT)


2013 Winter: WoRG - 319.9
2013 Summer: NagisaFurukawa - 415.3
2012 Winter: Frozzzen - 261.5
2012 Summer: WoRG - 518.7
2011 Winter: Denton - 419.9
2011 Summer: nepeta - 560.6
2010 Winter: Zaliqai - 316.7
2010 Summer: maareek - 338.4

EDIT: now updated for all categories.
I'm collecting every single qualifier from pindle
Yep, me too. Closing in on a 100 now.

Cyrax said:
Nix, are you having deja vu's? If so you might have ended up in the matrix.

This isn't deja vu, it's history repeating itself! :eek:
XyleneCyanol said:
I just had a look the Pindle category in MFO during the past few years (it seems no Pindle in 2014), and I feel I need to do 24 hours per day in order to catch those. I know scores are slightly different in early versions/years, but still, I'm far far behind ...

2013 Winter: Gripphon - 99.6
2013 Summer: ToxFTW - 63.7
2012 Winter: TheNix - 94.8
2012 Summer: nulio - 103.4
2011 Winter: skiffcz - 109.6
2011 Summer: scrcrw - 108.9
2010 Winter: colony – 97.8
2010 Summer: roshen - 100.9
Now that's an interesting list. First of all because of the names of some oldtimers. But more importantly. Out of those 8 scores Griph doesn't even end up in the top half! Perhaps we should make a sticky post of this. :D

Also curious about similar list for lvl 85 areas. Just checked the results from the last 2 (in first post from nulio) and if that's the standard i still have lots of running to do to have any chance of winning this.
Cyrax said:
Now that's an interesting list. First of all because of the names of some oldtimers. But more importantly. Out of those 8 scores Griph doesn't even end up in the top half! Perhaps we should make a sticky post of this. :D

Also curious about similar list for lvl 85 areas. Just checked the results from the last 2 (in first post from nulio) and if that's the standard i still have lots of running to do to have any chance of winning this.
Now done, updated for all three categories, of course only one in 2014 :)
Let's see.
From the last 9 MFO's only 3 times no one found Tyrael's, one time there were 2 Tyrael's found, and one time there were 3. In total, that makes 9 Tyrael's found in last 9 MFO's.
So, MFO's are pretty much about getting Tyrael's to win. What a surprise. Conclusion is, potential winner must hope to find Tyrael's. Unless this is one of those few MFO's where no one will find it. Quite simple actually.

As for Pindle... 90+ points is winning score in general while 80+ points could be a potential winning score as well.

Wow, Pindle guys are having so much easier job to do. We from areas must hunt 100-110+ score to win while they will win with only 90+. I call upon hax!
XyleneCyanol said:
Now done, updated for all three categories, of course only one in 2014 :)
Thank you Xylene.

XyleneCyanol said:
2012 Summer: Fabian - 126.2 (in other lvl85); Kimppi - 110.2 (in AT)
2011 Winter: bassano - 192.1 (in other lvl85); sequana - 138.3 (in AT)
2011 Summer: MercMan - 104.8 (in other lvl85); Paradigmshift - 62.7 (in AT)
2010 Winter: GabrielSylar - 93.1 (in other lvl85); frozzen - 161.0 (in AT)
2010 Summer: Thomh - 117.4 (in other lvl85); Steven Q Urkel - 79.8 (in AT)

I'm running AT. Looking at this that was a very bad decision and i have little chance of winning. The differences in scores are huge (exception being winter of 2010 where AT came out on top). :(
Cyrax said:
I'm running AT. Looking at this that was a very bad decision and i have little chance of winning. The differences in scores are huge (exception being winter of 2010 where AT came out on top). :(
Don't give up yet! I can't say about the other MFOs, but in summer 2012 Fabian did 30 hours and I did 16 hours so everything is possible if you just keep on running!
All time high scores with current scoring:

Area lvl 85: Gripphon - 131.7
Pindle+: nulio nulio - 103.4

Cyrax said:
I'm running AT. Looking at this that was a very bad decision and i have little chance of winning. The differences in scores are huge (exception being winter of 2010 where AT came out on top). :(

Well Barbs (specifically Zerkers) are proven to be the most efficient runners there are. Still, few Blizzard sorcs have achieved very very impressive efficiency and are competitive, yet little behind.

