Guest Article: Are You Into Diablo II?

"Because now the game isn't a way of life, it's about simple fun."

Very nice, I feel like that too now, not just going out to build the strongest possible, just playing and having fun. It used to be all about reaching lvl99, getting good items, but now it's all about the fun.

"I found it shocking, and hilarious, to see people die so much and so fast."

I've always found that fairly amusing, I rarely die, not because I have ubergear, but because I play with caution, like it's real, if you die, you lose it all (thats not true, but I just keep this in mind to stay alive)

I have never played hardcore due to the reason I don't know anyone who do play it. I've had enough practise in softcore, but I like playing with others, I'm a very ally-like player, I rarely duel, I enjoy playing in group.
I didn't get the point with this article. Seemed to me as it was another one of those "my d2-story"-articles. And what does the author mean with "into the game"? Is it "addict" or "interested in the world of Sanctuary in the fan fiction aspect"?
Fearox said:
I didn't get the point with this article. Seemed to me as it was another one of those "my d2-story"-articles. And what does the author mean with "into the game"? Is it "addict" or "interested in the world of Sanctuary in the fan fiction aspect"?

I thought it was a nice article, you go to several stages when you start playing Diablo, some get stucked with spamming and newbiing, other evolve to scammer, even other ones continue endless mfruns, most do duels and the rest become players that actually appreciate the concept of the game itself, trying to make 'reallife' situations out of it, seeing the story behind it all, not just the story of quests your character goes through, but really the story of your character and what he/she is and what he/she becomes.

You can compare this with Magic The Gathering, there are books written with stories here too. You can make a deck and kill the other player using fireballs or vast creatures or whatever but when you see a story in it, when you can visualize it for real and really get into the game, like you where the character itself.

It's like, like driving a car, most of the time, we drive automatically, not thinking about shifting gears and all, but sometimes, when you feel appreciation, you feel yourself gliding as the car moves in every turn, shifting your gear almost gently, like you would do with your wife (hope this isn't too 'dirty' to put here in the forums but I think this is a very nice way to compare)

It's a special love for the game, for things in your live, a new way to appreciate everything, to enjoy things in another perpective beyond most people that particape and in the same events.
I have just entered one of those mentioned "Breakes" from playing.

I, like many, had restarted play at the ladder reset. I bought a new comp 3 weeks ago and have yet to reinstall DII. I can hear the painful cries of newer mules expireing, but WTH!

I think a good routine is 9 months playing, 4 months off. At least that works for me!
I recently reinstalled :( But Im stickingto SP now,v1.09b. I dont like 1.10 with its synergies and all that rot. I will miss the runewords, but gives you hope of finding items on your own a bit more fun.

1.09,to me, is not quite classic, but not the pile of something steamy that I 1.10 to be now.

Well done article. Really well done.

Of course I have to wonder how long ago you wrote it, and how much you have accumulated since then ;)

Now, I am not a hardcore player, mainly because I play for fun and losing a high-level character would hurt too much, but I really know what you mean about the lack of play skills in softcore. God, trying to level in parties is just pathetic, especially in baalruns. People die and die, and those who don't, cannot kill anything. Level 20s in NM Bal runs, or level 3s trying to do the ancients quest. Just pathetic.

Sometimes I wonder who actually PLAYS the game anymore. Who has a character in the next act becasue they <gasp> KILLED the last act boss by themselves or in a equal-level party and EARNED their way up.

Probably my worst pet peeve is the level 4s in Act5 Normal who wonder why my level 25 paladin is still in act 4. My answer, "Because I have not killed Diablo yet." is just incomprehensible to them.

Its a sad state. Luckily, you can set the max game size to '1' and that helps keep me going.
I enjoyed reading an article writen by someone who plays the game for a similar , if not the same, reason.
I got rushed one and half times through norm and have done countless baal runs where my characters, being either under powered builds or lacking uber gear tend t do nothing but leach. Playing like that makes the game less enjoyable and rather pointless, cuz well if you arent using your char to slay the Minions of hell then why are you lvling up to get powerful to wear the l337 uber gear you have?

I know play the game simply so I can lauigh at the peopel who call me noob for playing less seen builds like spearzons, melee necs and bowsins.

And dieing does suck but my most recent charact has died all of 3 times, which gets me laughed at too. But I dont get killed even though I have way way too low of hp and have poor resistances. I jusdt wish I had a less laggy connection so I could actually kill off Baals minions.

Killing stuff=Good
Collecting shinies you dont use=pointless
Estimated market value