Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

Like the title says. I got me 2 near perfect lightning facets for christmas.

Is it a good idea to put my (only) 2 facets in an upgraded Moser's? Or should I copy sirpoops down to the last detail, and use a HHG? I think Moser's with 2 facets gives a pretty good balance of resists, block and damage.

By the way, my lightning zon doesn't like to get poked by Baal's tentacles, so she chose to have max block.

What would you do?
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

I wouldn't sniff at the idea. As you said, Moser's has a nice balance of mods, and the block rate is really nice, especially when upgraded. I had a 2* cold faceted Moser's on an Orb sorc, and it was pretty handy.
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

They're not perfect. They're 5/4 and 4/5. I don't have a JMoD, and I don't have any more facets, and I haven't seen a facet drop for a very very long time(since before I made Fortitude). And to be honest, I don't even have a HHG :D

I guess Moser's it is. I can't wait to try out how helpful conviction is when you have some ELR% :alright:
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

It depends on how much your character "means to you". I can just say that I did put two lightning facets in a mosers when going for lvl 99 with my lightning sorc (stopped somewhere at 97 for now).

I didn't regret it at all. And my sorc doesn't even use shield block... Moser's has a nice low str req. and those tasty resistances. I used it instead of spirit because I didn't use RWM back then, but I think the facets should effectively still bring you more damage than those 2 skills of spirit.

That, coupled with some more lightning facets in other gear got me very good baal run times even without infinity. Now, that I made infinity, it's beyond awesome of course... :crazyeyes:

[x] do it
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

Done. The difference is very noticeable in cow runs. I think I shaved 3-4 minutes off the runs since my last attempt.

A pack of gloams is still a pack of gloams though, as in, they don't vaporize with one click. I guess I need moar facets.

BTW, what target is a good target for finding facets?
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

Hell Duriel, Baal, Diablo, and Mephisto have the highest chances I think. You're best bet is probably Meph because the run times are so quick.
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

Council isn't bad either.

Looking at Atma, at p1 with 500 MF it's 1:3k for most bosses versus 1:45k, and at p3 1:2.3k for Duriel, ~1:3k for Baal, Diablo, Meph versus 1:33k. So you need to kill 10 times as many p3 council members, in the same time as you'd kill a p1 Meph, for equal chances to drop a Facet.

Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

9 council members (the lot of them) at around one minute would be my time with optimal gear, I think.

HOWEVER, that's excluding Horking, which gives a full drop (3 items) 52% of the time. So I'm pretty sure Council wins there.
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

So that's at p1, I take it? 9*1.52 = 14, rounded up. 14* 1:45k is 14:45k. That's your chance of getting a facet per minute, if you have 500 mf, which I kind of doubt since it's a council horker.

Just did 10 test runs on Meph, because I wasn't sure what my run times are, and got an average time of 24:062. Multiply that by 2.5 and we have pretty much one minute. 2.5* 1:3k = 2.5:3k chance to get a Facet per minute.

.. so that's like 0.0003111... versus 0.0008333.. Roughly 167% better chances for Facets from Meph.

Somewhat hasty calculations, and giving some favor for the council, as I could have done some serious runs, instead of a few runs after a approximately year-long break.
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

That's at p3, and your calculations are incorrect.

The council members drop 3 items at a full drop. Horking ALWAYS gives a full drop, regardless of players setting.

As I recall, players 7 gives enemeis a 90% chance of full drop. The odds of a Council member dropping a facet in players 7 is 1:15k. Let's just assume that's the number of a hork too.

That way, at players 3, we get about 20/33k facets per minute or 6.06E(-4), compared to 3.1E(-4) at Meph.

(nEm means n * 10^m, by the way)
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

+1 for Meph. So quick to run, and the odds aren't bad (relatively speaking).

Besides, with everyone running the Pit, Ancient Tunnels, Lower Kurast, and Pindleskin, Meph deserves a little bit of love, too.
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

As I recall, players 7 gives enemeis a 90% chance of full drop. The odds of a Council member dropping a facet in players 7 is 1:15k.

My Atma gives 1:30084 for p7 500 mf council drops.

Also Atma drop calculator odds include the chance of no-drop, and disregards the number of drops from monsters, so assuming you are correct about horking giving full drops, the chance to get a Facet per minute goes up to 9 * 1:33k + 4* 1:30k = 0.000406060..., which is still less then 0.0008333...

Also you didn't take into notice that I still do 2.5 Meph runs in the same time as you do once council run.

Besides, really, 500 mf on a council horker? I should've done the calculations with 200 mf instead..

Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

Ah, sorry, I did a miss.

