MFO Summer 2008 Progress [by Drixx]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
This tournament has already ended. It was originally posted by @Drixx on July 18, 2008.
(link to original thread on

MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Ok, this is the place for updates, polite bantering and the kicking of others fortitudious testiculars. Good Luck everyone! Feel free to introduce your olympians here as well!

In the interest of sportsmanship, please email regular updates of your progress during the MFO week to your supervisor. These should be in the same format as your final results email.

Teams - Thyiad
Baal - Mursilis
lvl 85 - LionHeartTheBrave
Meph - Jaedhann
A5SU - Grisu

Here are the score sheets

Baal (csv File)
lvl 85 Areas (csv File)
Meph (csv File)
Act 5 SUs (csv File)

The rules again:

Start date: July 19 2008
End date: July 27 2008

Total time - 9 days.

Quick Intro

For those new to the MFO, the basic jist of it is everyone picks one of 4 targets and runs that taget like mad for about a week. At the end, everyone scores their finds (scoresheets below) and adds up the top five finds. The players with the top scores win and they get to claim a few items from the other participants as prizes.

The Categories

- Hell Mephisto
- Hell Baal
- Act 5 SuperUniques: Shenk, Eldritch, Pindleskin, Thresh, Sharptooth.
- Level 85 Areas (The Mausoleum, The Pit, Maggot Lair lvl 3, Ancient
Tunnels, Kurast Sewers lvl 2, Forgotten Temple, Ruined Fane, Disused
Reliquary, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary (not including seal boss packs
and Diablo), Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction (not including
minion waves))
- teams (see end of post)

Things to include in your e-mail (Progress and final upates):
-title should contain MFO
-Your forum name (PLEASE, PLEASE, I end up guessing everytime)
-The category and your top 5 items for each category you entered


Title: SPF - MFO results
Forum name: jjscud

Firelizard's Talons 36.1
Eaglehorn 39.6
Eaglehorn 39.6 (example of duplicate find)
Total 115.3


-If you quit or drop out, please send your area supervisor an email or
PM saying so.

-Email your findings to your area's supervisor within 24 hours after
the end of the MFO - by January 15th.


The list of entered participants will follow.

If you're entered, try to do your best.

And if you don't think that you're capable of giving up a Windforce or
a Stormlash if you find one and lose, this probably isn't for you.

Allowed mods RRM, RWM, CRM. You must post your mod status!

Eligible finds

The following monsters are the only ones whose drops will be considered
in each category:

- Hell Meph: Meph only.
- Hell Baal: Baal and his 5 minion packs.
- Act 5 SuperUniques: The mentioned SuperUniques and their Minions, in
the cases of Eldritch, Pindle and Sharptooth.
- Level 85 areas: Any monster in these areas. Except Baal's and
Diablo's minions.

Drops from all other sources will not count. This includes Blood Lords
and Council Members near Meph, Prowling Dead in Pindle's Garden, Chests
in the Pits, etc.

Summary of rules:

-All intending participants must register the categories they wish to
compete in. No late entries will be accepted.

-The winning player shall be determined by the five highest-ranked
items they find during the week.

-In case of 2 players tying with the same score, the winner shall be
decided by adding in the score of the next rarest item each of them
found, then the next and so on until a clear winner is decided.

-Remember to keep eligible finds separate from the rest of your gear.

Prize distribution

1st Place - picks 4 items from ANY other entrants (max 1 per entrant).
2nd Place - picks 3 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
3rd place - picks 2 items from ANY other entrants ranked below you (max
1 per entrant)
There's a maximum of 2 items taken from each entrant per category.


The system is based on the relative rarity compared to the IK
Stonecrusher, the most common elite set or unique.


Teams will get points based on their highest placement in each category. Points are scored like this: (11 - Postition). So First place gets 10 points, 5th place would get 6 points etc... And no, no negative points will be given.

Good luck Olympians!
Last edited:
Originally posted by: @Drixx

Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!


RTB (SC 1.10 Vanilla)

Eric Xanthu (SC 1.11b RRM/RWM)
Grisu (Hardcore 1.11b RRM/RWM)

Callador (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Denton (SC 1.12a RWM/RRM)
jjscud (SC 1.12a CRM/RWM)
Joosh (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Naab (SC 1.12a RWM/RRM)
sequana (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Thyiad (SC 1.12a RWM/RRM)
Ugla (SC 1.12a Vanilla)

Level 85 Areas

Phosheez (SC 1.11b Vanilla)

Aman (SC 1.11b RWM/RRM)

Hrus (SC 1.12a Vanilla)
Niyougegema (SC 1.12a Vanilla)

Mungo(SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
ColorlessGreen (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Jaedhann (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Lukin (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
maxicek (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Skinny (SC 1.12a RWM RRM)
Xdeathfire (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Greebo (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
MrAkon (1.12a RWM/RRM SC)


Tanksaabas (SC 1.11b RRM/RWM)

Schmaleop (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Cygnus (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
naittiII (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
nepeta (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
San (SC 1.12 RRM/RWM)
Tormal (SC 1.12 RRM/RWM)

KultharSavus (SC 1.12a Vanilla)

Darkoooo (Hardcore 1.12a Vanilla)

Act V Super Uniques

Mursilis (SC 1.11b RRM/RWM)
Skinhead on the MBTA (SC 1.11b RRM/RWM)

Drixx (Hardcore, 1.12 RRM/RWM)

corrupted (SC 1.12a RWM/RRM)
Fishpowered (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
lionHTB (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
moo-cow (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Serdash (SC 1.12 RRM/RWM)
Silospen (SC 1.12a RWM/RRM)
Smips (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)
Zaliqai (SC 1.12a RRM/RWM)

HolyPade (SC 1.12a Vanilla)
SirMurdalot (SC 1.12a Vanilla)

Looking for Teams

Completed Teams

Team Kitten Killers (Naab, Skinny, Cygnus, Drixx)
Team Kittens! strikes back. (Joosh, Zaliqai, Jaedhann and Darkoooo)
Team YPYLFIYPYLFOYPYLFIAYSIAA (Aman, Thyiad, Serdash and Schmaleop)
Team yet to be named (naittiII, Fishpowered, Phosheez, Grisu) and no, "yet to be named" is not the name of the team...
Team Nub Aid 2008 (San, ColorlessGreen, RTB, Silospen)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

A little over 12 hours to go...I can't wait.

My olympian:

Delilah the Blizzsorc
Lvl 91

Helm: Ptopaz'd Shako
Armor: Ptopaz'd Tal's
Shield: Rhyme'd Grim Shield
Weapon: Occy
Boots: Rare with 30% FRW Poison Res and 18% MF
Gloves:Fire/Cold Res Gloves w/ 24%MF
Belt: Tal's
Rings:Res/MF Rares
Amu: Tal's
Weapon Slot 2: Harmony Bow

Total MF with Charms as well:531
Total Blizz Damage:4421
Pratice Avg. Tunnel Time: 1:40 (Hoping to bring that down at least to 1:30, I have a good map, just can't seem to get it down)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Just a little question here, I'm mostly thinking about running Chaos Sanctuary at probably /p3 with my hammerdin, but I'm thinking that there might not be enough boss packs there to make it efficient enough. I full clear CS and if you include poss packs in RoF, there is maybe 6, but it takes about 4 min or so(haven't tried).

The alternative is AT which I have run quite well and for a long time with my sorc. So my predicament is which one should I run? Or should I just switch between the two?
Just a quick note for those running Baal. PMs of your status work just as fine as emails for me, so use whichever is more convenient for you.

Good luck all, may your green breastplates be plentiful :evil2:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

@Xdeathfire: I've never played Hammerdin, but perhaps WSK? I think you're right about Chaos Sanctuary. WSK though has always been good to me. As long as you have your lightning gear on.

If not, maybe Pits or Tunnels.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Entering with champion MainBlizzy. 105 fcr, 6k Blizzard, and sporting a decent 520 MF. Average tunneltime measured over 30 runs: 54 seconds. If i get it to 1 minute average over the whole week i'm happy.

