Guest Article: Are You Sure We're the Good Guys?

Absolutian said:
To stop a crime before it has been committed. This poses some moral dilemma.

This has been a great discussion in several movies actually :)

If you could stop something terrible from happening by killing someone who is innocent (up till that point)? Eg if you could see the future and knew for sure that someone is going to kill your lovely wife, are you trying to stop them? Realize that police won't believe you and talking to the murderer won't work either since the guy wants your wife dead, so the only thing would be to kill him, could you do that before he gets to your wife?

Another fine example, if your lovely wife whom you love very very much and deeply, and you know that if she lives another day (being carrier of the virus so she'll live while others'll die), she'll spread a terrible virus that'll kill millions of innocent people, could you kill your wife before this would happen? Even though she doesn't want to kill all those people and you love her?

The truth about the moral dilemma is this: some people have more problems with it than others do. It also involves what or who the dilemme is about. If you had the ability to stop crime from happening, you'd be executing crime itself and thus become the criminal, so maybe this is another way to answer the start of this thread, are we the good guys?

I guess not after all, we start out with the best intentions, and eventhough we don't get corrupt (the legit players, I'm not talking about bnet) we do commit too many crimes (even against 'evil') to stay the good guys.

After all, what right do we have to execute the 'evil' minions? If you really wanne push it, seems kinda childish to me to kill monsters when they kill people (even if they are people you don't know and/or aren't related to in any way), 'he punched me, I punch him back!' But then again, it's only a game so I don't think it'll have to go this far :) It's getting late here and I'm pretty tired, so I'll leave you all to think about my words here tonight and am curious to see any responses in the morning ;) (I am talking about my wife-examples here)
I've got to say honestly, this is a pretty stupid article. It questions whether what we're doing is moral or not. Of course it's not moral, but it's for the greater good. We're killing evil hell spawned monsters that are out to kill anything and everything good. They can peacefully co exist without us because they have no reason to fight eachother when they're both for evil. All the towns have barriers around the area so the monsters can't attack inside the town. When a good guy coming out of that barrier is out to kill their master, of course they're going to attack.

It's not a question of morals when it's a videogame anyhow. Look at all the other games, GTA comes to mind...
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