High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition


Active member
May 16, 2007
High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

The spreadsheet is now available for download by clicking here.


When the 1.13 patch and its increased high rune drop rate was announced, it was pretty easy to see that if Travincal used to be a pretty nice rune hunting place (see my old Travincal Rune Thread), it would now be a lot better. In this thread, I will show you just how much better.

This time, I wanted to present the information a bit better, so I made an excel spreadsheet which contains all the information. It shows the drop odds of runes Mal - Cham for each player setting, and it lets you input run time and hork% to calculate exactly how effective your rune hunt will be. Basically, all the information is in there.

Click here to see a screenshot of the spreadsheet.

[highlight]Explaining the spreadsheet[/highlight]

Some of it is pretty self explanatory, some of it is not. I'll go over everything to make it easy to understand.

[highlight]Drop Odds:[/highlight] The big chunk of data at the top of the spreadsheet shows the odds of each specific rune dropping on each player setting. This should be read as how many Council Member drops you need in order to find 1 of the specific rune, on average. For example, in the "1.13 p1" column, the value for Mal is 80960. That means that you need to kill/hork 80960 Council Members, on average, to find 1 Mal. Put another way, for each Council Member you kill/hork, you will find 1/80960 of a Mal.

[highlight]Run Time (s)[/highlight]: This is a value you input yourself. It's how long each Travincal Run takes for each player setting, in seconds.

[highlight]Hork%[/highlight]: This is also a value you input yourself. It applies only for Barbarians; any other Travincal runner would put 0 here. It's how many % chance you have of horking a Council Member with the Find Item skill. In practice, this raises the number of drops you get from each Travincal run. For example, there are 11 Council Members. With no hork%, you would get 11 Council drops on each run. With a level 31 Find Item (55% chance to hork), you would instead get 11 * 1.55 = 17.05 drops per run, making each run more effective.

[highlight]Mal+, Vex+[/highlight]: I've presented the data in two different ways, in terms of Mal runes dropped and in terms of Vex runes dropped. This isn't strictly necessary, and I mostly did it to be consistent, as this is what I did in the last thread. Just look at whatever you find convenient, I look at the Vex+ numbers myself.

[highlight]Minutes, Hours, Runs[/highlight]: These numbers are the most interesting ones. These numbers tell us how many runes we will find on average, over time (the expected value of our Rune Hunt), which is what we're mainly interested in. In order to compare Travincal running with other popular rune hunting methods like LK or HF rushing, we must know what the "average" is over a long time, which is what expected value means. The method with the highest expected value is the method which will yield the most runes over a long period.

These numbers express the average time it will take to find one Mal or Vex, depending on which section you're looking at, in minutes, hours or in number of runs (regardless of run time). For example, with the numbers used in this demonstration screenshot, if you play on p3 in 1.13, you will find a Mal every ~11.4 minutes of playing, on average, or 1 Mal every ~0.19 hours. This does NOT mean you can go and play for 30 minutes in Travincal and expect to have a Mal for your troubles. The reason these numbers are so small is because the very high runes are worth an incredible amount of Mal's (a Jah is 256 Mal's, for instance), so when you do get lucky, the average will be raised by a lot. Actual drops of high runes, even Mal's, are still few and far between.

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] Alright alright, nice spreadsheet I guess, but what does it mean?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] I'm glad you skipped over all that stuff I wrote! Just look at the Hours number in the Vex+ section, and you'll see how many hours it will take on average to find a Vex, on each player setting.

[highlight]Q:[/highlight] Cool. So how do I know if this number is "good"?
[highlight]A:[/highlight] I did some comparisons in the old Travincal thread. I won't repeat the math here, if you're interested you can just click the link at the top of this post. The run times/numbers I used are specific to me and my playing, but I think they're pretty close to some kind of forum average to be useful to everyone. If you want to calculate your own expected value(s), just redo the calculations with your own numbers, it will be simple.

1.12a p3 LK running: 1 Vex every 3 hours and 9 minutes (29 second run time; 1 Vex every 391 runs, on average).
1.07 LoD -> 1.12a HF Rushing: 1 Vex every 2 hours and 34 minutes
1.12a p3 Travincal running: 1 Vex every 3 hours and 59 minutes (50 seconds run time, 52% chance to hork. The numbers I used in the old Travincal thread).

1.13 p3 Travincal running: 1 Vex every 1 hour and 40 minutes (55 seconds run time, 55% chance to hork. Note that these are not the numbers in the screenshot, which are just meant for demonstration and comparison purposes)
1.13 p7 Travincal running: 1 Vex every 1 hour and 47 minutes (63 seconds run time, 55% chance to hork).