Kimppi said:
Don't give up yet! I can't say about the other MFOs, but in summer 2012 Fabian did 30 hours and I did 16 hours so everything is possible if you just keep on running!

Crazy luck there :p
@Kimppi Who said anything about giving up? Certainly not me. ;)

@Grape I know zerkers are really great. Have one that's got some nice gear myself too who i can play pretty well (even if say so myself ;)). Reason to still pick sorc was that barb is very button intensive so i expected i could run far less because my hands would start to hurt. With sorc it may be slightly less efficient, but i can play her much longer. Which overall should lead to a better score for me compared to the barb.
Actually scrcrw has highest score at Pindle with today's scoring system - 108.9
Cyrax said:
I'm running AT. Looking at this that was a very bad decision and i have little chance of winning. The differences in scores are huge (exception being winter of 2010 where AT came out on top). :(
To be fair, using the MFO results in this way just doesn't serve a purpose. The sample size of each MFO is too small to make an actual comparison (nobody can run anywhere close to enough to overcome the variance of luck to make it actually a comparable set) and even when you sum up multiples the results just don't tell enough of a story to make a real determination on. And, last but most, the winner does not tell you how the field performed, which is what truly matters in making a sweeping determination like that.

What you want for that is the Hall of Records ...or you would if people would actually post their times (something something hippo, something something crit) though even without a good cross-section of results, we can tell from those who submitted (who conveniently happen to be the top performers) that yes, Pit runs with a Berserker tend to have higher efficiency than an AT sorceress. But, maximal efficiency (or the closest approximation we have knowledge of) doesn't really matter on a personal level; put another way, for a person running it doesn't matter than a Berserker is more efficient in the abstract than a Blizzsorc if that is not true for them. If your Pit map averages 7 bosses and it takes you 110 seconds to run it, then you can beat that with an AT sorc, or if your Pit barb is more efficient than your AT sorc but you can only stand to play the barb an hour a day while you can put in 4 with the sorc then the sorc is still the better option.

As Kimppi is sort of outlining and I'm hinting at above: what wins MFOs is luck. Efficiency helps you have more opportunities to get lucky, but so does just raw time put in so whatever you choose to run with you just have to run to have a chance.

@Grape: IIRC the all-time top 5 for a85 breaks down with 3xPit runner and 2xAT runners. Double checking the scores for the older standings is a little tedious but I think bassano and I ended up very close under the new system.

That top 5 ranges from 30 hours (Fabian) to 70 hours (bassano). -edited because of having the dumb
16 hours to win MFO... I don't even. Easiest MFO win in history. But best is Nagisa's reaction from that MFO when Fabnus didn't even run half of MFO, yet he crushed them all. Priceless things are priceless.
@Cyrax Just making sure you don't try slacking.

Grape said:
Crazy luck there :p

The power of Find Item. :(

@Gripphon Yeah, my running stopped the second I got that Tyrael's a.k.a final grailer. Can't help it if people don't know how to find stuffs. :(

Speaking of top5, if we include MFO's with top scores from people, then invested time range should be from 30 hours (Fabian) to close to 70 hours (Bassano). No? Fabian did 106 hours, but his record one was 30 hours long MFO.
@Grip: Yep, bad memory is bad. That means it ranges from 30 (Fabian) to whoever was greater out of froz (????) and bassano (70).
I'd be more interested to see all time best score when there was no tyrael's found. I mean Tyrael's is suc deus ex that I can't even. You get one, you win. Pindle results and non Tyrael's seem much more interesting to me.
I mean multiple people have lost with a Tyrael's, so it's not quite auto-win, but yeah I agree. That said, determining that would be really tough, well not tough probably but tedious considering the points change. Like if colony's sixth item in my AT win MFO is a 14 pointer, he's definitely near the top, but if his Schaefer's is still in his top 5 under the new scores he's way off the board, etc.
I was so happy there for a moment when I thought I had the highest Pindle score... Thanks Gripphon you Buzz Killington!
In our hearts you are still the Pindle champion and always will be
Buahah, sorry nulio :p

Grip got it right, I can't read etc.

