I need help on my ww pvp build


New member
Sep 20, 2004
I need help on my ww pvp build

OK i made a barb build not too long ago after i did my research on the forums.................he was a complete bust so i need suggestions on my new and improved barb here it is :
Helm:arreats w/40/15ias or 15ias/15res
Ammy:21 maras or highloards (im looking 4 better mara)
armor either a enigma/duress/or a coh i need most advice here
wep:botdccb,or botd zerker
sheild:ss w/40/15 ias or 15ias/15 res
belt:verdungos 36/13 (im looking a for a perf one)
ring 1:raven spiral
ring 2:either havoc spiral, bul kathos, or another raven spiral(duno if i can afford)
skills 1 in battle command, max bo, max shout, max ww, and max mastery ,rest in pre req

i know ive checked on site and this is what i have so far plz gimme ur opiions and plz correct me on this build thx for ur time
Ps: im pvp, ww barb :scratch: :scratch:
most important: ias outside of the weapon does not affect ww speed. you're wasting jewels :p
raven spiral? 148ar 7ml 6ll 13dex 15all res +1mana/kill duped ring? *laughs*
good luck @ finding help here :thumbsup:
[exile] said:
most important: ias outside of the weapon does not affect ww speed. you're wasting jewels :p
ya i guess ur right i should either get 2x 40/10max or an um rune x2 or mabe one of each :spy:
Draculs would be a nice pair of gloves. OW is always nice to have. Alot of ww barbs I see wearing enig. Although I personally use Duress and it works well. Highlords over Maras. And unless ur going for looks zerker over cb.
ive heard that the botd zerker though has some stat glitch, crushing blow doesnt work or sumthing i dont remember
i know the 40/10s are duped i meant to have an equivelent of a 40/10 not necessarily a 40/10, i have a 35/9 that im gona use and a 39/10, they both are just as good as 2 40/10s and are much cheaper. :thumbsup:
bmxpunk101 said:
i know the 40/10s are duped i meant to have an equivelent of a 40/10 not necessarily a 40/10, i have a 35/9 that im gona use and a 39/10, they both are just as good as 2 40/10s and are much cheaper. :thumbsup:
the dupes he was talking about was your poor choise of rings
heh..than what do i look 4 in a ring?
i basicly need resistnaces in a ring not leach, but it is welcome
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