Yet more proof of how item drops are cunningly designed to keep people playing as long as possible. I've been playing less and less recently, as RL has been taking up a lot of my time. but I logged on to bettlenet just to do a few meph runs to pass the time until i go to work. my second run, and as i'm tele'ing through the durance looking for the stairs, i stop for a moment at a whim to pop a chest, and what should pop out but a Lo rune! My second HR in about 5 years, both were Lo, both just randomly found on meph runs, and both from randomly popping chests. now what are the odds of that?
Not a terribly exciting thread, i know. but i felt the need to share, and the guys i live with just don't understand, they've been sucked in by this new fangled WoW nonsense.
Yet more proof of how item drops are cunningly designed to keep people playing as long as possible. I've been playing less and less recently, as RL has been taking up a lot of my time. but I logged on to bettlenet just to do a few meph runs to pass the time until i go to work. my second run, and as i'm tele'ing through the durance looking for the stairs, i stop for a moment at a whim to pop a chest, and what should pop out but a Lo rune! My second HR in about 5 years, both were Lo, both just randomly found on meph runs, and both from randomly popping chests. now what are the odds of that?
Not a terribly exciting thread, i know. but i felt the need to share, and the guys i live with just don't understand, they've been sucked in by this new fangled WoW nonsense.