Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter! <


Active member
May 16, 2007
Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] That name looks awfully familiar.
[highlight]A:[/highlight] You're right! Devotees will remember this guy, goldfinder extraordinaire. After him and his little brother WWGoldie having found well over 1.5 billion pieces of gold from the once-rich High Council, though, AxeGoldie has grown tired of that particular treasure hunt and has decided to shift focus onto other things. Thank the wonders of 1.13 respecing for that!

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] So what is he up to nowadays then?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] Ehm, well, pretty much the same thing. Still killing council members, just the goldfinding equipment has been stashed for now in exchange for, you know, damage and stuff.

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] Is he finished?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] Some plans are still being finalized at this point. A lot of planning has gone into him, I'll tell you more about it later!

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] Cool, how about some stats and such though?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] Oh absolutely!

[highlight]Stats and such:[/highlight]

Name: AxeGoldie
Level: 92
Life: 1945 (4203)
Chance to Hork: 55%
AR: 6185 (78% chance to hit council members)
Weapon 1 damage: 11434-17687 (14560 avg)
Weapon 2 damage: 10896-17151 (14023 avg)

Strength: 128 (193)
Dexterity: 61 (87)
Vitality: 356 (356)
Resists: 75/70/80/70 (Fire/Cold/Lightning/Posion)

Battle Orders, Find Item 20 (31)
Whirlwind 20 (27)
Axe Mastery 20 (25)
Battle Command 1
Natural Resist x
Increased Speed x
Not decided on the remaining points yet.


Weapons: Dual 1.07 eth Grief BA
Switch: Dual Echoing
Armor: Fortitude
Helm: Arreat's
Amulet: Rare +2Barb/15Str/31life/17resall/18LR/Teleport
Ring1: Rare 20Str/97AR/4MaxDmg/11resall/10FCR
Ring2: Rare 120AR/6ML/7FR/7LR/1MDR
Gloves: 1.07 LoH
Belt: String of Ears
Boots: Gore Rider

Might Merc:
Shael'd Reaper's/Kira's/Guardian Angel

Berserker Axe
One-Hand Damage: 36 to 159
Required Dexterity: 49
Required Strength: 128
Required Level: 64
Axe Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0x1f328a38
Adds 5-30 fire damage
+14 Life after each Kill
37% Increased Attack Speed
Adds +390 Damage
Ignore Target Defense
-25% Target Defense
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
20% Deadly Strike
35% Chance to cast Level 15 Venom on striking
172% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
-20% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired), Socketed (5: 5 used)

Berserker Axe
One-Hand Damage: 36 to 159
Required Dexterity: 49
Required Strength: 128
Required Level: 64
Axe Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0x324e6ba5
Adds 5-30 fire damage
+15 Life after each Kill
35% Increased Attack Speed
Adds +370 Damage
Ignore Target Defense
-25% Target Defense
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
20% Deadly Strike
35% Chance to cast Level 15 Venom on striking
172% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
-22% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired), Socketed (5: 5 used)

Fabian's Archon Plate
Defense: 1500
Durability: 59 of 60
Required Strength: 103
Required Level: 63
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0x61425a2a
+200% Enhanced Defense
+300% Enhanced Damage
+15 Defense
Damage Reduced by 7
Fire Resist +30%
Lightning Resist +30%
+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Cold Resist +30%
Poison Resist +30%
Replenish Life +7
+1 to Light Radius
25% Faster Cast Rate
12% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
20% Chance to cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when struck
+138 to Life (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (4: 4 used)

Blood Collar
Required Level: 67
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 92
Fingerprint: 0x858902f6
+15 to Strength
+31 to Life
Fire Resist +17%
Lightning Resist +35%
Cold Resist +17%
Poison Resist +17%
+2 to Barbarian Skill Levels
Level 2 Teleport (19/25 Charges)

Beast Band
Required Level: 66
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x61680121
+20 to Strength
+97 to Attack Rating
+4 to Maximum Damage
All Resistances +11
10% Faster Cast Rate

Bitter Grip
Required Level: 74
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0xf7b24823
+120 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 1
Fire Resist +7%
Lightning Resist +7%
6% Mana stolen per hit
Replenish Life +6

Laying of Hands
Bramble Mitts
Defense: 86
Durability: 11 of 12
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 63
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x5791c98b
+25 Defense
20% Increased Attack Speed
350% Damage to Demons
50% Fire Absorb
10% Chance to cast Level 3 Holy Bolt on striking

String of Ears
Demonhide Sash
Defense: 105
Durability: 21 of 22
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 79
Fingerprint: 0xcc010d6b
+158% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 13
Damage Reduced by 15%
8% Life stolen per hit
+10 Maximum Durability

