MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion


New member
May 17, 2007
MF league 2010 - 1.13 patch - Sign Up and discussion


In year 2009 I saw less MF tournaments then in past years and I think it is time ot change it
This tournament will be for players which have no fear from nothing in game and for players looking for best TC87 and also rune treasures.
I hope it will be one of best possibility to get motivation playing MF even for some players with less time or less motivation as sometime I am too.
Tournament should be full of interesting moments and it will contain even some non tradicional MF targets.


Tournament will have 10 short rounds which are simmilar to mini MFO only with some small changes. Each round will be write 2 weeks in advance to have possibility of training of some specific targets or prepare some char or some special gear. With time of round I will also say another details of that round as score list, some technical advices and some special rules for round if there will be some of them.

Time of each round will be set from friday to next sunday of some specific weeks. From that 9 ways you can use 72 hours of runnig which you can divided to 2 section (e.g. you will have time from saturday 6:00 AM to sunday 10:00 PM so you will use 40 hours from your 72 and next week you will have time from wednesday 2:00 PM to thursday 10:00 PM so you will use rest of your 72 hours). This system give you better possibility to manage your time as you wish beacuse during that 9 days it is easier to find some time then if it will be only during one week-end.

There will be two grups of players : Players which will take part of competition for prizes and another players without prizes competition. Both groups (so all players in tourney) will play all tournament together with same scoring system they will be in current table which will show their points. But on the end of tournament first 3 players from prizes group will take their prizes.

Price system I can discuss yet but I thought about 50 PGems as entry to price group and from that PGems I will created bank and on the end first player will take 60% 2nd 30% and 3rd 10% from bank. (e.g. 20 players will be in prize group so 20 * 50= 1000 PGems will be price and from that winner of prize group will get 600 PGems, 2nd player 300 PGems and 3rd players 100 PGems)

Each of 10 rounds will worth points :
order      points
  1            5
  2            4
  3            3
  4            2
  5            1

So maximum number of points is 50 if you will win all rounds

On the end of tournament will be made TOP 5 from your best items you found during all tournament and same with TOP 5 runes

Best S/U top 5 will worth 2 Points
Best rune top 5 will worth 1 Point

SO now it is time to present possible targets from which I will choose final 10
3 of them you can choose by voting , beacuse I prefer to play some areas which are prefering by most players and rest I will choose with help of some other players (my advisors)

You can vote for 3 targets from list
Style of voting is this one for each player which will vote (in vote can participate even players which will not play tournament then)

1. xxxxxx 3 points
2. yyyyy 2 points
3. zzzzz 1 point

3 targets with most points will be part of tournament

There will be 2 type of rounds :

S/U hunt (runes will be in scoringlist too for higher players setting motivation and some targets score list will incluse also jewelery e.g. andariel,...)
and rune hunt (pure rune scoring list)

List of targets :

ACT bosses : Andariel , Duriel , Mephisto , Diablo , Baal

SU monsters : Pindleskin , Frozenstein (yeah different target from pindle) , Nihaltlak , Council members (rune hunt) , Countness (rune hunt)

Areas : Pit , AT , WSK+throne (without waves) , RoF+CS (without seal packs) , Maggot lair lvl3 + Mausoleum , ACT III area 85 temples , Cow level (rune hunt), ACT V underground areas (frozen river, Icy celar , Drifter Cavern), LK superchests (rune hunt) , RoF superchests (rune hunt) , Tal rasha tombs (rune hunt) , ACT 3 jungle (all areas before LK , underground areas incuded, rune hunt)

Some base rules : You can play HC/SC does not matter , you can play whatever you want from vanilla to FAM (only in prize part you are restricted to SPTF rules)
You do not need to partecipate in all round to be in final score list
You can sign in even during tournament (e.g. after rund 2) but let me know through PM
Only single player , no self MP games :)
Use only that 72 hours you will have
Try to beat everythink you will meet including naother players in tourney :)
If you are not in prize group , you are not less valuable and try to beat all prize players to let him know who is best.

So have a good luck and feel free for discusion and if I forgot osmethink feel free to let me know

prize group table


non prize group
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Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

I'm definitely in bass, its very interesting idea...Not sure if i can complete most of areas though...

As for me, i will choose prizes group, its much better for motivation...

prize group table


non prize group


My votes:

1. Pindle
2. Pit
3. AT
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Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Well this fits in nicely with my MF running, so I don't have a good reason not to enter :)

Though I would like to see some bigger stakes, mainly as I want to get back at those naabs who nicked my goodies last MFO :whistling:

As for the targets, I'm going to be a complete bore and pick:

1. Pindle
2. AT
3. Meph

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]


[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Been waiting for this one. Since exams are almost over i probably/hopefully will have more time to dedicate to this project. Even though i might not be able to run every target or area i promise i'll try :thumbup:


[B]Prize Group Table[/B]


[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Count me in. My votes go to CS Nihilatak and Council cause those are three places that are highest danger of all and I would like to see something new :)
( also excuse for me to make some new characters :p )

As for prize system:
This event will last pretty long time and will require some dedication to win, so prizes have to be good. Let's say that entrance is 10-15 pgems for one round. That makes 100 - 150 pgems per entrant. This would even let some people decide where they want to take part. 20 people = 2000 pgems, and I suspect that there will be far more people than that. 100 pgems is nothing in several months and it is possible for anyone to gather those :p

I also don't understand 72h system. If i understand correct you have 72 hours of total running time. You can split this time to 10 targets you will be runing so you get average 7.2h per target?

