Level 42 TS Sin


New member
Oct 11, 2004
Level 42 TS Sin

I had this idea and i was wondering if it would work. A TS sin using eth tucs. Max/life armor, or ed whichever is better in this case. Mabe guiluames ? Max or ed. AToD max or ed, or ed or max whistans, WWalks or travs, angelics, bloodfists if guiluames is not used and if it is than a 2 martial art skill/ias pair of gloves. Skills: Max TS, Max Claw Mastery, 1 pt bos, rest into venom? With dual tucs i think the ias would be enough. Specially with the tucs shael'd. 2x tucs on switch also for casting BoS and venom.
I made one of these last season... except I went to level 45. (For ravens)
Off the top of my head... gear was:
max'd whistans
max'd shaft
max'd guilliames
Mahim oak
IK combo

If I did it again, and had some wealth behind it, I'd use max'd jewelers of the whale armor, an AToD w/ max's. I found the damage was too low though... If you're making a mid lvl melee sin, go with a kicker, and focus on higher level sorcs. TS sins just cannot compete with anyone their level, I had.... one ear, so some headstriker pally... charged up on some fallens, let him charge, blocked, released... he died. However, for the most part, you just wont 1hit things, I guess your main advantage is that you can find their "chicken point" and use normal attacks to get them near it, then a release....

All in all, the damage is too low, and you would be better off with a kicker.

Also.... you seem unsure... duel tucs or shield/claw... also, if you're using dual tucs as your primary weps, no need to have them as prebuffs too :uhhuh:

Definitely go to 45 for dual Ravens, or 47 if you're dead set on using Gore Riders... although you start to approach the levels where elite rares can get quite nice. Otherwise use IK boots/belt/gloves. Have Shaft/String handy for certain occasions.

Eth Tucs with AToD on primary, +3 Shadow claws (lvl 45) instead of dual Tucs on switch for prebuffing. With c/s you can switch in a stacked res shield instead of armor when needed (Tower Shield with 3 Topazes, Sapphires, or Rubies). Max/life armor, max Guillaume's, either a nice +1 Assasin rare ammy or +3 Martial Arts magical with life or something.

1 DF, 1 BoS, 1 Venom, 1 SM, 1 MB, max TS, rest in CM.

I made one of the most dominant 4x melee asns that I personally have ever seen in .09 and carried the build into 1.1 with little modification, however I used little to no TS, and went the dual claw approach. Only skimmed through above posts so if it was already mentioned my appologies, but the dammage simply isn't that much. The only reason my build was successful was because I had a very exceptional claw that I paired with eth tuc's that happened to have amp %. So it was little to no dmg until I amped then it was almost instant death. If you're melee'ing 4x + chars they're bound to have some form of DR which will minimize your TS, and aside from that it's hard to find someone who will let you 3 charge them. Unless you have a hidden trick/wpn of some kind, don't waste your time. My opinion/experience, take it for what it's worth...about $0.02 ;)
wtf ? ts sins cant compete with any1 in there lvl ? lol.....

i wouldnt use tucs do shitty dmg.... use godly etheral rares and i would stay under skill charm lvl and use max ar life charms it will definately work also vs shaft users. but its very charm and item depending. Wouldnt suggest it if your poor.
evitisnes said:
wtf ? ts sins cant compete with any1 in there lvl ? lol.....

i wouldnt use tucs do shitty dmg.... use godly etheral rares and i would stay under skill charm lvl and use max ar life charms it will definately work also vs shaft users. but its very charm and item depending. Wouldnt suggest it if your poor.

also very chicken dependent. Only other person I encountered attempting to use this build was chicken fluxed on amp and would not fight again. I'll repeat, its not likely you'll be able to land a 3rd charge. IF and thats a big IF, you have top notch gear and you know what you're doing, you might stand a chance against a quality melee char of the same lvl. If you're using a shield you have % chance to be interupted making you vulnerable to conc/zerk. Charging against ww is always fun. Its easy to charge off a druid who doesnt know how to build one, but try charging off a druid who actually knows how to use fury (helz will back me up). Can't do anything against necros as they will run and bs or stomp you with minions, a melee asn, especially if charm-dependent as you suggested will be very vulnerable to sorcs, and as fast as an asn might be, they cant outrun a charging pally.

So yeah, if you want to spend hours on end looking for quality eth rare claws worthy of using (only seen 3 lifetime) then by all means go for it. Then after you can spend the rest of the week trading for sharp vita charms.
Estimated market value