Good luck and gods speed everyone. May all your drops be green and gold, but not elite :evil2:.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!


Please only use the email address, and remember your forum name

Eskimo is now 93 and preparing for midnight

May all your drops be gold and green.....jewellery

EDIT: and of course, good luck
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'll be running baal with my tesladin. P8 minions,p3 baal,around 100 mf.So main idea is to get xp and hopefully find a few good scorers in the mean time.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Only 9 hours until it starts here! Can't wait! Though I won't be able to put as much time into is as I would like. Good luck everyone!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Alright, time to reveal that I suffered an embarrassing death with my 99er last week and I have shut her down until now. I might not round up any good items but it won't be for a lack of piles of bodies and lots of vengeance.

Good luck everyone. Find a grailer or two.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Good luck to you all, I will be running Rof with wwbarb, approx 270mf ,being a barb I am sure I will have the strength to prop up the bottom of the lvl 85 area table. Hoping to find some high runes at the same time to get a little closer to my dream of a BotD poleaxe.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

BotD [highlight]poleaxe[/highlight]???

Not eBotD 1.07 Superior War Pike?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

lionheartthebrave said:
BotD poleaxe???

Not eBotD 1.07 Superior War Pike?

BotD Poleaxes are the shinest kinds of BotD's there are, didn't you know? My barb certainly enjoyed his :D
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

eBotD 1.07 great poleaxe is suppose to be the ultimate ww weapon according to Rik Stakers guide in the barb forum, I have built my barb with this in mind. Would a war pike make the last wwbp?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Mungo said:
eBotD 1.07 great poleaxe is suppose to be the ultimate ww weapon according to Rik Stakers guide in the barb forum, I have built my barb with this in mind. Would a war pike make the last wwbp?

I think it's a bit too slow, but I plan a fendazon, not a wwbarb
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

To those running Act V Superuniques: Please do only use the email address. Thank you :)

One question regarding teams: How are updates handled? Are there any at all?

As for me - I'll be starting now. I just came home, it's 2 a.m. local time and I'm not one bit tired:grin:
Running with my Hammerdin - not too much MF, but minion waves on p8...

Good luck to all of you!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Another 6.5 hours before I start, good luck to everyone. Go killers!

I don't understand the hope-you-find-many-Cathan's-Seals sentiments. May you find plenty of great items ... and may I still win.

EDIT: *checks to see there are no haxx polearm barbs running Meph*

I'm running with a level 90 blizzy *yawn* I know. She's somewhat underpowered, only around 370 MF, taking about 40 seconds per run (mainly because I pick up way too many rares)
Fine, I'll be nice. May everyone's drops be elite and grailers to boot.

Except Skinhead on the MBTA since he's the only one that can take items from me. 😉

My olympian is my one and only mfer, Malice. She's a level 92 Meteorb that normally runs whatever tickles my fancy at the time.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Mursilis said:
Fine, I'll be nice. May everyone's drops be elite and grailers to boot.

Except Skinhead on the MBTA since he's the only one that can take items from me.😉
And I thought moving items form 1.11 to 1.12 is perfectly acceptable.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I was doing my very last run in the Chaos Sanctuary(moving to other places for MFO) and look what dropped from a random monster:

Mal Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: Prevent Monster Heal
Helms: Magic Damage Reduced by 7
Armor: Magic Damage Reduced by 7
Shields: Magic Damage Reduced by 7

Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

:), now if I only have that luck with items...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

:banghead::doh: I hope it's not to late for me to get in on the Lvl 85 areas, I meant to sign up this morning but I was in hurry and just now got back. It is only 11:10pm here so I hope you don't mind Drixx.
edit: Im 1.12a RWM/RRM SC Lvl 85 areas
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I believe it's too late for me to edit the list any longer. I don't see any problem with it... you'll need to PM the mods though with the request.
I'm running with a lvl 82 and rising Blizzard sorc. She doesn't pack much MF but she has max res so I'm happy with her. Doubt I'd make a result like last time, since I'm working this week, but I'll try my best.

Good luck to everyone!:party:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Grisu said:
One question regarding teams: How are updates handled? Are there any at all?

If a team captain sends me a team score, I'll post an update. It's probably not worth it though. The individual updates should give a good indication of where your team is and I actually think it would be a nice bit of mystery to find out the result from cold at the end.

Hrus said:
And I thought moving items form 1.11 to 1.12 is perfectly acceptable.

Yep. :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Run 2:

Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band :D
Required Level: 58
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0xe9a0019b
+50 to Maximum Stamina
3% Life stolen per hit
+1 to All Skill Levels
+0 to Life (Based on Character Level)

Cindy also got gear upgrade in the form of +15/-25 Griffons (no more ugly shako, heh)
I think Gloams and Magic Resistant Bartuc will be much easier to kill now
Thanks to dryzalizer for trading that Griffon's 👍
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Thyiad said:
If a team captain sends me a team score, I'll post an update.


Teams will get points based on their highest placement in each category. Points are scored like this: (11 - Postition). So First place gets 10 points, 5th place would get 6 points etc... And no, no negative points will be given.

I don't think it's possible at all to give a proper score. Unless everybody updates regularly. And history tells us some won't.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Finished all the runs that I am willing to do this morning. It was extremely frustrating at first, easily 100 runs without ANY uniques. Then, it stated dropping sets of all kind. Only in the last 50 runs or so did things improve. Okay start, I would say/
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

90min gave me the first 5 qualifiers, but the number of rare lacquered/cryptic XX/ corona/kraken/etc makes me want to :rant:

@Drixx: the link to the act5 SU csv file is wrong, perhaps a mod could edit it

EDIT: I plan to give the first list at the end of day2, so email me then please
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I won't be updating until at least Tuesday. I hope to have completed one run by then.

@ Jae - that's why I said it wasn't worth the effort :D
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

First of all good luck to everyone! May your finds be green and gold and high TC! 👍

I will be running Pindle with Skadhi, my new lvl 90 Blizzy. I looked for only one thing in her gear, as much MF as possible.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Hrus said:
And I thought moving items form 1.11 to 1.12 is perfectly acceptable.

Shhhhhhh :shhh:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

My day 1 is over... I'm aussie, so it's early.

Decided to run /players1 pits with my lvl95 Meteorb sorc.
Got 24 qualifiers, as I went pretty hard due to me not being able to play much during the week due to uni.

I got a certain top 5, and one possible. And my first arachnids, nice.
Also got my second ever SoJ, a low mara's and a couple of Puls.
I got 4 Dark Adherants... but still no IK mauls.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

First run at Mephi and he dropped a +telekinesis ormus robes.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Guys, I think you're supposed to keep qualifiers secret until the end

EDIT: here's a couple of non-qulaifiers

Guardian Angel
Templar Coat
Defense: 1182
Durability: 31 of 31
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 108
Fingerprint: 0xbe59b6cd
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
187% Enhanced Defense
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
+4 to Light Radius
30% Faster Block Rate
58 to Attack Rating against Demons (Based on Char Lvl)
+15% to all Maximum Resistances

Storm Crest
Defense: 50
Durability: 10 of 20
Required Level: 67
Fingerprint: 0x62fe988a
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+36 to Life
+8 to Minimum Damage
8% Life stolen per hit
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
All Resistances +16

Pindle will pay for rare diadem :rant:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

At least it's a nice diadem (IMO)...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I have had a nightmare start. Last week, I had a perfect week of practice runs all clocking in around the 1:30 mark. Last night, however, I started running at midnight and after 4 hours, I had completed fifty runs. That's not a typo.

Some things that happened included, but are not limited to:

Five runs in a row with a conviction aura horror-mage. Probably twenty runs total with a conviction horror mage (every time I run into one, it is like instant death for my Merc)

Three runs with a Holy Freeze/Cold Immune combo which takes awhile for my merc to kill.

Hardcore game lag for the first time since I downloaded 1.12, including two crashes and once when it did something it has never done before.

edit: I also got a really sweet +2 skills assassin Tiara that I'll post later.

