Matriarch IcyManipulator


New member
Nov 2, 2005
Matriarch IcyManipulator

Yes... yes... I know I said that my next project will be a Meteorb or FO/CL variant.

after my cheese-a-din

But I ran into something here at the forums while trying to decide what sorc variant I would really like.

For the record, I have played a CL/FO and a Meteorb way back. Hadn't had much success with the Meteorb, perhaps because it was a restart. Unlike with the CL/FO where she was twinked heavily. She did the countess way too many times and had earned to cube a vex but... anyway...

As what I was saying earlier, I ran into Nepeta's guide, the Blizz Sorc

I've quickly checked my gear before starting out and it turns out that I was only missing a marrowwalk. It really seems a nice guide and also, I haven't played a single elemental sorc eversince, and also I gather that she is a good runner not just for LK, but also for Meph, Pindle and Andy.

That really got me interested, so here she is:

Matriarch IcyManipulator

Level 82
Equipment (now mostly for MF, running Mephy)
without gear/with gear

Str 121/163
Dex 185/201
Vit 124/131
Ene 35/42
Life 593/730
Mana 197/527

Spare stat pts: 35
Spare skill pts: 10


Ice Bolt 17
Glacial Spike 1
Frost Nova 1
Frozen Armor 1
Blizzard 20
Ice Blast 20
CM 20
Warmth 1
Telekinesis 1
Static Field 1
Teleport 1


Helm: P. Topazed Shako
Amy: Mara
Weapon: Wizzy/Alibaba
Shield: Hel'd Stormshield/Lidless
Armor: P. Topazed Vipermagi
Gloves: Chancey's
Belt: Goldwrap
Rings: Nagels
Boots: Rare with 21% MF and 10% FRW

Total of ~300MF

Killing Mephy at p7 settings. Had no really significant drops yet.

I've played her twinked at the onset and hadn't really much trouble except at Act3 NM with the gloams. Died there many times mainly because I couldn't bring resists up.

Hell was a different story after killing Mephy. I had to reroll Hephasto thrice as he spawned CI with some other nasty mods.

Then I got stuck at ROF and can't kill Diablo because of the CI Obilivion Knights. My moron has really a poor gear and could not hold his own even for just a while.

Good thing as I joined Ashmer in Hamachi and together with Tank, they rushed me all the way to kill Baal, getting the socket and anya quest too.

So again, thank you to Ashmer and Tank. Looking forward for some more MP sessions, it really was fun albeit it was only a short one.

I've tried running Baal's minions last night (for levelling up), but it was too much for me and my merc to handle. So I decided to run and MF Meph while acquiring some experience too.

That's pretty much it. I don't know what will my next project be, I think I'm gonna stay with my IcyManipulator for a while and see what turns out on my runs.

And oh, she was really Level 80 when she reached Mat status. I was lazy posting last night as it was 1:00AM here already.

Thanks for reading this.

And yes, I do, I mean I did play Magic The Gathering Cards. One of my fave artifacts, the Icy Manipulator, along with the Propaganda Winter Orb combo IIRC. FTW!
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Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Your MTG combo sounds right. And like something I'd do in EDH. Did you really have just one point in blizz or is that a typo? How did you like using SS? My blizz sorc uses Mosers and max block. Run hell meph to get some gear and we can MP a few groups. Smips and I used to get a duo from start to Mat/Pat in about three days when he was playing. GG on the Mat.
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Your MTG combo sounds right. And like something I'd do in EDH. Did you really have just one point in blizz or is that a typo? How did you like using SS? My blizz sorc uses Mosers and max block. Run hell meph to get some gear and we can MP a few groups. Smips and I used to get a duo from start to Mat/Pat in about three days when he was playing. GG on the Mat.

Err, what's EDH? Sorry, I'm bad with acronyms. lolz.

And yes, thank you for pointing that out, it was a typo. I had 20 pts in Blizz. :)

Well, the DR on SS is really good plus some resists. And my setup is max block too. It really is what's keeping me alive.

Yeah would love to join you guys on those sessions, if my schedule permits.

Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

The name "Icy Manipulator" certainly caught my attention! LOL!

Tragic: The Addiction soaked up an awful lot of my time and money yet now the decks and cards sit in boxes and albums in the bottom of the closet in the spare room gathering dust. Gotta do something about that...maybe convert the cardboard into cash...thanks for the reminder but I digress.

