Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?! ifra


New member
Feb 18, 2008
Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

I was in a transfer game with my friend (he was in the game the whole time, and sitting right next to me on his computer).

I had quite a few items on the ground because something inportant came up and I had to minimize for 5-10 minutes, but neither of us ever left the game.

When I came back to the game, EVERY SINGLE item that was on the ground had disappeared. Vanished with out a trace. These were not duped items (things like lycanders ain, laying of hands etc, zon torch) except for 1 fort armor that I suppose could have been duped.

How the **** did this happen? About 50% of the wealth I had simply vanished while I was minimized.

Could somebody PLEASE explain this to me? Can I petition blizzard or something? I am going to be extremely pissed off if I don't get these items back.

No, nobody else but me and my friend joined the game, and neither of us left the game during the time I was minimized (my friend was leveling a necro in act 2 the whole time, my items were in the rogue encampment).

How the hell do items simply dissappear? Is there some totally ****ing stupid timer that deletes items on the ground if theyve been sitting there for a certain amount of time.


They were on the ground for probably ~20 mins

EDIT: I just did some google research, what the hell is the point of items left on the dround disappearing after a certain amount of time? And how the hell can they have a thing like that and NOT warn people about it? I just lost all my bowazons gear that I spent the last few weeks MFing and saving up for and trading for, and POOF its all gone. WTF.

Sorry, im just REALLY angry right now.

Is there any way to get them back? petition blizzard? Or do I just have to suck it up and go do 3 more weeks of MFing to maybe get back where I was?
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Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

Yes, items left on the ground will disappear. If you search these forums, you'll likely come up with some standard timeframes for different item types.
Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

Regular items disappear after around 15 minutes. Uniques, sets, rares, etc., disappear after around 1 hour.

Also, your friend may have turned all of your items into Iron Golems when you weren't looking.
Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

More precise info on timing:

Arreat Summit said:
Items and Gold Disappear after time when left on the ground
Don't leave items or gold lying on the ground any longer than necessary. Regular items and gold disappear after exactly 10 minutes. Magic items will disappear after 20 minutes. Rare, Set, Crafted, and Unique items will disappear after lying on the ground for 30 minutes.

Also relevent:

AFAIK items won't get deleted out of town when they are on-screen, at least it takes far longer before that happens. I'm quite sure that I left a character e.g. next to Diablo's drops and when I came back to my computer later, everything was still there. When leaving an area and coming back, the dropped items are gone. Items in town even disappear while being on-screen, I've seen it with my own eyes.

Sorry to hear you lost your items, these things can be frustrating.

Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

I was in a transfer game with my friend (he was in the game the whole time, and sitting right next to me on his computer).

I had quite a few items on the ground because something inportant came up and I had to minimize for 5-10 minutes, but neither of us ever left the game.

When I came back to the game, EVERY SINGLE item that was on the ground had disappeared. Vanished with out a trace. These were not duped items (things like lycanders ain, laying of hands etc, zon torch) except for 1 fort armor that I suppose could have been duped.

How the **** did this happen? About 50% of the wealth I had simply vanished while I was minimized.

Could somebody PLEASE explain this to me? Can I petition blizzard or something? I am going to be extremely pissed off if I don't get these items back.

No, nobody else but me and my friend joined the game, and neither of us left the game during the time I was minimized (my friend was leveling a necro in act 2 the whole time, my items were in the rogue encampment).

How the hell do items simply dissappear? Is there some totally ****ing stupid timer that deletes items on the ground if theyve been sitting there for a certain amount of time.


They were on the ground for probably ~20 mins

EDIT: I just did some google research, what the hell is the point of items left on the dround disappearing after a certain amount of time? And how the hell can they have a thing like that and NOT warn people about it? I just lost all my bowazons gear that I spent the last few weeks MFing and saving up for and trading for, and POOF its all gone. WTF.

Sorry, im just REALLY angry right now.

Is there any way to get them back? petition blizzard? Or do I just have to suck it up and go do 3 more weeks of MFing to maybe get back where I was?

Keep the swearing off the forums. I won't warn you again.

Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

Regular items disappear after around 15 minutes. Uniques, sets, rares, etc., disappear after around 1 hour.

Also, your friend may have turned all of your items into Iron Golems when you weren't looking.

lol @ iron golems

Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

Could somebody PLEASE explain this to me? Can I petition blizzard or something? I am going to be extremely pissed off if I don't get these items back.

How the hell do items simply dissappear? Is there some totally ****ing stupid timer that deletes items on the ground if theyve been sitting there for a certain amount of time.

You've answered your own question :]

They were on the ground for probably ~20 mins

EDIT: I just did some google research, what the hell is the point of items left on the dround disappearing after a certain amount of time? And how the hell can they have a thing like that and NOT warn people about it? I just lost all my bowazons gear that I spent the last few weeks MFing and saving up for and trading for, and POOF its all gone. WTF.

Sorry, im just REALLY angry right now.

Is there any way to get them back? petition blizzard? Or do I just have to suck it up and go do 3 more weeks of MFing to maybe get back where I was?

We can only assume that Blizzard is so cheap that they refuse to invest a small amount of money and instead prefer to erase it4mz on the ground after.... ohh idk... some time in which Blizzard could eventually declare those items as "throw-away" and get rid of them without problem. If you send a petition to Blizzard about problems with transfer then you probably will accomplish nothing as firstly, you will have to have absolute proof that these items were there to begin with, just saying that you did won't convince them, and secondly, transfer of items is none of Blizzard's problem as it is not an "intentional" feature of the game (although they recognize it as one, apparently they still don't take it into consideration and this scenario just proves it).

Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

Does your friend seem incredibly lucky ever since this happened? Or maybe he is starting a zon out of the blue...
Re: Items on the ground disappearing for no reason, wtf?!

Sorry for your loss.

I must say that I've noticed resently that items are disappearing faster than usual. But when I'm self muling, I won't leave anything on the ground for more than a few minutes. Although item poofing is a concern, what happens if your game goes down and you can't reconnect. Its just not worth losing those goodies.

Although its a tough lesson, think of it as lesson learned. Good luck MF'ing the replacement parts as I doubt you'll get anywhere petitioning Blizzard.
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