LOD import character from Diablo 2


New member
Dec 20, 2009
LOD import character from Diablo 2

Hello everyone,

I bought Diablo 2 and started palying, and i loved the game, so i also bought LOD.

The thing is I was in the middle of ACT II when I installed LOD, but my character does not appear in the selection screen now.

Also if I try to create a new character, with the same name as the caracter in Diablo 2, I get a message saying that the name is allready taken.

How can i have my character from Diablo II in LOD?

Thanks in advance
Re: LOD import character from Diablo 2

Normally you would see the old character in the selection screen and there would be an option to convert it to LOD if you wanted to do that. Not sure why it would be gone.

Are you playing single player or on bnet? I'm kinda guessing it's SP, in which case you should go into the installation forlder and have a look at your save folder inside it. The character files should be there, but what files do you see in that folder?

In any case if those character files have been corrupted somehow you could delete them and you should be able to create a character with the same name afterwards. Though guess this isn't the solution you'd want ... the people from the single player forum may be able to give better answers.
Re: LOD import character from Diablo 2

Yes Kijya, I am playing is SP mode.

In the Save Folder I see 4 files:

  • bacalhau - resgistration entries
  • bacalhau - linker adress map
  • bacalhau.d2s - d2s file
  • bacalhau.ma0 - MA0 file

but my character does not apear in the selection screen :(

How can I solve this?
Re: LOD import character from Diablo 2

I personally haven't mixed around with the files much so I cannot help you on how to proceed to get your character again with any certainty. Any advise I can give will only be up for trial and error.


  1. Firstly backup that save folder in another location.
  2. Secondly delete the save folder from the install directory.
  3. Start diablo.
  4. Create a character with the same name as your previous character.
  5. Close diablo.
  6. copy in from the backup files into the save folder and let it overwrite any new files created.
  7. Start d2 and see if it helped.

But as said any advice I give isn't sure to work ...
Re: LOD import character from Diablo 2

Your help is allways usefull.

I made just like you said, but the same thing happened. The character does not appear in the selection screen, and if I try to create a character with the same name i get this message:

"That character name is already taken. Try another."

Any other tip?

Re: LOD import character from Diablo 2

Which patch did you create your original character on? And after installing lod have you patched the game any further?

If you've not patched the game any further you could try just getting 1.12 and see if it reappears. (to get the latest patch you can just connect to bnet and it'll download automagically)

If you uninstall and reinstall the game, that may make it possible to play the old character again, and if you then patch up to 1.12 before installing lod maybe that could help.
Re: LOD import character from Diablo 2


That was it. Kijya I owe you one!

Different versions were the cause of the problem.
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