That being said, I got my first five qualifiers and am up to 100 runs now. (The last fifty took an hour and a half.)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Well, first objective of the day completed. Levelled from 91.1 to 92 so far. Found nothing stellar.

This was a big auch.

Soul Tower
Vortex Shield
Defense: 384
Chance to Block: 59%
Durability: 186 of 255 <<<<<<Grrrrr:rant:
(Paladin Only)
Required Strength: 148
Required Level: 66
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x6b5877de
+8 to Strength
+70% Enhanced Defense
+20% Increased Chance of Blocking
All Resistances +26
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
30% Faster Block Rate
10% Damage Taken Goes to Mana

Found a nice rare ring though.

Grim Band
Required Level: 48
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x31f15022
+3 to Mana
+10 to Attack Rating
+5 to Minimum Damage
All Resistances +8
14% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
10% Faster Cast Rate
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Found this rather kewl amulet from Mephi:

Stone Mark
Required Level: 66
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x7b4acccf
Fire Resist +49%
Lightning Resist +18%
Cold Resist +18%
Poison Resist +18%
7% Mana stolen per hit
72% Extra Gold from Monsters
11% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)

Though the extra gold could be something else.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Some of you need blood pressure medication. Be at peace, and let the slaughter of your enemies sooth your jangled nerves.

Also, WTB sacred armor that doesn't drop beside a gold item.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Did another about 100 runs ish, only 1 qualifier.....

Also, found about 2 rare sacred armors and 3 rare diadems.....
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Guys, a reminder. It is not acceptable to share any qualifier finds here or anywhere else (including the #RTB channel on IRC). Don't do it please.

I could have sworn I checked the file links. Gah, my bad.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Drixx said:
Guys, a reminder. It is not acceptable to share any qualifier finds here or anywhere else (including the #RTB channel on IRC). Don't do it please.

I could have sworn I checked the file links. Gah, my bad.

Can we share them amongst team members?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Tanksaabas said:
First run at Mephi and he dropped a +telekinesis ormus robes.

You lucky bastard. Got one with static in the warm up process.

I really should have stuck with Baal or A85, I'm so out of touch with Mephisto: Got a spree of 3 consecutive golden war axes, then a facet (3/3 light), then another (3/4 light), and then I left on the ground for junk an item that, I found later, surpassed my total score until then twice.

At least with the higher level monsters you know what's good for points! All this crap in the higher levels of the Mephisto scorelist, it is utterly vulgar. Now to run with score sheet permanently opened.

Now to run...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Drixx said:
... It is not acceptable ...

It isn't! By Aiur! ;)

[/spam] [running/]
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Jaedhann said:
Can we share them amongst team members?

No. The idea of the MFO is that everything is a mystery until the end except the standings. Keep your finds to yourself until the results are posted :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm telling you, there's something about those rare diadems. Pindle dropped 2 in a row and then third a few runs later. Sigh.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Finished my first day of runs. I could have ran more, but I had some work to do. Hopefully I have more time tomorrow.

Not good finds in qualifiers but got some nice nonqualifiers - that BKWB and +5/-5 Cold die facet.
I also saw some movement on my exp bar :D

EDIT: I'll add that with Griffon's my average run time decreased more than 15 seconds. It's little over 3 mins now :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Drixx said:
No. The idea of the MFO is that everything is a mystery until the end except the standings. Keep your finds to yourself until the results are posted :)

Speaking of which, the normal way the Team supervisors does scores is to figure them out based on the rankings the other sups post. Thy would have to have everyone's (not just team's) scores to figure them out otherwise.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Drixx said:
No. The idea of the MFO is that everything is a mystery until the end except the standings. Keep your finds to yourself until the results are posted :)

I demand a recount! :xxx:

Seriously though, being able to share finds with teammates is one of the great things about being on a team. You still have no idea what the other participants have found so there's plenty of mystery left. This is like torture (I exaggerate, but still :))! Being on a team means you get to cry together when a Vortex Shield turns up yellow and you get to rejoice together when it turns up gold. Personally, I think this rule provides less mystery than it does take away a sense of team. Please reconsider. :flowers:

p.s. *kicks Jae for asking* 😉
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Zaliqai said:
Being on a team means you get to cry together when a Vortex Shield turns up yellow and you get to rejoice together when it turns up gold.

You have the official permission given by me to post either yellow or gold Vortex Shield finds. :crazyeyes:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I didn't know there was a unique vortex shield?!?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

300+ runs, only 4 qualifiers. Pindle hates me, I think.

Noteable non-qualifiers:
Sazabi's Mental Sheath
Defense: 182
Durability: 25 of 30
Required Strength: 82
Required Level: 43
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x204266e1
+100 Defense
Fire Resist +19%
Lightning Resist +19%
+1 to All Skill Levels

Executioner Sword
One-Hand Damage: 66 to 110
Two-Hand Damage: 130 to 221
Durability: 32 of 50
Required Dexterity: 55
Required Strength: 85
Required Level: 48
Sword Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x620b6562
+177% Enhanced Damage
+20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+100 Defense vs. Missile
+200 Defense vs. Melee
All Resistances +18
Requirements -50%
20% Faster Hit Recovery
30% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+440 to Defense (Based on Character Level)

Tiamat's Rebuke
Dragon Shield
Defense: 171
Chance to Block:  38%
Durability: 72 of 116
Required Strength: 91
Required Level: 38
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x19c165c6
+152% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +30
Adds 35-95 fire damage
Adds 1-120 lightning damage
Adds 27-53 cold damage over 6 seconds
+40 Maximum Durability
5% Chance to cast Level 7 Nova when struck
3% Chance to cast Level 6 Hydra when struck
5% Chance to cast Level 9 Frost Nova when struck

Death Grip
Vampirebone Gloves
Defense: 61
Durability: 8 of 14
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 47
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x1ab2b4d2
+2 to Dexterity
Fire Resist +28%
Lightning Resist +26%
3% Life stolen per hit
10% Increased Attack Speed
+2 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)

Armageddon Mask
Defense: 20
Durability: 30 of 35
Required Level: 30
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x1271ab30
Lightning Resist +35%
30% Faster Run/Walk
+2 to Cold Skills (Sorceress Only)
Fishpowered said:
I didn't know there was a unique vortex shield?!?
There isn't :rolf:

Lots of runs done, little to show for it though. I think I'm averaging one qualifier per every 90 runs or so. Granted I am seeing tons of elite items, they are all just yellow or blue, such as the one below:

Bramble Grinder
One-Hand Damage: 6 to 184
Durability: 39 of 65
Required Dexterity: 77
Required Strength: 125
Required Level: 58
Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x2d713162
+125% Enhanced Damage
+4 to Maximum Damage
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
150% Damage to Undead
+5 to Mana After Each Kill
Repairs 1 durability in 33 seconds

It's interesting, but not sure how useful. Hopefully my luck turns around, or I'll be eating everyone else's dust.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

jjscud said:
You have the official permission given by me to post either yellow or gold Vortex Shield finds. :crazyeyes:

Sorry, my bad. I typed "gold" when I should have typed "green". Vortex Shield is a set item.

Also, FYI there's a yellow one posted only a couple hours ago in this very thread and I'm pretty sure I will be able to provide a screenie of another yellow one in the coming week. I could have provided one last week while running the AT but I doubted anyone would have thought it interesting.

But isn't that beside the point though? I just felt like mentioning the fact that I love being part of a team and that I like it when we share our finds. I'd just hate to see that go.

I was also pretty much sure that my plea would go nowhere but thought that at the very least it was worth a shot :).
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

jjscud said:
Thy would have to have everyone's (not just team's) scores to figure them out otherwise.

Well that isn't happening.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm about done with day one. I did just over 250 AT runs (I'll probably get to 300 before bedtime.)

Nothing spectacular. I got a few qualifiers early, but really not much since. Been on a bad string of low-level set items.