Arreat's Face
Slayer Guard
Defense: 327
Durability: 54 of 55
(Barbarian Only)
Required Strength: 118
Required Level: 42
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x1e643108
+20 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity
+171% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +30
3% Life stolen per hit
+2 to Barbarian Skill Levels
30% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+2 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (1: 0 used)

Gore Rider
War Boots
Defense: 157
Durability: 34 of 34
Required Strength: 94
Required Level: 47
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x27c67904
+20 to Maximum Stamina
+191% Enhanced Defense
+10 Maximum Durability
Requirements -25%
30% Faster Run/Walk
10% Chance of Open Wounds
15% Chance of Crushing Blow
15% Deadly Strike

Echoing Throwing Spear
Throw Damage: 12 to 30
One-Hand Damage: 5 to 15
Quantity: 80
Required Dexterity: 65
Required Level: 45
Javelin Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 93
Fingerprint: 0xedd3a2bd
+3 to Warcry Skills (Barbarian Only)

Echoing Balanced Axe of Slaying
Throw Damage: 12 to 22
One-Hand Damage: 5 to 17
Quantity: 130
Required Dexterity: 57
Required Level: 45
Axe Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x3cad38ea
+7 to Maximum Damage
+3 to Warcry Skills (Barbarian Only)

Charms give +106 max damage, 679 AR, 155 life 10 Strength and 6 Dexterity. I decided against using a Gheed's. 2x4 open space. I originally didn't plan for the 1.07 damage charms, instead using more Sharp and Steel GC's. This setup definitely raises damage per second, but at the cost of some life, and uglier looking AR.

Serrated Grand Charm of Craftmanship
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 31
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x65e21e13
+23 to Maximum Damage

Grand Charm of Maiming
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 37
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x57b10a0a
+20 to Maximum Damage

Serrated Grand Charm of Strength
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 39
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x2d06c10
+3 to Strength
+20 to Maximum Damage

Steel Grand Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xac688147
+39 to Life
+130 to Attack Rating

Steel Grand Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0xbb82714a
+40 to Life
+114 to Attack Rating

Steel Grand Charm of Dexterity
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 41
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x6368da4
+6 to Dexterity
+132 to Attack Rating

Sharp Grand Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 83
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0xe52939de
+45 to Life
+54 to Attack Rating
+10 to Maximum Damage

Steel Large Charm of Quality
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 36
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x4a8e084
+59 to Attack Rating
+9 to Maximum Damage

Sharp Large Charm of Strength
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xecc7d51b
+4 to Strength
+48 to Attack Rating
+6 to Maximum Damage

Iron Small Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 39
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x910963f8
+19 to Life
+20 to Attack Rating

Fine Small Charm of Sustenance
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x74cf84b0
+12 to Life
+17 to Attack Rating
+2 to Maximum Damage

Fine Small Charm of Strength
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0xfab3b6bd
+1 to Strength
+20 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

Fine Small Charm of Inertia
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 27
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x6f3beec7
+18 to Attack Rating
+2 to Maximum Damage
3% Faster Run/Walk

Steel Small Charm of Strength
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xd7c328fa
+2 to Strength
+32 to Attack Rating

Steel Small Charm of Maiming
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 49
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x26875a55
+35 to Attack Rating
+5 to Maximum Damage

Serrated Small Charm of Greed
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 45
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 90
Fingerprint: 0x4521aced
+6 to Maximum Damage
10% Extra Gold from Monsters

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] Cool stuff. Tell me about the spreadsheet though!
[highlight]A:[/highlight] How did you know about the spreadsheet? Anyway, I spent the better part of the day crafting an awesome excel document which lets me play around with various stats and see how it affects my character. Here you can see what it looks like. It's specifically designed for my WW Barb, and I can change any number of variables and have it accurately adjust the appropriate things. For instance, I can see exactly how my AR, and Chance to Hit, changes when I raise or lower the amount of Stat points I place in Dexterity. Want to see how much more damage I'll do once I level up? Raise Clvl from 92 to 93 and the Chance to Hit will get higher, as will the ED% Vs Demons number (since Grief has ED% to Demons based on character level), and subsequently the damage outputs on both my Griefs. The Damage Per Second will then of course change since I hit more often (hopefully) and do more damage per hit. How big is the effect of +2 Barb skills from my Amulet, really? Lower the skill levels of BO, WW and Axe Mastery by 2, and Life, AR, ED and everything tied to them will change accordingly.

