I feel so lucky....


New member
Jun 30, 2003
I feel so lucky....

Why do you ask? Allow me to set some back ground. Finally after 3 weeks of waiting for my cast to come off I was able to start playing D2 again after a long absence ( 2 weeks after L2 started i stopped).

When I finally logged back on a couple days ago I had one mule acct that didnt expire( rest were past the "havent played in 90 days" on it were 2 Paladin GCs with life and a Leviathan. All useful but not for me just as trade fodder. So using 1 of the charms i get 75% of my gear for my Barb. This was lucky moment #1. After reading my thread on "Trav Barb" my old friend Bohe gives me a 248% GF to use. Lucky moment #2. So yesterday i was leveling my new barb in a couple enchant games and in niether one did I get hostiled , people were curtious. Lucky moment #3.

Finally I switched over to MFing Hell Andy with my orb sorc after 23 fruitless runs Im about to go to bed. Run 24 i claim will be my last run since it should be enough to level me. I get half way down to Cat 4 and the SOJ counter goes off. So I figure if it goes off once more whilst im in the game Ill hang out. 2 more hits occur before I get to Andy so I decide to park it. I clear a couple areas in Act 1( sorc isnt in act2 yet) waiting for him. No counter for a few minutes so I try the "anit idle" method in act 5 with my necro and actually get it to work. I start to walk away and counter goes again and again and well 25 hits in 25 minutes. I comeback about 2 hits before he spawned and scanned my F list...noone on =[ and i definitely cant solo him.

Well maybe tomorrow I start to think when my friend Billy logs on and i chat with him for a minute about it and Dialbo pops. Billy comes right in to help so its a Fireball sorc and my Necro. Im thinking boy would BO be sweet. In comes Fred ( Baalos) on his IK barb to provide somee muscle. DC is dispatched in about a minute and I get a 14/13/6 Anni. Whats really funny was the run previous was thinking how I never see "DC" threads anymore or anyone talk about them.

My luckiest moment by far is having such great friends who litterally through items at me when i got back. They arent my friends because they gave me items , they are because they helped me out without a second thought and without expecting anything in return. Thanks again Mark , Billy and Fred I owe you all.
so, uh, quick question there mike. why do you think you have friends who would do that?

well, thats a rhetorical question, since you aren't unbelieveably handsome, blindingly rich, or amazingly charismatic.

we know that you have done and would do the same for any of us at any time.

we know you're a good guy. we have played alongside you and (T_T) died alongside you. you'd dive right into a packed TP in hell trav with a msle to go after our loot. you'd come be my looter in duel games. you'd always have time to help with an xfer. where do you think half my dueler's charms came from?.

friends like our circle arent made lightly or for no good reason. your good friends reflect on who you are.
*wipes away a tear*

that's beautiful man!!!


just beautiful!!

This thread is one that should be stickied as "All New HC Players Read THIS!!!" It demonstrates what true HC should be about - friendship comraderie and the massive giving of ItAmz!!11!!!!@ (ok ... maybe not the items ...)
Grats I must say that I have not seen the counter go off in over a month and I have been playing in Hell alot over that time. Preiously it would go off, usaully fruitlessly, at least 2 out of 3 days it seemed.
Dang you think you're lucky just ask CY what I dumped in her private message box ;p

viamede, I think the kids that were doing most of the popping got tired of doing so many and not having people help in return, so they calmed the popping down a bit. I am probably wrong though, its been a while.
annr said:
Dang you think you're lucky just ask CY what I dumped in her private message box ;p

*gazes piteously at her boss*
*coughs again*

*races home to open early Christmas Pressies*

annr said:
viamede, I think the kids that were doing most of the popping got tired of doing so many and not having people help in return, so they calmed the popping down a bit. I am probably wrong though, its been a while.

From what I've read bout DC being popped... only those who are involved with the "ALLIANCE" have the knowledge of what IP's will be popped...

There are still those like (Stimm), who are granted the presence of DC.
cyradis2003 said:
*gazes piteously at her boss*
*coughs again*

*races home to open early Christmas Pressies*


I demand a hint or a clue or a riddle or a somethin :rant:
viamede said:
I demand a hint or a clue or a riddle or a somethin :rant:

Hear, Hear! I mean, if we're not gonna get some hints, we'll have to imagine what one girl could give to another girl....and you don't want that. :evil:

and by the way, dontcha think Blizz could just go ahead and dispense with the "SoJ Counter". After this long, they don't really believe that we believe that SoJs have anything to do with anything, do they? Come now, let's just be striaghtforward with this. How about a "IP popper counter" or something?
nebby said:
Hear, Hear! I mean, if we're not gonna get some hints, we'll have to imagine what one girl could give to another girl....and you don't want that. :evil:

and by the way, dontcha think Blizz could just go ahead and dispense with the "SoJ Counter". After this long, they don't really believe that we believe that SoJs have anything to do with anything, do they? Come now, let's just be striaghtforward with this. How about a "IP popper counter" or something?

the SoJ being sold I believe belong on the SCNL realms.... which doesn't really concern us....
Estimated market value