Looking at FoH


New member
Jun 24, 2004
Looking at FoH

I've always been interested in builds that don't get as much play as others. So i'm thinking a fully synergised FoH-er. My calculations put the lighting damage at about 1600-1700. While i'm maxing synergies, I may as well make use of the holy shock aura. So at this point i'm 60 points down, with 40 to play with (give or take). Where should these go? At this stage i think i'm given two options:
Defensive: max holy shield and defiance
Attack: max zeal and sacrifice(?) is there another 2nd attack I could use?

I would imagine him to be primarily a PvM build, i'm not really looking at items yet, I prefer to figure out my skills first.
Thanks for any advice.

Korrupted said:
I've always been interested in builds that don't get as much play as others. So i'm thinking a fully synergised FoH-er. My calculations put the lighting damage at about 1600-1700. While i'm maxing synergies, I may as well make use of the holy shock aura. So at this point i'm 60 points down, with 40 to play with (give or take). Where should these go? At this stage i think i'm given two options:
Defensive: max holy shield and defiance
Attack: max zeal and sacrifice(?) is there another 2nd attack I could use?

I would imagine him to be primarily a PvM build, i'm not really looking at items yet, I prefer to figure out my skills first.
Thanks for any advice.

ok first off foh pallys do not make very good pvm unless in big parties with sorcs or something and that is only due to the conviction aura they have. As for the rest of your pts if your going pure foh then go ahead and max holy shield you could split up the the last pts into salvation and put some into charge or redemption if you really wanna try to go pvm or something.
Im plannin on making a pure FoH pally just to whoop my friend's ***. My planned skills would be:

Max FoH
Max Holy Shock
25 Conviction
Max Holy Shield
Max Defiance
fohers r strictly pvp builds in most cases. the only attck u use is foh. the main aura is conviction. u would want a griffons eye for more lightning dmg or shako if u cant afford it. check the pally guides for a foh build
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