My blizzy is now at clvl 96 so if you've got the time and patience, yours will take you a long way down the path of the 99-hood. Only thing I did a little different from yours is that I put points in Static Field. If I can see them on the screen, I can knock their life down. Might want to put a few points into Glacial Spike but that's maybe just a play style issue.
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Yep I am only posting here because of the name. I stopped playing a while ago, but started drafting again on MTG:O

@LynKyle: EDH stands for Elder Dragon Highlander - it is a format where you have a general and a 100 card singleton deck, rules are a bit hard to explain.


What made you decided to go with Maxblock and stormshield rather than max vit and spirit?
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Masterfully done hero! Blizz sosers are pretty gg and Ashmer & Tank do indeed rock the casbah. Good luck with her as a MF'er; hopefully one of her drops will inspire a new build.
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Yep I am only posting here because of the name. I stopped playing a while ago, but started drafting again on MTG:O

@LynKyle: EDH stands for Elder Dragon Highlander - it is a format where you have a general and a 100 card singleton deck, rules are a bit hard to explain.


What made you decided to go with Maxblock and stormshield rather than max vit and spirit?

Thank you for the EDH meaning. :)

As for your question, a couple of answers:

1) First off, I was really following the guide by nepeta.
2) I don't have a shield with 4os atm. I am also too lazy to go and purposely find one.
3) I know I said I had a couple of answers, but this is somehow connected to number answer # 2. I didn't install the RRM/RWM until the other day in preparation for my MPing here because I haven't any use for RWM even until now. I am poor with regards to runes. Sure I can go and maybe have an insight and spirit, but atm, I don't have the open socket equipments needed for those RWs.

But here's the thing. With my new Sorc, I hope to find some more goodies including the runes and the equipments needed for those and I also plan on taking advantage of the RWM in SP once I have the necessary items.

Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

gg you can run pindle with her up to 89 or so pretty fast and with some nice drops as well if you want quick exp. watch out for the charging though
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

gg you can run pindle with her up to 89 or so pretty fast and with some nice drops as well if you want quick exp. watch out for the charging though

This. It shouldn't be hard to pindle your way to ~90. And you might find some goodies as well. Remind me the next time we are in a MP game and I'll see what I can do about getting you some real gear. I'm surprised you didn't have RWM for Insight.

Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

I hope I'm not hijacking the thread, but the title implies a discussion of MTG is somewhat relevant.

The name "Icy Manipulator" certainly caught my attention! LOL!

Tragic: The Addiction soaked up an awful lot of my time and money yet now the decks and cards sit in boxes and albums in the bottom of the closet in the spare room gathering dust. Gotta do something about that...maybe convert the cardboard into cash...thanks for the reminder but I digress.

There certainly is still a market, albeit somewhat underground, for Magic the Gathering cards. My brother sucked me into the game many years back but I did not collect and play as intensively as he did. He still plays in tournaments, collects, and travels to specialty shops to purchase old cards. Try ebay and I bet you will be surprised at what you find.:yes:

Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Gratz! Well done Lyn.

Didn't you just do a Mat last week?
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Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Brag: I won the national championships in Magic last year here in Sweden. Went to Memphis to play the world championships last December.

To stay on topic, congrats on the Mat :)
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Congrats on the mat.

Takes me back to a better time, when I looked forward to traveling to the flea market (had a card show on weekends) on Sundays to play in the MTG tournaments. When I played, it was fourth edition, ice age, alliance, etc. I think Tempest was the last thing I played. Dabbled a little online a while back and it was kind of fun. I might pick it up again down the line (live), but I mostly just play poker for now.
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Gratz! Well done Lyn.

Didn't you just do a Mat last week?

Hey Darkwell. It's good to see an "old friend" here. Didn't know you are still here at the forums.

Anyways, I did had a Pat recently but I think it was around two weeks ago (too lazy to go and find my other thread).

So, are you still playing D2 or just hanging around at the SPF?

Thanks and say hi to Jill for me. :)

Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator


I also played MTG for some years.

A Blizz Sorc is on my to do list :) But I really would love a melee blizz sorc :D
Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Congrats on the mat.

Takes me back to a better time, when I looked forward to traveling to the flea market (had a card show on weekends) on Sundays to play in the MTG tournaments. When I played, it was fourth edition, ice age, alliance, etc. I think Tempest was the last thing I played. Dabbled a little online a while back and it was kind of fun. I might pick it up again down the line (live), but I mostly just play poker for now.
That was almost my time also except that I began with Revised. Seeing an opportunity, I bought a lot of Beta and Unlimited cards as well.

Beta Icy FTW!

Re: Matriarch IcyManipulator

Gratz on the Mat there.

One question. Why kill Mephy on p7 and how long does it take you to bump him off?

(Ok, that was 2 questions but my brain hurts atm.)
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