Important questions about Shadow Master


New member
Aug 16, 2004
Important questions about Shadow Master

As stated in my other thread, one of my main shields and method of dealing damage is my Shadow Master. She is to tank, fight Lighting Immunes, as well as cast her own traps in addition to mine.

1) How is her damage determined in conjunction with her level?

2) As I add more levels, I also notice her "attack points" increase. Is that attack rating for her chances to hit enemy or what?

3) What is the level of her spells? Same as mine? Same as her own level? Or something else?

4) In conjunction with her level, what exactly does she spawn?

5) Currently, her resists as stated in her skill level description is 70. Does playing in hell change that?

6) I notice she sometimes score 1-hit kills on other players. However, there are also times when she simply runs around doing nothing. Are these bugs?

7) Is she the best minion? When pit against other high-end minions such as Valkyre, Grizzly Bear or Fire Golem, who is the most likely victor?

Thanks for all comments, and sorry if my questions are already answered by FaQ.
1 - Her damage is affected by whatever claw she spawns with. If you mean her trap damage, I believe it is half of your trap level.

2 - That is her attack rating, which is the same thing as chance to hit.

3 - See #1

4 - When you cast her at level 17, she spawns with the most gear that she possibly can. All of her gear is rare items, and they are completely random every time you cast her.

5 - I don't think so.

6 - No, just weird AI in the game. Shadow Masters aren't really reliable ways to kill another player simply for that reason.

7 - Well, she is definately the most versatile, but I don't think she is the best if you put her "in the pit" as you say.
Sky, I had read that Shadow skill levels are 1/2 of the skill points in shadow master/warrior + 1/3 of the skill level your character has in that skill.
skygoneblue said:
4 - When you cast her at level 17, she spawns with the most gear that she possibly can. All of her gear is rare items, and they are completely random every time you cast her.

The armor type however, will be whatever type of armor you're wearing when you cast her. If you're wearing a sacred, she'll spawn with a rare sacred.. etc.

I'm not sure about the helm, I seem to remember her spawning with a 'bone' type helm when I was wearing one .. but I'd have to test it out to be sure..
Just to add confirmation:

1) GenXClub is correct, the level the Shadow uses her skills at is (1/2 the Shadow's level at time of casting) + (1/3 the level of the skill the Shadow is using on your own character).

5) Minions are not affected by difficulty resistance penalties or caps, so with the aid of equipment/Fade, some Shadows can acheive resistance immunity.
Actually if my memory is correct ur Shadow's level is 1/3 her slvl at time of casting (rounded down) + 1/2 ur current skill lvl at time of use (rounded down) .
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