Guess Thrugg can answer this.


New member
Jul 17, 2004
Guess Thrugg can answer this.

It would be convenient if I knew wether or not the item level of the jewel in crafting recipes has any effect on the output? Currently, I'm single player only (gives me ATMA and immunity to duped/hacked items) and I do all my crafting with two lvl 93 characters; whoever have enough money to gamble amulets and rings en masse.

Recently, I've been testing novamancer builds, and have played several characters through normal and nightmare, and in the process I found a stashful of jewels with item levels of 1 to 70 or so.

Can I still get +2 to skills on my crafted amulets if I use these in my crafting?
I used to get +2 skills all the time, but that was with jewels with ilvl 83-86 (aquired through VERY extensive pindle running).

Oh, the reason I asked for Thrugg is that I've seen so many detailed and accurate replies from him. Anyone who knows this for sure would be of great help.
Jewel ilvl has no impact whatsoever on a craft.
Only the level of the main item (ie the one of the type that will be transformed) and your character level matters.

+2 skills is still uncommon enough that you can go through good and bad patches of getting it. That is probably all that has happened to your luck when using lower level jewels.
Wow, that was fast... well, thanks; you just solved my problem with jewels for crafting, and made me that much wiser :thumbsup: (And now I have to accumulate 40+ perfect amethysts and emeralds... oh, cruel destiny)

Btw, I think the formula for the new item level is something like 0.5(old lvl + clvl) so, when I'm clvl 93, and using gambled amulets only, will I always be able to get +2 all skills (theoretically, not that it always rolls skills...)

Yeah, and why did I get a ring with a level requirement of 96(!) when there was nothing really _that_ great on it? I mean, I did a 10/5 dual leech ring with "only" level 87 required...
Not quite .. it's [old ilvl/2] + [clvl/2] where [..] is a round-down function i.e

[4/2] = 2
[5/2] = 2
[6/2] = 3

However, clvl 93 is still the min level at which there is a 100% chance of the *possibility* of crafting +2 amulets from gambled amulets.

Thanks, both of you! I'll remember that info for sure!
I read somewhere that the higher clvl the better, but now I won't be spending weeks trying to get to lvl 94 by doing pindleruns! Getting to 93 was a pain in the butt!
The req lvl 96 ring is a common complaint. They added back mana leech on rare rings in 1.10 (couldn't spawn in 1.09) but they gave it quite high level requirements. If you get the top ML on a rare ring, 6% I think, it carries a level 74 requirement.

When you craft an item, you get an additional req lvl penalty on top of the highest mod on the item. For high level items it is usually 22 - hence, 74+22 = 96.
A 5% ML ring is a better prospect. Your 10/5 one is actually being set by the LL mod which has rlvl 65 on a rare, and so 87 on your craft.
I could've swore mana leech on rings and life leech on amulets, added back into .10, were the same level requirements, much like mana leech on amulets and life leech on rings. Hence, RLvl73 making it 95, at least I know that's maximum on LL amulets since I've crafted quite a few of them, and can now wear them. RLvl96... damn. Means I might have to play my hammerdin a bit more.

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