Ik zerker


New member
Dec 7, 2005
Ik zerker

Hey everyone. I decided to start a MvP berserker with a friend of mine who plays a zealot. That way we can both compliment each other. I decided to use the IK set because it looks awesome and has some good stats while being pretty cheap. I've never made a berserker before so I wanted your guys advice. Heres what I got so far.

Strength- 200
Vitality- Rest
Dexterity- Base
Energy- Base

Ik Maul (2 shaels)
IK helmet (2 shaels)
Ik gloves
Ik boots
Ik belt
Ik Armor (Cham)
Angelics ammy + 2x rings

20- Howl
20- Berserk
20- Battle orders
20- War cry or Mace mastery
9- Prerequisites
2- Leap attack/battle command

I'm debating on whether to max a mastery or war cry. The mastery would increase my damage considerably and isn't so horribly mana intensive as war cry. War cry on the other hand looks cool, is great for crowd control and overall more fun.

Anyone made a zerker that could give me insight? The goal is to have fun, but I also want to be able to kill things and am a little wary of the HUGE mana cost of war cry without any leach at all. If anyone could give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Re: Ik zerker

well i highly suggest only one point into warcry, and then one in to whirlwind, bc it gets you out of stiky areas and has a nice leach when needed. ofc max mastery, and a few points in to taunt to supliment the zerk further is nice, also you can taunt in monsters that have nasty ranged attacks. sheals are nice but you might be able to get some nice 7%fhr rare jewels, 14% along with other gear plus im sure charms could be used for it as well, at 12% for gc and 5% for sc...idk about lc..

you could make more of a titan to boost dmg to critical, non absorbable dmg... this would be switching your numbers 200 for vit
heard something about 200+vit doubles potion affectiveness. idk though
Re: Ik zerker

I decided last night to just go with mace mastery. I hope in the end it becomes the right choice, but I've heard from many people that either or are effective. War cry IMO is more for safety then anything. With a 20+ level howl I should be fine as far as crowd control is concerned. Worse comes to worse I could also get a holy freeze mercenary. Also the 1pt should be boosted pretty high with +skills and since I won't be maxing it the mana cost will be much more manageable. Can't wait to get this barb up to 90+ level. He's gonna be awesome.
Re: Ik zerker

ya im sure its a common misconception.

howl dosent work on all creatures though, OK's, Minions, a unique or 2 with champions surrounding them isnt that uncommon. so 1 point in WC with the set bonuses hilords, you could use bk's for skills you would have a decent stun length.
Re: Ik zerker

Berserker barbs are very powerful but more people would rather use concentrate than berserk. But you could give it a test and see if it works sucessfully. Good luck with your build.
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