MF barb questions
Hey, my brother wants to make an MF barb. I don't know why myself, but anyway... He wants to run Meph. What is the best skill/gear set to do this? Does anyone even run Meph with a barb?
He wanted to use dual Ali Babas (as it says in some MF barb guide) or one Baba and a shield, but i think ebotd cb and a Baba would be much faster. I'm thinking those and nigma and guils for cb atm.
The guide he's looking at uses ww, berserk, and/or frenzy. I'm thinking that a barb cannot tele very far on its mana, so maybe just frenzy and run through the durance or wherever. Is this a good plan? Would he want to use nigma for frw (and MF) or fort for ed?
Edit: Read up a bit. Should he actually use another decent sword instead of Ali Baba, so like Ebotd and Azurewrath or Lightsabre? Also should I just tell him to run things like pits, trav, maybe pindle instead of Mephy?
Hey, my brother wants to make an MF barb. I don't know why myself, but anyway... He wants to run Meph. What is the best skill/gear set to do this? Does anyone even run Meph with a barb?
He wanted to use dual Ali Babas (as it says in some MF barb guide) or one Baba and a shield, but i think ebotd cb and a Baba would be much faster. I'm thinking those and nigma and guils for cb atm.
The guide he's looking at uses ww, berserk, and/or frenzy. I'm thinking that a barb cannot tele very far on its mana, so maybe just frenzy and run through the durance or wherever. Is this a good plan? Would he want to use nigma for frw (and MF) or fort for ed?
Edit: Read up a bit. Should he actually use another decent sword instead of Ali Baba, so like Ebotd and Azurewrath or Lightsabre? Also should I just tell him to run things like pits, trav, maybe pindle instead of Mephy?