Well, we can look at my horker. He's got 185 MF with his kill (Just from IK helm and Charms), and 485 (Ideally 545; I haven't got the Ists to encrust my second Ali Baba) on his switch. Optimizing for Magic finding, let's see... Well, I should easily be able to hit 150 more by removing the goldfinding gear.

Plus, once I get my Fortitude (Jinx jinx) and Griefs (Jinx overload), my runs should be further improved.

I did take the time into account - I used your number which multiplies that by 2.5.

We should also take some other things into account - We're talking thousands of runs here. What do you have a good chance at in say, 2500 council runs? Well, rune-wise, that'll land you around Vex-Ohm, along with multitudes of Jewels, Charms, jewelry, etc.

Mephisto? Well, Azurewrath, less-than-useful EU:s, and a fifth of a Stormlash.
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

He's got 185 MF with his kill (Just from IK helm and Charms), and 485 (Ideally 545; I haven't got the Ists to encrust my second Ali Baba) on his switch.
An increment of 300% on your switch, and ideally an with increment of 460% with Ists in Ali-Baba's? What sort of swords do you have exactly?

I did take the time into account - I used your number which multiplies that by 2.5.
Well how exactly do you get 3E-4 out of 2.5 * 1:3k = 2.5 * 0.000333.. = 0.0008333 = 8.3E-4?

We should also take some other things into account - We're talking thousands of runs here. What do you have a good chance at in say, 2500 council runs? Well, rune-wise, that'll land you around Vex-Ohm, along with multitudes of Jewels, Charms, jewelry, etc.

Mephisto? Well, Azurewrath, less-than-useful EU:s, and a fifth of a Stormlash.

It is true that the council members have slightly elevated chances of dropping runes, but I wouldn't go as far as to claim that Meph drops less jewelery. I've got 4 SoJ's from Meph, I think, and every unique Amulet in the game. Not to mention a Lo. Didn't Neksja also get 2 Jahs from him? And I somehow remember someone getting a Cham from him too..

That is however beyond the point. As I originally said, for getting Facet's, Meph is the best place unless you have a really, really good Duriel map, which is hard to get.

Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

An increment of 300% on your switch, and ideally an with increment of 460% with Ists in Ali-Baba's? What sort of swords do you have exactly?

Well how exactly do you get 3E-4 out of 2.5 * 1:3k = 2.5 * 0.000333.. = 0.0008333 = 8.3E-4?

It is true that the council members have slightly elevated chances of dropping runes, but I wouldn't go as far as to claim that Meph drops less jewelery. I've got 4 SoJ's from Meph, I think, and every unique Amulet in the game. Not to mention a Lo. Didn't Neksja also get 2 Jahs from him? And I somehow remember someone getting a Cham from him too..

That is however beyond the point. As I originally said, for getting Facet's, Meph is the best place unless you have a really, really good Duriel map, which is hard to get.
Ideally I could get 300 from the swords, I must've typo'd a number.

Oh. I picked the wrong number. That explains it.

Anyway, as for runes, Mephisto is out of his league. He's got about a 10-20% increased chance for a give HR compared to each individual council member.

It's not beyond the point. Really, you shouldn't run ANYONE just for facets. If you're doing 2500 runs to get a specific thing, you definitely need to take a look at the other things that might drop. If you've got the valuable stuff Mephisto can reasonably drop (Arachnid Mesh and Azurewrath, mainly), it's not really worth running him thousands of time for a specific item when you can get comparable results and better items on the side (runes, gold etc) with a different target. Or would you rather run Meph 2500 times for a Facet, and then run the Council 2500 times for a Vex?

Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

I've found 5 facets in my ~2000 /p1 Council runs (with 80/250 MF), so they're a pretty good target. I've never been as productive as that on facets during Meph runs. IIRC one day (back when I was running Pindle heavily) I found 3 facets in one day.

So, mileage will vary, of course.
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

As I recall, I've gotten one of Pindle (1.5k runs, stopped once I got WF), one off a ghost in CS (fifty runs), and one off the Council (A hundred? Two hundred? Something like that.).
Re: Is it a good idea to put lightning facets into a Moser's?

On p3 with 220 MF (I went with what I think is a decent compromise between hork and non-hork, to get some sort of average), you'll get a Facet once every 306 runs from the Council.

On p3 with 600 MF, you'll get a Facet once every 368 runs from Mephisto.

I'm pretty sure Mephisto wins this calculation, although I feel like I find way way more Facets than that when running the Council. I have 21 in my stash now, and I've used one or two. Pretty sure every Facet except 2 are from the Council.

Today I found one, yesterday I found one. Not bragging or anything, they just drop kinda frequently in Travincal. Other Trav runners will tell you the same thing.
Estimated market value