[highlight]Summary & Conclusion[/highlight]
1.13 Travincal running, particularly at p3 or higher, is the best place in Diablo II history to find high runes. Pretty bold statement, but I feel it is undoubtedly correct until proven otherwise by the new 1.13 LK drop patterns. That doesn't mean it's still not a hunt with very high variance; there will still be many many hours between each high rune drop, just like with LK running. I leave you with some (perhaps dubious) motivation: finding the equivalent of an Enigma (Jah + Ber) will "only" take 80.4 hours when running 1.13 p3 Travincal, on average :)

As always, any questions or comments, I'd be happy to answer. Thanks for reading!
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Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Thanks for updating that thread with consideration to 1.13. It is probably the only real reason I'd want to update to 1.13 and it is very, very tempting. My highest rune came a month or two ago at Travincal, a Gul rune and I was almost hooked but didn't have a Horker to exhaust it more. This really insightful thread will no doubt inspire me to making a Barb of some sort very soon. Thanks for the work you put into this Fabian :).
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Very nice work there :thumbup:
But I think the calculations were made with dual grief and fortitude in mind, right? I guess that effects the calculations a lot :).So I think interpretations in terms of no of runs would be more informative.

Fabian said:
if you play on p3 in 1.13, you will find a Mal every ~12 minutes of playing, on average. or 1 Mal every ~0.20 hours.
I was pretty much interested in this.Would u mind to comment on the rate of finding a Mal in 1.12? Is it decent too? I am very sorry if this question was obvious from the previous thread,I didn't give a very thorough read of that.

Once again thanks for the nice research on trav :)
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Viridia, the answer is right there in the spreadsheet. I included drop odds for p1, p3, p5 and p7 in 1.13, and also p1 and p3 in 1.12a, mostly for comparison. As you can see in the 1.12a p3 column, you find a Mal in 31 minutes, on average, in those conditions.

About my gear, yes I use Fortitude and dual Griefs when running the council, and it definitely lowers my run time compared to more average gear. If your own 1.13 p3 run time is, say, 70 seconds, you can adjust by dividing the number in the spreadsheet by 50, and multiplying by 70. For example, 97 / 50 * 70 = 135.8 = 2 hours and 16 minutes to find a Vex. This is the whole idea with the spreadsheet, being able to input your own run time(s) and hork chance, it's very easy to adjust for your own situation. If you want to see how many runs it takes, you can divide the total time it takes (135.8 minutes) by the run time (70 seconds), to find the answer is 116.4 runs to find a Vex, in those conditions. Or do the same calculation with the numbers in the screenshot, 97 minutes and 50 second run times, which of course is also 116.4 runs to find a Vex, on average.

Edit: That said, I want it to be intuitive, so I went ahead and modifed the spreadsheet to add the number of runs needed, regardless of run time. Hope that makes it easier :)
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Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Thanks a lot :) . Sorry for making you work on it again,just was a bit lazy(ready made calculations made me blind to observe the spreadsheet properly :D ) and no of runs would certainly make the calculations a lot easier. Well this certainly inspires me to start a WW barb right away :)
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Thank you for that work. I'm about fnishing my own council horker. (This is my Xmas Project) If you have the time and motivation, you could write a nice guide, because you are an expert at the build and have many experience at council running. There could be two parts: goldfind, rune hunt, build guide. Also, it would be nice to upload that spreadsheet in the rune hunt part: everybody could write in his/her run time, and see what odds/times s/he will have.

The best thing about council that it drops up to Cham. Not just Ber like LK. And gives you some uniques :)
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Don't know where to upload stuff, but yeah it would be nice if everyone could just download it.
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Could you toss something together for individual rune chances? That is, if I want say, a Vex (and only a Vex, counting Gul as 0.5 Vex, Ist as 0.25, etc, but anything higher as 0) how many runs would that take?

also, mediafire is the best uploading site, in my opinion.
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

That seems a bit cumbersome, I'm not sure I'll get around to it :( At least not today, since I'm fixing an error in the spreadsheet. It seems you were right Tubba; a horked drop is indeed the same (a p7 drop, in fact) across all player settings. I'm working on getting it fixed now, I'll rewrite some stuff in the original post when I'm done.
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Great research Fabian.

It seems Travincal running will be the new rich-man's hunting ground changing the progression to...

Meph>Pindle>a85's/LK>Travi or something for wealth.

I'm not convinced that hork is that important though. I'd imagine some other class builds can kill quick enough to off-set the benefit. But i'm too lazy to test :p
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Upload site I'd recommend for D2-stuff: http://www.purediablo.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=141 ;)

Interesting point Schmaleop. One of the advantages of the barb is safety from your large HP pool, but if you could meet the safety needs and still have the necessary power, you could be right.

Since the bulk of the council is either fire or lightning immune as a base, that makes a coldsorc seem like a natural choice... I might have to get Athena (Frost Nova) or LuckyLucyII (Glacial Spike) on the task and give them a test. PNova Necro might have some good potential too, especially on lower settings with CE.
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Blizzard worked reasonably well. Also, Icefist only has 108% Cold Resistance, meaning it can be broken with Infinity.
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Tubba Blubba said:
Also, Icefist only has 108% Cold Resistance, meaning it can be broken with Infinity.
This also means that Lower Resist charges of slvl 5 or greater will do it (barring other mods that raise his cold res, of course). Once he's at 99 or less, CM will kick in to full effect.
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

@pharaoh, the problem with that is that level3 charges are the highest you'll get. I guess you could stick a Medusa's Gaze on your sorc (probably with an ES build) and hope the 10% ctc triggers quickly. :p

Or you could get a backup lightning attack since Toorc is always CI/FI and between that, Static, & the merc, take him down very quickly. That sounds much more reasonable.