Seeing these numbers have really shown me how tough it can be to find the perfect balance between different things. To give an example, I've found that to raise my chance to hit with 1.0%, I need to raise my Base AR by 82. The resulting gain in DPS is greater than the gain would be if I spent those 16.4 stat points in Strength instead, but for each percentage I want to raise my Chance to Hit, more AR is needed, and the DPS difference is smaller. I also can't lower Strength to get more stat points for Dexterity too much, or my DPS will suffer. In addition, is a 1.0% increase in Chance to Hit worth 147.6 life? It raises my DPS by 1.28%, which is certainly not insignficant. How important are those final hit points between ~4050 and 4200? What about if I take another percent to hit, at the expense of more HP?

It's great fun to play around with. I certainly haven't figured out the answers yet. It has, however, allowed me to clearly see why one charm is better than another, when I've had a hard time deciding between the two. It has also allowed me to more easily evaluate the difference between different rare rings.

If you have any thoughts on what I should do with regards to stat points or gear choices, I'd love to hear them of course! Like I said, I might still change some things for sure.

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] That's an awesome spreadsheet!
[highlight]A:[/highlight] That's not a question.

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] Did you just blatantly steal a joke from Liquid_Evil?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] Maybe.

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] Moving on.. Any flaws in the spreadsheet?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] Oh sure. The three biggest one I can think of is the damage calculation doesn't take Crushing Blow into account; it also doesn't take the Poison damage from Grief(s) into account, and the Chance to Hit formula isn't adjusting for the -25% Target Defense mod on Grief(s), so the DPS isn't what it actually should be. For comparison purposes, though, I feel like it does just fine. That Crushing Blow should probably be in there somehow though. Oh well.

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] So what are his plans again?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] Run Travincal. There's still plenty of math to be done though; for instance I haven't figured out which player setting to run. He handles p7 completely fine, but I haven't played enough to have any accurate run times for the different player settings yet. Once I do, I'll bust out the ol' drop calculator to see which player setting yields the best High Rune drop rate / time unit. I have a feeling it'll be p3 still, but it's just a guess at this point.

That's all I think. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on how to improve his gear. I think a 1.07 Mavina's Tenet should be good, as I can spend fewer points in Increased Speed because of the 40FRW, and can use a different rare ring than the somewhat mediore Mana Leech ring he's using now. Something with even more AR would be nice, somehow.

Anyway, thanks for reading :)
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Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Nice character Fabian :). Funny that we posted ours 3 minutes apart, the SPF is getting flooded with horkers now :D.

How are the dual Griefs? I know as soon as I find another Lo, I'm making another one. I might go with a bugged 1.07 weapon over a PB next time though :). Also, how does your barb hold up against FE/LE council members? I know that most of the time, mine dies from them :/. Lastly, are the teleport charges useful? I usually run up to the entrance and kill them all there.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Teleport charges are insanely useful, in my opinion. I have quite a lot of experience in Travincal, having run it to death with my goldfinder(s), and when I switched to Teleporting over running to the Durance Entrance, my average gold found per 30 minutes was raised by almost 30% over a large sample. I believe switching to Teleport sped my run times up by at least 25%.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

I almost never run to the Durance entrance. I tried rolling a map where council members spawn in such a way that they are either outside their temple, or come out to meet you when you come.

I don't think I need to say anything about your char, cause, you know, not much I can add :D

What are your run times? I'm kind of afraid to time mine, since they'll probably be 3 minutes or something :D
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Ha, seems like everyone is making barbs for 1.13 :) Guess what i need those 2 1.07 bases for that you sold me :D

Anyway, nice char mate ! I will surely consider your experiences when i make mine :)
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Gee, at this rate I'm going to look like a ripoff once I find the runes for Grief and Fortitude.

Regardless, awesome setup. Run times?
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

I haven't played much with this equipment. As in, very very little.

That said, it looks like 75 seconds on p7. Once I optimize him though, I expect that number to drop a bit. It will also get faster once I re-train myself not to pick up gold piles, which I've been conditioned to do in Travincal :)

Pijus, the problem with that tactic is that you rarely will get help from Decrepify from your merc, as he'll be lagging behind you. Decrepify is really helpful in speeding things along.

On a different note, the fact that Travincal runners are becoming popular isn't something to be ashamed of :) Who gets made fun of for making an LK runner in 1.12a? No one of course.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

What about P1 and P3? Given that Horking is unaffected by player settings, it migtbe more efficient (plus, less litter).

