help for sockets


New member
Nov 3, 2003
help for sockets


I am building a meteorb with full TR and stormshield.

Not sure about the rest yet, I hope WT if I can trade them, 1 ravenfrost other ring need to find :) and magefist.

I am not sure how to stocket the shield, I think that full TR + 3 anya give max res in hell or did I miscalculate ?

so options are:

Eld : reduce the dex for max block
Hel : reduce the str to wear it
Other ?

For the rest I am thinking about Ptopaz because I dont have facet.

any advice
I think if you include a good annilus into that calculation you should have perfect resist. From my experiences, tal rasha set doesn't give enough resist for max (you would get something around 40/40/40 in hell like my sorceress w/o shield and annilus), but with a shield (pdiamond whistan lol), and annilus it worked out to 75/75/75/shitty poison resist.
Sandstorm treks are great and will help max poison resist. When magic finding you can slip on some war travs and you will not really notice the lack of poision resists....
sorc4ever said:
Sandstorm treks are great...
Go eth if possible for some nice def and saved pts in str (I think... maybe its low anyways...) either way, they are better that way!

Sartok said:
Go eth if possible for some nice def and saved pts in str (I think... maybe its low anyways...) either way, they are better that way!


To me Sandstorm Trek are still nothing but Sorc melee boots.... Poison resist? There's antidote for the rare occaisons where you get hit by strong poison attacks from monsters.
That much is true mel... people love them, but I would still always suggest silkweaves for almost any sorcs... unless travs are used for mf, which put up a rather good fight on their own.

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