Best non-qualifier was the Rising Sun Amulet and highest rune was a Hel which is actually really good for me since I never find runes.

The biggest disappointment is that I haven't found any grailers. Maybe tomorrow.

I did see something interesting though. In all my years of playing DiabloII I don't think I have ever seen a Dream Spirit drop until a blue one dropped tonight. In fact, I didn't even know there was such a thing.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

1 day passed and tons of low point qualifiers found. Mephie was still nice. Eth 192% titans and kiras on same run. :D
Zaliqai said:
I just felt like mentioning the fact that I love being part of a team and that I like it when we share our finds. I'd just hate to see that go.
100% with you there Zal. What's the point of a team if you don't share your joy and sadness with your teammates? I mean, without that feature I doubt there is any reason for teams actually to be there, or a reason for it to be named a 'team'. It doesn't give you any advantage or disadvantage over other teams or competitors.

So yes, PLEASE (pwetty pwetty pwease) think about it.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Darkoooo said:
100% with you there Zal. What's the point of a team if you don't share your joy and sadness with your teammates? I mean, without that feature I doubt there is any reason for teams actually to be there, or a reason for it to be named a 'team'. It doesn't give you any advantage or disadvantage over other teams or competitors.


400 runs today, pretty meh in terms of points, but I found some nice items. Another 1.5 hours to go for day 1 is over :|

EDIT: Done for the day, update sent.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Had a massive hangover yesterday , but did manage a healthy 200 runs or so. Day 1 progress sent.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

When non-qualifiers attack, part 2


Also a 29 nagelring

Lvl85 Area Runners

I plan to show lists representing:
  • End of today (day2)
  • End of Wednesday (day5)
  • End of Friday (day7)

leaving you a weekend of mystery, and painful digits

So please email me after your day 2 ends, and I'll post a list ASAP

@Grisu: what's happening with Act5 SUs?

EDIT: please put your day number in the title as well, to help me out

So eg a title might be MFO Lionheartthebrave Day2
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

lionheartthebrave said:
@Grisu: what's happening with Act5 SUs?

Hmm, good question - I think the way you handle it sounds quite good.
So if I am allowed to simply copy your setup:

[highlight]Act5 SUs[/highlight]
Please post your updates after

2 full days (end of today)
5 full days (end of Wednesday)
7 full days (end of Friday)

If enough people wish to have the list update more more often (each day?), say so and I will do so, but I doubt everyone will send an update each depending on how many updates I get after days 3/4/6, I might post additional lists. So don't be disappointed if you send daily updates but I don't post a new list - you might just have been the only one sending an update :dontknow:

But please post updates in any case after 2/5/7 days!

If everyone gets their update to me in time, I'll post the first list tomorrow noon.

Oh, and it would be nice to add your day number in the mail:thumbup:

Now I have to go back to Baal...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I just want to make sure I have the understanding of this right: When we send our updates, do we send all of our qualifiers, or only our top 5(since that's what would count if the MFO ended that day)? I don't remember seeing it in the rules, so I figured I'd just ask. Thanks!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

@Grisu: thanks for the info

@Smips: I would send top 6, just in case, with a full list at the end

And now for part three of Non-qualifiers!! on a plane

Seraph's Hymn
Required Level: 65
Fingerprint: 0x35bda1fb
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Light Radius
45% Damage to Demons
31% Damage to Undead
+192 to Attack Rating against Demons
+240 to Attack Rating against Undead
+2 to All Skills
+2 to Defensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I seriously think something is weird with my AT map.

Every single running session I do, the first 100 runs or so I get absolutely nothing, not even low level grailers. And every time I am about to quit in disgust, a low level qualifier drops and so I think just 3 more runs and before I know it, I find like 4 qualifiers in 10 runs. Then, the cycle repeats again...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

We only sent top5 qualifiers and total score.

Xdeathfire: You are lucky it's only 100 for you. It's more like 200 for me. (Well 170 and 164). These series are annoying.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm getting those kind of patterns aswell, must be the AT. Hang in there, you'll get a nice cycle sometime. Well, i did.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent in a weekend progress report. Let's just say I've got Thy covered.

I'll be out of town for most of the coming week, so unless Thy comes up with an all-time memorable stinker, she's safe from the bottom of the pack!
Sent my update to Jaedhann as well. Too many TC3s and not enough higher scorers.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I don't necessarily think talking to your team-mates is a bad thing... but it will only take one leak for me to change my mind on that.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Had a wonderfull day. Report send to Lionheart.

And reports recieved from:

(in no particular order)

Thank you.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I was going to send updates every day but now I'll just go with the 2/5/7 setup.

Some nice non-qualifiers:

Herald of Zakarum
Gilded Shield
Defense: 495
Chance to Block:  72%
Smite Damage: 20 to 28
Durability: 39 of 50
(Paladin Only)
Required Strength: 89
Required Level: 42
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x7336642f
+20 to Strength
+20 to Vitality
+193% Enhanced Defense
+30% Increased Chance of Blocking
All Resistances +50
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
30% Faster Block Rate
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+2 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)

Hierophant Trophy
Defense: 201
Chance to Block:  72%
Smite Damage: 0 to 0
Durability: 11 of 20
(Necromancer Only)
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 42
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0xc06d2873
+20 to Energy
+184% Enhanced Defense
+40% Increased Chance of Blocking
Regenerate Mana 33%
All Resistances +40
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
30% Faster Block Rate
+5 to Mana After Each Kill
+2 to Curses (Necromancer Only)

Required Level: 7
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x434bae00
+56 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Jaedhann said:
(in no particular order)

In the time it took you to write "in no particular order", you could have put it in order :rolleyes: Uh, Please?

When I first looked at that list, I thought I was in second place :(
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent my report to Mursilis.
Got good number of runs today, but not much luck...
Luckily there's 7 more days to run and increase the score, little by little :rolleyes:

Hate to admit it, but I suffered a death today, but luckily I was able to recover my corpse so the exp bar didn't go to zero, but it still hurt :(
Damn those dolls...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I sent my pathetic score to lhtb. Low number of qualifers (compared to runs done) and nothing good too. But I have plenty of room for improvement..
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Got 6 updates. Scores differ a little, but not enough to leave the field wide open to everyone.

From first to last:

  • Nepata
    Cygnus <--so you where second afterall.
No reports recieved from:


Eagerly awaiting those
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Managed to get 5 qualifiers , update sent to LHtB
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Arm really hurting, crap sent to Grisu

Have received results (in chronological order) from:
niyougegema (forgive me if I mispell it sometime)

EDIT: when more people send me results, it's not the end of day2 yet in some parts
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

lionheartthebrave said:
Arm really hurting, crap sent to Grisu

Have received results (in chronological order) from:
niyougegema (forgive me if I mispell it sometime)

As with Jaedhann can we see that in real point rankings?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I've finally arrived home from vacation and spent most of the time doing various non-D2 stuff. Then I picked up my shiny new matriarch and made a few runs, bringing her to clvl85.

I've found the obligatory green maul on the very first run 😉 The only other qualifier so far is of similar value..

So much for my first update.
I'll be updating the Baal group before I go to bed tonight (sorry to those in Australia/Asia but I'm waaaaay behind you).

Made a little improvement from yesterday. Nothing major, but any improvement is a good thing. Did happen to find this little beauty:

Vex Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: 7% Mana stolen per hit
Helms: +5% to Maximum Fire Resist
Armor: +5% to Maximum Fire Resist
Shields: +5% to Maximum Fire Resist

Required Level: 55
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Normally my rune finding is atrocious, so as a result I take back some of the evil things I've send about Pindle in the past. If he drops a Zod, I'll consider us even 😁
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

For my team, we now have #teamkittenkillers on the irc. Non kitten killers stay out I will banzor you :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

sent in my update. I'm not done running today, but I had a pretty good one. The number of qualifiers per run dropped off, but the quality went up.

I also found another Hel rune, two Io's and a Fal.

