Introducing -> Fuz92


New member
Nov 27, 2004
Introducing -> Fuz92

Well hello there guys. I've been watching my uncle post in these forums for some time now, you all might know him, ether3al. He said i should join, because i love playing diablo2 SP. there was a time i played on but it just gets boring you know? Even though im only 13, even i cant stand the "1337" speak of bnet. So, a little about myself. I have been playing diablo 2 ever since LOD came out, and with the help of my uncle, im pretty knowledgable about the game. My favorite kind of characters are bowazons, hammerdins, and fire sorcs. Im looking forward to trying some of the builds in the character guides. This place looks interesting and i look forward to my stay.
haha, gotcha :lol: . welcome to the forums cody. hope ya like it here. Watch out for the squid and gaurd your shins. :thumbsup: Hey AE, do i get a cookie for bringing him here? :uhhuh:
Hiya Fuz92 :thumbsup:

Welcome to the SPF I hope you enjoy your stay and that all your finds be green and gold.

@Ether3al Have a :drink: on me at the EMB. GG

- Jas :wave:
welcome to the forums. :thumbsup: you can have a juice at the EMB :drink: and cookies for everyone :lol:
Hey Fuz, welcome to the SPF :D

Ether3al said:
Hey AE, do i get a cookie for bringing him here? :uhhuh:
*tosses Ether3al a cookie, and another to Fuz*

Wellcome to the Single Player Forum, Fuz 92! Enjoy your stay, and blame Durf for it.
Looks at Durf. "How dare force him to come to this forum, you evil evil thing!".
Welcome to the forum!

Your shins are MINE!!!

*kicks Fuz92 in the shins with sharpened boots of many ouchies*

Welcom to the spf hope you enjoy it here.If you like to trade then check out the single player trade fourm.

PS.My brother is nicknamed fuzz because his hair looked like a fuzzball when he was a kid. :lol:
Welcome to the SPF, we've got fun and games
We have everything including shin-kicking fiends!

Welcome :howdy:
HI! glad to see another bnet conversion. Now, you may not know, but the initial ceremony takes place for you. you need to sacrifice a annoying 1337 5pe4k1ng bnet player to the gods of magic find. Dont worry, theres plenty to choose from.
*points and laughs at fuz, simply for being only 13 yrs old.*
farting bob said:
HI! glad to see another bnet conversion. Now, you may not know, but the initial ceremony takes place for you. you need to sacrifice a annoying 1337 5pe4k1ng bnet player to the gods of magic find. Dont worry, theres plenty to choose from.
*points and laughs at fuz, simply for being only 13 yrs old.*

*Shoots Farting Bob with a plasma rifle*
I was only 14 years old this October, dont diss the 13 year olds or they will hunt you down and kick your round shaped ***!
Estimated market value