Oh, and I'm just kidding. The fact that everyone is having the same idea is a good sign that it's a good idea.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

It's not unaffected, a p7 hork is like a new p7 drop (when successful), a p3 hork is like a p3 drop, etc. There was some confusion about this recently on the forum, but as far as I know, that's where we landed :)

I'm guessing 10 seconds might be shaven off on lower player settings. Truthfully, the biggest timewaster is standing there sorting through the piles looking for jewels/charms and stuff. I could do 50 second p1 runs without much trouble when I picked up zero non-gold items, and that was with (comparatively) incredibly weak gear.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Seriously? Well, this shatters my whole world image. Here I was getting comfortable with P1 runs. Oh well.

By the way, I was wondering, how do you deal with the not quite unfrequent:
1. Conviction. This is pretty much a death sentence to me and definitely for my merc.
2. Deathbolts. Unsuspectingly, multi-enchanted LE enemies sometimes get ludicrously powerful charged bolts. Seriously, one of those just ripped down my full 3100 HP barb in less than a second.
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Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

An interesting read Fabian, thanks for sharing :) Travincal does seem to be in fashion these days, far more interesting than LK in my opinion since you're actually killing stuff and all :p Looking forward to reading about your results with this one in the future!
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Um what?
I don't know about other monsters, but you have trouble with the council? I have lvl 85 barb, who is poorly equipped and has about 2.6k life and I have died only once or twice so far, mostly to my own stupidity, because I had a silver of life + were amped and decided that I would whirl through all council members instead of taking a potion. I don't recall merc death even if he's under conviction aura. And I play on /players3. :scratchchin:
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

In the old days (ie 1.12a), Conviction didn't even bother my merc very much. I kill the council so effectively, they don't have time to do any real damage, they're dead or in hit recovery quite a lot. With 1.13, the council got quite a bit scarier, and I had to switch back to my merc's safe setup (Reaper's/Kira's/Guardian Angel over Reaper's/CoT/Gladiator's Bane). Even then, my merc dies more often than not from Conviction, at level 92. Bring resurrection money. I rarely die from it, but it happens (talking about my old goldfinding setup now; with this powerful new gear, the council can't touch me most of the time).

Deathbolts are sometimes really dangerous. What can I say, avoid them. I usually leave that guy alone when I notice he's dishing out huge amounts of damage. After getting rid of the others and having a full health bar, I can kill him without too much danger. Killing fast is key, as there's not much time for bolts to emmitt. They're scary though, for sure. I've died maybe 10-12 times in the 17 hours I've run 1.13 council so far (95% of that has been in goldfinding setup).

Ragnarod, thanks. It's definitely more fun than LK, that's probably why I'm all my time in Travincal at the moment. Just more interesting.

Chairnick, maxed resists? I don't know, the council can be very very dangerous, and if you haven't noticed that yet, you probably haven't run them very much?
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Well, I can't say I ran them a couple thousand times, but, dunno, a hundred, two hundred times maybe? My merc has the same "safe" setup like yours, but my resists are actually pretty bad (negative), fire is at about 50s, but I also wear dual Dwarfs. Then again, elemental damage there is mostly fire anyways.

The only thing that can put me in danger is mana burn. And even then I switch to dual swing, hit a monster 2 times, switch to WW and whirl away.

EDIT: A mistake, I only wear one dwarf
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

From my runs I've noticed that this spawn is definately what is causing me the most trouble. Usually I'm left with a sliver of health after whirling through him but I've been killed instantly too (75fr/75lr/4,2k life) Geleb seems to be the most dangerous of the three regardless of mods because of the FE.

Only other times I'm in trouble or dead is because two of them are FE and die right after each other ( I've managed to lose over 2k life to just one explosion :whistling: )
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

The only thing that can put me in danger is mana burn. And even then I switch to dual swing, hit a monster 2 times, switch to WW and whirl away.

Not running them in 1.13 without redrunemod right? I have 4.5k life and 85/75/85/75 resist. Lighting+fire enchanted can rip my barb to shreds in miliseconds. Don't know what happens with FE/LE/Multishot though. Dead in miliseconds?

Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

Yeah, I'm running in 1.12. I thought Tubba was running in 1.12 too as I was replying to him originally. I'm sorry that I didn't clarify that earlier.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

The scariest pack I've ever encountered had Might, Fanaticism and Mana Burn. Coupled with Extra Strong and Stone Skin. Utterly absurd.

EDIT: Yeah, 1.13. Explosion sometimes kills me, but not too often. Damage seems entirely random.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

You guys just scared a HC player away from the council in 1.13:) I guess a sorc is always an option.

@Fabian: Insane work you`re doing with this Council thing. Very nice spreadsheet and a ton of useful information.
Re: Meet Patriarch AxeGoldie, dedicated Travincal Rune Hunter!

In HC, I think a Hammardeen is your only realistic option, because sooner or later some stupid combo WILL spawn and kill you.
Estimated market value