Help with AntiCaster Barb!
Hey all, this is my second Barb to 1.10 (I build and first one like in 1.09 and he didn't did quite good =/) and there's a lot of things I'd like to know.
Let me start off by introducing my Barb
cLvl 90, PvP AntiCaster Barb, dual wielder, no block.
Stats :
All points in Vita
This gives me like 8k AR with WW, 6.5k life, 4-5k dmg
Skills :
20 WW
20 BO
20 Axe Mastery
1 all non-weaps mastery
1 BC, 1 Shout, 1 Howl
1 in all Combat Skills
Items :
Arreat's, Shael'ed
Eth BotD Zerk
Beast Zerk
Enigma Breast Plate
Fast Cast Ring with stats/resists
Switch :
2x low HotO's (nice for fast buffing and fast tele)
Charms :
5x Warcry Charms
1x Mastery
1x Anni
Ok, so here are the questions
1) How do I get 8k life like everyone is talking about ?
2) What skills to max after the ones I listed ? I'm not going melee anyways, so no need to max Shout and Ironskin .. I thought about maxing Leap and putting rest in Natural Resistances, or is there something better ?
3) Are the items okay ?
4) What charms should I get ?
5) What is the 'double FHR' leap thingy ?
6) I will WW at 4 frames, but some say I'll hit twice or 1.5 times .. what is it and how does it work ? Like : WW#1, wait 2, WW#2, wait 2, etc or WW#1+WW#2, wait 4, etc .. ?
Hey all, this is my second Barb to 1.10 (I build and first one like in 1.09 and he didn't did quite good =/) and there's a lot of things I'd like to know.
Let me start off by introducing my Barb
cLvl 90, PvP AntiCaster Barb, dual wielder, no block.
Stats :
All points in Vita
This gives me like 8k AR with WW, 6.5k life, 4-5k dmg
Skills :
20 WW
20 BO
20 Axe Mastery
1 all non-weaps mastery
1 BC, 1 Shout, 1 Howl
1 in all Combat Skills
Items :
Arreat's, Shael'ed
Eth BotD Zerk
Beast Zerk
Enigma Breast Plate
Fast Cast Ring with stats/resists
Switch :
2x low HotO's (nice for fast buffing and fast tele)
Charms :
5x Warcry Charms
1x Mastery
1x Anni
Ok, so here are the questions
1) How do I get 8k life like everyone is talking about ?
2) What skills to max after the ones I listed ? I'm not going melee anyways, so no need to max Shout and Ironskin .. I thought about maxing Leap and putting rest in Natural Resistances, or is there something better ?
3) Are the items okay ?
4) What charms should I get ?
5) What is the 'double FHR' leap thingy ?
6) I will WW at 4 frames, but some say I'll hit twice or 1.5 times .. what is it and how does it work ? Like : WW#1, wait 2, WW#2, wait 2, etc or WW#1+WW#2, wait 4, etc .. ?