i need a cd-key


New member
Nov 28, 2009
i need a cd-key

hey everyone, i used to be registered on this site when i was a diablo addict. now, im getting back into it but for some reason my cd key is in use? if anyone has an extra lod cd key, please pm! ill give you somethin in return on diablo, thanks to any help
Re: i need a cd-key

hey everyone, i used to be registered on this site when i was a diablo addict. now, im getting back into it but for some reason my cd key is in use? if anyone has an extra lod cd key, please pm! ill give you somethin in return on diablo, thanks to any help

No CD Keys for you.

Either go buy one legally or buy and download one from Blizzard.

Stompwampa's Ultimate Guide to Lost CD-Keys and Broken Play Discs,



-if it says it's in use ...who is it in use by? Yourself? Then click here: http://us.blizzard.com/support/arti...parentCategoryId&pageNumber=1&categoryId=2616

In use by someone else/another player: http://us.blizzard.com/support/arti...parentCategoryId&pageNumber=1&categoryId=2616

Re: i need a cd-key

I apologize for making this thread! Please dont ban me!
I keke'd at this post.

A new D2 game isn't even all that expensive. I just hope you're not like that other dude who isn't willing to do any chores and expects his parents to finance his gaming habit without expecting anything in return.

Re: i need a cd-key

if your cd key is in use by the name you used when you installed d2, its most likely you
check the task manager and end 'game.exe'
sometimes d2 crashes and leaves you logged into bnet
Re: i need a cd-key

... I just hope you're not like that other dude who isn't willing to do any chores and expects his parents to finance his gaming habit without expecting anything in return.

Well if you're gonna put a negative spin on it then I'll start collecting aluminum cans.

Happy now, mom!?!

Re: i need a cd-key

<LordChewy> so my dad found my porn folder
<LordChewy> and he was getting all pissed
<LordChewy> so its all like "does this surprise you? i'm not stupid you know"
<LordChewy> "i know dad"
<LordChewy> "what do you have to say for yourself?"
<LordChewy> at this point i stare at him straight in the eyes and say "C:Documents and SettingsRickyMy Documentsfaxessent faxes"
<LordChewy> and he just shut up
<kingKahn> what is it?
<LordChewy> its his porn folder

....I couldnt help it
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