Right now I'm up to 425 runs total. I am trying to do 250 a day, which means at least 2 hours of play left. Back to it!
[highlight]Baal Category Update[/highlight]

Eric Xanthu

No update from:

I only have updates from the top 4 so take this with a grain of salt. I can say no Tyrael has been found, so keep running and drink lots of :coffee:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Wow! I'm not last :alright:

Just wanted to remind

Skinhead on the MTBA

to send me their first updates the next few hours if possible - it's much more fun that way for all of you 😉

Yeah, I could use some coffee - slept only 4 hours...seems like I'm getting ill: headache, sore throat etc.
Hope my reflexes don't fail me *grabs some pain killers*

EDIT: oh, btw: received updates from all others of course :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I've sent my "progress" in, but a staggering two (2) RoF runs only net me a nice sum of gold and potions. I plan to pick it up the rest of the week with atleast 250-300 runs a day. That should secure me atleast second to last, and may result in a nice item for one of you to snatch.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent update to jaedhann. Awful luck last day. Got all of my top5 qualifiers at first day. Though my runs are a tad slow for stacking up mf and not having even Oculus found yet. My FCR is also below 63 because entrance is pretty close to wp but the room in between stacks up dolls and brutes making me die quite often.. Well.. I can live with it, exp bar is just zero all the time.

Hmm, haven't even reported my char:

lvl 89 blizz/firewall sorcy Shootingstar (who hasn't seen hell ancients yet.. :) )

I tell you, it's a pain to see a golden scourge drop and after fast click and ID see it was yellow after all. :D "DAMN! I was sure it was golden on the ground!"

Pretty much I'm satisfied since I've got to start to build my stashes but still waiting for those lotteries with big points. :)

No atma readouts since I write this from work but best non-qualifiers so far from my mere memory have been:

eth 192% titan's
io rune
TC3 items more than I can carry
cold skiller with ~20 life (from a random kicking of a chest)
a lot more out of my memory at the moment.

Now give me my golden scourges!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Lvl85 Area Runners

You giant bunch of haXX0rs, I knew stingy pindle was the wrong choice

Received 10 emails, here's a list:
Colorless Green
Mr Akon

Keep up the good work
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Day 2 update sent.

2x Bartuc's
Carrion Wind
Entrapping GC
perfect MF Gheed's
2x eth Gore Rider
2x Gull
Nature's Peace
3x facets
perfect WWS
a few exceptional grailers
a few ethereal grailers
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

For those running A85, I've prepared Flavie-look-alike list of values. I cannot guarantee it's all correct, but I did check it. If you find mistakes, let me know.

If people running other areas would like similar lists, just edit the html file I link to below with your values. Then send it to me to put it online. Good hunting.

Beautiful list of scores for Level 85 Areas.

Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

@LHTB: Update sent.

I'm off the mark, but only just. About my best find so far was a 3os 510 defence Archon Plate. Typically I traded for one only a few weeks back. Best rune so far - Io.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

With a recent post about picking up grey items while MFing, I paid more attention and scored superior 4 socketed Archon Plate with Def 586. Good base for CoH, I guess ;)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Didn't receive any more updates.

[highlight]Act V Superuniques - Standings Day 2[/highlight]

1. Fishpowered
2. Zaliqai
3. lionheartthebrave
4. moo-cow
5. Drixx
6. Mursilis
7. Smips

[highlight]Nothing heard from:[/highlight]

Skinhead on the MTBA
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

My apologize for not sending any update, but I have no qualifier yet (didn't play almost at all). I have some sad RL issue, but still I don't want to give up this MFO yet.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I had no idea when it was. But I r here nowz.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

My 2nd highest ever Rune Drop. And to think I wanted to quit 3 runs before that... --G.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Had my best non-qualifier finds of the tourney this morning

Ruby Jewel of Truth
Required Level: 58
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0xd9e12149
+40% Enhanced Damage
7% Faster Hit Recovery

Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x946d0325
Adds 1-74 lightning damage
100% Chance to cast Level 47 Chain Lightning When You Die
+5% to Lightning Skill Damage
-4% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Great Poleaxe
Two-Hand Damage: 69 to 190
Durability: 28 of 28
Required Dexterity: 89
Required Strength: 169
Required Level: 63
Polearm Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x372ef1dc
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

BTW, am I the only one who thinks that whatever Jaedhann found yesterday made this a race for second place in the LVL 85 areas?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

lukin said:
BTW, am I the only one who thinks that whatever Jaedhann found yesterday made this a race for second place in the LVL 85 areas?

Well, i don't think that way.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Grisu said:
Didn't receive any more updates.

Act V Superuniques - Standings Day 2

1. Fishpowered
2. Zaliqai
3. lionheartthebrave
4. moo-cow
5. Drixx
6. Mursilis
7. Smips

Nothing heard from:

Skinhead on the MTBA

I'm not participating. Someone haxxed the participant list :scratchchin:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Ha, last place in the SU category right now. Hopefully my luck will turn around a little bit...Over up to almost 500 runs and I only have 4 qualifiers! Busy week too, so I really hope I'll have time to catch up.

Hmm, maybe we can do a prize for "Worst Luck in the MFO"?...:whistling:
If we can I'm going to be fighting you for it. My luck has only been this || much better than your's so far, and I've done way more runs. :rant:

But there is a good side, at least we can't come in last since Corrupted isn't running.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Why give up now, you've got a chance, it's not like he's taken a week off work to coincide with the MFO....

I may be giving up however, I did too much over the weekend, if my arm still hurts tomorrow I'll pull out. I will still oversee lvl85 areas though, just admit defeat to Pindle (until my infinity lightsorc gets to Hell Act5:evil2:)

@jaedhann: looking pretty in silver there
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Give up? Never! I have just begun to fight.

I did level up which means my runs should be a lot faster now that I'm not trying to be as careful.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I just can't wait that long

Here's a list that contains maxicek(still day2):
Colorless Green
Mr Akon

Sur Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: Hit Blinds Target +1
Helms: Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Armor: Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Shields: +50 to Mana

Required Level: 61
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Thank you Mephy.

Only 5 remaining for Enigma. :party:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Now if only that list was reversed.....I am really reconsidering the adage of just killing bosses. Of my top 5, I think 4 of them just dropped from a random monster that got hit by a stray fireball. Bosses for me just continually drop gold breast plates (13-14 last count) and green light plates....
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

@darkooo: congrats, surely one more for beast?

@xdeathfire: perhaps stop the stray fireballs and improve run times :p

if that list were reversed, Jaedhann would explode (in a bad way)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Where are the +skills? :(

Shadow Casque
Defense: 26
Durability: 24 of 35
Required Level: 63
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x446abfd2
+22 to Strength
+52 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
All Resistances +18
20% Faster Cast Rate
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

This beauty fell out of a chest today:

Scintillating Jewel
Required Level: 26
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x474c7b30
All Resistances +15

Now what to do with it... I've already got one just like that in one of my Shako's. I'm thinking of sticking that one into my ethereal Skullder's.

Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Day 3 is now over for me. Increased my score a little, but still waiting for the first one with good score... :whistling:

Baal dropped me 5 rare Scourges but not a single golden one... 👎
And I also got failed unique Vortex Shield - sometimes you just have too much luck *sigh*
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Grats on that Sur Darkooo, glad they aren't counted as qualifiers :p

Meph was generous to me just, my first self found 👍

The Stone of Jordan
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x15274591
+20 to Mana
Adds 1-12 lightning damage
Increase Maximum Mana 25%
+1 to All Skill Levels
Gib SOJ Schmaleop 👍

Only a few runs done today, nothing found that increases my score, ew. Plan on doing a passel tomorrow before sending my next update.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Let's get back on track. 3 days over. Did perhaps about 400 runs yesterday night and only got my score up with measly few points. Still waiting for the first over medium level drop to occur. Lower ones seem to drop like tears from heaven and giving the finger at the same time for my poor sorcy. :/

Something useful still within the nonqualifiers:

sol, amn, etc runes a bunch
duriel's shell
couple of kelpie snares
eth bonesnap (yeah, it's going to break up.. But until then, charger or a barb will have lots'o'fun with it. :D)

Still waiting for my first Oculus. Found only one so far on bnet during the time I've played since forever..
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Or an iron golem. That much damage that early would be fun in conjunction with Amp. I'm picking up all unique and set maul type weapons ... hoping to make an IG necro some day.