Edit: FYI, I pulled Athena out and geared her up. ~28 second runs without any practice or much effort at an optimized setup on /players1 (I used The Rising Sun for an amulet to help handle the hydras, otherwise it was pretty standard high-end coldsorc gear: DFathom, NWings, Spirit, etc.).

I think it's safe to assume I could knock another 5 seconds off of that with a little more forethought & practice, and I think sub-20-second runs are definitely possible for a coldsorc (my computer is a little slow, and so am I).

Edit2: @pharaoh, below
That's interesting, but at level91 she's a little below the strength requirements of equipping an Aegis any day soon. I chose the name because it was the only feminine name I could think of for my AT runner that starts with "at". :p

... and LifeTap goes up to level6 charges, but level5 are most common, so that's probably what you were thinking of. The level3 LR charges are a level99 affix, as are the level6 LifeTap charges, and a few other charges get a small boost at that level too (teleport charges, for one).
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

sirpoopsalot said:
@pharaoh, the problem with that is that level3 charges are the highest you'll get. I guess you could stick a Medusa's Gaze on your sorc (probably with an ES build) and hope the 10% ctc triggers quickly. :p
Hmm. I was under the impression that slvl 5 was available. Maybe that's Life Tap charges..?
sirpoopsalot said:
Or you could get a backup lightning attack since Toorc is always CI/FI and between that, Static, & the merc, take him down very quickly. That sounds much more reasonable.
I might grab my boltress and do a few council runs. With Infinity, and Fireball as a backup, I should be reasonably fast. Even still, I've never been the fastest runner, even in good gear. I spend too much time picking up crap, vendoring stuff, etc.
sirpoopsalot said:
Edit: FYI, I pulled Athena out and geared her up. ~28 second runs without any practice or much effort at an optimized setup on /players1 (I used The Rising Sun for an amulet to help handle the hydras, otherwise it was pretty standard high-end coldsorc gear: DFathom, NWings, Spirit, etc.).
Stick Medusa's Gaze on her. If you've read Greek mythology, you know Athena used her shield, the Aegis, in battle with Medusa's severed head affixed to the front. :)
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

I think this research is great, and bliz should be made aware of it (if anyone has an in there). I also think it's a bit pre-mature since 1.13 isn't even out yet. The test versions of these patches can go through many iterations before being accepted as "official". Still... the feedback to bliz would help them decide if they like their changes or not. I'd actually be happy to see hellforge running to be replaced with a truely SP strategy.
Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

1.12a p3 LK running: 1 Vex every 3 hours and 9 minutes.
1.07 LoD -> 1.12a HF Rushing: 1 Vex every 2 hours and 34 minutes
1.12a p3 Travincal running: 1 Vex every 4 hours and 19 minutes (50 seconds run time, 52% chance to hork. The numbers I used in the old Travincal thread).

1.13 p3 Travincal running: 1 Vex every 1 hour and 47 minutes (55 seconds run time, 55% chance to hork. Note that these are not the numbers in the screenshot, which are just meant for demonstration and comparison purposes)
1.13 p7 Travincal running: 1 Vex every 1 hour and 50 minutes (63 seconds run time, 55% chance to hork).

Gotta nitpick :) Since run times differ quite a bit, could you do the math in runes per runs instead of runes per time ? :)

Interesting read though, i will certainly follow this thread :)

Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Gotta nitpick :) Since run times differ quite a bit, could you do the math in runes per runs instead of runes per time ? :)

Interesting read though, i will certainly follow this thread :)

Well, you could look at Fabians screenshot of his spreadsheet to see the per-run probability of both 1.12a (p1, p3) and 1.13beta (p1, p3, p5, p7). So, you are entirely free to crunch your own numbers.

The reason he likely choose to do it in time is because of the HF rushing. It's just really difficult to say ~1.25 (IIRC) Guls per rush if collecting NM and H forges (or 1.6 HF rushes per Vex) and then compare it to Trav running, in my opinion. I think he just went for what he determined average times for the forum, which is really the easiest way to present the data, as it's apples and oranges in terms of procedure.

Oh, and, Fabian, please go to the forum sirpoops listed and submit your spreadsheet for admin approval. I think there are more than a few people interested :p.

Re: High Runes and the High Council, 1.13 Edition

Schmaelop: I also think other builds/classes could be competitive, definitely. Right now, my feeling is that an Enigma barb has the highest potential though, partly because horks are even more effective than I realized, and than the spreadsheet currently reflects. I'm working on getting it fixed, and I'll post an updated version soon I hope. I'll also post it in that file forum I didn't know existed, thanks poops.

Shagsbeard, 1.10a and 1.10s are acceptable SPF versions. This will also be, as per the words of the mods. Nothing premature here. If it gets even better in 1.13, great. If it gets worse, people can play 1.13a or 1.13b (or however the versions will be named, you get my point).

Twoflower, first, what mattinm said. Second, I'll consider if I can present it in a different, better way.
Estimated market value