I'm past 16 hours now but let me spoil this for you all: I won't win with this score
I'm also not going to win with this score either. It's vastly improved, and I feel I have a respectable top 5, but it needs to be improved in the #1 spot at least to have a chance.
I'm in same situation too. Hardly got any improvement on score since first update, and it is not enough for a win. ISO: lucky drop. Actually, give other people lucky drops in unique department while I'll be quite happy with third-fourth place at MFO with a new 20/5 charm in inventory.
Today seemed to become even worse than yesterday. Found rare sacred armor. Next drop is an unique. About half an hour later... rare armor drop an unique. Me: "Come on! You've got to be kidding me! This can't be happening!". After a good while of nothing worth much more than an IK maul... hmm wait did i see it correctly that that's not a rare...teleport closer...yep that's unique..woohoo! New top 5 item! :cool: Shortly before stopping for today. Nice item, but i think that's just short of top 5. *checks* yeah just short of it :(

Anyhow, made an improvement which is nice. Especially just before sending a new update. So now update send to tha nulio.
I almost feel like rolling maps with another barb. Checklist for the next MFO: check your run times and time/boss pack beforehand.

But update sent anyway. This took a little sweat and work, but in the end I managed to upgrade my score some.
We have to report today? After at least ten hours over the least four days there's no change in my top five. *sigh*

Even though I played two different characters and several seeds, I've yet to find a Gheed's, only one unique ammy and three rings, one facet and the best rune of a Mal. It's been a weird seven days drops wise.
Anyone remember the Magic Find League of 2011/2012? That was a series of 20 hours runs of: Pindle (for items), Cows (for runes), Pits (items), Council (runes) and Baal and minions (items again). I was involve in this and it was heaps of fun. There is also a good amount of info about finds and stuff in it too. The link links to an earlier MFL as well.
Update sent. Judging by the previous MFO winner's scores, I will have no chance at all of victory, but it's still a fun challenge.
Family struck again. No runs since Monday, so no score update. Hope to get some more done over the weekend.
TheNix said:
Anyone remember the Magic Find League of 2011/2012? That was a series of 20 hours runs of: Pindle (for items), Cows (for runes), Pits (items), Council (runes) and Baal and minions (items again). I was involve in this and it was heaps of fun. There is also a good amount of info about finds and stuff in it too. The link links to an earlier MFL as well.
Yes i remember as i played in it. Different season by the looks of it because i remember running (and winning) Tal's tombs for runes. Those tombs were fun to do. Not just because i won that one (though it does help ;)) but because you were running an area that's normally not run.

@Thyiad Does your family have a sixth sense? Something that makes them aware of when you are playing D2? Hope you get some runs done over the weekend too. Go team! And to quote your own sig: You can do it! :)
Unless I missed any update (I almost missed two) I still need the following updates:
@Saluki @thefranklin @Thyiad @TheNix
nulio said:
Unless I missed any update (I almost missed two) I still need the following updates:
@Saluki @thefranklin @Thyiad @TheNix
Sorry, I mentioned it in the forum and not in a PM. I got nada since the last update.
And now you did it again. :p

C'mon people send those updates. The suspense is killing me!
Edit : never mind, I suck at reading.
Oh and I just saw Thyiad's message here. Ok so one less update missing.
Cyrax said:
@Thyiad Does your family have a sixth sense? Something that makes them aware of when you are playing D2? Hope you get some runs done over the weekend too. Go team! And to quote your own sig: You can do it! :)
They're getting worse. Well, he's getting older. Hospital appointments coming up 14th, 22nd and 23rd, meeting about closing his home 17th. In addition to the hospital appointment on Wednesday and the one the week before that. Plus random phone calls saying "he doesn't know where he is". Oh and trying to get a bottle from a doctor surgery who gave out the wrong one TWICE. And ...

