highest price you've ever seen for items


New member
Oct 13, 2004
highest price you've ever seen for items

Hey, just out of curiosity, what's the highest you've ever seen items go for? At the beginning of ladder, prices are crazily high for everything cause of the demand....for instance, I remember tal amu cost me an ist on the second day of season 2.

anyone else have to go through giving way too much :grrr: for an item at the beginning of ladder?
ive seen a jewlers wyrmhide or dusk ( cant remeber ) with 97 life go for 50 hr on another forum :lol:
ive also sold a gris weap with 3 sock and bad ed to some guy for ist rune , i almost felt bad for doing that trade.
I've seen a 415% ED BOTD zerker go for over 15 ists. The highest I've traded myself is a 20 life/17 mana SC for 3 ists.
highest ive seen was from a person wanting a 3 socket helm with 90+ life. dunno how hes going to get that since i doubt it could spawn.. but he offered 10 valk helms (08) for it. 08 valk helms on nl west go for like 20 runes.
another is a 2 socket white necro shield with +3 bone spear +3 bone spirit. i think it went for 40 hr easy.
dkay said:
highest ive seen was from a person wanting a 3 socket helm with 90+ life. dunno how hes going to get that since i doubt it could spawn.. but he offered 10 valk helms (08) for it. 08 valk helms on nl west go for like 20 runes.

Artisan's barb helm of the Whale? Spawnable as magical according to AS.

Highest I remember seeing was Tyrael's Might and it went for quite cheap imo. About 5 hrs or so.
Suo said:
Artisan's barb helm of the Whale? Spawnable as magical according to AS.

I think it only goes up the the Mammoth, which is +40 life.
EDIT: But I'm not sure about barb helms, so you might be correct.

I have a eth 5 soc runemaster on NL.... :lol:

415%ed ebotd should go over 15 ists man. If it was a BA, no doubt it be worth insanely high. On Lad that is.
The craziest item spending i've ever seen is when people spend real money on D2 items. It's just a bunch of 1's and 0's folks.

Ok, i'm done.
Lord_Shinnok said:
The craziest item spending i've ever seen is when people spend real money on D2 items. It's just a bunch of 1's and 0's folks.

Ok, i'm done.

On the other hand, my bank account balance is a bunch of 0s and 1s as well :lol:
chessman4991 said:
I've seen a godly rare weapon go for about 110x32020s.

how in the world was that traded?

i think tyreals might may be the most expensive item. i've heard that its worth around $25 on ebay :thumbsup:
Seen a few Perfect Eth'd Cleavers go for over 200 dollars on eBay which equals 200+ 32020s.

Highest I've paid was 40 32020s' for some Antlers.
mhl12 said:
how in the world was that traded?

i think tyreals might may be the most expensive item. i've heard that its worth around $25 on ebay :thumbsup:
Probably a middle-man that both people trust. Person A gives 110 32020s to person B. Person C gives the rare to person B. Person B gives the rare to person A. Person B gives the 32020s to person C.

Also, $25 on ebay is about the same as 25 32020s.
a pcombat with 42 life for 17 hr's. But also crazy trades in the beginning of l2 season. i found shako first day of l2 and traded it second day for ohm rune :lol: that was quit fun.

edit: @ neuro_cky: hr = high rune. almoast all high runes have same value so it often doesn't matter wich hr you get.
i paid 7 hr's for a non eth 390 botd cb :S
realised afterwards it wasnt eth, so paid another 7 for a 396 ebotd cb.
Hmm, I think I saw a few of the earliest Windforces on ebay for around $500 or so.

In game, I really don't care, because I never can afford anything over shael anyway, but my guess would be a perfect Goldstrike Arch back in the day. People drooled over that as a collector's item more than any other item I've ever seen.

Godly classic items are extremely valuable, too.
Estimated market value