No update from me today as there's only a small improvement in my score.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Would have to wait making that IG until the dura is ~1/max..

And only sacrifice it after normal diablo, since one/two hoses from big D and there goes my shiny transparent bsnap. :(
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm having to drop out of this - work has got the best of me. My email has been sent to Grisu, and I would like to apologise for not making up my mind sooner.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Hey Mursilis, would you want updates daily or less often?

5 hours running behind, more ahead - let's see if I can run 10 hours today? :D
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Some nice non qualifiers:

Bartucs cut throat x 3
guardian angel
Shaftstop (my second)

and a rather cool twinking amulet:

Order Collar
Required Level: 22
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x9cf5df48
+4 to Dexterity
+60 to Life
Poison Resist +30%
10% Faster Cast Rate
+1 to Cold Skills (Sorceress Only)

highest rune this far is Sol.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Yeah, i was lazy bum but now you should have my update. Sorry for late post :)
You can send them to me daily if you'd like, not a problem at all. I may not post an update every day, but at least that way time differences don't cause any issues where I get your update for the past three days just after I post the current list. I'd have a score from the day before to use.

Granted I didn't send Grisu an update yesterday, but that's only because I only did 100 runs and found absolutely nothing. :rolleye:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Since I'm such a nice guy *cough* and got 3 more updates and one withdrawal, I decided to update the table once more. Note that the 3 new people on the list might have had more time to run since they sent the updates later (on the other hand...when you look at the table, I doubt they made good use of that additional time:tongue: 😉

[highlight]Act V Superuniques - Standings Day 2-3.5[/highlight]

1. Fishpowered
2. Zaliqai
3. lionHTB
4. moo-cow
5. Drixx
6. SirMurdalot
7. Mursilis
8. Silospen
9. Holy Pade
10. Smips

As you've all probably read, Skinhead on the MTBA withdrew (got your mail).

@Serdash, corrupted: You still participating?

Keep on running everyone! As for me, I'll take a nap. I am ill, was woken up by construction works, had to battle Windows Vista problems and had thus enough time for the enormous amount of 25-30 runs! Yay!:coffee:

Good luck and remember:

[highlight]Next update is after day 5 - that's Wednesday midnight, people[/highlight]
Try to send your updates till Thursday noon CET. Thanks :)
Just a note to those running Baal. I intend to update tonight, in about 9 hours, so if you have any new finds you want to report get that to me beforehand.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

more than six hours running today, pindle thought he was the countess. dropped runes above hel just short of the countess's special rune drop and only gave me 11 qualifiers.

also, yellow scourges discourage me.

yeah, i went there. and it took me 12 hours to think of.

added: more than 600 MF and I've gotten about 10 rare legendary mallets. You'd think that some of those pindle would've coughed up at least some of them as rares. After a rough start losing millions of XP I got my sorc to 93 this afternoon.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Im dropping out of the mfo for certain nameless reasons. Sorry team, good luck everyone
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

OK, now my wrist and fingers and my upper arm is hurting when I run pindle for more than 5 minutes

I'm pulling out of the Act5 SUs section, I don't want to rest until the weekend, and then damage my arm over the weekend trying to make up the runs. I will admin the lvl85 areas still, unless anyone has a problem with that

Good luck to all participants, I will send a list to Grisu immediately
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

[highlight]Supervisor message[/highlight]

Could any Mephrunner send me updates withing the next 24 hours? I'd like to make a proper update tomorrow evening.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

End of day 4 for me. Got one decent qualifier in the end which gives me positive feeling for tomorrow :rolleyes:

Sent the update to Mursilis, I'll be eager to see the current ranking in Baal category.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

[highlight]Act V Superuniques[/highlight]

Received updates from Zaliqai, Mursilis. Still no word from Serdash and corupted.
If the other participants would send me their Day 5 update within the next few hours, that would be great. Otherwise I'll just post the list with their last scores sent :)

Good luck to everyone remaining - and try hard for the sake of competition. I don't want to hear any "But Grisu did just win because I did hardly do any runs anymore" whining :p

Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

As only Mungo has sent an update, I will postpone the list until after work, in about 10hrs time

Mr Akon, xdeathfire, dropouts confirmed
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

@LHTB: Update sent.

I found one of the rarest items that can drop in the tunnels last night. Unfortunately it doesn't score, but it is a grailler for me.


Yes folks, The Torch of Iro. No readout as I'm not at my D2 computer, but that completes all my normal and exceptional sets & uniques. I suppose I had better run cows for the set at some time, then that will leave me with only EUs and Griswold's Caddy to run for.

Also found a Lionbranded of Inertia. Nice.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I made the first one within the thread. I had no idea then what is (will be) happening with the tournament, and thus didn't realized it was time for the next update :embarassed:

Anyway, I have no longer motivation to participate, since this MFO is imo ruined with so many people dropping out - thus I'm doing the same. I wonder when Baal/Pindle etc. stop by to say they're quitting as well :(

In case anyone is interested, I can offer whatever I have found so far, but it isn't much (1os Giant Skull being the highest score item). I have found an ethereal Hone Sundan (169%ED) which is probably the only valuable item for me.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Does that post ring any bells? Has no one ever told you. you shouldn't drunk post?:D

Anyways, thanks for clarifying this - I just wasn't sure anymore, because after you said you didn't sign up the last time, I again checked the sign-up thread and found above post ... with you added and without you in there before you yourself posted :scratchchin:

Now, if Serdash comes along and tells me he didn't sign up either...I think I'll go see a shrink :crazy:

Ok, but now, ladies and gentleman, I present:

[highlight]The Act V Superuniques day 5 update!!![/highlight]

Ok, got some more updates from Fishpowered and SirMurdalot, and I tell you: The air is getting thin up there on top! And the bottom half can count their blessings that lionHTB called it quits - otherwise you'd be quite embarrassed :p

1. Zaliqai
2. Fishpowered
3. moo-cow
4. Drixx
5. Mursilis
6. SirMurdalot
7. Silospen
8. Holy Pade

Still not a single update from Serdash - I think he wants to jump in on the last day and bust the whole thing with something like *tadaaaa - l00k @ me 5 lashezzz*

Come on people - keep on running! You can still sleep once you're old and wrinkled!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

hmmm, up to third place. and i was thinking of slacking a bit due to how bored i am and how much i hate pindle after 3.5k runs in 3 days.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Grisu: I didn't add myself in that post. Hence my last line when I posted it. I also never write corrupted without capital C ;)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

You did when you registered :whistling:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Update send to LHTB. No change in score since monday, and not for the lack of trying.

I promise to make an update on Mephscores tonight.
Now that has me worried that Zaliqai and Fishpowered are so far ahead I don't have a chance of catching up. Say it ain't so :scared:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'd laugh if my RSI inducing attempt beat anyone

Received 4 emails, so here's a new list


@aman: please contact me
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Corrupted said:
Grisu: I didn't add myself in that post. Hence my last line when I posted it. I also never write corrupted without capital C ;)/quote]
Ok, I now got that you didn't register yourself - but who added you to that list if your name appears the first time in your own post? Thyiad or 'poops? Or did someone hack your SPF account? 🕵 *still confused*
I know it's not really relevant here - but I'm curious :)

Mursilis said:
Now that has me worried that Zaliqai and Fishpowered are so far ahead I don't have a chance of catching up. Say it ain't so :scared:

Bah - no one is ever too far ahead not to catch up with...I was rather meaning that:

lionheartthebrave said:
I'd laugh if my RSI inducing attempt beat anyone

I think you actually did earn your RSI if you would be ahead of some people even without running the last 3 days 😁

So, Mursilis, I wasn't trying to give hints on how far ahead the top is - my bad for the unfortunate expression. I was rather trying to heat up the competition - everything's still possible!👍
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

[highlight]***Update in on all the Mephies***[/highlight]


Still far to close together to predict an eventual outcome, good jobs everyone.

