Merry Christmas Daily!


New member
Dec 22, 2006
Merry Christmas Daily!

Merry Xmas everyone!

I wish you all the best and hope that Santa brings you many Green and Gold's :nod:.

RL: Its 10:14AM here and we just had our family tradition of opening presents together. That was really great and enjoyable :). We are now preparing ourselves for yet another family tradition, where a lot of our family friends/relatives come over for lunch and dinner (has happened for many years now)! So in a couple hours time, my house is going to be filled with people! It's quite funny watching my mum run around the place making sure everything is ready haha.

D2: Probably not today....well maybe, we shall see.

Hope you all have a great day/holiday! Enjoy it SPFer's!
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

It's 1:50 here in Finland and our tradition is to eat well, make merry and distribute & open the presents on the eve. So we've done that already.

RL: My son, his wife and my grandson have gone to sleep and I'm reading SPF as I'm not sleepy. It was great to see my grandson. He was little scared of my wheelchair, but soon got accustomed to it. I was afraid how I get along with my daughter-in-law as she's a devout muslim and I'm as devout atheist. But everything went well. She even tasted the ham I baked and sipped some wine with the dinner, telling me that she doesn't think them as sin. When I questioned her more about that, she told that the Qur'an tells that 'when in Rome...' quite clearly, but that the ways of Mohammed(1) forbid it. Her opinion is that you have to forget the ways of Mohammed as his lifestyle doesn't work on 21st century and just follow the Qu'ran.

So we had nice time and she even promised to cook todays (25th) meal for us with some things she bought with her. To this I said that she's welcome, but did she check first what was allowed to bring into EU. She said that she proudly smuggled the items as she sees such prohibitions ridiculous. She's definately a woman after my heart and I can see why my son fell in love with her.

(1) I think she ment the Sunnah.

D2: Not while they are here.

Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

Woot, you open presents in the morning ? We always have them after dinner, as the last part of the evening, because after all the kids opened all their gifts it will be total chaos anyway.

RL : Just talked to my wife and my father till 1 AM. Boy it gets old. He is a clever man, but he keeps telling me the same things he told me 15 years ago. You would think that getting a job, a house and a wife would change that, but nooooooooooo...

D2 : Soon, i hope. HF rushes cannot get as repetitive as listening to the old man.

Ovg : prolly not ^^

Well, yes, this sounds kinda bitter. I realy didnt enjoy talking to my father that much. But we get along quite well usualy. He just has the tendency to tell us about how he brought me up and all the problems we had in the 18 years we lived together. I am more interested in the present or even the future, so i get kinda bored after 5 minutes of "irrelevant" talk.

Guess i can only hope for the best for the family dinner at my mother's this evening... There will be 20 people, not just the 3 of us as it was tonight.
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

Boy it gets old. He is a clever man, but he keeps telling me the same things he told me 15 years ago. You would think that getting a job, a house and a wife would change that, but nooooooooooo...

You would think that it would. My father is the same way. For example, I'm finishing a master's degree, and he still tries to instruct me on good study habits.

RL: It's still christmas eve here, so she and I are cleaning the house as much as possible (dinner at our house tomorrow). Also, we're about to wash the the shower. It'll be fun. :unimpressed: We usually wash her outside, but it's too cold.

Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

RL: It's still Christmas eve here. I'll be hitting Red Lobster with a friend in a few minutes, but currently a bit excited; my custom-built desktop came in:

Intel I5-750 cpu 2.6G
Kingston DD3 2G 1333mhz
Asus EAH5750 Video Card 1G DDR5
MSI R5770 Video Card 1G DDR5
Asus P7P55-M Main Board
Seagate 1TB Hard Drive
LG DVD Writer 22x
ATX Case with Thermaltake 500W PS

For it's price, I'm pretty happy. :)

D2: None, maybe tomorrow!
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Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

RL: Christmas eve still, for another three hours. There's a blizzard raging outside, we should get 8" of snow tonight plus another 8-10" before it's all said and done. Add a 30mph wind with gusts to 60 and it's miserable out there. We just got back from the wife's grandmothers, and tomorrow we're supposed to go to her other grandmothers. We'll see how the roads are tomorrow.

D2: Haven't in ages.

OVG: Playing Dragon Warrior 4 on an emulator. So far it's ok, hopefully it keeps my interest. I liked DW1 and 3, 2 bored me eventually and I don't think I ever finished it, needed to gain ~10 levels and didn't have the patience to do so.

