In search of advice :)


New member
Jan 5, 2007
In search of advice :)

I'm rebuilding my trapsin currently. Previously I shopped a pair of GT's, one with +3 traps and +2 DS, the other +3/+3 DS. Both took 1os from Larzuk. I settled for this being fine for the longest time, but now between frustrations with trap-laying speed and the associated lower mana pool of using dual claws, I'm trying something different.

I picked up a Spirit PB, that'll be my weapon paired with a Spirit monarch. I refuse to use HOTO:crazyeyes:

This gal's strictly for PVMing(rushing), with perhaps a bit of casual MFing thrown in.

Here come the questions:

*What is the logical way to achieve the additional 42% IAS to lay traps at 9 frames, assuming I use fade?
It's worth noting that I have a self-gambled 3/20 Traps circlet that took 2os from Larz(he redeemed himself for my claws). Assuming I put in two IAS/mod jewels, is it worth using LoH just for the IAS/Fire resist?

*Will I miss my claw block in PVM?

*How many times will I get LOL'd in pub Chaos/Baal runs for being the nub trapsin using a sword:whistling:
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Re: In search of advice :)

1) 40 ias on claw from either 2x shael or a mod, but since you have one socket only I guess you can aim for 20 there only. Other then that you're looking at ias jewels in helm or a pair of ias gloves (but most want fcr gloves I'd guess, if enigma ... otherwise ias gloves should be fine).

2) YOu may, depends on your playstyle. I know I do miss clawblock a bit when not using dual claws, but with a high life pool it's not really a big deal.

3) Always never! :cloud9:
Re: In search of advice :)

Don't think that you need to worry that much about the 9 frames in PvM.

I would miss the claw block... the question is if you would miss something you didn't have in the first place?

Don't think you're pressed for resists anyways - There are better alternatives than LoH.
Re: In search of advice :)

I'd go with rare or even crafted 20ias gloves. It can spawn +stats,res and life (on the crafted) so that's your best bet. x2 15ias/15res jewels in the circ is the way to go. I was told to use an ss and I put the other jewel in there but my trapper is pvp. Spirit monarch is fine so just stick with the 20ias gloves because they offer better mods that any alternative I can think of.

I never got laughed at, tho, don't worry.

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