No update sofar from KultharSavus, did i miss anything?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'll be continuing the MFO, even though I only did few runs on Wednesday...
Oh well, I have some catching up to do, if I want to get to my goal :rolleyes:

Got a good amount of runs today, too bad that my luck seems to be on vacation
Lot's of TC87 drops, but not a single S/U one (lots of failed sets though :p) *sigh*

I won't be sending update since my score is still the same
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm back from CA and I have maybe 1-2 hours of Baal runs in my. No sense in dropping out so here we go!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

This day had it good but also bad monents...

- found 2 decent qualifiers, of which other one is a self-found grailer for me :)
- found TC87 qualifier which would give pretty nice points, but...

- that TC87 item was dropped by a reqular Succubus, so it doesn't help my score at all :(
- learned that why you should not play when tired... I died, in a stupid way, but was able to recover the corpse. The exp loss is still quite painful at 98... :cry:

Due to RL issues, I can't run much tomorrow, but I should be able to make a final strech on Sunday

Sent the update to Mursilis
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Have been running AT since I got home at 7pm, hit a good patch and have found 2 grailers which have upped my score by 33%. Will sent update to LHtB when the matchsticks holding up my eyelids snap:crazyeyes:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Thanks for the reminder Mungo

Lvl85 area runners

Please sent end of day 7 updates, this is your last chance to view the list before the MFO results are announced
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

No update needed from, as i haven't improved my score.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!


Act V Superunique runners

Please sent end of day 7 updates, this is your last chance to view the list before the MFO results are announced


btw: Yay! Still some competition in the Baal category! *have to get some sleep and then back running*
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I will continue to run and will continue to run hard. That, for me, is the MFO!

Found a nice qualifier that is both a grailer and something that would be very useful to a build of mine. Fantastic roll as well!

I also found an Um and a couple of skillers: Spiritual +4 dex, Sounding +16%gf and a plain Fletcher's.

I've also been muling off any jewels, rings, amulets and circlets/coronets/diadems I find. I have yet to ID them though. Hopefully there will be a couple of nice ones included.

And now I will go send Grisu my update. I was able to increase my score.

Good luck to you all! 👍
Several hours of running since my last update netted exactly one change to my top 5. I don't think the 400+ string of runs without a single qualifier helped my cause any. Will have half the weekend to keep running. Really can't complain, Pindle already coughed up a Vex earlier.

I plan on posting the final Baal category update before the end Saturday morning when I wake up (hint hint to those I haven't gotten one from the past two days *cough* Thyiad *cough).
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

My score hasn't changed -> no point in sending the update.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Received updates from Mursilis, Zaliqai, Fishpowered (well, kind of ;-))

If the other people could send me one (pre-final) final update, that would be great:

Serdash (still not one single update - slacker :p)

Going to post an update within the next few hours - right now, nothing has changed in standings.

*goes back to running Baal* I know that Tyrael's will drop today...or tomorrow...
[highlight]Baal Category Update[/highlight] (final one)

Eric Xanthu

Still no updates from Joosh. RTB has also dropped out of the MFO (I had mail).

There is a bit of a difference between the top and bottom halves of the list. I'm betting that has alot to do with the fact I haven't gotten updates from the bottom recently so take the rankings with a grain of salt. That said it's anyone's tournament to win, so keep running!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I was out of town Tues-Thur so I didn't have anything worth reporting on Friday. I'll have something at the deadline (doubt I'll move all that much though).
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I guess this'll be the final update, no word from niyougegema or maxicek (or Aman)


same as before really, GL over the weekend, and please sent your top5 to me asap, so the results will come quickly

Please don't injure yourselves in the process though
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Huh, I'm on the lead?! :shocked:
It seems you got your competetion after all, Grisu ;)
Hmm, I wonder what Joosh is up to... :scratchchin:

Gotta get some sleep to get ready for tomorrow. I should have nothing to do, so I will be running Baal until the clock strikes midnight :D
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Anyone want to tell me what time we finish the run? 90minutes or one day and 90minutes?

Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

It started last saturday, so today is day 8

As the MFO is 9 days long, you have approx 1day 1hr 33 min remaining

EDIT: get a tyrael's and beat everyone, it'll be funny...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Well. Let's see. The MFO started at 00:00 on 19th.. then day #1 was 19th, and respectively

20th #2
21st #3
22nd #4
23rd #5
24th #6
25th #7
26th #8
27th #9

You should play the whole 9th day too, I guess, according to

So we're finished at midnight tomorrow.

Edit: pwned.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!
Callador said:
Huh, I'm on the lead?! :shocked:
It seems you got your competetion after all, Grisu ;)

nah, that's nothing - I bet you just had a typo in your score. :p

Callador said:
Hmm, I wonder what Joosh is up to... :scratchchin:
You know, maybe he's afraid to appear at on the bottom of the list - it's understandable after all. I wouldn't want to be there *glances at bottom of list ... notices Thyiad ... bites tongue* Hey, this wasn't aimed at you, Thy, do you hear me? ;)

Callador said:
Gotta get some sleep to get ready for tomorrow. I should have nothing to do, so I will be running Baal until the clock strikes midnight :D
You sleep? Slacker :p

btw, haven't received any more updates. So rankings are still the same they were on day 5 for A5 SUs.

EDIT: Nah, what the heck...I'll post the table once again so you don't have to browse back to page 18:

1. Zaliqai
2. Fishpowered
3. moo-cow
4. Drixx
5. Mursilis
6. SirMurdalot
7. Silospen
8. Holy Pade

[highlight]very last.[/highlight] Serdash (yeah, at the bottom - still no update and no word from you :p)

But don't think that's accurate at all - some scores are still from day 2 or 3...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Just wanted to say I'm still on board, going strong at 1,2 knots, some decent finds but I don't think I'm going to run for #1. Haven't had too much time, on the other hand this means I've got some ok looting potential, which must be gratifying as well, I guess.

Looking forward to the final scores :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent an update.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Final records sent.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Final sent, had a horrible weekend, good luck all you Americans/Europeans still to go...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm done with this MFO. Sent my final score to Mursilis.

Many thanks to all of the area supervisors for their efforts and to the remaining competitors for their Olympic spirit.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Holy...... 24hrs in a weekend?:propeller: I didn't even do that and I screwed my arm up
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent off my semi-final report. I probably won't get in any runs before bed. Hand is starting to hurt too.

I scooped up a Lem and a Highlord's Wrath in my last batch, plus Seraph's yesterday. Hope the rest of you found some great non-quals!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

A little over 5 hrs to go here, one last push to improve my score after 10hrs of nothing yesterday. I have had some good pickups along the way including 3 gheeds an Um and a Mal
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Buckled 30 minutes before the end. Just can't go any furter. Had a very bad second half of the MFO. Must be karma. All in all, had some good drops though.

[highlight]***To all the Mephies***[/highlight]

i'll be awayting all the final scores. Please be so kind to send them withing 24 hours after the MFO finishes for you.

Finally done, yay \0/
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm finished. Managed to improve my score a little, and suffer one more death.
Even though I did not had good luck with qualifiers I did get nice non-qualifiers and of course that nice slice of exp bar :D

Final results sent to Mursilis.

Good luck to everyone still running 👍

I gotta thank Grisu for his good MFO spirit. His enthusiasm helped me to get over 1k Baal runs :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm done as well. Final results have been sent to Grisu with a slight score increase.

I had a really good MFO and was able to steadily increase my score just about every day, which was nice since it constantly gave me the feeling I was making progress. Only Day 9 didn't provide a score increase, though 2 more grailers did make it worthwhile.

I owe a special thanks to Mr. Pindleskin who may now rest assured that I will be leaving him alone for quite some time.

