Hello SPF


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Hello SPF

Hello, just thought I would drop in and say hello.

I am somewhat new to D2, been playing for about a week now. I tried Bnet but I found the atmosphere there no fun at all. I am a sociable gamer, also used to playing Blizzard games competitivly (I played wow from Vanilla through first xpac, had glad characters seasons 2-4 and some top 20 US boss kills). I currently have (all single player) a level 75 Fishymancer, a 50 LF/CS/FA Zon and a 32 Blizsorc I am playing at the moment. My Blizsorc is quite fun, teleport makes the game a lot better.

I have a couple questions for the SPF forums:

1) Do people from SPF play online via TCP/IP? The SPF community seems to have a good atmosphere.

2) Is my Blizsorc going to be able to reach Hell Meph solo due to cold immunes? I have no uber gear being completely new. I don't particularly like the concept of rushing as it feels cheap but relating to question 1) being able to play through with someone would be good.

Nice to meet you all
Re: Hello SPF

Hi and Happy Xmas!

In answer to your questions:

1) Have a look at the MP forum and above all the stickies for details on MP in the SPF. As far as I know, the online community is quite active.

2) You'll have no problems at all. Put a point in Teleport and just skip past any CIs you encounter. I'd advise you to run Nightmare Mepf for a bit to gather some good gear.
Re: Hello SPF

Welcome to the forums and happy holidays.

Yes, there are people here who regularly play MP via TCP/IP; as mentioned, check the MP sub-forum here. Before playing, you should read up on what is and is not acceptable for trading and MP games, particularly with regards to game mods. There are a few mods accepted here, the most notable of which is the runeword mod. This simply allows us to create the runewords that are normally restricted to battle.net ladder characters.

As for your Blizzard sorceress, any single-element character will have some problems. A sorceress has the option of Teleport, but that's not always the safest option, especially when you're progressing further into an immune-packed area. Lower Resist charges are also an option (you can shop wands and daggers with these), but there are many immunities that they will not break. Relying on the merc, Static Field, and knockback from Telekinesis are also common approaches.
Re: Hello SPF

Welcome to the SPF!

I think pharaoh pretty much answer your questions to the fullest, extrapolating on what EmpMoo said.

I hope you enjoy your stay and may your drops be green and gold.

/sneaks in and steals wallet while Downsy is recovering from omg's kick
Re: Hello SPF

Welcome to the SPF :).

Enjoy your stay, read the stickies, they are a source of great information and don't forget to stop by the SPF Mat/Pat compilation thread. There is so much inspiration there, if you every struggle for an idea for another character, I'm sure you'll find five that you want to start right away. :thumbup:
Re: Hello SPF

do i know you downsy? where in aus you from. i do know a downsy, although im sure with our aussie penchant for adding a 'y' to every name there is probably more than one!

Re: Hello SPF

You may find it useful to have a Bonehew as your weapon switch, ideally socketed with two Hel's in order to lower the strength requirement. It has charges of Corpse Explosion, which are very helpful against cold immune monsters.

Welcome to the forum, and best of luck to you!
Re: Hello SPF

Regarding multiplayer, most of the frequent MP games are european or american and so will conflict with australian schedules (and pings are terrible, of course).
Re: Hello SPF

Wow a lot of replies. Very active community, thanks for the replies.

@Soulmanz: From a place called Dubbo originally though I spent time in Newcastle, Canberra, Syndey in the past 6 years. I have a brother who also gets called Downsy and he is Sydney/Brisbane.

@Noodle: CE sounds like a good idea. I originally didn't like it until I realised that p8 made it less effective. When my nec stepped into Hell and I swapped to p1 I found it much much better.

@Sorcererbob: Yea I have been dealing with that for a long time. One of the main wow guilds I was in was American and I dealt with a 6 to 7 day a week raiding schedule, also playing arena at 2300 with 500ms ping as a mage was awesome.... Not sure the new missus about to move in will like me playing at American times though. I'll see what I can do.

@Everyone: I should clarify MP isn't my main focus, I love SP. However I find MP in a good environment tends to be quite fun as well and I would be keen for good fun MP games.

Just as a general note from January 5th I will not be playing for ~3 months due to some army training (been in the army for 7 months and have to do basic again due to a disagreement between Colonels over my corp xfer....) so most people here won't have any chance to get to know me until after then.
Re: Hello SPF

Just an update. I did manage to get my Blizsorc to Hell Meph by myself at level 78 and wasn't that an experience. Viper Temple was a whole ball of fun especially because at the time I thought that if I didn't retrieve my body I would lose my items. That gave me ~40 very frustrating deaths. Hell Meph gave me 2 Bonehews so far but I no longer need that CE grrrr!!! Only done around 150 MF runs of him and I have to say that I am pleased with the items I am seeing. Well worth the effort imo and very soon I will have to gear to make other Hell viable solo builds.
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