hell weapon?

glass skin

New member
Nov 27, 2004
hell weapon?

new to the forums..hello everyone

I have a question about weather or not a lightsabre would fair well in hell for a WW barb? I havent had any problems in nightmare but I have never gone as far as hell befor. The rest of my gear is pretty standard arretts, duress, SS, gores,etc. Im just having trouble choosing a good weapon that isnt runeword....im too poor for botd. Thanks for any help.

glass skin said:
new to the forums..hello everyone

I have a question about weather or not a lightsabre would fair well in hell for a WW barb? I havent had any problems in nightmare but I have never gone as far as hell befor. The rest of my gear is pretty standard arretts, duress, SS, gores,etc. Im just having trouble choosing a good weapon that isnt runeword....im too poor for botd. Thanks for any help.


Well with a LS you get many many hits per ww because of its nice speed, however it is a weak weapon. But it is still ok and can get you through hell.
If u gonna use lightsabre in hell i strongly suggest u dump that ss and
go dual LS. I cant see how 1 LS can kill rather fast. The problem is that lightsabre cant leech that great couse it has low phys dmg and without ss u may become a bit vulnerable.
Thanks guy you were right. I started hell today with the lightsabre and the killing is real slow. Im not dying at all or having any trouble with LL or ML but killing just seems so slow. Can you recomend any other weapons that dont cost an arm and a leg? I have read through a lot of posts and most of them talk about BOTD or death cleaver for one handed weapons. I havent put any points into a mastery yet so weapon type isnt important. Should I look for a weapon with a lot of dammage or a lot of mods?

the best weapons are ones that balance both damage and mods. price-wise, non-eth death cleaver and azurewrath are not TOO expensive but that all depends on whether or not you are on ladder.

razor's edge is a very nice, cheap weapon whose only REAL drawback is its range of 1, compared to death cleaver's 3. however, it's a really good weapon for relatively poor players and i wore it on my barb all the way until i got a death cleaver for him.

look for weapons that are usually unpopular. fleshripper is a perfect example of great mods and medium damage, and it's often thrown away. it'll go for pretty cheap :thumbsup:

good luck!
I had lightsabre on my very first char(ww barb as well). The Ignore Target Def is really good, although the damage is a bit on the low side. You should be able to make it through hell with it.
OK, I'm a little confused. I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I had (have) the same problem. After getting all accounts deleted for not playing for about a year, I came back to diablo to discover the world of 1.10. First order of business was to make a sword/shield ww barb who cruised through nm with his lightsaber only to find that the fallens in act 1 hell laugh at the quickly spinning butterknife. He has max ww, max mast, max bo, shaft, arreats, a godly dual leech crafted ammy (my nicest item), string, war trav, and rhyme, and while survival wasn't really a problem, I really felt like he was trying to tickle the monsters to death with LS.

I was disappointed, to say the least, so I traded in the saber and strapped him with the only other decent weapon I had at the time, which was a doombringer (I know its slow.) Significant improvement, but I still dread the thought of trying to spin through some of the tougher areas of the game. So, I guess my question is whether there is a sword out there that is actually "good" for a SS barb. Will GF power through one handed? Can crescent moon cut it? Is Azurewrath enough? Do I need some insane +400ED rare cb with IAS mods? Right now I have a level 70 mule for my sorcs and necros. Is there a sword that will bring me back from the land of wizards?

Any help would certainly be appreciated.
Firstly,you both were far better of going two handers for pvm.They offer end-game dmg at cheap rates.Bonehew/needle cost just ~10pgems & are fully endgame capable.If you guys are already in & need salvaging your barbs,find a fury balrog-you can get one fairly cheap from the 1.09 stockpile or make a kingslayer highland & use them 2handed for more dmg in most areas & put on a shield in areas like chaos sanctuary.

Firstly,let me make it clear-ls & azure are really crapzor ww weapons.low damage,no cb, range 2,its inexcusible.Any weapon is fast if it hits lwbp,thats exactly how fast it needs to be,anything overthat isnt an advantage for ww.I cant believe they were even mentioned here.

your other gear is quite decent,jus get either of those swords or go 2handers.

I appreciate the suggestions, but in my case anyway this is ladder, so old furys are out until it resets. Also, my treasure chest does not yet contain a gul, so the top of the line runewords are a bit outside my price range. So I guess my question stil stands: are any of the options I mentioned above viable?
learn from my mistake.

use bloodletters instead of LS or AW. the high dex requirement of LS and AW will hurt your barb's stats. Most ppl build barbs based on strength and vitality, if you would to dump about 100 points into Dex, it's a massive waste.

try bloodletters, a 3/4 or even perfect version (u can dual weld them to a total of up to +6 WW, +6 sword masteries and if u managed to get perfect ones, +4 to both)

Later on when ur in hell, you might wanna try and get a doombringer or plaguebearer. Grandfather is abit outa most player's leagues, but you can aim for a mid ed version too. A shael-ed doombringer/ or GF is fast enuff, if you have sufficient AR it'll hit often and hard.

Trust me on this, bloodletters, especially those with at least +3 to WW and SM, really rocks.
IMO, Phase blades are not a whirlers weapon. They're a frenziers weapon. And Rik is totally right that any speed over the last wwbp is a total waste. a lightsaber could have 300% IAS on it and it still woulden't be any faster than it is now.
Thanks, everybody, for the suggestions. I guess I'll try Crescent Moon, although I don't know if I can stand to go 2 handed. I did put all that dex in for Lightsaber, so it seems a shame not to go max bock. And if that won't get it done late in the game, I can probably scrounge up a grandfather. I think perhaps re-retirement is in this guy's future, but I hate leaving projects unfinished, especially with that Hellforge quest out there just begging for me to come collect my GUL. Of course, it will probably be a HEL, which I could have slapped in my LS, which would have saved me a lot of dex, which would have led me to choose vit over block, which would have made me a 2-hander, which would have made the question about finding a decent damage sword very different. Next time I think I'm going with an axe.
Another way to get decent damage and speed is to go shopping and pray for a nice cruel sword from one of the npc's. Once all the rage they now are being dumped due to all the new runewords and uniques. People so far in here are suggesting all these nice weapon but not many are swords and if you want to continue with the same character no use use an axe or polearm. Check npc's or the channels and you should be able to find a decent cruel for very low. Hell even something like Doombringer would be better and no longer costs all that much. Also pick up every rare you find....I found some nice weapons this way one recently was a great pilum etheral, replenish and 343% ed as some of its mods it does over 270 throw damage and can still be upgraded.
thanks for all the help :clap: I have ditched the LS for a rare with a little more dammage. I did find a 4 soc sup. bulrog blade today thought so hopefuly Ill be able to find some nice runes to put in it soon.

|cough| jordy's voice |cough| heck, maybe my own too.


dol ort eld lem in your balrog blade.
[exile] said:
|cough| jordy's voice |cough| heck, maybe my own too.


dol ort eld lem in your balrog blade.
Ahh the passion you have sir is admirable :flip:
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