Also a big thanks to the supervisors and good luck to all those still running! 👍
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

uffff...I'm done. After 10 hours of running today I S&E'd the last time at Baal's death exactly when the clock stroke midnight and sent my update to Mursilis (thanks for supervising!👍)

note to self #1: Baal running is even more mind-numbing than running Pindle. Honestly.

note to self #2: Get Infinity ASAP in order to run Baal with Lightning sorc instead of Hammerdin. Much faster that way. Although I did manage to squeeze down my run times to 3:45 the last 100 runs or so.

note to self #3: Next time don't show so much enthusiasm or someone will actually try to be competitve and pwn you :D

I really - really really - had a very bad second half. We can discuss details after results are revealed.

[highlight]To all A5 SU runners:[/highlight]
@Fishpowered, SirMurdalot, Zaliqai: Received your final updates. Thanks!

To all others: Please remember to send your final update within the first 24 hours after the MFO finishes for you. :)

EDIT: A big thank you to all participants, esp. to Callador for taking care that I reached my set number of runs, to all supervisors, to Drixx for hosting the MFO and good luck to everyone still running! *eagerly awaits results*
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

[copy Grisu]

Niyougegema: I have received your score

Jaedhann, Mungo, Maxicek: please sent final updates as soon as possible

Congrats to everyone who made it to the end

[/copy Grisu]

@jae: I'll let you off this time :p
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Final score sent, small improvement made. Well done to all.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Final update sent
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent my final score to Jaedhann.

Had fun in my inaugral MFO, started brightly but like other trailed off in the second stage of the competition. I think that England had the best week weather wise didnt help. Typical.

Thanks to all competitors, hope you all got what you wanted and thanks to supervisors for all the effort they put in ontop of participating 👍

Looking forward to the results.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Things should be winding down now. Going into the last few hours as the deadline looms. I hope everyone had a great MFO, the trouble in the early part notwithstanding. A reminder to supervisors, please e-mail me the results (not pm).

Deadline to send results is 48 hours after the MFO closes. I'll have results up ASAP :)

On a side note, I did withdraw from the pindle catagory. I just didn't have the heart to continue running, I hope everyone will understand. I will still post my top 5 but I don't believe there was another HC player in my catagory this time around so I don't think anyone misses out from my lack of motivation to play :)
Sent the final update to Jaedhann. I won't complain too much about my luck, although it was a weird one. Lots of TC3s comparing to the number of runs I did. I'll do a full summary of drops once the scores are here. Good luck to you still running (if there are any).👍
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

final score sent but my enthusiasm petered out toward the end, running pindle is really as boring as my friend made it out to be when i told him about it.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Final score sent, I am confident I am last in lvl 85 areas :(
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

@moo-cow, Mursilis: Received you final updates. Thanks :)

@Silospen: Withdrawal confirmed.

@Drixx: Saw your withdrawal post. Confirmed.

That only leaves [highlight]HolyPade[/highlight], but he still has got 13 hours left to send his update *tick tock tick tock* 😉

@Mursilis: You can find Drixx's email in last MFO's progress report

Now, just one more run - and if a qualifier drops ... :rant:
EDIT: Don't challenge the drop odds...err...gods...
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Mursilis don't wait on more from me. I ended up not doing more runs (worked on a Pat instead).
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Got final updates from all those who are running except naittiII. Even if your score is still the same, could you send me a final update?

Thank you.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent the same score few minutes ago with the same readouts as last time. No updates.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

[highlight]***Got all the updates from Mephies***[/highlight]

Except from KultharSavus. Didn't hear from him even when i asked him several times in this thread. If you did run, and want your score edited in, please let me know asap.

For now, final scores send to Drixx.

And lastly, Thank you all mephies for running like the madmen/women you are. I think this cathegory had the least dropouts. That makes you all winners to me.:cloud9:

Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Nah, mephie just gave me a strike of ~300 runs without a single exceptional or elite unique worth of even using. Golden dirk was the most common thing on the ground. Got too pissed after that and didn't run but ~30 runs in last 2-3 days.:whistling:

Then I gave him my finger and he dropped metalgrid and I decided to call it a tourney.:coffee:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Well the last few hours on saturday saved the day (or week?:)) for me. Many nice non-qualifiers dropped and on top of that one qualifier that improved my score a bit.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Receieved Baal and Meph results; however, I need them with fingerprints. I'm not 100% sure if it was said this time, but the final results always need full atma readouts for top-5 qualifiers. If you sent your results to your supervisor without the atma readouts, please re-send.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Never knew that. Got the full readout from Nepata and Schmaleop [edit] and Darkoo [/edit]. Rest of you will have to send readouts please.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Got full readouts only from SirMurdalot.

To all others: Please re-send Top 5 with full readouts! Thank you :)

EDIT: Received your final update (with full readouts:)), HolyPade
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Sent full readouts to jae.. Was at work earlier.
Oh, didn't realize about the readout part. So in that case I need such readouts from Joosh and Eric Xanthu, as I have the rest.

And to Grisu, I'll send you my readouts when I get back home tonight.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Grba, sorry about that. I sent the full ATMA readouts just now.

Anxious to see the loot!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Area 85 runners

@Niyougegema, Mungo, Maxicek: may I have readouts please
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Just sent full readouts, can't wait for the final scores!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Got all the readouts except Tanksaabas and cygnus. don't know if they will send them because they dropped out. Do you want the readouts now Drixx?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Readouts sent.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Once supervisors have the full readouts from their catagories, send them on over :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Would you consider readouts from everyone who didn't quit a full readout?
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Got all readouts except for Serdash's and Mursilis'. I PM'd Serdash, whereas Mursilis wanted to send his readouts once he's home.

I suppose we don't have to send top 5 and readouts from those who dropped out? :)
EDIT: nvm, Jae basically asked the same question...:)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

didn't get full readout. Document send with readouts of all who stuck to the end.

This will end my task as supervisor. If you want to send your readouts anyway, please send them to Drixx. I will no longer slow down the results.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Mungo is still at work. I'll get him to send the ATMA readouts when he returns. It wasn't in the first post, so he wouldn't have known he had to do that.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Atma readouts now sent to LHtB
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Mungo, Maxicek: thanks for the readouts

@Niyougegema: please send readouts as soon as possible
Alright, all emails with readouts sent to the appropriate parties. I may have titled the one to Grisu "Baal category" :ponder: but the content is correct.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Readout sent. Sorry i'm late, just woke up... :coffee:
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Poor excuse :p

I've finally discovered drixx email addy, results sent

Now hurry up and release them before Jaedhann's head explodes with tension
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

It's in the mid of night here, I can't sleep since I've such a painful dry cough and so I thought I stopped by and see what's up :)

@lionHTB: The Results Thread will have to wait some time I guess, since I don't have all readouts yet... :(

@Mursilis: Got your update. Thanks :)

@Serdash: Last call. If your readouts aren't here the time I wake up (again) in around 5 hours, I'll send the results on to Drixx without your readouts. Sorry mate, but this MFO does have to end sometime...:\
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Got your readouts, Serdash! Thank you! :)

[highlight]Sent A5 SUs category results to Drixx.[/highlight]

Being the last of the supervisors to send in results I'd say - see you all in the MFO results thread!👋
Thanks for that MFO everyone!
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Can't wait.. :)
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

I'm compiling the results thread as we speak. I've still got about half of the items to check before that, and then the post takes awhile to put together and format and proof-read.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

15+ hours to compile a post? Unheard of :D
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

My apologies to those waiting eagerly (Very sorry). I've been a bit under the weather, and that coupled with the fact I'm using a new method to check the finds this time around (and it takes longer than what I used to do), it's taking some time. I've enlisted Hrus to help me and between us we'll have the rest of everything checked and done in a jiffy.

Quite a good mfo haul btw... just a bit longer everyone. Sorry.
Re: MFO Progress Thread - July 2008!

Just add the scores up with a calculator and post them. Nothing much else to check.

*taps foot* :p
Estimated market value