How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

Nope, the skellies will own the bosses :girly:

For the very-hard ones (read: Ubers), you'd want some Crushing Blow (read: Gorebellies) to help out.

Decrepify + Clay Golem is pretty standard for all-around boss fights.
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

1 point in Summon Resist will keep your skellies alive against their elemental attacks, too. Make sure you have that.
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

Skeleton warriors own hell diablo and baal? Are you serious?
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

Are you serious? Think about the setup...

Gear to allow 10 minimum skeletons (Level 23-25 Raise Skeleton)
Level 25 pumped up skellies from Skeleton Mastery
Enough resistances to give them at least 50% all resist (Minions don't lose resist from nightmare/hell modes)
Clay Golem with over 5000 life, and 50% slow to anything that hits him
A mercenary that has a might Aura that gives double or MORE damage to all your minions
Amplify Damage for an additional double damage, or Decrepify to do 50% more damage, but making them 50% weaker and 50% slower.

Do the math and thats... 1000-2000 damage per skeleton, 600 life with 800 defense per skeleton, out of 10 skeletons... that's 10,000 - 20,000 damage per 1-2 seconds, 6,000 life to deplete out of 8,000 defense, and a golem that is keeping them swinging one hit out of every 2-4 seconds (assuming Decrify). Of COURSE they can own bosses. (Just beware you may have to ressurect them after a while)
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

And that is at minimum gear. You can easily reach 32+ in skels for even more dmg and more skels. You can always switch out gear after they are cast ... you are just limited to how many skels after that.

Perfect for a MF character
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

minion stack is nice, tp out of boss area, tp back in, muhahaha, minion stack power :D

those buggers ARE hard to kill.

just after some though, i got a question, only problem for necro to be perfict mf is lack of teleport, right? so... what if to make ES sorc, max teleport, some staticks, statick all down, make tp, get necro in ( dual log ) and finish all with this set up? in this case main problem would be FCR on sorc ( because tp going to cost 5 mana, and with some mana and life, she should teleport safely everywhere, right? )

does this sounds as good combo for mfing?
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

Or you could just put an Enigma on your necromancer...
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

Who said we needed to equip Enigma to be a necromantic bada**?
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

There is apparently some bug where a boss hit by both decrepify and clay golem's slow effect is unable (or opts not) to use its special abilities, falling back to its basic attacks. This makes it easy prey to the combined onslaught of 10-12 skellies.

True, at higher lvs, this can take a while (because they have so much hp, especially on /players8), but the outcome is all but assured. :thumbup:
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

There is apparently some bug where a boss hit by both decrepify and clay golem's slow effect is unable (or opts not) to use its special abilities, falling back to its basic attacks. This makes it easy prey to the combined onslaught of 10-12 skellies.

True, at higher lvs, this can take a while (because they have so much hp, especially on /players8), but the outcome is all but assured. :thumbup:

talking about this, when i just started 1.13 ptr, it took me about 5 mins to kill baal ( doesn't sounds long, but try to count it down while killing baal, it takes for ever ) with 10 skellies and couple of revives ( all of them timed out after 1/3 hp down, so maybe it took me 15 mins to kill em... ) with decrep he didn't teleport, nor frost attack seemed to affect my skelletons. only thing that effected ME was fire nova. not visible, but it still effected me :(

Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

I just want to know how Kyounu came up with the 1k damage figure.

I am playing untwinked, level 65 might merc (I am just going to assume 200% ed), my skeles are doing 180 damage per hit (let's round up to 200, why not)

24/24 rs/mastery

with 200% ed, that's 600 damage max... just curious where the 1-2k figure came from (no trying to diss you, but I really got no clue how skele damage are calculated, as they seem to do more than it shows)

also, how do you get 5000 hp clay golem? you maxed it? or maxed golem mastery? I maxed ce/rs/sm and just deciding which skill to max next... I was actually thinking of mage for the occasional unbreakable immune, but your golem idea sounds promising...
Re: How does skeleton nec kill bosses?

In hell mode, with a level 10 golem (+skills) and a level 20 (+skills) Golem Mastery, my golem has over 10k life. (In nightmare mode, he has ~5000 life). I'm using v1.11 btw.

As for the skellies, I added in the double damage via Amplify damage. So it's their base 250 or so (After +skills), plus the 200% ed, causing about 500-600dmg per skeleton, and then +100% damage, making it 1000-1200 damage. (If I'm wrong on this, please correct me. It could be just 700-800ish) Then you multiply that by your skeleton count, which mine resides at (untwinked) 11 skeletons. That's a lot of damage per every couple of seconds.
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