1. CS runs ( Diablo )
2. Nihilatak
3. Council members

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]


[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion


'Nother juicy beef eatin' competition from fellow cowboy eh? Count me in you dogs for sure. 'Nd guess I gotta sell my saddle in the prize bracket 'coz theres much more fun there, eh?

Right then, let's hoard those cows like there is no tomorrow!

Mah peekz:
1. Cowboy practice range
2. ROFL (+CS)
3. Council bouncin'

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]

Ill get my shot in vanilla runnin' in this one. Really Im ready to make the big jump back to the future in 1.13 anyways, so why not to pack mah mule a bit in advance, right? The gems thrown into the pot may be FAM though, if no more vanilla fools join me on this ;)

Sidenote: I understand this to be a Xmas and onwards competition, right? (or so)... Im still a bit busy in the school now, but there will be plenty of time from half december till february for me to join some fun again ;)
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

I also don't understand 72h system. If i understand correct you have 72 hours of total running time. You can split this time to 10 targets you will be runing so you get average 7.2h per target?

You have 72 hours for each round. But that 72 hours is not game running time but RL time you will have. So if you will have time 36 hours during weekend and 12 of them you will be sleep , they also count to that 36. That 2 hours is exactly part of that 9*24 hours which will be duration of each round.

And for that prizes It should be only entrance / tournament beacuse only on the end of tournament will be winner and prizes will be divided so I llike to have that bak first that tournament will start to know what you are playing for. And if someone will be in non prize group and will have good score he could enter with PGems only in last round to win a bank and that is not good :)
Member of prize group will became each player which will have payed entrance PGems. I prefer have that gems first that tournament will start but first then 3rd round will start I will accept payement too for occasional new entries.

Sidenote: I understand this to be a Xmas and onwards competition, right? (or so)... Im still a bit busy in the school now, but there will be plenty of time from half december till february for me to join some fun again ;)

It is OK beacuse first round will be not first then in january :)

Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Count me in. Some forum member had convinced me to do a full restart when the patch 1.13 comes out and i was reluctant to play since then. But i give up on the wait and this looks like a good excuse for that.

Diablo should be one of the 10 places to honour the big boss =). My next picks are Council and Cows.

Mah peekz:
1. Diablo
2. Council
3. Cows

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Its totally time for a new MF tournament. :thumbup:

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]

1. Act III Jungle
2. Cows
3. WSK/Throne

Chaos Sanctuary or Diablo would be fun too.

For the entry fee I would much rather part with an Um rune than even 50 pgems. Pgems are my preciouses.
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

For the entry fee I would much rather part with an Um rune than even 50 pgems. Pgems are my preciouses.

So win bank and you will have lot of them :)
50 should not be so huge problem I hope :)

Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Why not. Until January I hope to finish that necro I'm working on. This competition will make me motivated to do it :crazyeyes:
(unless he got killed *knocks in wood* )

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
buraz (HC)

Let me be first in non prize group.
So, 72h in which we can do runs as much as we can. I see some people will not sleep in that period :D

I choose to choose:
1. Pits
2. Pindle
3. Meph
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Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Yes, lets find stuff. I`m just in it to beat RIP, though:whistling:

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
buraz (HC)

My favourite places:
1. WSK
2. Pits
3. Moo Moo farm
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

You're welcome, my friend :thumbsup:

Its nice to have such competition...
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

I'll join the prize group, even though I'm sure my wife will suddenly demand my full undivided attention about 10 minutes into one of my 72 hour periods. :doh:

@Pyro: I bet you could find someone to pay 50 pgems for an Um..

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
buraz (HC)

I see WSK and Baal aren't getting much love here. :nono:

1. WSK + Throne
2. Baal
3. Pindle
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

Then just send rock to someone and he will pay your entry :p
I can't wait this to start :D I'm to lazy MFing with nothing to encourage me ( like a bunch of YOU trying to steel my gems :p )
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

I'm in. I just hope we get a lot of notice before every area is announced, not just the two weeks beforehand. There are lots of places I can't run well because I don't have the characters for it (WSK, Baal, Council, non-traditional alvl85 areas, and even Countess!) so I'd have to have some time to build them.

I'll join buraz in the non-prize group.

Top three picks:
1) Pits
2) AT
3) Meph

Makes me glad I starting working on my LF zon, though, since I'm also hoping to see some major cow action.

Seems like a great idea, bassano. I bet we'll see some good competition all year. :thumbsup:

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
buraz (HC)
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

@TRM: Do not worry beacuse first target will be some easier classic and I will announced all of them even with order on the start of year first then round one will start
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

I'm in. This should be great fun. It will also keep the forums active and hopefully the smack talk to a dull roar :)

I'm in for the prizes, I love the Pgem aspect as well.

Top three picks:
1) WSK
2) Council Members
3) Cows


[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
buraz (HC)
Re: MF league 2010 - Sign Up and discussion

[B]Prize Group Table[/B]
name                   PGems (Y/N)

bassano                    Y
RIP                        N
smokee                     N
EightDigitSin              N
frozzzen                   N
skiffboy (vanilla yeah)    N
NacRuno                    N
Pyrohemia                  N
Thomh                      N
Rhone                      N
Rummski                    N

[B]Non-prize Group Table[/B]
buraz (HC)

I updated a table little bit for have some information :)
If you want you can just sent entrance fee to mario (dot) babunek (at) seznam (dot) cz
Estimated market value