@OMG - nice PC setup. What OS are you going to put on it?
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

RL: Nice quiet roast lunch with the family, then went up the road to visit my grandfather and share a beer with him. Good fun :whistling: Now watching season 1 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

D2: Few Travincal runs, nothing else though, been sleeping off lunch for a while.
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

RL: My Christmas kind of sucks this year. I was going to go to my grandmother's, but I got ill. Hopefully new year will be better.

D2: Yeah.

OVG: Eufloria.
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

RL: No skiing this year, which is the first time in ~8 years that's happened. I went with a limited pass this year, so I'm saving my few eligible days for the epic snow-days (i.e. to meet my standards for 'epic-potential' require a 50 inch base, plus another 8+ of fresh snow in the previous 24 hours - and then go from there). Just to maintain some sense of Dec25th-routine though, I'll probably figure out how to wolf down a couple of turkey sandwiches in ~17 seconds at some point. :D

I'm not sure (yet) what I'll be doing to occupy my extra, non-skiing, XMas time this year (beyond more darn snow shoveling in the driveway :p). I'd like to grab the show-shoes and go for a jaunt, but the current wind-speeds create whiteout conditions, so unless that lets up, I probably won't (the place I have in mind has a few barbwire fences, which don't work so well with whiteout conditions :p).

D2: I managed to push my assassin to Act4 Hell on Christmas Eve, so maybe I'll push her through to matriarch for xmas. She's in the 'slow-but-steady' category, and because she's an original idea she was interesting for a bit, but at this point it's more of a 'well, I got this far... might as well finish it' idea. I probably should've waited longer to switch to my non-standard primary skill, so it's my fault as much as anything.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

Christmas part: Walk in the snow to the sheep pit, where there'll be glühwein, bonfires, frenzied children, and sheep. Then dinner, then zzz.


Prettige kerstdagen! from the Netherlands
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Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

D2: A crafty Hell Andy run or two, hopefully.

RL: Off to my in-laws for a buffet. My mother-in-law has been working on the buffet for a couple of days so I'm expecting something special. Also, I'm hoping that my wife doesn't go in to labour today: we're due to have our first child at the start of next year, and I really don't think Xmas day is a fair day to have a birthday (Also, I intend to drink a few beers today and consequently won't be able to drive - going to hospital in an ambulance is something we'd rather avoid).
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

Merry Christmas to all!

Haven't been playing D2 much lately. RL (exams coming up) and OVG (TF2 with the new update) are taking up too much of my time. Hence me not visiting these forums as much as I do otherwise. I'll be back soon though.

Have a good one all!
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

RL: Christmas will be rough this year for me. I was raised by my grandparents, and unfortunately lost my grandpa to cancer this March. My grandmother was unable to cope and took her own life four months later. It's just not really the same this year. On the bright side, I'm going with a friend to his family for a good meal and a celebration. It should be quite enjoyable.

D2: Depends on when I get home.

Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

and I really don't think Xmas day is a fair day to have a birthday

I had a classmate named Eeva who was born on the 24th december. We Finns celebrate thr christmas on the eve so she had her nameday, birthday and christmas on the same day. She told that when she was little she had birthday party in the morning, nameday party on the afternoon and christmas in the evening. Three sets of presents.


Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

Happy Christmas, SPF! :guiness:

RL: Over to the aunt's later for sitting around, presents, tamales, and meh. I intend to stay for a six pack, then come back here so I can paint. (My aunt has all my acrylic paint, and I'm taking it back from her today: woo.) I'm feeling a bit off, but I'm definitely not getting sick.

D2: Unlikely.
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

Merry Christmas everyone! :)

RL: Mom's making breakfast and then we open presents. My sister is probably coming over for dinner. Should be a nice day :)

D2: 1.07 if Ashmer and Smilts are around, otherwise Eastern Sun.
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

RL: Poker and coffee

D2: Got my mephblizzer randomkilled so Ill level some sort of mfer if I feel up to it. (probably a poison necro or LF-zon since Ive found some nice starting gear for them.
Re: Merry Christmas Daily!

Merry X-mas all!

@Bob: Windows 7. Heard good things, so giving it a shot before I revert back to XP Pro. :p

RL: 2x dinner parties I couldn't turn down, so I'm going to both. I really wanted to spend my day playing L4D2 (Christmas with zombies ftw), but it looks like it will have to wait. Also, I had Ox-Whip this morning, which I figured meant Ox-Tail. It turns out it 'whip' actually means OX PENIS CHUNKS. It was delicious. Joy.

D2: Hopefully some PvP action today. :)
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