lld zealot questions


New member
Nov 27, 2004
lld zealot questions

Hello all :howdy:.I just recently made me a eth honor naga and its very nice. i was thinking about making a lvl 27 or so zealot for those pesky chargers.i also thought about making him lvl 34 for gulliems face(however you spell it).the extra deadly strike should make a mean zeal.i was wondering if i could hold my own vs those eth up steeldriver pallys and the likes :scratch:,or would it be best to stay lvl 27?About how much life would i have to have to not get 1 hit koed by one of them on a good roll? i also was wondering what would be good skill setup,max zeal?might?sac?and the rest of the gear i should use.do you guys think this is a good idea and will kill/chicken alot of people my lvl,or does it suck bad.im pretty new to lld so im not a expert at this stuff .oh yeah the naga has 71-183 1 hand dmg.not too bad for lvl 27 i guess :surprise: .

Peace :wave:
yeah eth honor nagas have very nice damage.... generally the consensus is use eth honor knout for zeal (since its faster) and naga for charge (slower, but more damage, and speed doesnt matter for charge).

Heres how your speed will work:

Naga: 0 ias = 7 frame,
20 ias = 6 frame
63 ias = 5 frame

Knout: 0 ias = 7 frame
8 ias = 6 frame
42 ias = 5 frame.

So 5 frame is possible at level 27 with knout (deaths combo + twitch). I dont think its possible with honor naga at level 27, so youll have to settle for 6 frame if you want to zeal with naga (you will have a lot more damage though)
I guess 1 frame slower for more dmg isnt that bad.i just made a eth honor lance, 113-453 dmg :surprise:.im debating weather i should make a charger for it or put it on zealots merc. right now im striping a lvl 15 2 hand charger because i got owned by like every 1 hand pally :( it sucked pretty bad and i think im going to stay away from 2 hand from now on,but i will have more chance at 1 hit ko now.if i do go lvl 34 i can use Guillaumes on merc too. that should be pretty nasty with eth honor lance, i bet he can chicken alot of people and maybe kill a few :lol:.Oh yeah what would be the best charms to use for a lvl 27-34 zealot?i have a few 3 max dmg scs with ar and stuff.i should get some life charms so i dont die i think.
stevethatsmyname said:
yeah eth honor nagas have very nice damage.... generally the consensus is use eth honor knout for zeal (since its faster) and naga for charge (slower, but more damage, and speed doesnt matter for charge).

Heres how your speed will work:

Naga: 0 ias = 7 frame,
20 ias = 6 frame
63 ias = 5 frame

Knout: 0 ias = 7 frame
8 ias = 6 frame
42 ias = 5 frame.

So 5 frame is possible at level 27 with knout (deaths combo + twitch). I dont think its possible with honor naga at level 27, so youll have to settle for 6 frame if you want to zeal with naga (you will have a lot more damage though)

ye, that pretty much sums it up. The only alternative is a Crowbill, comes with 6 sockets max, -10 speed, uneth dam be 14-34. It does look awesome, but the knout is more damaging so there's really no reason not to go with that.

IMO, take the naga, throw it on a barb, give him as much conc as you can and 1-2 pts in leap. Your leap to get inside a charge, and conc to deal the dmg once you're there. 2 handed chargers do not typically have alot of life because they need a great deal of str, and they obviously have weak-no block. So if you're hell bent on using the naga, throw it on a barb. Otherwise if you're looking for something to beat a charger, a 34 druid with some good r/w and hit recov will outdo a charger. Or a cookie cutter kicker. DF and boot away, always will do er.
yeah i think the naga will be best used on a charger or conc barb.

Heres some ias tables for conc with naga:
ias / frames / attacks per second
18 % 13 1.9
30 % 12 2
48 % 11 2.2

so you have 3 options to keep CBF and get some ias:

sanders glove/SOE/rhyme shield: 13 frame, 15% PDR, and a life/AR bonus
but you would need to be level 29

death glove/belt, : more damage (because you get 2 jewel slots in shield), 12 frame... level 27

death glove/belt, twitch: 50 ias (11 frame) and you get some nice stats and block and FHR from twitch. I like this setup best cause i like speed.
I made a non eth honor knout zealer a while ago, last season i think. He did fine. He didn't even have a max/ed shield and owned everything from 27-32ish, i didn't like to duel level 34 as much. So with an eth knout you'd do even better. Death combo, ck boots, it'd be nice to get some fhr but the deaths combo/twitch is sort of needed. With an ed max shield you can almost attain max block with holy shield and twitch. Then for a helm use an artisans helm of balance or a regular max'd helm.
seems like every1 is forgetting eth honor divine scepter ? can have 5 fps with death/twitch (iirc) and can potentially have +zeal +the aura u using on it :thumbsup:
evitisnes said:
seems like every1 is forgetting eth honor divine scepter ? can have 5 fps with death/twitch (iirc) and can potentially have +zeal +the aura u using on it :thumbsup:

and if you find an eth none socket one its 5 sockets MAX so you're set.
Thanks for the sugguestions guys :thumbsup: . i think i will probably make a charger because i dont like barbs much for lld.would a charge/zealer be good? charge doesnt need alot of points for it to be real strong.i could charge them to get close then zeal away and charge again if they move.What about holy shield? i was thinking about using it but forgot it needed 2 prereq,that will hurt my dmg some,is it worth it?what about charms? should i use all 3 max scs? whats the most life you can get on sc for lvl 27?15?all max charms would be some sweet dmg.Oh yeah, it sucks it only has 13 duribility :rant:.
Just wondering what realm you're on? I know a lot of people who want an eth honor lance :lol:

I actually prefer the zealer to charger because if you can tank one hit from a charge pally, they're good as chickened. With an eth honor lance charger though...if you hit them they're good as dead (or chickened with very low life). **Note the pessimistic tone, but seriously...you don't get many ears dueling unless you have a noob dueler or get lucky.**

Helz and I have a 16 charge/zeal pally and he can mow through anything level 17 or under, and also any class but pally below lvl21. As far as I remember if you went zeal you want only 4 points in it, but I can't offer much help with the holy shield question and how many points you want in charge, since a lvl27 has many more points to distribute compared to a lil' 16.
turnips said:
Just wondering what realm you're on? I know a lot of people who want an eth honor lance :lol:

USEast Ladder :uhhuh: :wave:.i made a lvl 27 charger in single player with perf gear and all 3 max scs, the eth lance did around 8k or maybe it was 9k charge dmg.the naga did like 5 or 6k.i didnt know you could get that kinda 1 hand dmg at that lvl.the naga seems better, you get sweet 1 hand dmg with max block.i dont think a few more thousand dmg will be better than maxblock.the lance is very nice also but im worried about having low life and dying because no block.put it on merc with max might and have a 2k+ dmg merc that will cause some chaos :lol:.i also think zealot is cooler and less cookie cutter.maybe ill wait till i get a eth honor knout to make zealot.
TheAxeMurderer said:
USEast Ladder :uhhuh: :wave:.i made a lvl 27 charger in single player with perf gear and all 3 max scs, the eth lance did around 8k or maybe it was 9k charge dmg.the naga did like 5 or 6k.i didnt know you could get that kinda 1 hand dmg at that lvl.the naga seems better, you get sweet 1 hand dmg with max block.i dont think a few more thousand dmg will be better than maxblock.the lance is very nice also but im worried about having low life and dying because no block.put it on merc with max might and have a 2k+ dmg merc that will cause some chaos

Well, if you have an honor lance AND naga you could make a truly pimped out char/merc. Where did you find the eth naga and lance? Did you get lucky with the cube socket recipe? I thought I was one of the very very few people with an eth honor naga, but I've never even heard of, or seen an eth honor lance this season!
turnips said:
Well, if you have an honor lance AND naga you could make a truly pimped out char/merc. Where did you find the eth naga and lance? Did you get lucky with the cube socket recipe? I thought I was one of the very very few people with an eth honor naga, but I've never even heard of, or seen an eth honor lance this season!

heh i traded for both from this guy lastnight, he said he didnt remember where he found lance and said found naga in darkwood somewhere.i just started playing hc again a few days ago and having pretty good luck so far :thumbsup:. first day of reset i made a lvl 75 necro and was rank 3 necro for a min LOL :lol:.played for a month or so and quit and just came back :).if i was playing the whole time i would of probably had both along time ago :thumbsup: .
turp, i think you'd be surprised how many people have eth honor stuff that you may not know about. i have 2 honor eth nagas on a mule right now(west though), waiting for a char to use them. ive cubed like 7 eth lances and havent gotten 5s tho >.< . i cow way too much. its basically all i do. cow/duel.
Well, I guess that means that the best way to attempt 5 sockets is with the cube recipe? I've found two eth naga's, one I cubed and got 5 sockets and then I foolishly used larzuk on the second, of course it got 6 sockets. I'm sure that if I could find out the ilvl of naga's and lance's dropped in certain areas I could predict how many sockets larzuk would give them...but that's just a pain.

Still, I do know that I've never seen an eth honor lance this season on East...luckily I guess! :lol:
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