I don't think the real new Event has been found yet


New member
Sep 30, 2006
I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again, that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies within Diablo’s Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil to the Throne of Destruction…

So what does that tell us? There are new tests, and it has something to do with Diablo's bosses (NOT necessarily Act bosses, ) that are found possibly starting at the Den of Evil (definately not Act bosses).

The four new items that combine in that respec thingy do not qualify for this: the bosses are not 'new and challenging tests', and are not found across the entire Diablo world. Seriously, why would Blizzard hype things up like this?

I still think (posted this several times before today) that the real Event is triggered by killing all Superuniques in the same game.
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

Someone is going to be very, very angry when they completely clear the entire game (probably will take 3 hours+++) and realizes nothing happens (if you're wrong - not saying you are, it'll be epic if you're right). :p

Unless something like a HR or something drops along the way.

[edit] Oh wait, my bad, you said Super Uniques, not uniques. That's doable, since there's only ~10 per act. I'll go try later tonight if no one else has done it yet.
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

Someone is going to be very, very angry when they completely clear the entire game (probably will take 3 hours+++) and realizes nothing happens (if you're wrong - not saying you are, it'll be epic if you're right). :p

Unless something like a HR or something drops along the way.

[edit] Oh wait, my bad, you said Super Uniques, not uniques. That's doable, since there's only ~10 per act. I'll go try later tonight if no one else has done it yet.

Alright, high five! You probably already know this, but if you need help finding them Superuniques, you can check at The Arreat Summit.

Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

I HOPE that the respec thingy wasnt the real new event. But I am sceptical.

I also hope that any new special event would also be available in singleplayer, like the Ubers never were :( But i will probably be disapointet there aswell.
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

"Creeping Feature" is a funny developer in-joke, I hadnt seen him before :D

And if you have to kill Ancient Kaa, thats going to be REAL annoying since he's always in a random tomb....and if Nihl counts as a Superunique, that'll be annoying for those that dont want to complete that quest...
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

"Creeping Feature" is a funny developer in-joke, I hadnt seen him before :D

And if you have to kill Ancient Kaa, thats going to be REAL annoying since he's always in a random tomb....and if Nihl counts as a Superunique, that'll be annoying for those that dont want to complete that quest...

he counts in.

wounder who got gear and all to do it today? cause atm i am mfing to get better equipment ( yes, +5 skills 0/30/40/-41 isnt good, and def rating now does BIG meaning, got low, get pwned by normal creeps )

or some one got whole army of players to test it?

Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

So what does that tell us? There are new tests, and it has something to do with Diablo's bosses (NOT necessarily Act bosses, ) that are found possibly starting at the Den of Evil (definately not Act bosses).

The four new items that combine in that respec thingy do not qualify for this: the bosses are not 'new and challenging tests', and are not found across the entire Diablo world. Seriously, why would Blizzard hype things up like this?

I still think (posted this several times before today) that the real Event is triggered by killing all Superuniques in the same game.

Unfortunately, I fear that they do mean the respec thing. It seems like they re-used the wording for uber tristram. Here's a quote from the FAQ:

Q: What is the new "Mystery" mentioned in the patch notes?
A: It's related to the respec system implemented in the patch and can grant additional respecs beyond the three given for completing the Den of Evil quest in each difficulty. You'll have to play to find out how though.

Here's a quote from the patch.log in the D2 installation directory (check it out)

- Patch 1.13

A new Mystery has been revealed!

- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again,
that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies
within Diablo's Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil
to the Throne of Destruction...


- Patch 1.11

A new Mystery has been revealed!

- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again,
that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies
within Diablo's Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil
to the Throne of Destruction...

It feels abit lazy to be honest

Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

The mystery is almost (99.9%) surely the respec thing. The respec starts in the Den of Evil, where you get one respec for completing the quest (in each diff), and spans the whole game in the sense that you have to kill Andy or Duriel and each of the 3 big bosses in order to get more respecs.
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

I would probably try cubing that thing with an SoH or something. However, how long do you think it would be before someone clears Trist?
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

Bashiok (our prohphet and "messanger of God", as far as Diablo 2 fans are concerned) said that they would like to add more content to the patches, which is spectacular of them to have it on a "beta" test server. Technically it's not hard to mod some already used models and sets. Maybe they'll switch the drops, or add in a new cubeable(word?!?!?!?) items from new "uber" monster forms....

Or they'll fix all of the current balance issues, creat 100+ unique items, and give us a new class..... wow I'm drunk:thumbsup:

EDIT: After all, this game HAS been out for 10 YEARS! Anything's better than nothing!...... (actually that is debatable, but given the known content actually helps and not ruin gameplay like.... runewords?)
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

I think it's just the respec drops from act bosses. They just copied and pasted the old message so as not to give anything away. If it's not that then why aren't those mentioned in the changelog?
Re: I don't think the real new Event has been found yet

It feels abit lazy to be honest
Hey, do you have any idea of the trouble the blizz staff had to went through to get that? They are not used to such hard work as going to the patch notes and using copy+paste. Seriously, some people are so ungrateful...


I still firmly believe that those 2 new merc names are a tribute to the only people that worked on the patch. The act you can get them in is the number of hours they put into it, they surely deserve it.:crazyeyes:

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