I had hoped to at least get a few days in peace. I'm really sorry.
So Cyrax found a big fish and wants to know how far ahead he is. How predictable. Gripphondamus few pages ago.
No sweat, i understand family trouble comes first. Perhaps i should hire a hitman to get rid of any family you have before the next MFO? ;)

I was excited about first update too...and came in 3rd. So that really doesn't say much. :p (perhaps i shouldn't tell i found 4 Tyrael's since sending update because that would de-motivate you even more)
Only thing that can demotivate me are my own drops. I have plan to fulfill every day and I follow it no matter anything else. I can eventually run even more if needed ^^

Also I really doubt standings will be posted for this second update. MFO is too close to the end and some players are probably at a point where they can hardly hope for an upgrade (14+ pointers are no easy to find). And then someone finds out he is not winning and is not finding any upgrade on his score till the end. He immediately knows how will he end, or even worse, he might get demotivated and stop running.

Let us have more exciting finish where we won't know who will win until final results are posted. People would run and would hope they can end as high as they can. So second update = Nulio tells us how things are going, trolls a little bit without mentioning names nor standings. Something similar to what he did before first standings were posted.

It is Nulio's call, but i gave my opinion on the matter.
Not bad Grip, not bad. That's just your evil plan to not reveal your lead and let us run as much as we can to upgrade some items for you to pick after winning the whole thing ;)

Seriously, not even bad idea. But I think I'd still run some even if I found out that many of you were ahead of me, so i'm totally fine with showing the update.
Personally i have a different view. I hope that's acceptable. ;)

First of all we're not THAT near the end of the MFO. Since last update we've had 4 days which sounds like a lot compared to the 3 that's left. But keep in mind that those were workdays. For most people that means only playing some in the evening if they´re lucky. With the weekend in general people will have more time to run.

Secondly, there's a ranking, but no points are shown. Difference between first 5 contestants could be 1 point and we wouldn't even know it.

Thirdly, without the updates it doesn't really feel like a competition to me. And everyone signing up knows this IS a competition, even if some are more fanatic then others. Without it you're really playing against yourself. Knowing that at some point 10 days down the line there's a ranking is way too far away to keep motivated if that's your only motivation.

Which brings me to point 4. Even with updates it's (for me) mostly a race against myself. If i'm running on a track and i can see someone ahead of me i can focus on that and try to close in. Here there's no visible 'enemy' to take down. So even with the updates, in between you're running versus your own current score however high or low that is. For all i know you turned in a crappy score with nulio and found 3 high qualifiers in the 5 minutes after that. Current score is fun to see / compare, but means very little.

And lastly if there's any need for motivation: Tyrael's can drop in your first run, it can drop in your last. It however cannot drop if you stop running. That's the only way you know you're gonna lose (whether you consider losing ending up first, not finishing last or just improving your own score).

Hmm, the fact that this is a top 5 is a total coincidence. :D Having said all that, if more people feel the way you do, i won't press the matter and 'just' win in the end. :p

Gripphon said:
(14+ pointers are no easy to find).

I remember in older times that someone was sighing about how hard it was to get anything above 9,3 (IIRC Fabian). I guess times are changing. At least now we know where you stand scorewise. :p
No update from saluki but I'll comment what I got.

#1 #2 - A really tight race for first place with two players leading with amazing scores!
#3 #4 #5 - Another three follow them, making it also interesting to see who will complete the top3. And at least two players of these group are not that far from the leading two and with amazing drops they can catch them easily!
#6 #7 #8 - Then another group of three players fighting for 6th to 8th place, and any of them still has a chance to join the middle group. Or even the first group if D2 favors them greatly!
#9 #10 - The remaining two are out of the race unless a miracle happens.
#11 - I don't know if srrw has had time to run and find stuff.

#1 #2 - These two are really close.
#3 - Follows them and is not that far behind.
#4 #5 - Another close couple. These have around the same distance to #3 that it has from the first two.
#6 #7- Not running or without qualifiers.

