I need an opinion on this


New member
Aug 29, 2004
I need an opinion on this

Is there any use for crescent moon runeword for a light sorc in pvp? I was thinking i'd switch from eschutas to crescent vs barbs or pallys because of the -35% light resist because if they have max resists then I could actually do some dmg to them. Also, just a random question, does the magic absorb on it work at all against necros? again, its random and i'm j/w
DevilsWrath said:
Is there any use for crescent moon runeword for a light sorc in pvp? I was thinking i'd switch from eschutas to crescent vs barbs or pallys because of the -35% light resist because if they have max resists then I could actually do some dmg to them. Also, just a random question, does the magic absorb on it work at all against necros? again, its random and i'm j/w

crescent moon works wonders agaisnt necros, 11 absorb is like 22 MDR, it also means teeth heals you IIRC, though i hardly use it because i have no room in stash ><
I have used a CM Phase with my lightning sorc.. it works very nicely... pair that up with a nice griffons and some facets... goodbye resists!
although u would have to sacrifise more then the 3 skills from echustas to use it, you will need an extra push to send it up to 117 fcr bp. that means 1 less soj for fcr ring or something of the sort.
But you should see how this works with those annoying lightning zons hahaha. I think its worth the loss... since they go down easy without there imunity anyways.

:grrr: They think theyre so cool :grrr:
*trick the zon*
spam ice bolts until they're convinced that you're a cold sorc then BAM! smack em with a lightining.
Never tried it on a sorc but i do it all the time with my posion necro. Spam spirits then nova them :lol:
abtarkerpal said:
*trick the zon*
spam ice bolts until they're convinced that you're a cold sorc then BAM! smack em with a lightining.
Never tried it on a sorc but i do it all the time with my posion necro. Spam spirits then nova them :lol:

most duels dont last more than a few seconds..I wouldnt waste valuable time trying to trick them by using different spells, a more common and easier trick is to Just make your name "Frosty " "Ice Girl" "Blizz Sorc" or something to that effect, then spam your lightning.

Lightning Zons dont usually have very good resy's I have a level 85 LS Zon thats dedicated for PvP, she is only really effective versus melee characters, she is very weak vs any spell caster type, as her resistances are low, and most of her passive skills help her in combat, not magic.

2-3 hits from LS though and most melee characters are dead, I have lots of 3% faster run walk, 25% faster run walk boots, and 20% faster run walk with Titans, so as long as I get in first , its all over in 2-3 jabs.

I also use 3x Lightning Skillers , and have 1x 4/5 die facet, and 1x 5/5 die facet to increase damage ;)

She can usually take out a Frozen Orb sorc, I just spam lightning fury in their direction, (they dont have to hit, if they go near the FO sorc they can even sometimes kill her ) versus a blizzard sorc she is toasted. ( I switch 2 2x raven frosts to reduce damage) Blizz does 2 much damage though, 1 shard can mean instant death.

FB Sorcs are also vicious, especially when they reach that 200% fast cast rate.

I think Sorcs are an awesome PvP build - with lots of fun back up utility skills to help out.
It's true, I like them because they have so many different possibilities when playing PvP you can be successful in ranged, melee, magic, anything! Sad thing is though, in almost every case there is a way to negate their damage, as many of them you have described.
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