iron maiden, taunt, battle cry


New member
Jan 1, 2006
iron maiden, taunt, battle cry

I'm unsure of the level of iron maiden that Hell Oblivion Knights cast but the basic question I want to ask is will I survive a reflected attack from myself if I have 6K physical damage (upper limit), 25% life leech, 50% damage reduction, and 4K life, and they have 33% damage reduction, and 33% drain effectiveness.

Is taunt the only skill in the game that lowers targets attack rating?

Does taunt and battle cry work at full effectiveness vs. every monster?

Is there anything that ignore's a players defense in PvM?

What exactly does uninterruptible mean, just that you can't go in FHR or FBR animation?
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Re: iron maiden, taunt, battle cry

Oblivion Knights cast level10 IM in Hell, iirc. I can't remember the numbers through the calculation, but it's also nerfed against players. The part I remember is that the result is 106% returned damage to your character.

Also, as far as leech, I think it's applied at a different 'time' than your damage. So, for example, if you do 4500 damage to yourself (with your 4k life) but leech back 800 life in an attack, then you'd still die. <--- not certain on this.

You may, or may not, survive one attack under IM, but in any case you're playing with fire and I'd recommend not attacking at all under IM. If you're playing HC, simply don't risk it.

Re: Taunt... as far as I remember, yes

Re: Taunt & Battlecry, Battlecry does, but some monsters cannot be Taunted. Keep in mind that both effects cannot be active at once (they're essentially curses - one overwrites the other).

Re: PvM, some monsters have attacks with Ignore Target Defense. I think Pindleskin's charge is one example (not certain on this, but I know it can't be blocked by a shield either). There are definitely others.

Re: uniterruptible... it means that the entire attack animation will always complete unless you die (err, iirc... Whirlwind is the only exception where even death doesn't interrupt the animation, but other 'uninterruptable' attacks like Zeal will be interrupted by death).
Re: iron maiden, taunt, battle cry

Well, to the best of my knowledge:

1) Oblivion Knights cast level 10 IM in Hell, which returns 425% physical mêlée damage: however, returned damage is quartered against players and hirelings, so that's approximately 106.25%; Damage Reduced by 50% would half that to approximately 53.125%. So you'd hit them for about 4K max damage (after their 33% DR), of which about 2k would be returned to you. After taking the hit (and only if you survive) you'll get some life back from life leech, so it would seem you won't be 1hit-KO'ed if you're not using Deadly/Critical Strike and it doubles your damage.

2) Think so.

3) Taunt will not work on Berserk, Posessed, Fanatic, or other creatures immune to Terror or Confuse, nor Super Unique Monsters, Champions, and Bosses. Battle Cry works against all monsters at full effectivity.

4) I think Urdars use Smite, which would ignore your defense, but I might be wrong on that :scratchchin: Besides that, every elemental attack will ignore your defense, but I guess you meant just melee/ranged physical attacks of monsters.

5) That you can't go into FHR or FBR animation while attacking (which would interrupt your attack).
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