The A85 group is being really exciting! The Pindle group needs more finds people!

Updated Team standings:

1. Happy Accidents (LiquidClear and Zylo)
2. PvP N00bz (Maxicek and Gripphon)
3. The Wrath of Grapes (GooberGrape and Grape) (up 2)
4. The the's (TheNix and thefranklin) (down 1)
5. FashionablyLate (Cyrax and Thyiad) (down 1)
But what group am I in! I know I'm not in the #1/#2 group for sure though.
After that update I won't post standings for sure. One knowing his/her own score and in which group he/she is, I'd say it's easy-ish to extrapolate a pair of scenarios with scores for every position.
Ofc its acceptable.

9.3+ pointers are hardish to get only for those players who hardly play. I mean, most of the players do get like 10-15 haulpic items in the end, even without investing tons of playing time.

Scorewise, I'm too fanatic player to allow myself to have anything lower than 10 pointer in my top 5. Naturally on those items I seek upgrade which follows on 11 pointers (too low upgrade to consider it a real upgrade) and 14+ pointer which do offer ok upgrade of score instead of 10 pointer. And at this point, players competing for top spot are 99% full with 10+ pointers in top 5.
Heh, it seems Nulio is amusing himself, while we bleed for his amusement. I guess I'll increase my playing through weekend and hope for the best. I just hope those two are not THAT far ahead. Long live the optimism!
wow awesome score Gripph congrats on your vic... whoops too early.
Gripphon said:
9.3+ pointers are hardish to get only for those players who hardly play. I mean, most of the players do get like 10-15 haulpic items in the end, even without investing tons of playing time.

Scorewise, I'm too fanatic player to allow myself to have anything lower than 10 pointer in my top 5. Naturally on those items I seek upgrade which follows on 11 pointers (too low upgrade to consider it a real upgrade) and 14+ pointer which do offer ok upgrade of score instead of 10 pointer. And at this point, players competing for top spot are 99% full with 10+ pointers in top 5.
The thing that shocks me most about this statement is that you consider items worth less than 30 points acceptable for your personal top 5. :p
Wait, there are items that are worth 9.3 points? I better check what version I am playing...
thefranklin said:
Wait, there are items that are worth 9.3 points? I better check what version I am playing..
Yeah, I went 3 hours without a qualifier earlier and I kept checking to make sure I wasn't playing in NM.
nulio said:
No update from saluki but I'll comment what I got.

The A85 group is being really exciting! The Pindle group needs more finds people!
Need more luck then :)

Is is okay to ask the score difference between lvl85 #1 and Pindle #1 ?
In two days I'll say it :p
I'm sick of playing and want this thing to end. Oh, it is the end today. Nice nice, finally. I played much more than planned, but its always like that. I will make a personal record time invested to MFO. Never thought this will happen...

Currently collected 32 9.3+ pointers which is sooner than I thought. Now 1 more huge time investment day is ahead to collect few more haulpic items and hope for that miracle drop to happen. Good luck everyone on last day of MFO!
Felt guilty not running, so figured I'd take Atil out and do a bit ... killed her. Kill me. Ho hum.
There's than six hours to go here and I've absolutely no enthusiasm left!! If I can squeeze out another hour or so this evening I'll break the 30 hour mark; which is much more than I expected I'd be able to to when I started.
I ran also more than expected (and given that I basically couldn't ran for the first weekend). I'm somewhere +40 hours atm. Maybe few more hours today. Not tired of running etc. but playing this much simply disgusts me :p I'm glad it's over soon.

Grip, sometimes I doubt if you are a human being. Congrats already on a yet another crazy achievement. Can't wait to see what that +32 items have in it...
Grape said:
Grip, sometimes I doubt if you are a human being. Congrats already on a yet another crazy achievement. Can't wait to see what that +32 items have in it...
Silly Grape is silly. Obviously, there's only one item worth being on grip's haul pic - Tyrael's. Gratz Grip for spoiling your MFO results :p
frozzzen said:
Silly Grape is silly. Obviously, there's only one item worth being on grip's haul pic - Tyrael's. Gratz Grip for spoiling your MFO results :p
I left something unsaid: "ps. Grip hoping for a 'miracle', that's 2nd Tyrael's obviously" <-- about that line was there but I took it away..

but I guess at least you figured it out immediately... :p
I get trolled all over the place. That miracle drop I seek really is Tyrael's cause I think at least one of the two leading dudez found it, so I can't hope to win without one. Also those guys just troll too much.

