Introducing Matriarch QueHegan_Titan

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New member
Dec 3, 2004
Introducing Matriarch QueHegan_Titan

Hi everybody, this is my first post and I would like to introduce you
my last matriarch a titan sorceress.
Yes it was hard, yes I died ... at least 100 times, but I've
finished the game.
A friendly necromancer help me kill hell ancients.
Next step : kill hell ancients alone.

QueHegan_Titan - Softcore (huh) sorceress
Level 79

Stats (without equipement) :
Str - 415 (all my points ...)
Dex - base
Vit - base
Ene - base

Current Exp : 630 497 815

Skills :
Firebolt - 1
Fireball - 1
Warmth - 20
Enchant - 20
Fire mastery - 20

Telekinesis - 1
Teleport - 1

Ice bolt - 1
Ice blast - 1
Frozen armor - 1
Shiver armor - 20
Chiling armor - 2
Cold mastery - 1

My Equipement :
Up Ribcracker with a jah rune
Laying of hands
Chains of honor
Angelic wings + Angelic halo
Dwarf star
Gore rider
String of ears
Switch : Eschuta's temper - Visceratuant

Charms : Mainly Res + Life and AR
40 % MF gheed

Mercenary : Leharas - Defiance
Equipement :
Duriell's shell
Holy Bejeezus! A titan sorc! :cheesy:

Great work! I'm impressed!

Now impress us more and post an intro thread ;)
ellmaris said:
Up Ribcracker with a [highlight]jah[/highlight] rune

Sorry to say, but that's a really big waste of a Jah. Unless you have lots of them, of course :uhhuh:

Eh... congrats and welcome to the SPF.
You put a jah in a ribcracker?? *beats ellmaris with a stick* You runeword the damn thing, you'll probably never get to see another 1!
Oh, and welcome to the SPF, congratulations on the very impressive titan sorc (Woooh)
Awww...A QueHagan Titan not wearing Que Hagan's Wisdom? Almost seems like blasphemy. :D

Congrats on the Mat! :clap:

farting bob said:
You put a jah in a ribcracker?? *beats ellmaris with a stick* You runeword the damn thing, you'll probably never get to see another 1!
Oh, and welcome to the SPF, congratulations on the very impressive titan sorc (Woooh)

Ahhh, I know, I know. And this is the only one I had (thanks to the cube recipe in sp). But when I've done it, I cannot hit any monster and it seems to be a good idea but ... it wasn't....
I'm really dumb I know....
I hide myself :scared:
Welcome and Congrats!

And what were you thinking???

What's your next idea? *wonders about a titan necromancer*

So to recap... you had both a Jah and Ber (since you made Chains of Honour) and you *didn't* make "Enigma"? What were you thinking?!?!

* Icebird cries and wonders when he'll ever see a Jah or Ber

Icebird said:
So to recap... you had both a Jah and Ber (since you made Chains of Honour) and you *didn't* make "Enigma"? What were you thinking?!?!

* Icebird cries and wonders when he'll ever see a Jah or Ber


*ahcw cries with icebird*

Congrats on the mat, especially with a titan sorc. You are my hero man :thumbsup: . Now do it all on players 8 :cheesy: .
Hey now, be nice. Ellmaris can do as he/she likes with runes and stuff, no wailing in anguish or beating with sticks. I wonder if any of you guys have the patience and gumption to make a Matriarch out of a Titan Enchantress! Congratulations on the mat. :) Now, you seem to be a new name around here; how about a thread to introduce yourself?

Stony said:
Hey now, be nice. Ellmaris can do as he/she likes with runes and stuff, no wailing in anguish or beating with sticks. I wonder if any of you guys have the patience and gumption to make a Matriarch out of a Titan Enchantress! Congratulations on the mat. :) Now, you seem to be a new name around here; how about a thread to introduce yourself?


*beats stony with a pair of old smelly underpants that have gone hard* pwn

welcome to the forums and congrats on the AWESOME SHIELDLESS TITAN ENCHANTRESS MELEE SORC TYPE GUY!!!!! :xflash:
corax said:
*beats stony with a pair of old smelly underpants that have gone hard* pwn

So, you have, lying conveniently at hand, at least one pair of reeking underpants, hard and crusty with your genetic filth?

I do not. Pwn. :xcool:

Icebird said:
So to recap... you had both a Jah and Ber (since you made Chains of Honour) and you *didn't* make "Enigma"? What were you thinking?!?!

* Icebird cries and wonders when he'll ever see a Jah or Ber


*cries too*

Good job with the Mat, though :D
Gorish said:
*cries too*

Good job with the Mat, though :D

Between the Chains and making the jah, there was a very long time....
I didn't cube the jah the day I get chains or I would be so lucky I would be playing for money in Las Vegas !
"Lucky" isn't the word, buddy. You are a liar, and while I can't ban you for that alone, I can prohibit you from participating in MP games as well as the Single Player Trading Forum. If you violate this mandate, I can and will ban you.

I'm closing this thread now before it gets any worse. Check your PMs.
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