(13:00:09)<maareek>but yes, grip is seriously mean person
(13:00:14)<maareek>look at how he trolls MFO people
(13:00:26)<Gripphon>with what
(13:00:32)<frozzzen>32 tyrael's and still trolls
(13:00:33)<Gripphon>with that im gonna play the last day?
(13:00:38)<frozzzen>found 32 haulpic items etc etc
(13:00:43)<frozzzen>all tyrael's confirmed
(13:00:51)<maareek>nah, he's not nulio
(13:00:51)<frozzzen>grip = queen of trolls
(13:00:56)<maareek>30 tyrael's and 2 dwebs
(13:00:58)<Gripphon>what amuses me
(13:01:16)<frozzzen>trolling people
(13:01:19)<Gripphon>froz really thought i found tyraels, even considered possibiltiy i found 2
(13:01:27)<frozzzen>I still think you found two
(13:01:31)<maareek>thing I learned: grip found 3
(13:01:31)<Gripphon>everyone thinks im some kind of tyrael magnet
(13:01:44)<Gripphon>no i didnt find any :p
(13:01:50)<Gripphon>not even unique sacred armor yet
(13:01:57)<Gripphon>despite finding 12 rare ones and 4 sets
(13:01:58)<frozzzen><frozzzen>I still think you found two
(13:02:03)<frozzzen>I'm going to grave with it
(13:02:22)<maareek>thing I learned: froz is going to lie in a grave before the results come out
(13:02:24)<maareek>he won't die, just lie in one for fun
(13:02:28)<Gripphon>maybe i should play along and pretend i really did find 2 of them
(13:02:46)<frozzzen>no need to pretend
(13:03:11)<maareek>"I only found 2, I'm so unlucky" -grip's way of 'playing along'
(13:03:26)<Gripphon>well i told to froz what i found
(13:03:33)<Gripphon>he just thinks it is amusing to troll in here
(13:03:38)<frozzzen>and I think you are lying
(13:03:44)<frozzzen>thing that I don't understand is
(13:03:47)<frozzzen>why are you chatting here
(13:03:56)<frozzzen>and not running to get third tyrael's
(13:04:01)<frozzzen>makes little sense to me
(13:04:04)<Gripphon>i msut take a rest
(13:04:07)<Gripphon>im no LC tier player
(13:04:10)<Gripphon>im only human
(13:04:16)<maareek>not even 11 hours left? no time to talk anymore
(13:04:32)<frozzzen>gtfo scrub
(13:04:33)<maareek>also: grip, human, trolling, supplies
(13:04:37)<frozzzen>get #3 and be done with it
(13:05:25)<Gripphon>trolling so strong in here
(13:05:35)<Gripphon>dont tell lies, you will scare LC away
(13:05:47)<Gripphon>dont make him stop running just because you say i found something i didnt :p
(13:06:11)<maareek>LC has 6 tyrael's, what does he care what you found
(13:06:16)<frozzzen>grip has 32
(13:06:20)<maareek>oops, I mean LC is strong competitor
(13:06:23)<frozzzen>he has 32 haulpic items
(13:06:25)<maareek>he won't quit for no reason
(13:06:32)<maareek>your logic is undeniable
(13:06:43)<maareek>"haulpic item" must mean tyrael's for gripgod
(13:06:55)<maareek>just like it means pgems for nulio
(13:06:57)<frozzzen>hard facts and science
(13:08:10)<frozzzen>and grip got back to pit to find 9001 tyrael's
(13:08:13)<frozzzen>ggwp team !
(13:08:19)<Gripphon>im still here
(13:08:30)<frozzzen>you are everywhere my Lord
(13:08:31)<Gripphon>thinking about what to post in mfo thread
(13:08:39)<frozzzen>how about
(13:08:47)<frozzzen>you copy/paste this chatlog
(13:08:56)<frozzzen>will be entertaining to people
(13:09:15)<maareek>telling the people the truth about gripgod might be shocking to them
(13:09:25)<maareek>maybe they still think rfo was unique thing
(13:09:35)<maareek>not standard grip operating procedures
(13:10:47)<frozzzen>the truth is out there
I can only say that all that chatting means less PGems to me. Such disappointment.
There's still 45 or so minutes left, but I'm throwing in the towel with a total of around 160 qualifiers.

Final score sent @nulio
I'm out. It's only 8am but I don't have any more time in the day for it. No improvement in my score in something like 4-5 days.
Does anybody has anything against me posting the results of every update when I post the final results?
Sounds good to me!
nulio said:
Does anybody has anything against me posting the results of every update when I post the final results?
Sure,go for it.

I'm done as well because i can't seem to find anything better to fit my top 5
@everybody please don't forget to send your final score when you stop playing so I can post results when I wake up on Monday. And as per rules don't forget to send the top 5 read-outs in the PM.
So MFO is over for me and I found a total of (wait for it...) TWO qualifiers!! I am not going to tell you which they are and kill the surprise but I am pretty sure I will end up last in the a85 cat...

I did find some upgrades to the char itself and added 3 more levels and since she is not even a mat yet she will have breeze finishing the game :)

Thanks @nulio for the arrangement; I really love this game and playing it with the people on this forum!
Just turned in results to nulio so i'm done too.

It seems i played so much the game got confused and thought this was an RFO instead of MFO. Found both ber and lo on final day. Unfortunately the weekend was a complete wash. Played a lot and all i got was a new #5 that was barely any better than the previous. I guess kestegs made the right choice by doing something else today.

For now i'm gonna rest my hands. Sorting out stuff, making haulpic and doing some rerolling can wait for the coming days.
The reason I chose Pindle is that he has always been kind to me, but just not kind enough to give me his bloody top 3 in this MFO.

I have gradual increase in scores during the first 9 days, but today I played the longest, hoping one of his top 3 to drop, but no!!! A whole day completely wasted. Final results sent.
Results sent. Managed to squeeze in some little upgrades during the weekend, which was nice. Hoped for even better ones but can't have it all.

I need to start a project to shape my map/playing/maybe make a zerker. I doubt that I will have too much of free time (and big motivation to run) during the future MFOs, but if that occurs, would be nice to have as efficient runner as possible.
I'm done, final score sent.
Nice MFO overall. Kinda tiring, but nice in the end. Shocking results incoming, brace yourselves.
You know, when I woke up today I thought "I haven't been getting trolled enough lately, I wonder if someone could fix that situation," so that thank you, grip, for rectifying that for me. Should have me taken care of until December, at least.

(In before "shocking results" are grip winning a85, pindle and, somehow, baal.)
You're welcome... No no, I mean, I didn't troll. Why do you think that?

First of all, I didn't even touch Pindle (nor did he touch me), and secondly, I won't win areas. I can hope eventually for a second place, but first is a long shot. Odds are against me, but hope dies last I guess.
nulio said:
And as per rules don't forget to send the top 5 read-outs in the PM.
I thought we just posted them in this thread.
I haven't started my last block yet. Should put in another hour or so.

I wish I could find items I actually use. Three Mang's and no DW while playing a Pit Necro, what a shame.
Final score sent. If nothing else, this MFO taught me that you can indeed hork Pindleskin. I have mistakenly believed for my entire D2 career that his corpse popped on death.
Final results sent. Disappointed in the my high scorers being useless (except one of them). Also that I found shadow dancers the night before this shindig started.

Interested to see how high up the winners are! And hoping for a top 10 finish!
I collected a total of 249 qualifiers from Pindle, but no top 3 items, no!!! I will post the details in the result thread.
Estimated market value